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Bandsintown Billboard Touring Presentation
We Live for Live Music
 We are the No. 1 concert discovery app on Facebook and smartphones
  using Facebook Connect
 Power tour dates for 100,000+ artists, reaching 20 mm unique fans on
  Facebook alone
 Half of Billboard Top 40 charting artists use our Artist Platform
 We send 2+ million fans to visit ticket sites every month
 We are the No. 1 source of traffic to our artists Facebook pages  drive
  more than Google Search

Some artists we serve
Today, artists connect to fans through more channels than ever

yet a significant % of ticket inventory continues to go UNSOLD
    Who are the concert goers? How can we reach them?
How Fans Discover Concerts
                        Facebook - you saw someone post about an event                                          84%
                                Email blasts from an events website or app                                    83%
PUSH                              Facebook - an artist updated their status                                     81%
           Email blasts from a ticket provider (e.g., Ticketmaster, Stubhub)                                  78%
                     Facebook - I visited the artist's official Facebook page                              74%
                                    Facebook - you saw an ad for an event                               68%
                                                   Ticket provider websites                             68%
                                                   Artists - official websites                       67%
                                  Word of mouth - a friend told you about it                        65%
                                                                       Radio                        65%
       Email blasts from an editorial site (e.g., newspaper or magazine site                       60%
                        Received an alert/notification on my mobile device                      55%
                                                     Music festival websites                   53%
                                            Newspaper/magazine websites                       51%
                                           Newspaper or magazines (print)               45%
                                                                       Blogs         38%
Concert discovery is all about PUSH
                         Facebook - you saw someone post about an event                                          84%
                                 Email blasts from an events website or app                                    83%
PUSH                               Facebook - an artist updated their status                                 73%
            Email blasts from a ticket provider (e.g., Ticketmaster, Stubhub)                                  78%
                      Facebook - I visited the artist's official Facebook page                              74%
                                     Facebook - you saw an ad for an event                               68%
                                                    Ticket provider websites                             68%
                                                    Artists - official websites                       67%
                                   Word of mouth - a friend told you about it                        65%
                                                                        Radio                        65%
        Email blasts from an editorial site (e.g., newspaper or magazine site                       60%
                         Received an alert/notification on my mobile device                      55%
                                                      Music festival websites                   53%
                                             Newspaper/magazine websites                       51%
                                            Newspaper or magazines (print)               45%
                                                                        Blogs         38%
The Fan Experience: Social and Musical

 Social experience              Musical experience
 enjoying the company           listening, appreciating
 of who youre with             the music
Our segmentation:                                                                      The most social and most
                                                                                       invested in music, they
                                                                                       attend the most shows
   Five groups
                                                                                       and have mainstream
                                                                  More Engaged         taste
                                                                   with Music                                               Fans

                        Soloists                                          Indies                               20%
    Soloists are knowledgeable
    about indie music, but are less                                              15%
    social and hate the crowds at                                                      Extremely invested and
    shows  so they prefer not to                                                      knowledgeable about music, but
    see live music.                       26%                                          also enjoy the social experience 
                                                                                       go to lots of shows, and have very
                                                                                       indie taste

             Less Social                                                                                   More Social
                             Passionate about rock music and
                             stuck in a different time period 
                             these old school Dedicated
                             Diehards go to fewer shows but
                             are willing to invest when they
Super Fans                   do.                                                                   Tag-Alongs
Plugged-Indies                  % of
                                                                                                    Tag-Alongs arent invested in the
                                Gen Pop
Tag-Alongs                                                                                          music, but they go to shows for the
                                                                  Less Engaged                      social experience when others invite
                      *Gen Pop respondents
                      are between the ages of                      with Music                       them. They are not motivated to go
Dedicated Diehards    16-54 and have seen at                                                        on their own.
                      least one show in the past
Super Fans and Plugged-Indies are the trend setters
                         Super      Plugged       Tag-        Soloists      Dedicated
                         Fans       -Indies       Alongs

