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Performance Aware SDN
Bay Area NetworkVirtualization Meetup
Peter Phaal
InMon Corp.
May 2013
Why monitor performance?
If you cant measure it, you cant improve it
Lord Kelvin
Static provisioning
$ Unused capacity
$$$ Service failure
$$ Unused capacity
$$ Savings
Dynamic provisioning
Feedback control
Controllability and Observability
Basic concept is simple, a stable feedback control system requires:
1. ability to in鍖uence all important system states (controllable)
2. ability to monitor all important system states (observable)
Its hard to stay on the road if you cant see the
road, or keep to the speed limit without a
Its hard to stay on the road or maintain
speed if your brakes, engine or steering fail
Controllability and Observability driving example
States location, speed, direction, ...
Effect of delay on stability
Measurement delay Planning delay
Con鍖guration delayDisturbance Response delay
EffectLoop delay
DDoS launched Identify target, attacker Black hole, mark, re-route? Switch CLI commands Route propagation Traf鍖c dropped
Components of loop delay
e.g. Slow reaction time causes
tired / drunk / distracted
driver to weave, very slow
reaction time and they leave
the road
What is sFlow?
In God we trust. All others bring data.
Dr. Edwards Deming
Industry standard measurement technology integrated in switches
Open source agents for hosts, hypervisors and applications
Host sFlow project (http://host-s鍖ow.sourceforge.net) is center
of an ecosystem of related open source projects embedding
sFlow in popular operating systems and applications
Network (maintained by hardware in network devices)
- MIB-2 ifTable: ifInOctets, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifInErrors, ifUnkownProtos,
ifOutOctets, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifOutErrors
Host (maintained by operating system kernel)
- CPU: load_one, load_鍖ve, load_鍖fteen, proc_run, proc_total, cpu_num, cpu_speed, uptime, cpu_user, cpu_nice,
cpu_system, cpu_idle, cpu_wio, cpu_intr, cpu_sintr, interupts, contexts
- Memory: mem_total, mem_free, mem_shared, mem_buffers, mem_cached, swap_total, swap_free, page_in, page_out,
swap_in, swap_out
- Disk IO: disk_total, disk_free, part_max_used, reads, bytes_read, read_time, writes, bytes_written, write_time
- Network IO: bytes_in, packets_in, errs_in, drops_in, bytes_out, packet_out, errs_out, drops_out
Application (maintained by application)
- HTTP: method_option_count, method_get_count, method_head_count, method_post_count, method_put_count,
method_delete_count, method_trace_count, method_connect_count, method_other_count, status_1xx_count,
status_2xx_count, status_3xx_count, status_4xx_count, status_5xx_count, status_other_count
- Memcache: cmd_set, cmd_touch, cmd_鍖ush, get_hits, get_misses, delete_hits, delete_misses, incr_hits, incr_misses,
decr_hists, decr_misses, cas_hits, cas_misses, cas_badval, auth_cmds, auth_errors, threads, con_yields,
listen_disabled_num, curr_connections, rejected_connections, total_connections, connection_structures, evictions,
reclaimed, curr_items, total_items, bytes_read, bytes_written, bytes, limit_maxbytes
Standard counters
- standard structures - densely packed blocks of counters
- extensible (tag, length, value)
- RFC 1832: XDR encoded (big endian, quad-aligned, binary) - simple to encode/decode
- unicast UDP transport
Minimal con鍖guration
- collector address
- polling interval
Cloud friendly
- 鍖at, two tier architecture: many embedded agents  central smart collector
- sFlow agents automatically start sending metrics on startup, automatically discovered
- eliminates complexity of maintaining polling daemons (and associated con鍖gurations)
Scaleable push protocol
 Counters tell you there is a
problem, but not why.
 Counters summarize
performance by dropping high
cardinality attributes:
- IP addresses
- URLs
- Memcache keys
 Need to be able to ef鍖ciently
disaggregate counter by
attributes in order to
understand root cause of
performance problems.
 How do you get this data
when there are millions of
transactions per second?
Counters arent enough
Why the spike in traf鍖c?
