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tsa)OldS3lra        l-i-i i'i-r.i alf).. i.?:)                                  TAT l-ioensr l'.ti,. , i'3:3t;
                     ll   tir trioo:'PlV, -iorvel'. 13 I 'islltit'-llir'trtn",lt iici.. Dinoaen!. Bauciioi: 1ii40{: Thaiianc,
                     Te1. : t66il o-il ::-- - t       Flr^ : {orr,l o.1 I 757(,
                     E-maii :boonsr.rnqrr;rvelac)io>rinfc,.cr'.ti, ot'bstr.naiavsia,Zr)io:linir;.co.tii
AGENT : PCL- TltA''-EL                                                                                             .lLrne   lfi.ltllii
1,TTN . lr/rs.I-iur
PRCGIiAh4 : 6D5lr, Bi{K/PTYTCUR (Dept: 06* iijuir f0i0l,lFIT                            U Aciuits    br Privateran


Dar'1 (-)   :   Arrivul - Bnngkol;
06 Juiy'                                                     br oul representative
                 lMeet upon arrival at airport. vor-r u'i11 be mei
                 1'st flight bv FD 3504 ETA l60i - Transfei'to hotel for cirecli-in'
                 2'nd fligirt b1 AIi 750 ETA 1950 - Transfer tc hotel for cirecii-in/Hotel     ur   BIiIi
Dar'2 (BI-D): Bungkok
07 Jul-v         Brealifasl at hotel/Crtginal Damneon Saduall Floating Market/Luncir/Roval Granci Palace -iiat Pha Kaew,''
                 Wat Pho/China Toun/Dinner/Four Face BuddhalSuan Lum Nisht BazaarlHotei ur BIiK
Far'3 (tsLD): Bangkok - Pattavc
08   juiy        Breakfast at hotel/Transfer to Dream World wrth compuisoq, Lunch/Transfel to PTY/Transfer tcr
                 Sriracha Tiger Zoo u'hich there is varieties of animal shows and rvatching the excitement of crocodiiei              ,
                 Proceed to Pattava/DinnerlAlcazar shou (Optional)/Hotel in PTY
Da1'4 (BLF): Pattovtt
09 .iulv        Breakfast at hotel, you u,ill be takilg bi' speed boat ride to Iioir Laan or Coral island. vou mav want to try
                the manl'fpes of water spotls such as watei slii. parasailing. jet ski and banana boai (orvn expenses)/Lunch,'
                Nong Nooch Wonderland riilage to watch the locai performance, sucir as tradition4l ciances. Tirai Boxing and
                elephant show,/DirLner (sucllinl pig . . . pr ovicr:c fcx' group oi 9 oa>; and ail)'e on l1 lTHotei in PTY
Da1'5 {B}:      Patlayc - Bungkok
i0 Juil'         Breakfast at hoteliTransfer bacil to BiiK/Chatuchah Market (open onir, Saturda' & Sunday)/Transfer to
                 Pratunam for shopprng/Hotel in BIJ(
Da5'6 (ts):     Bangkok - Departure
11 Jul-v         Brealifast at hotel./Transfer to airport for departure
                 1'st flight b1' AK 739 ETD 1310 & 2'nd flightbl' FD 3505 ETD 1645

     TYPE B      HOTEL: BKK: 06 - 08 Juiv Bangkok Palace Hotel               (SIJP)                 Cnnfimerl   lantc 
                         PTY: 08 - 10 Juiy Golden Beach Hotel                                  ...Confinned (2nts.)
                         BKK: 10 - 11 July Bangkok Palace Hotel              (SLIP)            ...Confirmed (1nt.)
                 NO OF PAX: 8 Adults
                 ROOM USE: 4 Twin Rooms ... ... Confrrned
                 GLIIDE: Chinese Mandarin speaking guide
                 REMARK:             1) Gems & Honey Factory ... Compuisory
                                     2) Meals base on Standard menu.
   ' Child is applicable for2-12 years old (infant: under 2 years will be free of charge)
   ' Child sharing Half Twin charged 90%, with Extra Bed 80%, without Bedl0o/o of aduit fare
   ' FOC: every 16 paying adult (2 CI{D : I ADT). offer 1 FOC base on half tx'in sharing (Max. 4 pax)
   'r NO SHOW QJormal period) : On arrival BKK without notification 24 hrs prior to arrival, 100% charge.
       No refund can be made for any voluntary skip/ignore the program or meal from the confirmed itinerary.
    . Meal: Standard menu.                                                              Compulsory Jewelry Shopping
                                                                                        * Exclude: Airporr Tax
    '. Guide: Chilese Mandarin
       Each of transfer on Anival & Deparfure - only one transfer service will be ilcluded