                        32          34           34           38            38
                     44% 56%     56% 44%      33% 67%      59% 41%       39% 61%
Household Income

$$$$$$$               73 K         69 K         80 K        76 K           79 K
Average # of shows
attended in the         16          13           6            8             8
past year
Average spent
on a ticket            $85         $46          $69          $52           $69
% of General
Population             20%         15%          22%          26%           18%
Super Fans and Plugged-Indies are both:

       In their early 30s
       More likely to be single
       Most engaged with and passionate about music
       Go to shows most frequently
       Willing to spend more on live shows
       Highly value the social dimension of the show, as
        well as the musical
       Have similar behaviors when it comes to
        discovering shows, purchasing tickets, and
        social media
Bandsintown Artist Platform: The best way to PUSH your
      marketing message to fans and their friends

   AGGREGATE tour & ticket data                               TOUR DATES TAB ON   3RD PARTY MUSIC SITES &
                                                                  FACEBOOK                  APPS
   SYNDICATE to artist pages, profiles
    & Bandsintown Partners
   OPTIMIZE digital tour marketing                            WEBSITE & MYSPACE       BANDSINTOWN
                                                                    PLUGINS         NEWSLETTER & MOBILE


  Bandsintowns new Social feature:
       A new CRM engine that automatically optimizes and posts tour date
         promotions on artists Facebook and Twitter pages
       The highest virality rate among all of the artists posts
       The most engagement of all artists posts
       Optimizes fan  to  fan sharing & discovery

 Promoters & Venues: Make sure your performing artists install Bandsintown
 and turn the Social feature ON to get the most from your artists social reach
A new way to promote Pre-Sales, VIP and Merch

 Bandsintown Specials and partner Specials:
    Self service e-commerce platform
    VIP packages, fan experiences and upsells for artists across all sizes & genres
    Optimized for conversion
 Bandsintown Sweepstakes platform:
    Launch sweepstakes in conjunction with your events (ex. tix giveaways)
To learn more about Bandsintown,
    please connect with us at the following:

              Blog:        blog.bandsintown.com
              Facebook: facebook.com/Bandsintown
              Twitter:     @Bandsintown
              YouTube: YouTube.com/Bandsintown
For copy of this presentation: press@bandsintown.com
             Visit 際際滷Share: slideshare.net/CellfishInc

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Bandsintown Billboard Touring Presentation

