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B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 1
Stepper motor
畛ng c董 b動畛c
Basic Structuce
C畉u t畉o c董 b畉n
1. V畛 tr動畛c
2. G畛i 畛
3. Tr畛c
4. C叩c c畛c t畛 rotor
5. Nam ch但m
6. C叩c c畛c t畛 stator
7. L畛p c叩ch i畛n
8. V嘆ng 畛m
9. V畛 sau
10. V鱈t
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 2
Working Principle
Nguy棚n t畉c ho畉t 畛ng
Stepper motor is a brushless DC motor that rotates in steps. This is very useful because it
can be precisely positioned without any feedback sensor, which represents an open-loop
controller. The stepper motor consists of a rotor that is generally a permanent magnet and
it is surrounded by the windings of the stator. As we activate the windings step by step in
a particular order and let a current flow through them they will magnetize the stator and
make electromagnetic poles respectively that will cause propulsion to the motor. So that
the basic working principle of the stepper motors.
畛ng c董 b動畛c l m畛t 畛ng c董 DC kh担ng ch畛i than quay theo c叩c b動畛c. i畛u ny r畉t h畛u
鱈ch v狸 n坦 c坦 th畛 動畛c 畛nh v畛 ch鱈nh x叩c m kh担ng c畉n b畉t k畛 c畉m bi畉n ph畉n h畛i no, 畛ng
c董 b動畛c 畉i di畛n cho b畛 i畛u khi畛n v嘆ng h畛. 畛ng c董 b動畛c bao g畛m m畛t r担to th動畛ng l
m畛t nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u v n坦 動畛c bao quanh b畛i c叩c cu畛n d但y c畛a stato. Khi ch炭ng ta
k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c cu畛n d但y t畛ng b動畛c theo m畛t th畛 t畛 c畛 th畛 v 畛 d嘆ng i畛n ch畉y qua ch炭ng,
ch炭ng s畉 t畛 h坦a stato v t畉o ra c叩c c畛c i畛n t畛 t動董ng 畛ng g但y ra l畛c 畉y cho 畛ng c董. V
但y l Nguy棚n t畉c ho畉t 畛ng c董 b畉n c畛a c叩c 畛ng c董 b動畛c.
Driving Modes
C叩c ch畉 畛 v畉n hnh
There are several different
ways of driving the stepper
motor. The first one is the
Wave Drive or Single-Coil
Excitation. In this mode we
active just one coil at a time
which means that for this
example of motor with 4 coils,
the rotor will make full cycle in 4 steps.
C坦 nhi畛u c叩ch kh叩c nhau 畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c. 畉u ti棚n l i畛u khi畛n s坦ng k鱈ch
th鱈ch ho畉c m畛t cu畛n d但y k鱈ch th鱈ch. Trong ch畉 畛 ny, ch炭ng ta ch畛 k鱈ch ho畉t m畛t cu畛n
d但y t畉i m畛t th畛i i畛m, i畛u 坦 c坦 ngh挑a l v畛i v鱈 d畛 ny v畛 畛ng c董 c坦 4 cu畛n d但y, r担to s畉
th畛c hi畛n chu k畛 畉y 畛 trong 4 b動畛c.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 3
Next is the Full step drive
mode which provides much
higher torque output because
we always have 2 active coils
at a given time. However this
doesnt improve the
resolution of the stepper and
again the rotor will make a
full cycle in 4 steps.
Ti畉p theo l ch畉 畛 ho畉t 畛ng ton b動畛c cho c担ng su畉t m担-men xo畉n cao h董n nhi畛u v狸
ch炭ng ta lu担n c坦 2 cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng t畉i m畛t th畛i i畛m nh畉t 畛nh. Tuy nhi棚n, i畛u ny
kh担ng c畉i thi畛n 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a b動畛c v m畛t l畉n n畛a r担to s畉 th畛c hi畛n m畛t chu k畛 畉y
畛 trong 4 b動畛c.
The stepper motor uses a four-step switching sequence, which is called a full-step
switching sequence. Figure shows a switching diagram and a table that indicates the
sequence for the four switches used to control the stepper motor. The diagram shows four
switches with four separate amplifiers. The diagram for the motor shows the same four
windings that were discussed in the theory of operation the previous section. Each of the
windings is tapped at one end and they are connected through a resistor to the negative
terminal of the power supply.
畛ng c董 b動畛c s畛 d畛ng tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i b畛n b動畛c, 動畛c g畛i l tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i ton
b動畛c. H狸nh hi畛n th畛 s董 畛 chuy畛n m畉ch v b畉ng bi畛u th畛 tr狸nh t畛 cho b畛n c担ng t畉c 動畛c
s畛 d畛ng 畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c. S董 畛 cho th畉y b畛n c担ng t畉c v畛i b畛n b畛 khu畉ch 畉i
ri棚ng bi畛t. S董 畛 cho 畛ng c董 cho th畉y b畛n cu畛n d但y t動董ng t畛 達 動畛c th畉o lu畉n trong l箪
thuy畉t v畉n hnh ph畉n tr動畛c. M畛i cu畛n d但y 動畛c g探 畛 m畛t 畉u v ch炭ng 動畛c k畉t n畛i
th担ng qua m畛t i畛n tr畛 畉n c畛c 但m c畛a ngu畛n i畛n.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 4
For increasing the resolution of the stepper we use the Half Step Drive mode. This mode
is actually a combination of the previous two modes.
畛 tng 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a b動畛c, ch炭ng ta s畛 d畛ng ch畉 畛 n畛a b動畛c. Ch畉 畛 ny th畛c s畛 l
s畛 k畉t h畛p c畛a hai ch畉 畛 tr動畛c 坦.
Here we have one active
coil followed by 2 active
coils and then again one
active coil followed by 2
active coils and so on. So
with this mode we get
double the resolution with
the same construction.
Now the rotor will make full cycle in 8 steps.
畛 但y ch炭ng ta c坦 m畛t cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng theo sau l 2 cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng v sau 坦
m畛t cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng ti畉p theo l 2 cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng, v.v. V狸 v畉y, v畛i ch畉 畛 ny,
ch炭ng ta c坦 動畛c g畉p 担i 畛 ph但n gi畉i v畛i c湛ng m畛t c畉u tr炭c. B但y gi畛 c叩c c叩nh qu畉t s畉
th畛c hi畛n 畉y 畛 chu k畛 trong 8 b動畛c.