(100Gbit link carrying 14,000,000 packets/second)
 Random sampling is lightweight
 Critical path roughly cost of
maintaining one counter:
if(--skip == 0) sample();
 Sampling is easy to distribute
among modules, threads,
processes without any
 Minimal resources required to
capture attributes of sampled
 Easily identify top keys,
connections, clients, servers,
URLs etc.
 Unbiased results with known
Break out traf鍖c by client, server and port
(graph based on samples from100Gbit link carrying 14,000,000 packets/second)
sFlow also exports random samples
Integrated data model
Packet HeaderPacket Header
Source Destination
TCP/UDP Socket TCP/UDP Socket
MAC Address MAC Address
Sampled Packet Headers
I/F Counters
Power, Temp.
Power, Temp.
Adapter MACs
Sampled Transactions
Transaction Counters
TCP/UDP Socket
Independent agents sFlow analyzer joins data for integrated view
Virtual Servers
Virtual Network
Embedded monitoring of all
switches, all servers, all
applications, all the time
Consistent measurements
shared between multiple
management tools
Comprehensive visibility
Software De鍖ned Networking
You cant control what you cant measure
Tom DeMarco
Feedback control loop with sFlow and OpenFlow
low con鍖guration delay
low measurement delay
Together, sFlow and OpenFlow provide the observability and
controllability to enable SDN applications targeting low latency
control problems like load balancing and DDoS mitigation
low planning delay
SDN application
decode hash sendflow cache flushsample
polli/f counters
 sFlow exports packet samples immediately
 sFlow also exports interface counters
 NetFlow exports flow data on end of flow, active-timeout or inactive-timeout
 NetFlow data generation requires significant resources on switch that can
be better applied to increase size of forwarding table(s)
 OpenFlow metering has similar architecture to NetFlow and similar
sFlow and NetFlow/IPFIX in a switch
InMon sFlow-RT
active timeout active timeout
SolarWinds Real-Time NetFlow Analyzer
 sFlow does not use flow cache, so realtime charts more accurately reflect traffic trend
 NetFlow spikes caused by flow cache active-timeout for long running connections
Rapid detection of large 鍖ows
Flow cache active timeout delays large 鍖ow detection,
limits value of signal for real-time control applications
Network OSApplication
Open APIsApplication
Data Plane
Control Plane
Con鍖guration Forwarding Visibility
Open APIs
sFlow adds actionable visibility to SDN stack
Actionable = complete + timely
Flow De鍖nitions
Load Balancer DDoS Protection
REST Applications
Open Southbound APIs
Data Plane
Control Plane
Open Northbound APIs
SDN Applications
SDN feedback control applications
ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp:
ovs-vsctl  id=@sflow create sflow agent=eth0 
target= sampling=1000 polling=20 
 set bridge br0 sflow=@sflow
Connect switches to central control plane
e.g connect Open vSwitch to OpenFlow controller
e.g. connect Open vSwitch to sFlow analyzer
Minimal con鍖guration to connect switches to
controllers, intelligence resides in external software
 DDoS mitigation
 Load balancing large 鍖ows
 Optimizing virtual networks
 Packet brokers
Performance aware SDN application examples
Emerging opportunity for SDN applications to leverage
embedded instrumentation and control capabilities and deliver
scaleable performance management solutions
Many more use cases, particularly if you broaden the
scope to the SDDC (software de鍖ned data center)
Components of a DDoS 鍖ood attack
1. Command to attack target sent over
control network
2. Large number of compromised hosts
start sending traf鍖c to target
3.Traf鍖c converges on access link,
overwhelming capacity and denying
attack starts
control implemented attack eliminated
Use Case 1: DDoS mitigation
sustained 6M packets/second attack
(30 Gigabits/second)
ECMP/LAG multi-path traf鍖c distribution
index = hash(packet fields) % linkgroup.size
selected_link = linkgroup[index]
Hash collisions reduce effective cross sectional bandwidth
1:1 subscription ratio doesnt eliminate blocking, collision
probabilities are high, even with large numbers of paths
Birthday Paradox
What is the chance that at least two people in a room will share a birthday?
50/50 chance with 23 people, virtual certainty with the 90 people in this room.
