Instructional Literacy and the Library Educator: Design, Technology, and Acad...char booth
Closing keynote given at the WAAL 2011 annual conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Program description: Whether or not "instruction" appears in our job titles, librarians in the academy increasingly find ourselves in the position of teaching our users, colleagues, and peers. At a time of massive transition in the academy, the pedagogical mission of libraries must be explored at a collective and individual level and integrated more meaningfully into the disciplinary structure of our institutions. MLIS training largely omits pedagogy and instructional design, creating widespread demand for viable instructor development strategies.
Infographic | How to make a good picturePixelkings
This was a school assignment for the audiovisual course.
I want to thank Matthew Copeland for featuring my video in his blog:
APIdays Paris 2018 - Getting from CI to CD in a microservice architecture, Ju...apidays
Getting from CI to CD in a microservice architecture
Julien Vey, Operational Excellence Manager, Radio France
Apply to be a speaker here -
Este documento define la gerencia industrial seg炭n varios autores como la planificaci坦n, organizaci坦n, direcci坦n y control de los procesos productivos de una empresa para lograr sus objetivos. Explica que la gerencia industrial ayuda en la toma de decisiones eficientes y la optimizaci坦n de resultados a trav辿s de la elecci坦n adecuada de medios y tecnolog鱈as. Finalmente, se単ala que la gerencia industrial se aplica en 叩reas como producci坦n, manufactura, servicios e implementaci坦n de normas de seguridad e higiene industrial.
Robert P. Givens is the president of RPG Consulting LLC, a strategic planning company. A prolific figure in security decision making through historical analysis, Robert P. Givens also spends time away from his work in support of Volunteers of America (VOA).
Maureen Nianjo has over 5 years of experience in customer service and complaints review in the financial services industry. She holds an MSc in Financial Economics from Cardiff Business School. Her experience includes roles as a Team Leader for Quality Assurance at National Australia Group, a Quality Assurance Analyst at The Royal Bank of Scotland, and customer service roles at Lloyds Banking Group and British Gas. She is looking to leverage her skills and experience in a role where she can add value.
Infographic | How to make a good picturePixelkings
This was a school assignment for the audiovisual course.
I want to thank Matthew Copeland for featuring my video in his blog:
APIdays Paris 2018 - Getting from CI to CD in a microservice architecture, Ju...apidays
Getting from CI to CD in a microservice architecture
Julien Vey, Operational Excellence Manager, Radio France
Apply to be a speaker here -
Este documento define la gerencia industrial seg炭n varios autores como la planificaci坦n, organizaci坦n, direcci坦n y control de los procesos productivos de una empresa para lograr sus objetivos. Explica que la gerencia industrial ayuda en la toma de decisiones eficientes y la optimizaci坦n de resultados a trav辿s de la elecci坦n adecuada de medios y tecnolog鱈as. Finalmente, se単ala que la gerencia industrial se aplica en 叩reas como producci坦n, manufactura, servicios e implementaci坦n de normas de seguridad e higiene industrial.
Robert P. Givens is the president of RPG Consulting LLC, a strategic planning company. A prolific figure in security decision making through historical analysis, Robert P. Givens also spends time away from his work in support of Volunteers of America (VOA).
Maureen Nianjo has over 5 years of experience in customer service and complaints review in the financial services industry. She holds an MSc in Financial Economics from Cardiff Business School. Her experience includes roles as a Team Leader for Quality Assurance at National Australia Group, a Quality Assurance Analyst at The Royal Bank of Scotland, and customer service roles at Lloyds Banking Group and British Gas. She is looking to leverage her skills and experience in a role where she can add value.
La diversidad etica, evolucion en un sistema social, transferencia de valores...Edgar Daquilema
Este documento discute la diversidad 辿tica y factores como las diferencias culturales y valores universales. Resalta que aunque hay diferencias entre culturas, tambi辿n existen valores comunes como la regla de oro y el respeto a la dignidad humana. Argumenta que la diversidad debe ser reconocida y evaluada con cuidado para tomar en cuenta contextos culturales espec鱈ficos sin violar criterios 辿ticos universales.
Mountains form steep slopes that rise above the surrounding land. They can be found individually as volcanoes or in ranges and chains that stretch across continents. The document then lists some of the tallest mountains on different continents and their heights, including Mount Everest which is the highest in the world. It describes how temperature decreases with increasing altitude on mountains and how snow and ice help reflect sunlight to keep temperatures low. Glaciers and freezing water play a role in shaping mountain landscapes over time by cracking and splitting rocks. Reaching high altitudes presents challenges for climbers such as less oxygen, extreme cold, and dangers like avalanches and frostbite. Careful planning is needed to deal with these risks.