The switching diagram
for the half-step sequence
is shown in Fig. The
main feature of this
switching sequence is
that you can double the
resolution of the stepper
motor by causing the
rotor to move half the
distance it does when the
full-step switching
sequence is used. This means that a 200-step motor, which has a resolution of 1.8属, will
have a resolution of 400 steps and 0.9属. The half-step switching sequence requires a
special stepper motor controller, but it can be used with a standard hybrid motor. The way
the controller gets the motor to reach the half-step is to energize both phases at the same
time with equal current.
S董 畛 chuy畛n m畉ch cho chu畛i n畛a b動畛c 動畛c hi畛n th畛 trong h狸nh . T鱈nh nng ch鱈nh c畛a
chu畛i chuy畛n 畛i ny l b畉n c坦 th畛 tng g畉p 担i 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c b畉ng
c叩ch lm cho r担to di chuy畛n m畛t n畛a kho畉ng c叩ch khi tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i ton b動畛c 動畛c
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 5
s畛 d畛ng. i畛u ny c坦 ngh挑a l m畛t 畛ng c董 200 b動畛c, c坦 畛 ph但n gi畉i 1,8 属, s畉 c坦 畛
ph但n gi畉i 400 b動畛c v 0,9 属. Tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i n畛a b動畛c 嘆i h畛i m畛t b畛 i畛u khi畛n
畛ng c董 b動畛c 畉c bi畛t, nh動ng n坦 c坦 th畛 動畛c s畛 d畛ng v畛i m畛t 畛ng c董 lai ti棚u chu畉n.
C叩ch b畛 i畛u khi畛n 動a 畛ng c董 畉t 動畛c n畛a b動畛c l cung c畉p nng l動畛ng cho c畉 hai
pha c湛ng m畛t l炭c v畛i d嘆ng i畛n b畉ng nhau.
However the most common method of controlling stepper motors nowadays is the
Microstepping. In this mode we provide variable controlled current to the coils in form of
sin wave. This will provide smooth motion of the rotor, decrease the stress of the parts
and increase the accuracy of the stepper motor.
Tuy nhi棚n, ph動董ng ph叩p ph畛
bi畉n nh畉t 畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng
c董 b動畛c hi畛n nay l Vi b動畛c.
Trong ch畉 畛 ny, ch炭ng ta
cung c畉p d嘆ng i畛u khi畛n
bi畉n 畛i cho c叩c cu畛n d但y
d動畛i d畉ng s坦ng sin. i畛u
ny s畉 cung c畉p chuy畛n 畛ng
tr董n tru c畛a r担to, gi畉m 畛ng
su畉t c畛a c叩c b畛 ph畉n v tng 畛 ch鱈nh x叩c c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c.
Another way of increasing the resolution of the stepper
motor is by increasing the numbers of the poles of the rotor
and the numbers of the pole of the stator.
M畛t c叩ch kh叩c 畛 tng 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c l
tng s畛 c畛c c畛a r担to v s畛 c畛c c畛a stato.
The full-step and half-step motors tend to be slightly jerky in their operation as the motor
moves from step to step. The amount of resolution is also limited by the number of
physical poles that the rotor can have. The amount of resolution (number of steps) can be
increased by manipulating the current that the controller sends to the motor during each
step. The current can be adjusted so that it looks similar to a sine wave.
C叩c 畛ng c董 ton b動畛c v n畛a b動畛c c坦 xu h動畛ng h董i gi畉t khi v畉n hnh khi 畛ng c董
chuy畛n t畛 b動畛c ny sang b動畛c kh叩c. L動畛ng ph但n gi畉i c滴ng b畛 gi畛i h畉n b畛i s畛 c畛c v畉t l箪
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 6
m r担to c坦 th畛 c坦. S畛 l動畛ng 畛 ph但n gi畉i (s畛 b動畛c) c坦 th畛 動畛c tng l棚n b畉ng c叩ch thao
t叩c d嘆ng i畛n m b畛 i畛u khi畛n g畛i 畉n 畛ng c董 trong m畛i b動畛c. D嘆ng i畛n c坦 th畛 動畛c
i畛u ch畛nh 畛 n坦 tr担ng gi畛ng nh動 s坦ng h狸nh sin.
The voltage sent to the motor is now a sine wave. The motor for this type of application is
generally a permanent magnet brushless DC motor. When the sine wave is sent to the
motor at 60 Hz, it will cause the motor shaft to rotate at 72 rpm. The motor windings will
require a capacitor to be wired in series for this type of application.
i畛n 叩p g畛i 畉n 畛ng c董 b但y gi畛 l m畛t s坦ng h狸nh sin. 畛ng c董 cho lo畉i 畛ng d畛ng ny
th動畛ng l 畛ng c董 DC kh担ng ch畛i than nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u. Khi s坦ng h狸nh sin 動畛c g畛i
畉n 畛ng c董 畛 t畉n s畛 60 Hz, n坦 s畉 khi畉n tr畛c 畛ng c董 quay v畛i t畛c 畛 72 v嘆ng / ph炭t. C叩c
cu畛n d但y 畛ng c董 s畉 y棚u c畉u m畛t t畛 i畛n 動畛c n畛i ti畉p cho lo畉i thi畉t b畛 ny.
Stepper Motor Types by Construction
Ph但n lo畉i 畛ng c董 b動畛c b畉ng c畉u t畉o
By construction there are 3 different types of stepper motors: permanent magnet stepper,
variable reluctance stepper and hybrid synchronous stepper motor.
B畉ng c畉u t畉o c坦 3 lo畉i 畛ng c董 b動畛c kh叩c nhau: 畛ng c董 b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u, 畛ng
c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 v 畛ng c董 b動畛c 畛ng b畛 lai.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 7
1/The Permanent Magnet stepper has a permanent magnet
rotor which is driven by the stators windings. They create
opposite polarity poles compared to the poles of the rotor
which propels the rotor.