This is a paradox because the probability seems remarkably high considering
that there are 365 possible birthdays (366 if you include Feb 29) and 23 people
represents just over 6% of the theoretical maximum and 90 people is only 25%.
ECMP/LAG/MLAG collision probabilities are surprisingly high
Small number of long lived large 鍖ows responsible for bulk of load
controller to
detect and
collisions by
forwarding paths
Use Case 2: Load balancing large 鍖ows
Not just ECMP, also LAG/MLAG,Wireless and WAN etc.
Network virtualization
Overlay network
of tunnels used to
carry inter-
hypervisor traf鍖c
across physical
network, GRE,
Network topology hidden behind APIs, not just Nicira/VMware,
but OpenStack Quantum etc.
VM From
a b
b c
Virtual network
packet paths
Lack of topology
awareness results
in random
placement ofVMs
Traf鍖c matrix on physical
network appears random
Random traf鍖c patterns
appear to need a completely 鍖at physical
network topology, i.e. non-blocking between
all node pairs (fat tree, CLOS)
- expensive (cost, power, space)
- limited scaleability
- limited 鍖exibility
- not easily achieved in practice (large 鍖ows)
VM From
Largest tenant
Use Case 3: Network awareVM placement
SDN provides
network topology
and load information
that allowsVMs to be
optimally placed
Resulting sparse, highly structured traf鍖c
matrix ef鍖ciently maps into physical
resources, allows SDN controller to
deliver predictable performance and
workload isolation
Extension of OpenFlow to optical
circuit switches allows network to be
rewired for actual demand
Traf鍖c is sparse for each tenant
Traf鍖c within each tenants virtual network is similarly sparse, e.g.
Hadoop above, or scale out web, cache, storage clusters
Use Case 4: Packet broker
ONS 2013: DEMon Software De鍖ned Distributed Ethernet Monitoring System, Rich Groves, Microsoft
 Of鍖oading basic traf鍖c monitoring to sFlow takes pressure off capture network
 Visibility into traf鍖c volumes before triggering capture
 Trigger capture based on non OpenFlow 12 tuple 鍖elds (e.g. tenant IP, VNI etc)
 Trigger on very large match lists (lists of compromised hosts etc.)
Testbed setup
wget http://www.inmon.com/products/sFlow-RT/
tar -xvzf sflow-rt.tar.gz
cd sflow-rt
Java 1.6+
+ Requests library,http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/)
Download and install sFlow-RT
XenServer Pool
Demo data from small test lab
VMs:,,,, -,,,
Applications: HTTP, Memcached, PHP, Java
vSwitches: Open vSwitch, Hyper-V extensible vSwitch
Other sFlow sources
sFlow-RT REST API commands
scopefunction values type 鍖lter
agent typevaluedatasource
Single metric:
Metric query:
scope ALL or semicolon delimited list (unordered)
values comma delimited list (ordered) with optional pre鍖x
max:, min:, sum:, avg:, var:, sdev:, med:, q1:, q2:, q3:, iqr: or any:
鍖lter select metrics based on attribute values
De鍖ning 鍖ow metrics
frames bytes duration
tcpdestinationport=80,8080 & destinationgroup=internal
metric name for results, i.e. /metric/ALL/name/json
ipsource.1 tunneled address
mask address (e.g. result =
count of distinct source addresses
average packet size
uuidsrc UUID associated with 鍖ow source
hostnamesrc ~ '.*vm.*' | sourcegroup != external
Create, Read, Update, Delete, List (CRUDL)
Update (HTTP PUT)
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data "{keys:'ipsource',value:'bytes'}" 
curl "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/src/json"
"keys": "ipsource",
"n": 5,
"value": "bytes"
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data "{keys:'macsource',value:'frames'}" 
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/src/json"
curl --data "name=src&keys=ipsource&value=bytes" -X POST "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/html"
