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Bash levi ppp
From The cereal you ate this morning, the shirt on your back, to the dog food 
your pouring in its bowl. They all had an unconscious pull that led you to bring 
them into your life.
Color, image placement, wording, a visual 
dialog has been ingrained in us since birth.
Mastering these ideas and uses is an 
industry that has been on the rise and has 
no sign of slowing.
An industry devoted to controlling your mind, 
influencing your decisions, and influencing 
where and how your money will be spent.
Entering this profession has become a 
passion and driving force behind my life 
and is about to become my career.
My name is Levi bash, a graphic 
Graphic design wasnt my first choice in 
a career but after realizing that 
business wasnt my path
Designing ads is what my future holds
Being apart f something that millions 
of people will see has been a dream of 
mine for along time. 
advances in technology http://levi-tiny.format.is com/ 
a necessity in 
this industry, keeping ahead of the 
curve is essential to stay relevant in 
While contending for peoples interest 
new mediums are always becoming 
readily available
designs are always needing to change 
and advance with the advancing 
I have always loved learning new ways 
to use existing and the innovations that 
come with new technologies.
With technology it helps me be creative 
in many different outlets
As I learn how to create in these new 
applications it allows me to show my 
As my abilities grow and expand I will 
be able to show my worth in this 
Making a name for myself has always 
been ingrained into my mind
Your work is a reflection of yourself.
No matter how small or remedial the 
job you do your best reflection on 
Not only are you doing these things for 
other people but for yourself.
Creative, authentic, 

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