  • 2. We Live for Live Music We are the No. 1 concert discovery app on Facebook and smartphones using Facebook Connect Power tour dates for 100,000+ artists, reaching 20 mm unique fans on Facebook alone Half of Billboard Top 40 charting artists use our Artist Platform We send 2+ million fans to visit ticket sites every month We are the No. 1 source of traffic to our artists Facebook pages drive more than Google Search Some artists we serve
  • 3. Today, artists connect to fans through more channels than ever yet a significant % of ticket inventory continues to go UNSOLD Who are the concert goers? How can we reach them?
  • 4. How Fans Discover Concerts Facebook - you saw someone post about an event 84% 77% Email blasts from an events website or app 83% 65% PUSH Facebook - an artist updated their status 81% 73% Email blasts from a ticket provider (e.g., Ticketmaster, Stubhub) 78% 56% Facebook - I visited the artist's official Facebook page 74% 66% Facebook - you saw an ad for an event 68% 59% Ticket provider websites 68% 46% Artists - official websites 67% 58% Word of mouth - a friend told you about it 65% 63% Radio 65% 44% Email blasts from an editorial site (e.g., newspaper or magazine site 60% 46% Received an alert/notification on my mobile device 55% 31% Music festival websites 53% 39% Newspaper/magazine websites 51% 37% PULL Newspaper or magazines (print) 45% 32% Blogs 38% 27%
  • 5. Concert discovery is all about PUSH Facebook - you saw someone post about an event 84% 77% Email blasts from an events website or app 83% 65% 81% PUSH Facebook - an artist updated their status 73% Email blasts from a ticket provider (e.g., Ticketmaster, Stubhub) 78% 56% Facebook - I visited the artist's official Facebook page 74% 66% Facebook - you saw an ad for an event 68% 59% Ticket provider websites 68% 46% Artists - official websites 67% 58% Word of mouth - a friend told you about it 65% 63% Radio 65% 44% Email blasts from an editorial site (e.g., newspaper or magazine site 60% 46% Received an alert/notification on my mobile device 55% 31% Music festival websites 53% 39% Newspaper/magazine websites 51% 37% PULL Newspaper or magazines (print) 45% 32% Blogs 38% 27%
  • 6. The Fan Experience: Social and Musical Social experience Musical experience enjoying the company listening, appreciating of who youre with the music
  • 7. Our segmentation: The most social and most invested in music, they attend the most shows Super Five groups and have mainstream More Engaged taste with Music Fans Plugged- Soloists Indies 20% Soloists are knowledgeable about indie music, but are less 15% social and hate the crowds at Extremely invested and shows so they prefer not to knowledgeable about music, but see live music. 26% also enjoy the social experience go to lots of shows, and have very indie taste Less Social More Social Dedicated Diehards 18% Passionate about rock music and stuck in a different time period these old school Dedicated Diehards go to fewer shows but are willing to invest when they Super Fans do. Tag-Alongs Plugged-Indies % of Tag-Alongs arent invested in the Gen Pop Tag-Alongs music, but they go to shows for the Less Engaged social experience when others invite Soloists 22% *Gen Pop respondents are between the ages of with Music them. They are not motivated to go Dedicated Diehards 16-54 and have seen at on their own. least one show in the past year
  • 8. Super Fans and Plugged-Indies are the trend setters Super Plugged Tag- Soloists Dedicated Diehards Fans -Indies Alongs Age 32 34 34 38 38 Gender 44% 56% 56% 44% 33% 67% 59% 41% 39% 61% Household Income $$$$$$$ 73 K 69 K 80 K 76 K 79 K Average # of shows attended in the 16 13 6 8 8 past year Average spent on a ticket $85 $46 $69 $52 $69 % of General Population 20% 15% 22% 26% 18%
  • 9. Super Fans and Plugged-Indies are both: In their early 30s More likely to be single Most engaged with and passionate about music Go to shows most frequently Willing to spend more on live shows Highly value the social dimension of the show, as well as the musical Have similar behaviors when it comes to discovering shows, purchasing tickets, and social media
  • 10. Bandsintown Artist Platform: The best way to PUSH your marketing message to fans and their friends AGGREGATE tour & ticket data TOUR DATES TAB ON 3RD PARTY MUSIC SITES & FACEBOOK APPS SYNDICATE to artist pages, profiles & Bandsintown Partners OPTIMIZE digital tour marketing WEBSITE & MYSPACE BANDSINTOWN PLUGINS NEWSLETTER & MOBILE SYNCHRONIZATION APPS Bandsintowns new Social feature: A new CRM engine that automatically optimizes and posts tour date promotions on artists Facebook and Twitter pages The highest virality rate among all of the artists posts The most engagement of all artists posts Optimizes fan to fan sharing & discovery Promoters & Venues: Make sure your performing artists install Bandsintown and turn the Social feature ON to get the most from your artists social reach
  • 11. A new way to promote Pre-Sales, VIP and Merch Bandsintown Specials and partner Specials: Self service e-commerce platform VIP packages, fan experiences and upsells for artists across all sizes & genres Optimized for conversion Bandsintown Sweepstakes platform: Launch sweepstakes in conjunction with your events (ex. tix giveaways)
  • 12. To learn more about Bandsintown, please connect with us at the following: Blog: blog.bandsintown.com Facebook: facebook.com/Bandsintown Twitter: @Bandsintown YouTube: YouTube.com/Bandsintown artists.bandsintown.com For copy of this presentation: press@bandsintown.com Visit 際際滷Share: slideshare.net/CellfishInc