curl "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/json"
Command examples
Use browser for exploration
Use browser for exploration
Use browser for exploration
import requests
eventurl = 'http://localhost:8008/events/json?maxEvents=10&timeout=60'
eventID = -1
while 1 == 1:
r = requests.get(eventurl + "&eventID=" + str(eventID))
if r.status_code != 200: break
events = r.json()
if len(events) == 0: continue
eventID = events[0]["eventID"]
for e in events:
print str(e['eventID']) + ',' + str(e['timestamp']) + ',' +
e['thresholdID'] + ',' + e['metric'] + ',' + str(e['threshold']) + ','
+ str(e['value']) + ',' + e['agent'] + ',' + e['dataSource']
Tail events using HTTP long polling
De鍖ne 鍖ow keys
DDoS Protection
define address groups
define flows
define thresholds
while(running) {
receive threshold event
monitor flow
deploy control
monitor flow
release control
REST operation 鍖ow chart
Large 鍖ow detection script (initialization)
import requests
import json
rt = 'http://localhost:8008'
groups = {'external':[''],'internal':['']}
flows = {
threshold = {'metric':'ddos','value':400}
r = requests.put(rt + '/group/json',data=json.dumps(groups))
r = requests.put(rt + '/flow/ddos/json',data=json.dumps(flows))
r = requests.put(rt + '/threshold/ddos/
Large 鍖ow detection script (monitor events)
eventurl = rt + '/events/json?maxEvents=10&timeout=60'
eventID = -1
while 1 == 1:
r = requests.get(eventurl + "&eventID=" + str(eventID))
if r.status_code != 200: break
events = r.json()
if len(events) == 0: continue
eventID = events[0]["eventID"]
for e in events:
thresholdID = e['thresholdID']
if "ddos" == thresholdID:
r = requests.get(rt + '/metric/' + e['agent'] + '/' + e['dataSource'] + '.'
+ e['metric'] + '/json')
metrics = r.json()
if len(metrics) > 0:
evtMetric = metrics[0]
evtKeys = evtMetric.get('topKeys',None)
if(evtKeys and len(evtKeys) > 0):
topKey = evtKeys[0]
key = topKey.get('key', None)
value = topKey.get('value',None)
print e['metric'] + "," + e['agent'] + ',' + key + ',' + str(value)
Next Steps
Build your own test bed:
1. sFlow-RT is already installed on your laptop, capable of monitoring thousands of
switches (remember to turn off demo.pcap and enable UDP port 6343 on your 鍖rewall)
2. Enable sFlow in your network (OVS, Hyper-V, physical switches, http://s鍖ow.org/
3. Install Host sFlow agents http://host-s鍖ow.sourceforge.net/ + application agents:Apache,
NGINX,Apache, HAProxy etc. http://host-s鍖ow.sourceforge.net/relatedlinks.php
Engage with the broader sFlow community:
4.You dont have to have access to a physical test lab, build a Mininet / Open vSwitch virtual test
lab, e.g. http://blog.pythonicneteng.com/2013/05/pytapdemon-part-3-pro-active-monitoring.html
Find out more about sFlow:

More Related Content


  • 1. Performance Aware SDN Bay Area NetworkVirtualization Meetup http://www.meetup.com/openvswitch/ Peter Phaal InMon Corp. May 2013
  • 2. Why monitor performance? If you cant measure it, you cant improve it Lord Kelvin
  • 3. Time Capacity Demand Static provisioning $ Unused capacity $$$ Service failure $$ Unused capacity
  • 6. Controllability and Observability Basic concept is simple, a stable feedback control system requires: 1. ability to in鍖uence all important system states (controllable) 2. ability to monitor all important system states (observable)
  • 7. Its hard to stay on the road if you cant see the road, or keep to the speed limit without a speedometer Its hard to stay on the road or maintain speed if your brakes, engine or steering fail Controllability and Observability driving example Observability Controllability States location, speed, direction, ...
