
ºÝºÝߣShare a Scribd company logo
eccentric realiti
ba rew olf clo th ing

      swatch legend:

       Print Colour                   Product Colour


                       Product Code
Barewolf is a new surf & skate clothing label that was
established in Australia in 2008. Barewolf’s impulsive &
surrealistic visual expressions will leave you with a new
awareness of funk.

This imaginative retro and abstract label draws influence
from the soothing visuals & rhythms of the famous Great
Ocean Road of Victoria, Australia.

Barewolf Clothing separates itself from the rest with its
unique and highly distinctive style. Each Design begins
as a hand painted art piece which is then transformed
into life inspiring apparel.

Owned, designed and printed in Australia.

eccentric realities
dia mo nd

     T-S hir ts:
     Men s:

     0001 -TM      0002 -TM   0003 -TM

     Wom ens :

      0001 -TW     0002 -TW   0003 -TW
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0001 -HM    0002 -HM     0003 -HM

Wom ens :

0001 -HW      0002 -HW   0003 -HW   www.barewolfclothing.com.
tra ns fo rm

     T-S hir ts:
     Men s:

     0004 -TM      0005 -TM   0006 -TM

     Wom ens :

      0004 -TW     0005 -TW   0006 -TW
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0004 -HM    0005 -HM     0006 -HM

Wom ens :

0004 -HW      0005 -HW   0006 -HW   www.barewolfclothing.com.
pu rp le tra ns fo rm

     T-S hir ts:
      Men s:

      0007 -TM     0008 -TM

      Wom ens :

      0007 -TW     0008 -TW
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0007 -HM    0008 -HM     0009 -HM

Wom ens :

0007 -HW      0008 -HW   0009 -HW   www.barewolfclothing.com.
ex plo sio n wo me ns

     T-S hir ts:
     Wom ens :

      0015 -TW     0016 -TW   0017 -TW   0018 -
Ho od ies :
Wom ens :

0016 -HW      0017 -HW   0018 -HW
st rip es

             w w w . b a r e w
      T-S hir ts:
      Men s:

      0012 -TM      0013 -TM   0014 -TM
o l f c l o t h i n g . c o m . a u
 Ho od ies :
 Men s:

 0013 -HM      0014 -HM   0015 -HM
ex plo sio n me ns

     T-S hir ts:
      Men s:

      0015 -TM     0016 -TM   0017 -TM
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0016 -HM   0017 -HM   0018 -HM
tri an gle s

      T-S hir ts:
      Men s:

      0009 -TM      0010 -TM   0011 -TM

      Wom ens :

       0009 -TW     0010 -TW   0011 -TW
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0010 -HM    0011 -HM     0012 -HM

Wom ens :

0010 -HW      0011 -HW   0012 -HW   www.barewolfclothing.com.
dia mo nd scr ipt

     T-S hir ts:
     Men s:

     0019 -TM      0020 -TM

     Wom ens :

      0019 -TW     0020 -TW
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0019 -HM    0020 -HM     0021 -HM

Wom ens :

0019 -HW      0020 -HW   0021 -HW   www.barewolfclothing.com.
ba rew olf scr ipt

     T-S hir ts:
     Men s:

     0021 -TM      0022 -TM

     Wom ens :

      0021 -TW     0022 -TW
Ho od ies :
Men s:

0022 -HM    0023 -HM     0024 -HM

Wom ens :

0022 -HW      0023 -HW   0024 -HW   www.barewolfclothing.com.
Con tact Deta ils:

David Tanis
Direc tor
0414 185 906
sales @barewol fcloth ing.c om.a u

www.bare wolfc lothin g.co m.au

Copyrig ht & Leg al Deta ils:
The Barewolf Cloth ing logo and desig ns are
regis tered trade mark s. Barewolf Cloth ing reser ves all
copy right s.

No part of this cata log may be repro duce d in any
form exce pt where you obta in the prior writte n
cons ent of Barewolf Cloth ing.

