Barista Lavazza sponsors local music and cooking shows, as well as larger global events like Wimbledon and Vogue fashion nights. The document discusses expanding these sponsorships, suggesting Barista could sponsor classical music shows, book launches and festivals at its stores, as well as larger sports tournaments, TV shows, and cooking reality shows to increase its visibility.
3. Scope for Other sponsorships
Barista has sponsored
local music events in
the past
Barista Lavazza can
sponsor music shows
on a larger scale
Hard Rock Caf辿 is one
example of music
themed store and
sponsors music event
Classical music shows
can be sponsored by
Barista without
deviating from its core
4. Scope for Other sponsorships
Shobha De launching her
book at barista store
Many book
organized at
Barista stores
It can explore
this area
For example
Book shows
and festivals
5. Scope for Other sponsorships
Sports events and
TV programs
provides far greater
TV reality shows can
be a product
Sponsoring popular
sports tournaments
could provide
greater visibility
Sponsoring cooking
reality shows like
master chef can also
provide an