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Marketing ReportKey Data:Total Visits 9-1 to 10-1:  2085Of the 2085:Average Pages Views per visit: 3.375% are not from Salinas2% did not come from CaliforniaAverage time on site: 2.5 min per  visitor 75% came for the first time250 signed up for the email blast
CA  traffic that stayed more than a minute visits minus Salinas traffic.Salinas traffic lasting more than 1 min.
Bankers website with and with out online marketing.Boxes show website traffic with out online marketing.
Website views were 25 visits per day before the marketing.  During the 3 day promotion site traffic increased from 400% to 800% :
The online marketing campaign had a direct effect on the amount of Email & Cell contacts submitted through the website. Below are email blast sign ups during the year anniversary campaign.
We targeted demographics most likely to respond to our ads.  Facebook referrals increased 8,900%
Placing ads on Facebook is the most effective way to target local traffic online.  Facebook traffic has the highest rate of email blast sign up.
Leveraging this data for increased profits and exposure.
We gather info about each viewer. Age, sex, time on site, pages visited, general location. Here is an example of sex and age:Monterey-salinas metro areaUSF18-24F25-34F35-44F45-54F55-64F65-100M18-24M25-34M35-44M45-54M55-64M65-100
By looking at how the variations of each ad preformed we can learn how to most effectively spend our advertising budget.  Some ads did 2x better than others. This is not an option for print or TV.
Keeping track of who visits our website helps offline promotions. These companies , schools, and government offices have viewed our website in the past week, they may be considered for direct mailings or other marketing ideas.hoffmannlaroche inc.heald college-060913173710fresh start advantageepic roots llcdriscoll strawberry associatesdrdanieljardinicsumonterey baycsaacruziocommunity hospital of the montereyclark pest controlcity of salinas information systems groupcity of pacific grovecalifornia state university sacramentocalifornia department of correctionsbwmonterey innboys scout of america-051219231101augustina incalisal union schoolainslieloverdeaafes/barracksa duda & sonswassons plumbing heating-060926111841university of californiasantacruzuniversity of california office of the presidentucn incthe home depot inc.taylor fresh foodstanimura and antle inc.sutter healthsusan m kubicasuny health and science centersteinbeck centerstofca/monterey countysea breezesayler legal svc inc-060111061604sambrialo packaging companysalinas valley memorial hospital
Why compete with Mike for profit? Here are searches where bankers would make the most profit  with almost no competition, thus getting the best return on marketing budget.
Gamers:		500 views last month are GamersSpent 2x as much time on site, more than 5 minutesLikely make you the most moneyView the most pages per visit75% are not searching from SalinasGamers are mostly out of reach by print , TV and Radio.
From the traffic data I believe the best return for your money is to push the card room.
Use online advertizing, the cost per acquisition of customers goes is lower while attracting people with more disposable income.

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  • 1. Marketing ReportKey Data:Total Visits 9-1 to 10-1: 2085Of the 2085:Average Pages Views per visit: 3.375% are not from Salinas2% did not come from CaliforniaAverage time on site: 2.5 min per visitor 75% came for the first time250 signed up for the email blast
  • 3. CA traffic that stayed more than a minute visits minus Salinas traffic.Salinas traffic lasting more than 1 min.
  • 5. Bankers website with and with out online marketing.Boxes show website traffic with out online marketing.
  • 6. Website views were 25 visits per day before the marketing. During the 3 day promotion site traffic increased from 400% to 800% :
  • 7. The online marketing campaign had a direct effect on the amount of Email & Cell contacts submitted through the website. Below are email blast sign ups during the year anniversary campaign.
  • 8. We targeted demographics most likely to respond to our ads. Facebook referrals increased 8,900%
  • 9. Placing ads on Facebook is the most effective way to target local traffic online. Facebook traffic has the highest rate of email blast sign up.
  • 10. Leveraging this data for increased profits and exposure.
  • 11. We gather info about each viewer. Age, sex, time on site, pages visited, general location. Here is an example of sex and age:Monterey-salinas metro areaUSF18-24F25-34F35-44F45-54F55-64F65-100M18-24M25-34M35-44M45-54M55-64M65-100
  • 12. By looking at how the variations of each ad preformed we can learn how to most effectively spend our advertising budget. Some ads did 2x better than others. This is not an option for print or TV.
  • 13. Keeping track of who visits our website helps offline promotions. These companies , schools, and government offices have viewed our website in the past week, they may be considered for direct mailings or other marketing ideas.hoffmannlaroche inc.heald college-060913173710fresh start advantageepic roots llcdriscoll strawberry associatesdrdanieljardinicsumonterey baycsaacruziocommunity hospital of the montereyclark pest controlcity of salinas information systems groupcity of pacific grovecalifornia state university sacramentocalifornia department of correctionsbwmonterey innboys scout of america-051219231101augustina incalisal union schoolainslieloverdeaafes/barracksa duda & sonswassons plumbing heating-060926111841university of californiasantacruzuniversity of california office of the presidentucn incthe home depot inc.taylor fresh foodstanimura and antle inc.sutter healthsusan m kubicasuny health and science centersteinbeck centerstofca/monterey countysea breezesayler legal svc inc-060111061604sambrialo packaging companysalinas valley memorial hospital
  • 14. Why compete with Mike for profit? Here are searches where bankers would make the most profit with almost no competition, thus getting the best return on marketing budget.
  • 15. Gamers: 500 views last month are GamersSpent 2x as much time on site, more than 5 minutesLikely make you the most moneyView the most pages per visit75% are not searching from SalinasGamers are mostly out of reach by print , TV and Radio.
  • 16. From the traffic data I believe the best return for your money is to push the card room.
  • 17. Use online advertizing, the cost per acquisition of customers goes is lower while attracting people with more disposable income.
  • 18. Bankers can shape its reputation through the internetAn Internet Marketing Budget for the Casino. The goal is:increase quality website traffic which will in turn increase the number and quality of card room customers
  • 19. steer public opinion of the casino