Cre dits :
Print Desig n & Marketing Proje ct Man agem ent

 FEM Produ ction s
 www.fem- prod uctio ns.co m
Barewolf Catalog
Barewolf Catalog

More Related Content

Barewolf Catalog

  • 1. ING CLOTH es eccentric realiti
  • 2. ba rew olf clo th ing swatch legend: Print Colour Product Colour 0001-TM Product Code
  • 3. Barewolf is a new surf & skate clothing label that was established in Australia in 2008. Barewolf’s impulsive & surrealistic visual expressions will leave you with a new awareness of funk. This imaginative retro and abstract label draws influence from the soothing visuals & rhythms of the famous Great Ocean Road of Victoria, Australia. Barewolf Clothing separates itself from the rest with its unique and highly distinctive style. Each Design begins as a hand painted art piece which is then transformed into life inspiring apparel. Owned, designed and printed in Australia. eccentric realities
  • 4. dia mo nd T-S hir ts: Men s: 0001 -TM 0002 -TM 0003 -TM Wom ens : 0001 -TW 0002 -TW 0003 -TW
  • 5. Ho od ies : Men s: 0001 -HM 0002 -HM 0003 -HM Wom ens : 0001 -HW 0002 -HW 0003 -HW www.barewolfclothing.com. au
  • 6. tra ns fo rm T-S hir ts: Men s: 0004 -TM 0005 -TM 0006 -TM Wom ens : 0004 -TW 0005 -TW 0006 -TW
  • 7. Ho od ies : Men s: 0004 -HM 0005 -HM 0006 -HM Wom ens : 0004 -HW 0005 -HW 0006 -HW www.barewolfclothing.com. au
  • 8. pu rp le tra ns fo rm T-S hir ts: Men s: 0007 -TM 0008 -TM Wom ens : 0007 -TW 0008 -TW
  • 9. Ho od ies : Men s: 0007 -HM 0008 -HM 0009 -HM Wom ens : 0007 -HW 0008 -HW 0009 -HW www.barewolfclothing.com. au
  • 10. ex plo sio n wo me ns T-S hir ts: Wom ens : 0015 -TW 0016 -TW 0017 -TW 0018 - TW
  • 11. Ho od ies : Wom ens : 0016 -HW 0017 -HW 0018 -HW
  • 12. st rip es w w w . b a r e w T-S hir ts: Men s: 0012 -TM 0013 -TM 0014 -TM
  • 13. o l f c l o t h i n g . c o m . a u Ho od ies : Men s: 0013 -HM 0014 -HM 0015 -HM
  • 14. ex plo sio n me ns T-S hir ts: Men s: 0015 -TM 0016 -TM 0017 -TM
  • 15. Ho od ies : Men s: 0016 -HM 0017 -HM 0018 -HM
  • 16. tri an gle s T-S hir ts: Men s: 0009 -TM 0010 -TM 0011 -TM Wom ens : 0009 -TW 0010 -TW 0011 -TW
  • 17. Ho od ies : Men s: 0010 -HM 0011 -HM 0012 -HM Wom ens : 0010 -HW 0011 -HW 0012 -HW www.barewolfclothing.com. au
  • 18. dia mo nd scr ipt T-S hir ts: Men s: 0019 -TM 0020 -TM Wom ens : 0019 -TW 0020 -TW
  • 19. Ho od ies : Men s: 0019 -HM 0020 -HM 0021 -HM Wom ens : 0019 -HW 0020 -HW 0021 -HW www.barewolfclothing.com. au
  • 20. ba rew olf scr ipt T-S hir ts: Men s: 0021 -TM 0022 -TM Wom ens : 0021 -TW 0022 -TW
  • 21. Ho od ies : Men s: 0022 -HM 0023 -HM 0024 -HM Wom ens : 0022 -HW 0023 -HW 0024 -HW www.barewolfclothing.com. au
  • 22. Con tact Deta ils: David Tanis Direc tor 0414 185 906 sales @barewol fcloth ing.c om.a u www.bare wolfc lothin g.co m.au Copyrig ht & Leg al Deta ils: The Barewolf Cloth ing logo and desig ns are regis tered trade mark s. Barewolf Cloth ing reser ves all copy right s. No part of this cata log may be repro duce d in any form exce pt where you obta in the prior writte n cons ent of Barewolf Cloth ing. Cre dits : Print Desig n & Marketing Proje ct Man agem ent FEM Produ ction s www.fem- prod uctio ns.co m