畛ng c董 b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u c坦 m畛t r担to nam ch但m
v挑nh c畛u 動畛c i畛u khi畛n b畛i c叩c cu畛n d但y stato. Ch炭ng t畉o
ra c叩c c畛c ph但n c畛c ng動畛c l畉i so v畛i c叩c c畛c c畛a r担to 畉y
The rotor and stator poles of a permanent magnet stepper are not teethed. Instead the rotor
have alternative north and south poles parallel to the axis of the rotor shaft.
C叩c r担to v c畛c stato c畛a m畛t b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u kh担ng c坦 rng. Thay vo 坦, r担to
c坦 c叩c c畛c b畉c v nam thay th畉 song song v畛i tr畛c c畛a tr畛c r担to.
1. AA v BB l 2 pha
2. V畛 畛ng c董
3. C叩c cu畛n d但y
4. Rotor nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u
When a stator is energized, it
develops electromagnetic poles. The
magnetic rotor aligns along the
magnetic field of the stator. The
other stator is then energized in the sequence so that the rotor moves and aligns itself to
the new magnetic field. This way energizing the stators in a fixed sequence rotates the
stepper motor by fixed angles.
Khi stato 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, n坦 s畉 t畉o thnh c叩c c畛c i畛n t畛. R担to t畛 t鱈nh th畉ng hng
d畛c theo t畛 tr動畛ng c畛a stato. Stator kh叩c sau 坦 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng theo tr狸nh t畛 畛
r担to di chuy畛n v t畛 s畉p x畉p theo t畛 tr動畛ng m畛i. C叩ch ny t畉o nng l動畛ng cho c叩c stator
theo m畛t tr狸nh t畛 c畛 畛nh lm quay 畛ng c董 b動畛c theo c叩c g坦c c畛 畛nh.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 8
1. C畛c b畉c
2. C畛c nam
The resolution of a permanent magnet stepper can be increased by increasing number of
poles in the rotor or increasing the number of phases.
畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u c坦 th畛 動畛c tng l棚n b畉ng c叩ch
tng s畛 c畛c trong r担to ho畉c tng s畛 l動畛ng pha.
2/The next type, the Variable Reluctant stepper motor uses a non-magnetizes soft iron
rotor.The rotor has teeth that are offset from the stator and
as we active the windings in aparticular order the rotor
moves respectively so that it has minimum gab between the
stator and the teeth of the rotor
Lo畉i ti畉p theo, 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 s畛 d畛ng m畛t r担to
s畉t m畛m kh担ng t畛 h坦a. R担to c坦 rng 動畛c b湛 t畛 stato v khi
ch炭ng ta k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c cu畛n d但y theo th畛 t畛 c叩ch nhau, r担to
di chuy畛n t動董ng 畛ng 畛 n坦 c坦 畉u n畛i t畛i thi畛u gi畛a stato v
rng c畛a r担to
The variable reluctance stepper has a toothed non-magnetic soft iron rotor. When the
stator coil is energized the rotor moves to have a minimum gap between the stator and its
畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 c坦 m畛t r担to s畉t m畛m kh担ng t畛 t鱈nh c坦 rng. Khi cu畛n d但y stato
動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, r担to di chuy畛n 畛 c坦 m畛t kho畉ng c叩ch t畛i thi畛u gi畛a stato v rng
c畛a n坦.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 9
1. AA v BB l 2 pha
2. L探i s畉t non rotor
3. V畛 motor
4. C叩c cu畛n d但y
The variable reluctance stepper
has a toothed non-magnetic soft
iron rotor. When the stator coil
is energized the rotor moves to
have a minimum gap between
the stator and its teeth.
畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 c坦
r担to s畉t m畛m kh担ng t畛 t鱈nh c坦
rng. Khi cu畛n d但y stato 動畛c
c畉p nng l動畛ng, r担to di chuy畛n 畛 c坦 m畛t kho畉ng c叩ch t畛i thi畛u gi畛a stato v rng c畛a
The teeth of the rotor are designed so that when they are aligned with one stator they get
misaligned with the next stator. Now when the next stator is energized, the rotor moves to
align its teeth with the next stator. This way energizing stators in a fixed sequence
completes the rotation of the step motor.
Rng c畛a r担to 動畛c thi畉t k畉 sao cho khi ch炭ng th畉ng hng v畛i m畛t stato, ch炭ng s畉 b畛 l畛ch
v畛i stato ti畉p theo. B但y gi畛 khi stato ti畉p theo 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, r担to di chuy畛n 畛 cn
ch畛nh rng c畛a n坦 v畛i stato ti畉p theo. C叩ch ny cung c畉p nng l動畛ng cho c叩c stator trong
m畛t chu畛i c畛 畛nh hon thnh vi畛c quay 畛ng c董 b動畛c.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 10
The resolution of a variable reluctance stepper can be increased by increasing the number
of teeth in the rotor and by increasing the number of phases.
畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 c坦 th畛 動畛c tng l棚n b畉ng c叩ch tng s畛 l動畛ng
rng trong r担to v b畉ng c叩ch tng s畛 l動畛ng pha.
3/The Hybrid Synchronous motor is combinations of the
previous two steppers. It has permanent magnet toothed rotor
and also a toothed stator. The rotor has two sections, which
are opposite in polarity and their teeth are offset as shown
畛ng c董 畛ng b畛 lai l s畛 k畉t h畛p c畛a hai lo畉i tr動畛c 坦. N坦
c坦 r担to rng v挑nh c畛u v c滴ng l m畛t stato c坦 rng. R担to c坦
hai ph畉n, 畛i di畛n nhau 畛 hai c畛c v rng c畛a ch炭ng 動畛c b湛
tr畛 nh動 th畛 hi畛n nh動 h狸nh
This is a front view of a commonly used hybrid stepper motor
which has 8 poles on the stator that are activated by 2
windings, A and B. So if we activate the winding A, we will
magnetize 4 poles of which two of them will have South
polarity and two of them North polarity.
但y l h狸nh 畉nh ph鱈a tr動畛c c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c lai th動畛ng
動畛c s畛 d畛ng c坦 8 c畛c tr棚n stato 動畛c k鱈ch ho畉t b畛i 2 cu畛n
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 11
d但y A v B. V狸 v畉y, n畉u ch炭ng ta k鱈ch ho畉t cu畛n d但y A, ch炭ng ta s畉 t畛 h坦a 4 c畛c trong 坦
hai c畛c s畉 c坦 Nam c畛c v hai trong s畛 ch炭ng l B畉c c畛c.