Este documento presenta un an叩lisis semi坦tico de un art鱈culo period鱈stico del peri坦dico "Metro". Describe los elementos estructurales del peri坦dico como las secciones, colores y formato. Luego analiza un art鱈culo espec鱈fico sobre un videojuego, identificando sus elementos denotativos y connotativos. Finalmente, concluye que este tipo de peri坦dicos priorizan la publicidad sobre las noticias, y que los consumidores deber鱈an ser m叩s cr鱈ticos a la hora de seleccionar este tipo de contenido period鱈stico
Este documento resume las principales fuentes de informaci坦n ambiental en internet, incluyendo revistas cient鱈ficas, wikis, servicios de noticias, instituciones, ONG, blogs, redes sociales y m叩s. Tambi辿n ofrece una docena de consejos para periodistas ambientales sobre c坦mo aprovechar estas plataformas digitales, como hacer m叩s y mejor informaci坦n, pensar en audiencias grandes y peque単as, cooperar con otros, y utilizar lo visual e impactante junto con contenido profundo.
El documento describe 17 reg鱈menes de importaci坦n en Per炭, incluyendo importaci坦n para consumo, importaci坦n con franquicia o exoneraci坦n de derechos e impuestos, importaci坦n en cumplimiento de garant鱈a, reimportaci坦n en el mismo estado, reimportaci坦n por perfeccionamiento pasivo, admisi坦n temporal para reexportaci坦n en el mismo estado, r辿gimen de admisi坦n temporal para perfeccionamiento activo, transformaci坦n y/o ensamble, importaci坦n temporal de mercanc鱈as alquiladas o con contrato de arrendamiento con opci坦n de compra, importaci坦n a trav辿s de tr叩fico
The document is a resume for Satya Singh, who has over 10 years of experience in culinary roles. He currently works as a Junior Sous Chef at the DoubleTree by Hilton Marjan Island in RAK, UAE, where he manages restaurants, oversees a team of 15, and handles functions and events. Previously, he worked at the Hilton Salalah Resort in Oman for over 5 years as a Senior Chef de Partie, where he was responsible for an Italian buffet and team of 20 chefs. He has a background in menu development, food safety protocols, inventory control, and training colleagues.
[BE] for work, les petits-dejeuners inspirants qui deconstruisent le succesRapha谷l LLorca
[BE] for Work, ce sont des petits-d辿jeuners inspirants en compagnie de personnalit辿s aux parcours exceptionnels : r辿alisateur de cin辿ma, chef cuisinier 辿toil辿, ma樽tre chocolatier, historien, PDG, g辿n辿ral de l'arm辿e de terre, chef dorchestre, math辿maticien
Convaincus que chacun de ces m辿tiers a beaucoup transmettre en mati竪re de strat辿gie, de management, de gestion de crise ou encore de communication, [BE] for work a 辿t辿 con巽u comme une v辿ritable parenth竪se dans un quotidien sur-charge qui rassemble, dans une ambiance intimiste, une quinzaine de l竪ve-t担t au cur de Paris entre 7h15 et 8h45 pour apprendre et partager diff辿remment.
Notre ambition ? D辿construire le succ竪s : r辿v辿ler ses fondations, expliquer sa mise en mouvement et d辿voiler les obstacles rencontr辿s.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang sistem ekonomi dan etos kerja dalam Islam, termasuk pengertian sistem ekonomi Islam, nilai-nilai dasarnya, perbedaan dengan sistem ekonomi lain, dan respon Islam terhadap transaksi ekonomi modern.
2. Etos kerja dalam Islam menempatkan tujuan memenuhi ridha Allah di atas segalanya, serta menekankan pentingnya kemandirian dan kerja keras.
This document discusses communication as it relates to emergent leadership. It defines emergent leadership as occurring when a leader is displaced and another individual steps up to fill that leadership role. Effective communication allows for emergent leadership to develop as it allows group members to learn each other's competencies and motivations. Verbal communication, such as amount of speaking and interruptions, and nonverbal cues, such as gestures and eye contact, can help identify potential emergent leaders. Social identity theory and social cognitive theory are also discussed as they relate to how groups evaluate potential emergent leaders and how self-efficacy develops from social learning and influences emergent leadership.
Para crear una p叩gina web en Wix, primero debes ingresar a la p叩gina web de Wix, registrarte creando una cuenta, luego elegir un dise単o para comenzar a editarlo y personalizarlo a tu gusto, ponerle un nombre y publicarlo.
O documento convida as pessoas a deixarem Jesus entrar em seus cora巽探es para que Ele possa trazer paz, harmonia e uma vida melhor, restaurando lares e protegendo contra tempestades.
El documento describe c坦mo usar las bases de datos Scopus y Mendeley para buscar y organizar documentos relacionados con el uso de diagn坦stico por imagen y l叩ser en cirug鱈a oral a partir de 2011. Explica la estrategia de b炭squeda en ingl辿s y c坦mo realizar la b炭squeda en Scopus, seleccionando art鱈culos revisados desde 2011 ordenados por n炭mero de citas. A continuaci坦n, muestra c坦mo exportar los documentos seleccionados a Mendeley para organizarlos en una carpeta y generar la bibliograf鱈a en formato Vancouver.