Websoftex Software Solutions Private Limited is a software company based in Bangalore, India that provides various types of custom software development including website design, web development, mobile app development, HR and payroll software, TDS software, microfinance software, chit fund software, taxi booking software, and more. The company has over 5 years of experience working with small and medium-sized businesses.
1. Websoftex Software Solutions Private
Limited is a Software company,
extending its services in Website
Designing & Development, Custom
Software Development and Mobile.
3. Websoftex Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd, a
Bangalore based company, extending its
services in Website Designing, Web
Development, MLM Software, HR Payroll
Software, TDS Software, Micro Finance
Software, RD FD Software, ERP Software,
Chit Fund Software, School Software,
Custom Software Development and
Mobile Application Development.
4. MLM Software, HR Software, Chit Fund Software, Payroll
Software, Microfinance Software
TDS Software, Taxi Booking Software, Billing Software,
Banking Software, Seo Company
School Software, RD FD Software, Restaurant Software, Super
Market Software
Retail POS Software, Hospital Software, Hotel Software, Cab
Booking Software
Salary Software, Printer Software, NBFC Software, MLM
Generation Plan
6. http://hr-payrollsoftware.in
Websoftex Software Solutions
Private Limited, a Bangalore
based Company, an authorized
software service provider
engaged in HR and Payroll
Software Development in
Bangalore with maximum level
protection. We take pride in
rendering good and protective
services to small- medium
industries (SMI) and other sector
for more than 5 years.
9. http://microfinancesoftware.net
Websoftex Software Solutions Private
Limited, a Bangalore based Company, an
authorized software service provider
engaged in Microfinance Software, RD&
FDSoftware , Loan Software and
Community Banking Software
Development with maximumlevel
protection. We take pride in rendering
good and protective services to small-
mediumMicrofinance Institutions and
othersectorformore than 5 years.
12. http://websoftextds.com
Websoftex TDS - E-TDS Software is a
simple solution for the conversion of
TDS/TCS data to the format specified by
NSDL for Quarterly statements or Annual
returns. TDS software not only generates
the file for TDS/TCS returns, also assists
you in generation of Paper TDS returns
and TDS certificates. The Built-In FVU
validates your data to be perfect for filing.
That means no more messages "Errors
Found During Validation".
14. http://websoftextds.com
TDS Software, TDS Return, TDS
Computation, TDS Return Form 24q, TDS
Software Solution, Free TDS Software,
Online Free TDS Software, TDS Software
in Bangalore, Form 24q, Form 27q, Form
16, Form 27eq, Form 26q, Form 16a, E-
Filing, ETDS Returns, E-TDS Software
15. http://chitfundsoftware.in
Websoftex Software Solutions Private
Limited, a Bangalore based Company, an
authorized software service provider
engaged in Chit Fund Software or Kuries
Software Development in Bangalore with
maximum level protection. We take pride in
rendering good and protective services to
small- medium industries (SMI) and other
sector for more than 5 years.
17. http://chitfundsoftware.in
Chit fund, Chit Fund Software, Chit Fund
Management Software, Online Chit Fund
Management Software, Money Chit Fund
Software, Chit Fund Management Software in
Bangalore, Free Chit Fund Software India
Chit fund Accounting Software, Chit fund
Software with MLM Software, Chit Fund
Software with Network Marketing Software ,
Chit Fund Software and Sunflower MLM Plan
Software, Chit Fund Software and Career Plan
MLM Software
18. http://taxibookingsoftware.in
Websoftex Software Solutions Private Limited,
a Bangalore based Company, an authorized
software service provider engaged in Taxi
Booking Management Software or CAB
Booking Management Software Development
in Bangalore with maximum level protection.
We take pride in rendering good and
protective services to small- medium
industries (SMI) and other sector for more
than 5 years. Websoftex Software Solutions
Pvt. Ltd is constantly evolving and our
developers constantly upgrade their skills to
provide our customers proper software
solutions in tune with the latest trends and
technologies available.
25. Websof t ex Sof t ware Sol ut i on Pvt
Lt d
No: 240/A, 3rd Cross, Mathikere,
Near SBM Bank,
Bangalore - 560054, Karnataka,
info@websoftex.com, support@websoftex.in
Mobile: +91-9590355556
PH: 080 65465475