We can see that in such a way the rotors teeth are aligned with the teeth of poles A and
unaligned with the teeth of the poles B. That means that in the next step when we turn off
the A poles and activate the B poles, the rotor will move counter clock wise and its teeth
will align with the teeth of the B poles.
Ch炭ng ta c坦 th畛 th畉y r畉ng theo c叩ch nh動 v畉y, c叩c rng c畛a r担to 動畛c x畉p th畉ng hng v畛i
rng c畛a c畛c A v kh担ng kh畛p v畛i rng c畛a c叩c c畛c B. i畛u 坦 c坦 ngh挑a l trong b動畛c
ti畉p theo khi ch炭ng ta t畉t c畛c A v k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c c畛c B, R担to s畉 di chuy畛n ng動畛c chi畛u
kim 畛ng h畛 v rng c畛a n坦 s畉 th畉ng hng v畛i rng c畛a c叩c c畛c B.
If we keep activating the poles in a particular order the rotor will move continuously.
Here we can also use different driving modes like the wave drive, full step drive, half step
drive and microstepping for even further increasing the resolution of the stepper motor.
N畉u ch炭ng ta ti畉p t畛c k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c c畛c theo m畛t th畛 t畛 c畛 th畛, r担to s畉 di chuy畛n li棚n t畛c.
畛 但y, ch炭ng ta c滴ng c坦 th畛 s畛 d畛ng c叩c ch畉 畛 i畛u khi畛n kh叩c nhau nh動 i畛u khi畛n
s坦ng, i畛u khi畛n ton b動畛c, i畛u khi畛n n畛a b動畛c v vi b動畛c 畛 tng th棚m 畛 ph但n gi畉i
c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c.
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 12
How to select stepper motors
Ch畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c nh動 th畉 no
First, define the motion profile. This includes such parameters as required positioning
time and acceleration/deceleration time. Related factors include the required positioning
increments as well as the applications necessary accuracy and resolution.
畉u ti棚n, x叩c 畛nh h畛 s董 chuy畛n 畛ng. i畛u ny bao g畛m c叩c tham s畛 nh動 th畛i gian 畛nh
v畛 c畉n thi畉t v th畛i gian tng t畛c / gi畉m t畛c. C叩c y畉u t畛 li棚n quan bao g畛m c叩c m畛c tng
畛nh v畛 c畉n thi畉t c滴ng nh動 畛 ch鱈nh x叩c v 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畉n thi畉t c畛a 畛ng d畛ng.
Second, calculate the speed, load inertia, acceleration torque, and load torque
requirements with a safety factor. The acceleration torque calculation sometimes tends to
be omitted. However, it is a critical factor to consider
Th畛 hai, t鱈nh to叩n t畛c 畛, qu叩n t鱈nh t畉i, m担 men gia t畛c v y棚u c畉u m担 men t畉i v畛i h畛 s畛
an ton. Vi畛c t鱈nh to叩n m担 men gia t畛c 担i khi c坦 xu h動畛ng b畛 b畛 qua. Tuy nhi棚n, 但y l
m畛t y畉u t畛 quan tr畛ng 畛 xem x辿t
Third, select a motor based on the torque and speed requirements by referring to the
motors torque-speed curve. Unlike other motors, stepper motors are not rated in wattage.
Motor windings can have different current ratings even with the same dimensional size,
and the output torque and power varies depending on the winding and speed.
Th畛 ba, ch畛n m畛t 畛ng c董 d畛a tr棚n c叩c y棚u c畉u v畛 m担-men xo畉n v t畛c 畛 b畉ng c叩ch
tham kh畉o 動畛ng cong t畛c 畛 m担-men xo畉n c畛a m担-t董. Kh担ng gi畛ng nh動 c叩c 畛ng c董
kh叩c, 畛ng c董 b動畛c kh担ng 動畛c 叩nh gi叩 theo c担ng su畉t. Cu畛n d但y 畛ng c董 c坦 th畛 c坦 c叩c
x畉p h畉ng hi畛n t畉i kh叩c nhau ngay c畉 v畛i c湛ng k鱈ch th動畛c, v m担-men xo畉n 畉u ra v
c担ng su畉t thay 畛i t湛y thu畛c vo cu畛n d但y v t畛c 畛.
畛ng d畛ng
Industrial Machines  Stepper motors are used in automotive gauges and machine tooling
automated production equipments.
M叩y c担ng nghi畛p - 畛ng c董 b動畛c 動畛c s畛 d畛ng trong m叩y o 担 t担 v m叩y c担ng c畛 thi畉t b畛
s畉n xu畉t t畛 畛ng
B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p
L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 13
Security  new surveillance products for the security industry.
B畉o m畉t - s畉n ph畉m gi叩m s叩t m畛i cho ngnh an ninh.
Medical  Stepper motors are used inside medical scanners, samplers, and also found
inside digital dental photography, fluid pumps, respirators and blood analysis machinery.
Y t畉 - 畛ng c董 b動畛c 動畛c s畛 d畛ng b棚n trong m叩y qu辿t y t畉, m叩y l畉y m畉u v c滴ng 動畛c
t狸m th畉y b棚n trong ch畛p 畉nh nha khoa k畛 thu畉t s畛, b董m ch畉t l畛ng, m畉t n畉 ph嘆ng 畛c v
m叩y ph但n t鱈ch m叩u.
Consumer Electronics  Stepper motors in cameras for automatic digital camera focus and
zoom functions.
i畛n t畛 ti棚u d湛ng - 畛ng c董 b動畛c trong m叩y 畉nh cho ch畛c nng l畉y n辿t v thu ph坦ng
camera k畛 thu畉t s畛 t畛 畛ng.
