On these slides I have explained visual design principles and UI design best practices. This will help you to improve your visualization and UI Designing skills.
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Basic Visual Design Principles and UI Design Best Practices
2. Why Visual Communication is so important?
In day to day life we all are
creating some kind of visual
It can be a Business
presentation slide, application
dashboard, a simple data
table, brochure, leaflet or any
kind of visual communication
In these slides I am going to
tell you the best practice that
you can use to improve your
visual communication
3. 8/22/2016
Bandwidth of Senses
Sensory bandwidths reaching sub-conscious
and conscious mind, from Tor Norretranders'
The User Illusion. Visualization from Stephen
Fews Information Dashboard Design
According to Tor N淡rretranders a
Danish author of Popular Science.
Among our all senses visual sense
plays an important role. Then
touch, hearing, smell then voice.
So to improve communication we
need to understand how the
visual system works
6. Gestalt principles of perception
The researchers at the
Gestalt School of
Psychology recognized
that we organize what
we see in particular
ways in an effort to
make sense of it. Their
work resulted in a
collection of Gestalt
principles of
perception that reveal
those visual
characteristics that
incline us to group
objects together.
7. Proximity
Elements that are close together are
perceived to be more related than
elements that are farther together
9. Enclosure
We perceive objects as belonging
together when they are enclosed by
anything that forms a visual border
around them (for example, a line or a
common field of color).
10. Closure
The principle of closure applies when
we tend to see complete figures
even when part of the information is
13. Usage of color in data visualization
Data-Ink ratio is a concept introduced
by Edward Tufte, one of the earliest
experts in the field of data
visualization. In his 1983 book, The
Visual Display of Quantitative
Information, he says A large share
of ink on a graphic should present
data-information, the ink changing
as the data change. Data-ink is the
non-erasable core of a graphic, the
non-redundant ink arranged in
response to variation in the numbers
14. What is User Interface UI
The user interface is the means by which the user and a computer system
interact, in particular the use of input devices and software.
15. A User Interface
is like A Joke.
If you have to explain it,
its not that good.
16. Quality Of Design Is An Indicator Of Credibility
One interesting finding of these studies is that users really do judge a book by its cover or rather, a website
by its design. Elements such as layout, consistency, typography, color and style all affect how users perceive
your website and what kind of image you project. Your website should project not only a good image but also
the right one for your audience.
Which one is more credible/ trustworthy?
17. Gutenberg Diagram, Z-Pattern,
And F-Pattern
The Gutenberg Rule is used to show a user
behavior known as reading gravity, the
western habit of reading left-to-right, top-to-
It is represented by dividing the visible
content area in 4 quadrants:
18. Human Mind is a signle channel Processor
Dont Confuse with so many options...
increasing the number of choices will
increase the decision time logarithmically.
Hick's law, or the HickHyman Law,
named after British and American
psychologists William Edmund Hick and
Ray Hyman, describes the time it takes
for a person to make a decision as a
result of the possible choices he or she
Users have very little capacity for
processing information. Too much
information/functionally bunched
together does not work.
19. Users have very little capacity for
processing information. Too much
information/functionally bunched
together does not work. Use ample
space between on-screen object to
allow easy visual processing
Avoid Information Overload
20. Ad more value to content above the page.
Web users spend 80% of their time looking at information above the page
fold. Although users do scroll, they allocate only 20% of their attention below
the fold.
Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/scrolling-and-attention/
21. Banner Blindness
Jacob Nielsen
Users tend to ignore everything that looks like advertisement, what is
interesting, they're pretty good at it. Although advertisement is noticed, it is
almost ignored. So be careful with these elements
In 1997, I chose to suppress a similar finding: users tend to click on banner
ads that look like dialog boxes, complete with fake OK and Cancel buttons. Of
course, instead of being an actual system message such as "Your Internet
Connection Is Not Optimized" the banner is just a picture of a dialog box,
and clicking its close box doesn't dismiss it, but rather takes users to the
advertiser's site. Deceptive, unethical, and #3 among themost-hated
advertising techniques. Still, fake dialog boxes got many more clicks than
regular banners, which users had already started to ignore in 1997.
Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/banner-blindness-old-and-new-findings/
22. 45% of users give up
if registration is hard
In a Study provided by Adaptive Path10, Bank
of America conducted research into why they
were falling behind their competition. The
outcome of this project was a huge success
due to a drastic change in usability.
23. Too many alignment points also add visual
complexity. Reduce alignment to as few as
possible, aiding mobile users
Minimize Anlignment
24. Labels Placement
"Input elements should be organized in logical groups so that your brain can process the form layout in chunks of related
Comparison: http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1502
25. Blue Is The Best Color For Links
People expect certain things to be the same, such as link colors, the location of the websites logo, the
behavior of tabbed navigation and so on.
Google keeps all links on its websites blue for a reason: the color is familiar to most users, which makes it
easy to locate.
26. people have a very low tolerance
for buggy apps.
79 % of users reported that
they would only retry an app
once or twice if it failed to
work the first time
27. 80% of apps are deleted after
one use
A successful app also needs to
meet users expectations (in
terms of content and value).
28. I have no plan to return to the site again, making a one-time purchase or a gift purchase.
I dont want a site to save my personal information.
I dont like registration process.
Frustrated with remembering usernames and passwords for all the sites I visit.
Dont FORCE Users to
Usability Research Findings
I dont like to register. If