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Good morning! What drives all of us is a passion for live music, and how we can connect artists with their fans to share this unique experience every night, all around the world.Thats certainly what excites us at Bandsintown. Im going to briefly tell you about the company. Then, Im going to review some highlights of research that we did on todays connected music fans and what brings them out to live events. I hope that this information will get you thinking about concert discovery in a new way, and give you some ideas on how to better reach the people that buy the most tickets and drive fans to your shows.As you probably know, Bandsintown is the leading concert discovery application on Facebook and smartphones.
  • #3: To review quickly, we power the tour listings for over one hundred thousand artists, and aggregate dates for thousands more, ultimately reaching 20 million unique fans on Facebook alone.Half of Billboard s Top 40 charting artists use Bandsintown to deliver tour information across Facebook, Twitter, websites, and mobile phones, including Skrillex, LMFAO, Kenny Chesney, No Doubt, Justin Beiber, Jay Z, and David Guetta.Every month, we send over 2 million fans to ticket sites. Its our goal to help you do your job: getting fans to shows, addressing one of the biggest issues in the touring industry.
  • #5: One thing that surprised us in the study was our findings about concert discovery. The word discovery implies that people are out there actively seeking out information, but what we found is that even the biggest fans are rather passive.
  • #6: Here we have ranked all the ways fans find out about shows. They are most responsive to concert information being pushed to them for instance seeing their friends or bands Facebook posts, or receiving artist or venue emails. This is really important information for promoting shows. Your most dedicated customers need you to find them, not the other way around. This is the core of the Bandsintown Platform.
  • #7: We discovered that there are two main aspects to the concert experience: Social and Musical. By plotting out how fans value these two aspects of their experience, we found there are five segments of concert goers.
  • #8: Now, you dont have to write this all down; at the end I will share an email address and our 際際滷Share account where you can get a copy of this deck and the full study.Our five groups:The Soloists Serious indie music fans, but are less social &hate the crowds at live shows.Dedicated Diehards These are your passionate fans that never gave up on a band or a particular era of music. They are not interested in new music, but they will pay a premium any time their favorite acts come to townTag-Alongs This group is more interested in the social aspect of going to a show they are there to be with their friends, not because they are passionate about the band.Finally, we have our most important groups:The Plugged-Indies These are the most tapped-in fans that know all the new acts and are often out at clubs to see them. Their tastes are less mainstream, and they like smaller venues. As well see in a minute, they pay slightly less per show but they make up for that in volume, and reported that they would be willing to pay more for a better concert experience.And then we have our Super Fans They have more mainstream taste in pop and rock, and are very invested in music. They want to be treated like a VIP, and they are willing to pay more for this experience. They see themselves as the leader of their group of friends, turning them on to new trends. This group skews more female than the Plugged-Indies.
  • #9: Here is a quick breakdown of all the segments you can really see how our target segments on average outspend the other groups and see many more shows a year. Super Fans spend on average almost fourteen hundred dollars a year on shows and thats before merch, food, parking, and any other show-related purchases.In contrast, at the other end of the spectrum, Dedicated Diehards may come out to the same shows every year, but spend just about $550 a year on tickets.
  • #10: The Super Fans and Plugged-Indies are the most engaged fans and are the most likely to influence the other segments to join them at shows. As you can see, our two most engaged groups have a lot in common:They are in their early 30s;They are more likely to be single;They go to shows most frequently; more than once a month.They are willing to spend more on live shows;They highly value the social dimension of the show, as well as the music.And they have similar behaviors when it comes to discovering shows, purchasing tickets, and using social media.Now we know which groups to go after how best to reach them?
  • #12: Next, our target groups indicated they would be willing to spend more on special experiences at live events. So, we created Specials, which makes it easy to offer something more for fans for any date on the tour, whether a meet-and-greet with the artist, a donation to the bands charity or anything you can think of. This makes it easy to give fans the VIP experience.And finally, we recently introduced a great new tool to facilitate ticket giveaways our Sweepstakes Platform. Now when you post new tour dates online, you have the option of launching a sweepstakes in conjunction with the tour to draw attention to your shows and VIP packages, all run through Facebook. Artists like The Counting Crows, Dada Life and Wiz Khalifa are currently using our Sweepstakes Platform for their fall tours.
  • #13: The only way to truly experience a live show is to be there, and Bandsintown provides the tools to make sure your most important fans know about the event in advance, can buy tickets easily, and even add on options that will make the night even more special. By knowing more about how fans discover live concerts and proactively reaching out to them through email and social media, you can sell more tickets per show. Youre happy, the band is happy, and most important, the fan is happy.If youd like a copy of this presentation, please email us at press@bandsintown.Thank you!