Ti li畛u tham kh畉o:

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  • 1. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 1 Stepper motor 畛ng c董 b動畛c Basic Structuce C畉u t畉o c董 b畉n 1. V畛 tr動畛c 2. G畛i 畛 3. Tr畛c 4. C叩c c畛c t畛 rotor 5. Nam ch但m 6. C叩c c畛c t畛 stator 7. L畛p c叩ch i畛n 8. V嘆ng 畛m 9. V畛 sau 10. V鱈t
  • 2. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 2 Working Principle Nguy棚n t畉c ho畉t 畛ng Stepper motor is a brushless DC motor that rotates in steps. This is very useful because it can be precisely positioned without any feedback sensor, which represents an open-loop controller. The stepper motor consists of a rotor that is generally a permanent magnet and it is surrounded by the windings of the stator. As we activate the windings step by step in a particular order and let a current flow through them they will magnetize the stator and make electromagnetic poles respectively that will cause propulsion to the motor. So that the basic working principle of the stepper motors. 畛ng c董 b動畛c l m畛t 畛ng c董 DC kh担ng ch畛i than quay theo c叩c b動畛c. i畛u ny r畉t h畛u 鱈ch v狸 n坦 c坦 th畛 動畛c 畛nh v畛 ch鱈nh x叩c m kh担ng c畉n b畉t k畛 c畉m bi畉n ph畉n h畛i no, 畛ng c董 b動畛c 畉i di畛n cho b畛 i畛u khi畛n v嘆ng h畛. 畛ng c董 b動畛c bao g畛m m畛t r担to th動畛ng l m畛t nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u v n坦 動畛c bao quanh b畛i c叩c cu畛n d但y c畛a stato. Khi ch炭ng ta k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c cu畛n d但y t畛ng b動畛c theo m畛t th畛 t畛 c畛 th畛 v 畛 d嘆ng i畛n ch畉y qua ch炭ng, ch炭ng s畉 t畛 h坦a stato v t畉o ra c叩c c畛c i畛n t畛 t動董ng 畛ng g但y ra l畛c 畉y cho 畛ng c董. V 但y l Nguy棚n t畉c ho畉t 畛ng c董 b畉n c畛a c叩c 畛ng c董 b動畛c. Driving Modes C叩c ch畉 畛 v畉n hnh There are several different ways of driving the stepper motor. The first one is the Wave Drive or Single-Coil Excitation. In this mode we active just one coil at a time which means that for this example of motor with 4 coils, the rotor will make full cycle in 4 steps. C坦 nhi畛u c叩ch kh叩c nhau 畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c. 畉u ti棚n l i畛u khi畛n s坦ng k鱈ch th鱈ch ho畉c m畛t cu畛n d但y k鱈ch th鱈ch. Trong ch畉 畛 ny, ch炭ng ta ch畛 k鱈ch ho畉t m畛t cu畛n d但y t畉i m畛t th畛i i畛m, i畛u 坦 c坦 ngh挑a l v畛i v鱈 d畛 ny v畛 畛ng c董 c坦 4 cu畛n d但y, r担to s畉 th畛c hi畛n chu k畛 畉y 畛 trong 4 b動畛c.
  • 3. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 3 Next is the Full step drive mode which provides much higher torque output because we always have 2 active coils at a given time. However this doesnt improve the resolution of the stepper and again the rotor will make a full cycle in 4 steps. Ti畉p theo l ch畉 畛 ho畉t 畛ng ton b動畛c cho c担ng su畉t m担-men xo畉n cao h董n nhi畛u v狸 ch炭ng ta lu担n c坦 2 cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng t畉i m畛t th畛i i畛m nh畉t 畛nh. Tuy nhi棚n, i畛u ny kh担ng c畉i thi畛n 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a b動畛c v m畛t l畉n n畛a r担to s畉 th畛c hi畛n m畛t chu k畛 畉y 畛 trong 4 b動畛c. The stepper motor uses a four-step switching sequence, which is called a full-step switching sequence. Figure shows a switching diagram and a table that indicates the sequence for the four switches used to control the stepper motor. The diagram shows four switches with four separate amplifiers. The diagram for the motor shows the same four windings that were discussed in the theory of operation the previous section. Each of the windings is tapped at one end and they are connected through a resistor to the negative terminal of the power supply. 畛ng c董 b動畛c s畛 d畛ng tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i b畛n b動畛c, 動畛c g畛i l tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i ton b動畛c. H狸nh hi畛n th畛 s董 畛 chuy畛n m畉ch v b畉ng bi畛u th畛 tr狸nh t畛 cho b畛n c担ng t畉c 動畛c s畛 d畛ng 畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c. S董 畛 cho th畉y b畛n c担ng t畉c v畛i b畛n b畛 khu畉ch 畉i ri棚ng bi畛t. S董 畛 cho 畛ng c董 cho th畉y b畛n cu畛n d但y t動董ng t畛 達 動畛c th畉o lu畉n trong l箪 thuy畉t v畉n hnh ph畉n tr動畛c. M畛i cu畛n d但y 動畛c g探 畛 m畛t 畉u v ch炭ng 動畛c k畉t n畛i th担ng qua m畛t i畛n tr畛 畉n c畛c 但m c畛a ngu畛n i畛n.
