The document outlines the itinerary for a school exchange program between Salacgriva Vidusskola in Latvia and Hoerup School in Denmark from September 6-12, 2012. The schedule focuses on climate issues and investigating the consequences of climate change in both Latvia and Denmark. Each day includes activities like group work, visits to educational sites, and cultural experiences. The goal is for students to work in groups to produce a 2-minute short film about their findings by the end of the visit.
5. Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wendesday
Nr. Sept. 6th 12 Sept. 7th 12 Sept. 8th 12 Sept. 9th 12 Sept. 10th 12 Sept. 11th 12 Sept. 12th 12
At school at At school at At school at 08 At school at 08 At the train
Arrival at 08:00 09:30 Family All groups and Group work, station at 07:40
08:00 Hamburg airport Intro to group With bus to planned teachers with collecting Departure
- A bus from work, to the week Flensburg activities bikes on an information, create 07:50
09:15 Hoerup is program, and the remember inspiration trip to figures to project Parents drive
waiting. group starts passports! Sonderborg to and continue In Copenhagen
working Lunch bags see the Solar group work at 11:50
2-3 hour drive Searching for from homes field, a Biogas- Luggage
to the school information and plant and a storage
start making plans lecture at Alsion At Main train
for the product Station
09:35 Groupwork Ph辰nomenta Lunchbox from Groupwork 12-15 Tivoli
- Lunch with 11-13 including homes Lunchbox from 15:15-16 The
10:50 lunchbox from lunch at the homes Royal Castle
home cafeteria
Arrival at school 11:30-12 groups 13-14 a short The trip ends in Group work, 16-17:30 free
aprox. 11 visit other clases: walk to the Lion down town at closing and time, eventually
oclock Math, English, of Isted, a tale the castle of agreements about Round Tower,
11:30 Welcome and Physics/Chemistry about the lion Sonderborg at what is to be done The Dome
- lunch at school. Teachers visit Free time in 12 oclock and until we meet in church
12:45 Students have English, Cooking Flensburg students have Latvia in April 17:30 meeting
prepared class, Woodcraft Leaving free time in town 2013 at Main train
sandwiches. From 12 Outdoor meeting point Until 12:45 station
After lunch sports match at harbor at Leaving for
students are 15:30 airport 17:50
shown the
To the homes Outdoor sports Home in Hoerup Students and Departure at
12:55 (parents help match at teachers meet at 20:15
- with the until14:10 17 oclock school at 16 Arrival in Riga
14:10 luggage) at oclock at 22:30
12:45 We make dinner
and dine together
From 18-20 With bus to
Evening With families With families With families With families With families Dance and get- Salacgriva
together at the
Teen Club