  • 8. Effect of delay on stability Measurement delay Planning delay Time Con鍖guration delayDisturbance Response delay EffectLoop delay DDoS launched Identify target, attacker Black hole, mark, re-route? Switch CLI commands Route propagation Traf鍖c dropped Components of loop delay e.g. Slow reaction time causes tired / drunk / distracted driver to weave, very slow reaction time and they leave the road
  • 9. What is sFlow? In God we trust. All others bring data. Dr. Edwards Deming
  • 10. Industry standard measurement technology integrated in switches http://www.s鍖ow.org/
  • 11. Open source agents for hosts, hypervisors and applications Host sFlow project (http://host-s鍖ow.sourceforge.net) is center of an ecosystem of related open source projects embedding sFlow in popular operating systems and applications
  • 12. Network (maintained by hardware in network devices) - MIB-2 ifTable: ifInOctets, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifInErrors, ifUnkownProtos, ifOutOctets, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifOutErrors Host (maintained by operating system kernel) - CPU: load_one, load_鍖ve, load_鍖fteen, proc_run, proc_total, cpu_num, cpu_speed, uptime, cpu_user, cpu_nice, cpu_system, cpu_idle, cpu_wio, cpu_intr, cpu_sintr, interupts, contexts - Memory: mem_total, mem_free, mem_shared, mem_buffers, mem_cached, swap_total, swap_free, page_in, page_out, swap_in, swap_out - Disk IO: disk_total, disk_free, part_max_used, reads, bytes_read, read_time, writes, bytes_written, write_time - Network IO: bytes_in, packets_in, errs_in, drops_in, bytes_out, packet_out, errs_out, drops_out Application (maintained by application) - HTTP: method_option_count, method_get_count, method_head_count, method_post_count, method_put_count, method_delete_count, method_trace_count, method_connect_count, method_other_count, status_1xx_count, status_2xx_count, status_3xx_count, status_4xx_count, status_5xx_count, status_other_count - Memcache: cmd_set, cmd_touch, cmd_鍖ush, get_hits, get_misses, delete_hits, delete_misses, incr_hits, incr_misses, decr_hists, decr_misses, cas_hits, cas_misses, cas_badval, auth_cmds, auth_errors, threads, con_yields, listen_disabled_num, curr_connections, rejected_connections, total_connections, connection_structures, evictions, reclaimed, curr_items, total_items, bytes_read, bytes_written, bytes, limit_maxbytes Standard counters
  • 13. Simple - standard structures - densely packed blocks of counters - extensible (tag, length, value) - RFC 1832: XDR encoded (big endian, quad-aligned, binary) - simple to encode/decode - unicast UDP transport Minimal con鍖guration - collector address - polling interval Cloud friendly - 鍖at, two tier architecture: many embedded agents central smart collector - sFlow agents automatically start sending metrics on startup, automatically discovered - eliminates complexity of maintaining polling daemons (and associated con鍖gurations) Scaleable push protocol
  • 14. Counters tell you there is a problem, but not why. Counters summarize performance by dropping high cardinality attributes: - IP addresses - URLs - Memcache keys Need to be able to ef鍖ciently disaggregate counter by attributes in order to understand root cause of performance problems. How do you get this data when there are millions of transactions per second? Counters arent enough Why the spike in traf鍖c? (100Gbit link carrying 14,000,000 packets/second)
  • 15. Random sampling is lightweight Critical path roughly cost of maintaining one counter: if(--skip == 0) sample(); Sampling is easy to distribute among modules, threads, processes without any synchronization Minimal resources required to capture attributes of sampled transactions Easily identify top keys, connections, clients, servers, URLs etc. Unbiased results with known accuracy Break out traf鍖c by client, server and port (graph based on samples from100Gbit link carrying 14,000,000 packets/second) sFlow also exports random samples
  • 16. Integrated data model Packet HeaderPacket Header Source Destination TCP/UDP Socket TCP/UDP Socket MAC Address MAC Address Sampled Packet Headers I/F Counters Power, Temp. NETWORK HOST CPU Memory I/O Power, Temp. Adapter MACs APPLICATION Sampled Transactions Transaction Counters TCP/UDP Socket Independent agents sFlow analyzer joins data for integrated view
  • 17. Virtual Servers Applications Apache/PHP Tomcat/Java Memcached Virtual Network Servers Network Embedded monitoring of all switches, all servers, all applications, all the time Consistent measurements shared between multiple management tools Comprehensive visibility
  • 18. Software De鍖ned Networking You cant control what you cant measure Tom DeMarco
