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Standard Deviation
Bell Curve
Simple Interest
Compound Interest
The Standard Deviation is a measure of
how spread out numbers are.
Its symbol is  (the greek letter sigma)
Basic mathematics by our Northpointer Srishti B
The shape of the normal distribution is
symmetric and unimodal. It is called
the bell-shaped or Gaussian distribution
after its inventor, Gauss.
There is a simple interpretation of .
68.27 % of the population fall
between 亮賊1
95.45 % of the population fall
between 亮賊2
99.73 % of the population fall
between 亮賊3
Basic mathematics by our Northpointer Srishti B
Basic mathematics by our Northpointer Srishti B
The year-over-year growth rate of
an investment over a specified period; c
alculated by taking the (N)th root
of the total percentage growth rate,
where (N) is the number of years in the
period being considered.
Basic mathematics by our Northpointer Srishti B

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Basic mathematics by our Northpointer Srishti B

  • 1. Standard Deviation Bell Curve Simple Interest Compound Interest CAGR
  • 2. The Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out numbers are. Its symbol is (the greek letter sigma)
  • 4. The shape of the normal distribution is symmetric and unimodal. It is called the bell-shaped or Gaussian distribution after its inventor, Gauss.
  • 5. There is a simple interpretation of . 68.27 % of the population fall between 亮賊1 95.45 % of the population fall between 亮賊2 99.73 % of the population fall between 亮賊3
  • 8. The year-over-year growth rate of an investment over a specified period; c alculated by taking the (N)th root of the total percentage growth rate, where (N) is the number of years in the period being considered.