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By Bartek Żebrowski
The most important factors affecting the climate in Poland:
- Location in the temperate zone of the northern hemispheredominated winds associated with the circulation of low-pressure
- Sea spans the continent from the north, west, south and entering
between the peninsulas
- The warm currents of the North Sea, Norwegian
- The neighborhood of East Asia
- Advantage mountain ranges arranged latitudinal
- Deployment of high-pressure and low-pressure centers and their
changes with the seasons
- Distribution and movements of atmospheric fronts
Poland lies in a temperate climate transition.
There are six seasons climate throughout the year
- Early spring (mean daily temperature from 0 to 5 ° C)
- Spring (mean daily temperature from 5 to 15 º C)
- Summer (mean daily temperature of 15 º C)
- Autumn (mean daily temperature from 5 to 15 º C)
- Early winter (mean daily temperature from 0 to 5 ° C)
- Winter (average daily temperature below 0 ° C)
Bartek Żebrowski
Annual rainfall is between
550mm to 800mm.
The winds in Poland are weak to moderate. Strong and very
strong winds are at the seaside (causing storms) and in the
south Poland (halny).
In Poland during a summer sometimes is raining, it
hails and are thunderstorms. Hardly never are
In the winter is often snowing and there is hoarfrost sometimes
in the morning.
The warmest region in Poland is Dolny Śląsk in the
south west. Temperature is about 24[°C] to 30[°C].
The coldest city is Suwałki. Temperature is beteen -6
[°C] to [°C].
Over the last 1000 years Poland climate has had
important changes for example in 12th centry
grapes were grown in many regions. Today only
around Zielona Góra region they are grow. There
is one small vineyard.

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Bartek Żebrowski

  • 2. The most important factors affecting the climate in Poland: - Location in the temperate zone of the northern hemispheredominated winds associated with the circulation of low-pressure (cyclone) - Sea spans the continent from the north, west, south and entering between the peninsulas - The warm currents of the North Sea, Norwegian - The neighborhood of East Asia - Advantage mountain ranges arranged latitudinal - Deployment of high-pressure and low-pressure centers and their changes with the seasons - Distribution and movements of atmospheric fronts Poland lies in a temperate climate transition.
  • 3. There are six seasons climate throughout the year - Early spring (mean daily temperature from 0 to 5 ° C) - Spring (mean daily temperature from 5 to 15 º C) - Summer (mean daily temperature of 15 º C) - Autumn (mean daily temperature from 5 to 15 º C) - Early winter (mean daily temperature from 0 to 5 ° C) - Winter (average daily temperature below 0 ° C)
  • 5. Annual rainfall is between 550mm to 800mm.
  • 6. The winds in Poland are weak to moderate. Strong and very strong winds are at the seaside (causing storms) and in the south Poland (halny).
  • 7. In Poland during a summer sometimes is raining, it hails and are thunderstorms. Hardly never are tornados.
  • 8. In the winter is often snowing and there is hoarfrost sometimes in the morning.
  • 9. The warmest region in Poland is Dolny Śląsk in the south west. Temperature is about 24[°C] to 30[°C].
  • 10. The coldest city is Suwałki. Temperature is beteen -6 [°C] to [°C].
  • 11. Over the last 1000 years Poland climate has had important changes for example in 12th centry grapes were grown in many regions. Today only around Zielona Góra region they are grow. There is one small vineyard.