  • 19. Monitor Feedback control loop with sFlow and OpenFlow low con鍖guration delay low measurement delay Together, sFlow and OpenFlow provide the observability and controllability to enable SDN applications targeting low latency control problems like load balancing and DDoS mitigation low planning delay SDN application
  • 20. packets decode hash sendflow cache flushsample NetFlow/IPFIX send polli/f counters sample sFlow exports packet samples immediately sFlow also exports interface counters NetFlow exports flow data on end of flow, active-timeout or inactive-timeout NetFlow data generation requires significant resources on switch that can be better applied to increase size of forwarding table(s) OpenFlow metering has similar architecture to NetFlow and similar limitations sFlow and NetFlow/IPFIX in a switch
  • 21. InMon sFlow-RT active timeout active timeout NetFlow Open vSwitch SolarWinds Real-Time NetFlow Analyzer sFlow does not use flow cache, so realtime charts more accurately reflect traffic trend NetFlow spikes caused by flow cache active-timeout for long running connections Rapid detection of large 鍖ows Flow cache active timeout delays large 鍖ow detection, limits value of signal for real-time control applications
  • 22. Network OSApplication Open APIsApplication Application Data Plane Control Plane Con鍖guration Forwarding Visibility NETCONF/OF-Con鍖g Open APIs Hosts sFlow adds actionable visibility to SDN stack Actionable = complete + timely
  • 23. REST API Metrics Flow De鍖nitions Thresholds InMonsFlow-RT REST API OpenFlowController Load Balancer DDoS Protection REST Applications Open Southbound APIs Data Plane Control Plane Hosts Open Northbound APIs SDN Applications SDN feedback control applications
  • 24. ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp: ovs-vsctl id=@sflow create sflow agent=eth0 target= sampling=1000 polling=20 set bridge br0 sflow=@sflow Connect switches to central control plane e.g connect Open vSwitch to OpenFlow controller e.g. connect Open vSwitch to sFlow analyzer Minimal con鍖guration to connect switches to controllers, intelligence resides in external software
  • 25. DDoS mitigation Load balancing large 鍖ows Optimizing virtual networks Packet brokers Performance aware SDN application examples Emerging opportunity for SDN applications to leverage embedded instrumentation and control capabilities and deliver scaleable performance management solutions Many more use cases, particularly if you broaden the scope to the SDDC (software de鍖ned data center)
  • 26. Components of a DDoS 鍖ood attack 1. Command to attack target sent over control network 2. Large number of compromised hosts start sending traf鍖c to target 3.Traf鍖c converges on access link, overwhelming capacity and denying access
  • 27. threshold attack starts detected control implemented attack eliminated http://blog.s鍖ow.com/2013/03/ddos.html Before After Use Case 1: DDoS mitigation packets/secondpackets/second sustained 6M packets/second attack (30 Gigabits/second) http://packetpushers.net/open鍖ow-1-0-actual-use-case-rtbh-of-ddos-traf鍖c-while-keeping-the-target-online/Also:
  • 28. ECMP/LAG multi-path traf鍖c distribution http://static.usenix.org/event/nsdi10/tech/full_papers/al-fares.pdf index = hash(packet fields) % linkgroup.size selected_link = linkgroup[index] Hash collisions reduce effective cross sectional bandwidth 1:1 subscription ratio doesnt eliminate blocking, collision probabilities are high, even with large numbers of paths
  • 29. Birthday Paradox What is the chance that at least two people in a room will share a birthday? 50/50 chance with 23 people, virtual certainty with the 90 people in this room. This is a paradox because the probability seems remarkably high considering that there are 365 possible birthdays (366 if you include Feb 29) and 23 people represents just over 6% of the theoretical maximum and 90 people is only 25%. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem ECMP/LAG/MLAG collision probabilities are surprisingly high
  • 30. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/UM/people/srikanth/data/imc09_dcTraf鍖c.pdf http://blog.s鍖ow.com/2013/01/load-balancing-lagecmp-groups.html http://blog.s鍖ow.com/2013/03/ecmp-load-balancing.html http://blog.s鍖ow.com/2013/02/sdn-and-large-鍖ows.html Small number of long lived large 鍖ows responsible for bulk of load https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-opsawg-large-鍖ow-load-balancing/ Use SDN controller to detect and eliminate collisions by adjusting forwarding paths Use Case 2: Load balancing large 鍖ows Not just ECMP, also LAG/MLAG,Wireless and WAN etc.