  • 4. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 4 For increasing the resolution of the stepper we use the Half Step Drive mode. This mode is actually a combination of the previous two modes. 畛 tng 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a b動畛c, ch炭ng ta s畛 d畛ng ch畉 畛 n畛a b動畛c. Ch畉 畛 ny th畛c s畛 l s畛 k畉t h畛p c畛a hai ch畉 畛 tr動畛c 坦. Here we have one active coil followed by 2 active coils and then again one active coil followed by 2 active coils and so on. So with this mode we get double the resolution with the same construction. Now the rotor will make full cycle in 8 steps. 畛 但y ch炭ng ta c坦 m畛t cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng theo sau l 2 cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng v sau 坦 m畛t cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng ti畉p theo l 2 cu畛n d但y ho畉t 畛ng, v.v. V狸 v畉y, v畛i ch畉 畛 ny, ch炭ng ta c坦 動畛c g畉p 担i 畛 ph但n gi畉i v畛i c湛ng m畛t c畉u tr炭c. B但y gi畛 c叩c c叩nh qu畉t s畉 th畛c hi畛n 畉y 畛 chu k畛 trong 8 b動畛c. The switching diagram for the half-step sequence is shown in Fig. The main feature of this switching sequence is that you can double the resolution of the stepper motor by causing the rotor to move half the distance it does when the full-step switching sequence is used. This means that a 200-step motor, which has a resolution of 1.8属, will have a resolution of 400 steps and 0.9属. The half-step switching sequence requires a special stepper motor controller, but it can be used with a standard hybrid motor. The way the controller gets the motor to reach the half-step is to energize both phases at the same time with equal current. S董 畛 chuy畛n m畉ch cho chu畛i n畛a b動畛c 動畛c hi畛n th畛 trong h狸nh . T鱈nh nng ch鱈nh c畛a chu畛i chuy畛n 畛i ny l b畉n c坦 th畛 tng g畉p 担i 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c b畉ng c叩ch lm cho r担to di chuy畛n m畛t n畛a kho畉ng c叩ch khi tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i ton b動畛c 動畛c
  • 5. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 5 s畛 d畛ng. i畛u ny c坦 ngh挑a l m畛t 畛ng c董 200 b動畛c, c坦 畛 ph但n gi畉i 1,8 属, s畉 c坦 畛 ph但n gi畉i 400 b動畛c v 0,9 属. Tr狸nh t畛 chuy畛n 畛i n畛a b動畛c 嘆i h畛i m畛t b畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c 畉c bi畛t, nh動ng n坦 c坦 th畛 動畛c s畛 d畛ng v畛i m畛t 畛ng c董 lai ti棚u chu畉n. C叩ch b畛 i畛u khi畛n 動a 畛ng c董 畉t 動畛c n畛a b動畛c l cung c畉p nng l動畛ng cho c畉 hai pha c湛ng m畛t l炭c v畛i d嘆ng i畛n b畉ng nhau. However the most common method of controlling stepper motors nowadays is the Microstepping. In this mode we provide variable controlled current to the coils in form of sin wave. This will provide smooth motion of the rotor, decrease the stress of the parts and increase the accuracy of the stepper motor. Tuy nhi棚n, ph動董ng ph叩p ph畛 bi畉n nh畉t 畛 i畛u khi畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c hi畛n nay l Vi b動畛c. Trong ch畉 畛 ny, ch炭ng ta cung c畉p d嘆ng i畛u khi畛n bi畉n 畛i cho c叩c cu畛n d但y d動畛i d畉ng s坦ng sin. i畛u ny s畉 cung c畉p chuy畛n 畛ng tr董n tru c畛a r担to, gi畉m 畛ng su畉t c畛a c叩c b畛 ph畉n v tng 畛 ch鱈nh x叩c c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c. Another way of increasing the resolution of the stepper motor is by increasing the numbers of the poles of the rotor and the numbers of the pole of the stator. M畛t c叩ch kh叩c 畛 tng 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c l tng s畛 c畛c c畛a r担to v s畛 c畛c c畛a stato. The full-step and half-step motors tend to be slightly jerky in their operation as the motor moves from step to step. The amount of resolution is also limited by the number of physical poles that the rotor can have. The amount of resolution (number of steps) can be increased by manipulating the current that the controller sends to the motor during each step. The current can be adjusted so that it looks similar to a sine wave. C叩c 畛ng c董 ton b動畛c v n畛a b動畛c c坦 xu h動畛ng h董i gi畉t khi v畉n hnh khi 畛ng c董 chuy畛n t畛 b動畛c ny sang b動畛c kh叩c. L動畛ng ph但n gi畉i c滴ng b畛 gi畛i h畉n b畛i s畛 c畛c v畉t l箪
  • 6. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 6 m r担to c坦 th畛 c坦. S畛 l動畛ng 畛 ph但n gi畉i (s畛 b動畛c) c坦 th畛 動畛c tng l棚n b畉ng c叩ch thao t叩c d嘆ng i畛n m b畛 i畛u khi畛n g畛i 畉n 畛ng c董 trong m畛i b動畛c. D嘆ng i畛n c坦 th畛 動畛c i畛u ch畛nh 畛 n坦 tr担ng gi畛ng nh動 s坦ng h狸nh sin. The voltage sent to the motor is now a sine wave. The motor for this type of application is generally a permanent magnet brushless DC motor. When the sine wave is sent to the motor at 60 Hz, it will cause the motor shaft to rotate at 72 rpm. The motor windings will require a capacitor to be wired in series for this type of application. i畛n 叩p g畛i 畉n 畛ng c董 b但y gi畛 l m畛t s坦ng h狸nh sin. 畛ng c董 cho lo畉i 畛ng d畛ng ny th動畛ng l 畛ng c董 DC kh担ng ch畛i than nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u. Khi s坦ng h狸nh sin 動畛c g畛i 畉n 畛ng c董 畛 t畉n s畛 60 Hz, n坦 s畉 khi畉n tr畛c 畛ng c董 quay v畛i t畛c 畛 72 v嘆ng / ph炭t. C叩c cu畛n d但y 畛ng c董 s畉 y棚u c畉u m畛t t畛 i畛n 動畛c n畛i ti畉p cho lo畉i thi畉t b畛 ny. Stepper Motor Types by Construction Ph但n lo畉i 畛ng c董 b動畛c b畉ng c畉u t畉o By construction there are 3 different types of stepper motors: permanent magnet stepper, variable reluctance stepper and hybrid synchronous stepper motor. B畉ng c畉u t畉o c坦 3 lo畉i 畛ng c董 b動畛c kh叩c nhau: 畛ng c董 b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u, 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 v 畛ng c董 b動畛c 畛ng b畛 lai.
