The document discusses various barriers to communication and potential IT solutions to overcome them, including:
1) Background noise can be mitigated using headphones for calls and meetings on programs like Skype.
2) Distractions during presentations can be reduced using door swipe cards and locks.
3) Language barriers can be addressed using portable translation devices that speak translations.
4) Lack of concentration can be improved by providing all audience members with headphones.
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Barriers to cummunication and mechanism to over come them
2. Background Noises
• The background noise is one of the most common barriers to communicate
effectively, background noise includes any single noise produced by third-parties
like other people or machines or even a nature.
• The IT equipment we could used to over come this barrier would probably be
headphones like for example if we make an international or inter-office call or
meeting by using Skype or similar programme use of headphones might be great
way of over coming the background noises as if you have good headphones you
wont be able to even hear them background noises.
• Skype is great way of communicating between company offices as is practically
free as long as you call to other computer with Skype on the only time you pay is
when you want to call someone’s phone or get many different people with
webcam into one conversation.
3. Distraction
• Distraction: such as someone walking into a meeting late or leaving unexpectedly. The arrival
of the tea trolley or mobile phone beeping can interrupt the flow of thought of an audience
and momentarily they could stop listening to you. As soon as that happens, communication
will falter and you as the speaker might feel the need to repeat part of the message.
• The use of IT equipment might be essential here as probably no one wants his presentation
being distracted by some random person walking in. The kind of things you could use here in
order to make sure no one or nothing will distract your presentation could be a simple swipe
cards and a lock on the doors of the room you making a presentation in. What I mean is that
if someone is late or someone is trying to get into the room that shouldn’t really be there this
person wont be able to get in without a right swipe card the magnetic lock will not open.
• Usually the simplest swipe card systems cost around £120 for cards and one swipe lock.
4. Language
• Because People Speak different languages it is very hard to communicate probably
its is very important to find the way to over come this barrier for business that
work around the world.
• I did search and I find out that there is actually a machine similar to a normal
phone which you can use as a translator it. It works by you speaking to it in for
example English and it translates it to other language and it actually says it in the
other language as well so not only you can translate easy but it also penance's it as
it should be, the cost of it is only around £50-£100 also you can download it on
some phones as a app but it is still best to buy a machine made especially for it
5. Lack of concentration
• Lack of concentration can be a huge problem while communicating, if the
person you’re talking to doesn’t concentrate on what are you saying then
they wont get anything out of that conversation.
• The way to overcome this barrier is quite easy for example in the
presentation when you need people to be concentrating on you might give
out headphones to every one so they hear only you so their whole
attention is concentrated on you. The price of microphone is only £30
maximum and the simple headphones wont be expensive as well.
6. Poor proofreading
This might be a problem as if people communicate in wrong way as in use wrong
words or maybe they might be doing a presentation and they spell the sentences
wrong it might be a barrier for other people in order to understand their ideas.
If people got problems with spelling and their grammar they might be interested in
using a voice to text devices where they talk to the device and it writes down what
they said and it also checks the spelling and grammar this is really useful for people
that might have dyslexia. The cost of that kind of thing is not much as it comes with
applications for the iPhone and for many different phones so there is no need of
buying device just for that.
7. Alternative viewpoints
• This can lead to a communication problems as it can make people argue with each
other over their viewpoints. If there is a major event or presentation upcoming
and people will have different viewpoint on the topic you might get everyone to
send you an email describing their viewpoints and so you will know what not to
say and in a case of argument you can stop it.
• Another way of overcoming this barrier might be use of blogger by making a blog
within the company where people can post they different view points and discuss
them there is many features on the blogger that can be used for that purpose like
for example you can make a private blog so that way no one from outside the
company can access it
8. Disability
There might be people that are disabled by different illnesses like being deaf or mute ,
in order to help those people at work you might buy machine called ‘’dectalk dtc01’’
DECtalk can be used as part of a speech generating device for those unable to speak. A
notable user is Stephen Hawking, who is unable to speak due to a combination of
severe disabilities caused by ALS as well as an emergency tracheotomy. Hawking has
used a version of the DECtalk voice synthesizer for several years and has come to be
associated with the unique voice of the device. For example the used device costs
around $700 so it’s a good long term investment as people that normally wont be able
to communicate they will be while using this device.