Best regards,
Prrrn fnr Rnnnqnns
                             jtf +     itx   &.4      FR   /,} 'aJ
                             ,w   *s s.wa* n                                       =s.ii€
                             No. 53. JALAN MASJID.34000 TAIPING. PERAK, WEST MALAYSIA.
  KPL/LN  1s15               TEL: 05-8081515 (8 lines) FAX : 05-8070285
 (Co.No.:'174382-W) E-mail:polytrsb@streamyx.com

                                                                        TOUR / INVOIGE
Mls /4s o^t G c{v                                    f1 frL.           No. 2L50 4

                                                                       Date:   ff (         1e
 rypeort*,,{ 1 S-,1 4Nr, llrf+                                                      RM      SEN

 rourFare [/+ * {(l+lio

 AirFare      ,              R^ ( ko 'X t                    fn.-X.              f44o       ST

 Visa Fees        :

 Bus Fare     :

 Van/Taxi Fare           :

 Insurance        :

 Others   :

                                                                                 f4 hp      do
                                                                     Deposit         (

                                                                     Balance   s-4,/f c 6D
                                 ue payable OR Online to POLY-TRAVELS SDN. BHD.
                               BANKf NG BERHAD Account No.t 5{18056218213
                      HSBC BANK MALAYSIA BERHAD Account No.: 384166328001
                             RHB BANK BERHAD Account No.;20823fit0024226