  • 7. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 7 1/The Permanent Magnet stepper has a permanent magnet rotor which is driven by the stators windings. They create opposite polarity poles compared to the poles of the rotor which propels the rotor. 畛ng c董 b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u c坦 m畛t r担to nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u 動畛c i畛u khi畛n b畛i c叩c cu畛n d但y stato. Ch炭ng t畉o ra c叩c c畛c ph但n c畛c ng動畛c l畉i so v畛i c叩c c畛c c畛a r担to 畉y r担to. The rotor and stator poles of a permanent magnet stepper are not teethed. Instead the rotor have alternative north and south poles parallel to the axis of the rotor shaft. C叩c r担to v c畛c stato c畛a m畛t b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u kh担ng c坦 rng. Thay vo 坦, r担to c坦 c叩c c畛c b畉c v nam thay th畉 song song v畛i tr畛c c畛a tr畛c r担to. 1. AA v BB l 2 pha 2. V畛 畛ng c董 3. C叩c cu畛n d但y 4. Rotor nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u When a stator is energized, it develops electromagnetic poles. The magnetic rotor aligns along the magnetic field of the stator. The other stator is then energized in the sequence so that the rotor moves and aligns itself to the new magnetic field. This way energizing the stators in a fixed sequence rotates the stepper motor by fixed angles. Khi stato 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, n坦 s畉 t畉o thnh c叩c c畛c i畛n t畛. R担to t畛 t鱈nh th畉ng hng d畛c theo t畛 tr動畛ng c畛a stato. Stator kh叩c sau 坦 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng theo tr狸nh t畛 畛 r担to di chuy畛n v t畛 s畉p x畉p theo t畛 tr動畛ng m畛i. C叩ch ny t畉o nng l動畛ng cho c叩c stator theo m畛t tr狸nh t畛 c畛 畛nh lm quay 畛ng c董 b動畛c theo c叩c g坦c c畛 畛nh.
  • 8. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 8 1. C畛c b畉c 2. C畛c nam The resolution of a permanent magnet stepper can be increased by increasing number of poles in the rotor or increasing the number of phases. 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c b動畛c nam ch但m v挑nh c畛u c坦 th畛 動畛c tng l棚n b畉ng c叩ch tng s畛 c畛c trong r担to ho畉c tng s畛 l動畛ng pha. 2/The next type, the Variable Reluctant stepper motor uses a non-magnetizes soft iron rotor.The rotor has teeth that are offset from the stator and as we active the windings in aparticular order the rotor moves respectively so that it has minimum gab between the stator and the teeth of the rotor Lo畉i ti畉p theo, 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 s畛 d畛ng m畛t r担to s畉t m畛m kh担ng t畛 h坦a. R担to c坦 rng 動畛c b湛 t畛 stato v khi ch炭ng ta k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c cu畛n d但y theo th畛 t畛 c叩ch nhau, r担to di chuy畛n t動董ng 畛ng 畛 n坦 c坦 畉u n畛i t畛i thi畛u gi畛a stato v rng c畛a r担to The variable reluctance stepper has a toothed non-magnetic soft iron rotor. When the stator coil is energized the rotor moves to have a minimum gap between the stator and its teeth. 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 c坦 m畛t r担to s畉t m畛m kh担ng t畛 t鱈nh c坦 rng. Khi cu畛n d但y stato 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, r担to di chuy畛n 畛 c坦 m畛t kho畉ng c叩ch t畛i thi畛u gi畛a stato v rng c畛a n坦.
  • 9. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 9 1. AA v BB l 2 pha 2. L探i s畉t non rotor 3. V畛 motor 4. C叩c cu畛n d但y The variable reluctance stepper has a toothed non-magnetic soft iron rotor. When the stator coil is energized the rotor moves to have a minimum gap between the stator and its teeth. 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 c坦 r担to s畉t m畛m kh担ng t畛 t鱈nh c坦 rng. Khi cu畛n d但y stato 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, r担to di chuy畛n 畛 c坦 m畛t kho畉ng c叩ch t畛i thi畛u gi畛a stato v rng c畛a n坦. The teeth of the rotor are designed so that when they are aligned with one stator they get misaligned with the next stator. Now when the next stator is energized, the rotor moves to align its teeth with the next stator. This way energizing stators in a fixed sequence completes the rotation of the step motor. Rng c畛a r担to 動畛c thi畉t k畉 sao cho khi ch炭ng th畉ng hng v畛i m畛t stato, ch炭ng s畉 b畛 l畛ch v畛i stato ti畉p theo. B但y gi畛 khi stato ti畉p theo 動畛c c畉p nng l動畛ng, r担to di chuy畛n 畛 cn ch畛nh rng c畛a n坦 v畛i stato ti畉p theo. C叩ch ny cung c畉p nng l動畛ng cho c叩c stator trong m畛t chu畛i c畛 畛nh hon thnh vi畛c quay 畛ng c董 b動畛c.
  • 10. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 10 The resolution of a variable reluctance stepper can be increased by increasing the number of teeth in the rotor and by increasing the number of phases. 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c bi畉n tr畛 t畛 c坦 th畛 動畛c tng l棚n b畉ng c叩ch tng s畛 l動畛ng rng trong r担to v b畉ng c叩ch tng s畛 l動畛ng pha. 3/The Hybrid Synchronous motor is combinations of the previous two steppers. It has permanent magnet toothed rotor and also a toothed stator. The rotor has two sections, which are opposite in polarity and their teeth are offset as shown here 畛ng c董 畛ng b畛 lai l s畛 k畉t h畛p c畛a hai lo畉i tr動畛c 坦. N坦 c坦 r担to rng v挑nh c畛u v c滴ng l m畛t stato c坦 rng. R担to c坦 hai ph畉n, 畛i di畛n nhau 畛 hai c畛c v rng c畛a ch炭ng 動畛c b湛 tr畛 nh動 th畛 hi畛n nh動 h狸nh This is a front view of a commonly used hybrid stepper motor which has 8 poles on the stator that are activated by 2 windings, A and B. So if we activate the winding A, we will magnetize 4 poles of which two of them will have South polarity and two of them North polarity. 但y l h狸nh 畉nh ph鱈a tr動畛c c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c lai th動畛ng 動畛c s畛 d畛ng c坦 8 c畛c tr棚n stato 動畛c k鱈ch ho畉t b畛i 2 cu畛n
  • 11. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 11 d但y A v B. V狸 v畉y, n畉u ch炭ng ta k鱈ch ho畉t cu畛n d但y A, ch炭ng ta s畉 t畛 h坦a 4 c畛c trong 坦 hai c畛c s畉 c坦 Nam c畛c v hai trong s畛 ch炭ng l B畉c c畛c. We can see that in such a way the rotors teeth are aligned with the teeth of poles A and unaligned with the teeth of the poles B. That means that in the next step when we turn off the A poles and activate the B poles, the rotor will move counter clock wise and its teeth will align with the teeth of the B poles. Ch炭ng ta c坦 th畛 th畉y r畉ng theo c叩ch nh動 v畉y, c叩c rng c畛a r担to 動畛c x畉p th畉ng hng v畛i rng c畛a c畛c A v kh担ng kh畛p v畛i rng c畛a c叩c c畛c B. i畛u 坦 c坦 ngh挑a l trong b動畛c ti畉p theo khi ch炭ng ta t畉t c畛c A v k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c c畛c B, R担to s畉 di chuy畛n ng動畛c chi畛u kim 畛ng h畛 v rng c畛a n坦 s畉 th畉ng hng v畛i rng c畛a c叩c c畛c B. If we keep activating the poles in a particular order the rotor will move continuously. Here we can also use different driving modes like the wave drive, full step drive, half step drive and microstepping for even further increasing the resolution of the stepper motor. N畉u ch炭ng ta ti畉p t畛c k鱈ch ho畉t c叩c c畛c theo m畛t th畛 t畛 c畛 th畛, r担to s畉 di chuy畛n li棚n t畛c. 畛 但y, ch炭ng ta c滴ng c坦 th畛 s畛 d畛ng c叩c ch畉 畛 i畛u khi畛n kh叩c nhau nh動 i畛u khi畛n s坦ng, i畛u khi畛n ton b動畛c, i畛u khi畛n n畛a b動畛c v vi b動畛c 畛 tng th棚m 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畛a 畛ng c董 b動畛c.