  • 31. Network virtualization http://bradhedlund.com/2013/01/28/network-virtualization-a-next-generation-modular-platform-for-the-virtual-network/ Overlay network of tunnels used to carry inter- hypervisor traf鍖c across physical network, GRE, NVGRE,VxLAN etc. Network topology hidden behind APIs, not just Nicira/VMware, but OpenStack Quantum etc.
  • 32. VMTo VM From FW LB a a b b c c d d Virtual network packet paths Lack of topology awareness results in random placement ofVMs Traf鍖c matrix on physical network appears random Random traf鍖c patterns appear to need a completely 鍖at physical network topology, i.e. non-blocking between all node pairs (fat tree, CLOS) - expensive (cost, power, space) - limited scaleability - limited 鍖exibility - not easily achieved in practice (large 鍖ows)
  • 33. VMTo VM From Largesttenant Largest tenant Use Case 3: Network awareVM placement VM2 VM1VM1 VM2 SDN provides network topology and load information that allowsVMs to be optimally placed Resulting sparse, highly structured traf鍖c matrix ef鍖ciently maps into physical resources, allows SDN controller to deliver predictable performance and workload isolation http://blog.s鍖ow.com/2013/04/multi-tenant-traf鍖c-in-virtualized.html Extension of OpenFlow to optical circuit switches allows network to be rewired for actual demand
  • 34. Traf鍖c is sparse for each tenant Traf鍖c within each tenants virtual network is similarly sparse, e.g. Hadoop above, or scale out web, cache, storage clusters http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/UM/people/srikanth/data/imc09_dcTraf鍖c.pdf
  • 35. Use Case 4: Packet broker ONS 2013: DEMon Software De鍖ned Distributed Ethernet Monitoring System, Rich Groves, Microsoft http://blog.s鍖ow.com/2013/04/sdn-packet-broker.html Of鍖oading basic traf鍖c monitoring to sFlow takes pressure off capture network Visibility into traf鍖c volumes before triggering capture Trigger capture based on non OpenFlow 12 tuple 鍖elds (e.g. tenant IP, VNI etc) Trigger on very large match lists (lists of compromised hosts etc.)
  • 37. wget http://www.inmon.com/products/sFlow-RT/ sflow-rt.tar.gz tar -xvzf sflow-rt.tar.gz cd sflow-rt Java 1.6+ Python + Requests library,http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/) cURL Prerequisites Download and install sFlow-RT
  • 38. XenServer Pool Demo data from small test lab Hyper-V VMs:,,,, -,,, Applications: HTTP, Memcached, PHP, Java vSwitches: Open vSwitch, Hyper-V extensible vSwitch Other sFlow sources
  • 41. sFlow-RT REST API commands
  • 42. /metric/;,min:load_one/json?os_name=linux,windows&cpu_num=2 scopefunction values type 鍖lter /metric/鍖noctets/json agent typevaluedatasource Metrics Single metric: Metric query: scope ALL or semicolon delimited list (unordered) values comma delimited list (ordered) with optional pre鍖x max:, min:, sum:, avg:, var:, sdev:, med:, q1:, q2:, q3:, iqr: or any: 鍖lter select metrics based on attribute values
  • 43. De鍖ning 鍖ow metrics Keys Value Filter frames bytes duration avg:bytes count:ipsource ipsource,ipdestination,tcpsourceport,tcpdestinationport tcpdestinationport=80,8080 & destinationgroup=internal mask:ipsource:24 Name metric name for results, i.e. /metric/ALL/name/json ipsource.1 tunneled address mask address (e.g. result = count of distinct source addresses average packet size uuidsrc UUID associated with 鍖ow source hostnamesrc ~ '.*vm.*' | sourcegroup != external
