4. Hello! I would like to have a double room.
Hei! Haluaisin kahden hengen huoneen.
How many nights? Kuinka monta y旦t辰?
Two. Kaksi.
Hi! I would like to have a single room. Moi! Haluaisin yhden hengen huoneen
And how many nights? Ja montako y旦t辰?
Well, one night only. No, yks y旦 vaan.
Fill in this registration card. T辰yt辰 t辰m辰 matkustajakortti.
Sorry, I don't understand.
Can you repeat, please.
Anteeksi, en ymm辰rr辰.
Voitko toistaa?
Registration card.
Fill it in, please.
T辰yt辰 se.
Where do you live? Miss辰 s辰 asut?
What kind of a room do you have at the hotel? Millainen huone sulla on hotellissa?
What kind of a flat do you have? Millainen asunto sulla on?
How many rooms do you have? Montako huonetta sulla on?