The author created a base map of their property by measuring it with a tape measure and noting features like the location of utilities. They realized they had more space than they thought, like room for additional planting beds. One challenge is locating the sewer line. The author is pleased with the size of their yard and possibilities it provides, though they wish for an additional water hookup and access on one side of the house.
2. +
The Easy Way
I began my basemapping project the easy way, attempting to
use Google Earth. However, the program would not let me
zoom in close enough on my home. Whenever the scale got
below 1=30 it would switch to ground view. Even if I had
been able to zoom in enough, there is too much cover due to
trees in the back yard. Finally, many renovations and minor
landscaping had been done in the past two years, so the map
may not have been completely accurate regardless. I was
going to have to measure my property.
3. +
I found a map from a
professional surveyor that I had
been given upon purchasing
my home. This map outlined
property boundaries and
features of the existing home
structure. The downsides:
The scale was 1 = 20 and I
needed to create a base map
with a scale of 1 = 10, for my
property is not that large!
Landscape features are not
Downspouts and water hookups
are not labeled.
4. +
I took a measuring tape outside to measure the distance of new
features Ive added since moving in, such as the fire pit, raised
bed and planters.
I observed where there are electrical hookups, water hookups,
and downspouts on the house.
6. +
I learned
I didnt realize how much space I really do have! My backyard
looks large but when plotted on the base map it looks gigantic!
My one raised bed takes up hardly an room. Plus I have space
on the side of the house and in front that can be used.
7. +
Im not sure how to go about finding my sewer line. Im sure
this exists on the property but dont know if there are signs to
look for or ways to go about discovering it without digging! My
guess is that the sewer line is in the back left corner of the
house, as that is where both bathrooms are.
8. +
Im feeling great about my site! Since Im basically undertaking
the landscaping/gardening/homesteading on my own, I really can
only do so much and have to keep my goals realistic. It seems
like I have more than enough space if anything Im overwhelmed
by the possibilities my large yard provides me.
I wish I had one more water hook-up on the back right corner of
the house. This would make it easier to water the back yard.
Im intrigued by all the space on the left (south) side of the home. I
love the little alcove the fence forms and would like to do
something with it. A potting bench? A little herb garden? A small
dining table? I do, however, wish that there was a door on that
side of the house or that our deck had stair leading down on both