This document discusses barrier management and the Synergi Life Barrier Management module. It explains that barriers help companies manage safety and prevent major accidents. The module helps identify human, technical, and organizational barriers and manage them to secure safe operations. It monitors barrier integrity over time, rates barriers as fully functional, degraded, or unacceptable, and provides dashboards and reports to support decision making across multiple organizational levels.
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Barrier Management Module
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Barrier Management Module
Effective barrier management
There has been an increasing awareness of the importance of
effective barrier management to prevent major accidents from
happening. Still, major accidents continue to occur, with vast
consequences to people, the environment, assets and produc-
tivity. Investigations have proven that root causes of serious ac-
cidents or threats to stable operations are a result of degraded
barriers or lack of barriers. Quite often, early indications of
degraded barriers could have contributed to proactive imple-
mentation of better controls and mitigations.
The Barrier Management module in Synergi Life helps compa-
nies identify human, technical and organizational barriers, and
to manage those barriers in order to secure stable, safe and
predictable operations.
Setting the baseline
Barriers as a means to manage safety have been a focus in many
industries for decades. They are often explained by use of the
Swiss cheese model, where layers of barriers are seen as cheese
slices, and the holes represent the weaknesses of each bar-
rier. The principle of a system that relies on barriers to achieve
safety is that a series of preventive barriers have been created to
prevent potential threats from escalating into a major accident,
often referred to as top events. They are also explained by use
of bowtie diagrams.
The bowtie diagram shows preventive barriers on one side of
a top event, and on the other side it shows a series of mitiga-
tion barriers that are put in place to mitigate the consequences
should a top event occur. The connections between the threats,
Creating line of site
2. DNV GL AS,, September 2015
top events, barriers and potential effects of accidents are visual-
ized in Swiss cheese or bowtie diagrams.
Live bowties and barrier dashboards
However, barriers are not static. Their performance at any time
will deviate from the original expected performance. This devia-
tion can be adverse, where the barrier performance is degrad-
ed, but it might also be positive, and the barrier performs better
than expected. At any given point the true likelihood of an
event and the magnitude of the consequences are a function of
the performance of all the barriers in the chain.
In the Synergi Life Barrier Management module we have created
a framework to monitor the integrity of barriers and to support
the implementation of actionable elements to maintain the
intended integrity level.
Starting on the level of a single barrier, your organization is
equipped with a tool to monitor the integrity of organizational,
technical and operational barriers against the given perfor-
mance criteria in their operational context. Based on given
criteria, barriers are rated as fully functional, degraded or
unacceptable. The integrity level can be affected by information
coming from other Synergi Life modules audits, inspections,
near-misses, accident investigations, change processes or other
systems, such as maintenance, human resources or ERP.
From an operational point of view, those responsible for the
barriers will be tasked to respond on changes in integrity level
and to monitor the overall performance of the barrier system.
Synergi Life provides aggregated information into live bowties,
dashboards and reports. These represent information relevant
for decision support on a single accident scenario, on a site lev-
el, or aggregated into higher level where benchmarks between
sites and organizational units are visible.
Creating the line of sight
This integrated system of dashboards and drill-down function-
alities create a line of sight from a corporate perspective down
to various operational contexts, individual barrier performance,
action plans and improvement work.
Want to learn more about the Barrier Management module?
Please contact
Synergi Life Barrier Management - Full bow tie diagram with integrity levels and relevant connections.