  • 44. Create, Read, Update, Delete, List (CRUDL) Create (HTTP PUT/POST) Read (HTTP GET) Update (HTTP PUT) Delete (HTTP DELETE) curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data "{keys:'ipsource',value:'bytes'}" "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/src/json" curl "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/src/json" { "keys": "ipsource", "n": 5, "value": "bytes" } curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data "{keys:'macsource',value:'frames'}" "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/src/json" curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/src/json" curl --data "name=src&keys=ipsource&value=bytes" -X POST "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/html" List (HTTP GET) curl "http://localhost:8008/鍖ow/json"
  • 47. Use browser for exploration
  • 48. Use browser for exploration
  • 49. Use browser for exploration
  • 50. import requests eventurl = 'http://localhost:8008/events/json?maxEvents=10&timeout=60' eventID = -1 while 1 == 1: r = requests.get(eventurl + "&eventID=" + str(eventID)) if r.status_code != 200: break events = r.json() if len(events) == 0: continue eventID = events[0]["eventID"] events.reverse() for e in events: print str(e['eventID']) + ',' + str(e['timestamp']) + ',' + e['thresholdID'] + ',' + e['metric'] + ',' + str(e['threshold']) + ',' + str(e['value']) + ',' + e['agent'] + ',' + e['dataSource'] Tail events using HTTP long polling extras/tail_log.py
  • 51. De鍖ne 鍖ow keys DDoS Protection define address groups define flows define thresholds while(running) { receive threshold event monitor flow deploy control monitor flow release control } OpenFlow Controller REST API sFlow-RT REST API 1 2 3 4 6 5 8 7 REST operation 鍖ow chart
  • 52. Large 鍖ow detection script (initialization) import requests import json rt = 'http://localhost:8008' groups = {'external':[''],'internal':['']} flows = { 'keys':'ipsource,ipdestination', 'value':'frames', 'filter':'sourcegroup=external&destinationgroup=internal'} threshold = {'metric':'ddos','value':400} r = requests.put(rt + '/group/json',data=json.dumps(groups)) r = requests.put(rt + '/flow/ddos/json',data=json.dumps(flows)) r = requests.put(rt + '/threshold/ddos/ json',data=json.dumps(threshold)) ... extras/ddos_log.py
  • 53. Large 鍖ow detection script (monitor events) ... eventurl = rt + '/events/json?maxEvents=10&timeout=60' eventID = -1 while 1 == 1: r = requests.get(eventurl + "&eventID=" + str(eventID)) if r.status_code != 200: break events = r.json() if len(events) == 0: continue eventID = events[0]["eventID"] events.reverse() for e in events: thresholdID = e['thresholdID'] if "ddos" == thresholdID: r = requests.get(rt + '/metric/' + e['agent'] + '/' + e['dataSource'] + '.' + e['metric'] + '/json') metrics = r.json() if len(metrics) > 0: evtMetric = metrics[0] evtKeys = evtMetric.get('topKeys',None) if(evtKeys and len(evtKeys) > 0): topKey = evtKeys[0] key = topKey.get('key', None) value = topKey.get('value',None) print e['metric'] + "," + e['agent'] + ',' + key + ',' + str(value)
  • 54. Next Steps Build your own test bed: 1. sFlow-RT is already installed on your laptop, capable of monitoring thousands of switches (remember to turn off demo.pcap and enable UDP port 6343 on your 鍖rewall) 2. Enable sFlow in your network (OVS, Hyper-V, physical switches, http://s鍖ow.org/ products/network.php) 3. Install Host sFlow agents http://host-s鍖ow.sourceforge.net/ + application agents:Apache, NGINX,Apache, HAProxy etc. http://host-s鍖ow.sourceforge.net/relatedlinks.php Engage with the broader sFlow community: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/host-s鍖ow-discuss http://groups.google.com/group/s鍖ow 4.You dont have to have access to a physical test lab, build a Mininet / Open vSwitch virtual test lab, e.g. http://blog.pythonicneteng.com/2013/05/pytapdemon-part-3-pro-active-monitoring.html http://groups.google.com/group/s鍖ow-rt Find out more about sFlow: http://s鍖ow.org/ http://blog.s鍖ow.com/