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Bangkok plc

  • 1. tsa)OldS3lra l-i-i i'i-r.i alf).. i.?:) TAT l-ioensr l'.ti,. , i'3:3t; ll tir trioo:'PlV, -iorvel'. 13 I 'islltit'-llir'trtn",lt iici.. Dinoaen!. Bauciioi: 1ii40{: Thaiianc, Te1. : t66il o-il ::-- - t Flr^ : {orr,l o.1 I 757(, E-maii :boonsr.rnqrr;rvelac)io>rinfc,.cr'.ti, ot'bstr.naiavsia,Zr)io:linir;.co.tii Ci!lF{Rld.4TXOhr AGENT : PCL- TltA''-EL .lLrne lfi.ltllii 1,TTN . lr/rs.I-iur PRCGIiAh4 : 6D5lr, Bi{K/PTYTCUR (Dept: 06* iijuir f0i0l,lFIT U Aciuits br Privateran TOEIR PROGF-AM: 6I}AYS 5 NIGX{TS FANGHOI{/FATTA-A TOL]R. Dar'1 (-) : Arrivul - Bnngkol; 06 Juiy' br oul representative lMeet upon arrival at airport. vor-r u'i11 be mei 1'st flight bv FD 3504 ETA l60i - Transfei'to hotel for cirecli-in' 2'nd fligirt b1 AIi 750 ETA 1950 - Transfer tc hotel for cirecii-in/Hotel ur BIiIi Dar'2 (BI-D): Bungkok 07 Jul-v Brealifasl at hotel/Crtginal Damneon Saduall Floating Market/Luncir/Roval Granci Palace -iiat Pha Kaew,'' Wat Pho/China Toun/Dinner/Four Face BuddhalSuan Lum Nisht BazaarlHotei ur BIiK Far'3 (tsLD): Bangkok - Pattavc 08 juiy Breakfast at hotel/Transfer to Dream World wrth compuisoq, Lunch/Transfel to PTY/Transfer tcr Sriracha Tiger Zoo u'hich there is varieties of animal shows and rvatching the excitement of crocodiiei , Proceed to Pattava/DinnerlAlcazar shou (Optional)/Hotel in PTY Da1'4 (BLF): Pattovtt 09 .iulv Breakfast at hotel, you u,ill be takilg bi' speed boat ride to Iioir Laan or Coral island. vou mav want to try the manl'fpes of water spotls such as watei slii. parasailing. jet ski and banana boai (orvn expenses)/Lunch,' Nong Nooch Wonderland riilage to watch the locai performance, sucir as tradition4l ciances. Tirai Boxing and elephant show,/DirLner (sucllinl pig . . . pr ovicr:c fcx' group oi 9 oa>; and ail)'e on l1 lTHotei in PTY Da1'5 {B}: Patlayc - Bungkok i0 Juil' Breakfast at hoteliTransfer bacil to BiiK/Chatuchah Market (open onir, Saturda' & Sunday)/Transfer to Pratunam for shopprng/Hotel in BIJ( Da5'6 (ts): Bangkok - Departure 11 Jul-v Brealifast at hotel./Transfer to airport for departure 1'st flight b1' AK 739 ETD 1310 & 2'nd flightbl' FD 3505 ETD 1645 TYPE B HOTEL: BKK: 06 - 08 Juiv Bangkok Palace Hotel (SIJP) Cnnfimerl lantc PTY: 08 - 10 Juiy Golden Beach Hotel ...Confinned (2nts.) BKK: 10 - 11 July Bangkok Palace Hotel (SLIP) ...Confirmed (1nt.) NO OF PAX: 8 Adults ROOM USE: 4 Twin Rooms ... ... Confrrned GLIIDE: Chinese Mandarin speaking guide REMARK: 1) Gems & Honey Factory ... Compuisory 2) Meals base on Standard menu. CONDITION: ' Child is applicable for2-12 years old (infant: under 2 years will be free of charge) ' Child sharing Half Twin charged 90%, with Extra Bed 80%, without Bedl0o/o of aduit fare ' FOC: every 16 paying adult (2 CI{D : I ADT). offer 1 FOC base on half tx'in sharing (Max. 4 pax) 'r NO SHOW QJormal period) : On arrival BKK without notification 24 hrs prior to arrival, 100% charge. No refund can be made for any voluntary skip/ignore the program or meal from the confirmed itinerary. . Meal: Standard menu. Compulsory Jewelry Shopping * Exclude: Airporr Tax '. Guide: Chilese Mandarin Each of transfer on Anival & Deparfure - only one transfer service will be ilcluded PAYMENT: CASH (U.S. DOLLAR OR MALAYSIA RINGGIT) C/O TOUR LEADER OR T/T IN FULL AMOUNT AS INVOICE PRIOR TO ARRIVAL Best regards, BOONSONG TRAVEL CO., LTD. Prrrn fnr Rnnnqnns ".-"_'""__D
  • 2. POLY.TRAVELS SDN. BHD. jtf + itx &.4 FR /,} 'aJ ,w *s s.wa* n =s.ii€ No. 53. JALAN MASJID.34000 TAIPING. PERAK, WEST MALAYSIA. KPL/LN 1s15 TEL: 05-8081515 (8 lines) FAX : 05-8070285 (Co.No.:'174382-W) E-mail:polytrsb@streamyx.com TOUR / INVOIGE Mls /4s o^t G c{v f1 frL. No. 2L50 4 Date: ff ( 1e AMOUNT rypeort*,,{ 1 S-,1 4Nr, llrf+ RM SEN rourFare [/+ * {(l+lio AirFare , R^ ( ko 'X t fn.-X. f44o ST 'rU Visa Fees : Bus Fare : Van/Taxi Fare : Insurance : Others : TOTAL f4 hp do Deposit ( Balance s-4,/f c 6D ue payable OR Online to POLY-TRAVELS SDN. BHD. BANKf NG BERHAD Account No.t 5{18056218213 HSBC BANK MALAYSIA BERHAD Account No.: 384166328001 RHB BANK BERHAD Account No.;20823fit0024226