  • 12. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 12 How to select stepper motors Ch畛n 畛ng c董 b動畛c nh動 th畉 no First, define the motion profile. This includes such parameters as required positioning time and acceleration/deceleration time. Related factors include the required positioning increments as well as the applications necessary accuracy and resolution. 畉u ti棚n, x叩c 畛nh h畛 s董 chuy畛n 畛ng. i畛u ny bao g畛m c叩c tham s畛 nh動 th畛i gian 畛nh v畛 c畉n thi畉t v th畛i gian tng t畛c / gi畉m t畛c. C叩c y畉u t畛 li棚n quan bao g畛m c叩c m畛c tng 畛nh v畛 c畉n thi畉t c滴ng nh動 畛 ch鱈nh x叩c v 畛 ph但n gi畉i c畉n thi畉t c畛a 畛ng d畛ng. Second, calculate the speed, load inertia, acceleration torque, and load torque requirements with a safety factor. The acceleration torque calculation sometimes tends to be omitted. However, it is a critical factor to consider Th畛 hai, t鱈nh to叩n t畛c 畛, qu叩n t鱈nh t畉i, m担 men gia t畛c v y棚u c畉u m担 men t畉i v畛i h畛 s畛 an ton. Vi畛c t鱈nh to叩n m担 men gia t畛c 担i khi c坦 xu h動畛ng b畛 b畛 qua. Tuy nhi棚n, 但y l m畛t y畉u t畛 quan tr畛ng 畛 xem x辿t Third, select a motor based on the torque and speed requirements by referring to the motors torque-speed curve. Unlike other motors, stepper motors are not rated in wattage. Motor windings can have different current ratings even with the same dimensional size, and the output torque and power varies depending on the winding and speed. Th畛 ba, ch畛n m畛t 畛ng c董 d畛a tr棚n c叩c y棚u c畉u v畛 m担-men xo畉n v t畛c 畛 b畉ng c叩ch tham kh畉o 動畛ng cong t畛c 畛 m担-men xo畉n c畛a m担-t董. Kh担ng gi畛ng nh動 c叩c 畛ng c董 kh叩c, 畛ng c董 b動畛c kh担ng 動畛c 叩nh gi叩 theo c担ng su畉t. Cu畛n d但y 畛ng c董 c坦 th畛 c坦 c叩c x畉p h畉ng hi畛n t畉i kh叩c nhau ngay c畉 v畛i c湛ng k鱈ch th動畛c, v m担-men xo畉n 畉u ra v c担ng su畉t thay 畛i t湛y thu畛c vo cu畛n d但y v t畛c 畛. Applications 畛ng d畛ng Industrial Machines Stepper motors are used in automotive gauges and machine tooling automated production equipments. M叩y c担ng nghi畛p - 畛ng c董 b動畛c 動畛c s畛 d畛ng trong m叩y o 担 t担 v m叩y c担ng c畛 thi畉t b畛 s畉n xu畉t t畛 畛ng
  • 13. B叩o c叩o trang b畛 i畛n trong m叩y c担ng nghi畛p L箪 Gia H畉i Trang 13 Security new surveillance products for the security industry. B畉o m畉t - s畉n ph畉m gi叩m s叩t m畛i cho ngnh an ninh. Medical Stepper motors are used inside medical scanners, samplers, and also found inside digital dental photography, fluid pumps, respirators and blood analysis machinery. Y t畉 - 畛ng c董 b動畛c 動畛c s畛 d畛ng b棚n trong m叩y qu辿t y t畉, m叩y l畉y m畉u v c滴ng 動畛c t狸m th畉y b棚n trong ch畛p 畉nh nha khoa k畛 thu畉t s畛, b董m ch畉t l畛ng, m畉t n畉 ph嘆ng 畛c v m叩y ph但n t鱈ch m叩u. Consumer Electronics Stepper motors in cameras for automatic digital camera focus and zoom functions. i畛n t畛 ti棚u d湛ng - 畛ng c董 b動畛c trong m叩y 畉nh cho ch畛c nng l畉y n辿t v thu ph坦ng camera k畛 thu畉t s畛 t畛 畛ng. Ti li畛u tham kh畉o: https://howtomechatronics.com/how-it-works/electrical-engineering/stepper-motor/ https://www.moonsindustries.com/article/basic-structure-and-operating-principle-of- stepper-motor https://www.engineersgarage.com/articles/stepper-motors https://www.circuitspecialists.com/blog/stepper-motor-modes-of-operation-stepper- motor-controller-overview-and-information-regarding-multi-axis-motion-control/ http://www.ni.com/white-paper/14876/en/ https://www.motioncontroltips.com/key-tips-for-specifying-stepper-motors/ https://www.elprocus.com/stepper-motor-types-advantages-applications/