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Basics for Social Media
& Blogging
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla
Presented by: Jenny Chawla aka Dipti Chawla
Presented at: Utkarsh Foundation - Women On
Web Event
Date: 9/1/2015
What is a Blog?
 A blog is a frequently updated online
personal journal or diary. It is a place to
express yourself to the world. A place
to share your thoughts and your
passions. Really, its anything you want
it to be. For our purposes well say that
a blog is your own website that you are
going to update on an ongoing basis.
Blog is a short form for the word
weblog and the two words are used
 Example : wwwjennychawla.com
(Personal Blog)
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 2
Lets Learn -Terminology
 Blog (noun)  a journal or diary that is
on the Internet.
 Blogger (noun)  a person who keeps a
blog  Bloggers are revolutionizing the
way news is shared.
 Blog (verb)  to write a blog  I am
going to blog before breakfast this
 Blogging (verb)  the action of writing
a blog  Blogging is my way of sharing
my passions with the world.
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 3
Who Blogs?
 So who are these fearless people who would be willing to post about their lives in as
public a forum as the Internet?They are people just like you. Once the haven of
technical know-it-alls, blogging has suddenly caught-on as a legitimate hobby and has
entered the mainstream. Every day millions of people, some of whom have no
technical ability whatsoever, write on their blogs.
 To meet this demand some amazing tools have been created that will allow anyone,
even people with very little knowledge of computers, to have their own blog. If you
can find your way onto the Internet and follow some basic instructions you can have
your own blog. Its just that easy.
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 4
Why Do People Blog?
 So you may be asking why anyone would want to have their own blog.We believe the answer lies in
the fact that every human has a voice and wishes their voice to be heard.The Internet is a medium
that is unparalleled in its reach. Never before have average people like you or me been able to reach a
global audience with so little trouble. Bloggers have the opportunity of reaching hundreds or even
thousands of people each and every day.
 There are still many people who like to share the details of their days.They may post twenty or thirty
times a day, detailing when they ate lunch and when they headed home from work.On the other
hand there are bloggers who give almost no detail about their lives, but write instead about a hobby
or interest of theirs.They may dedicate their blog to something they are passionate about.
 In fact, todays blogs can provide hair tips, up-to-date news, technical information, celebrity
scandal, political rumor, gets people involved in volunteering, advice on investments as well as there
being blogs on cooking, health, gardening, sport, blogging blogs (this blog) and of course many
personal blogs and quite a few strange blogs.
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 5
Lets MakeYour First Blog and start the
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 6
How to create
your own Free
Blog using your
Gmail Account on
WOW Event by Utkarsh -
Presentation by Jenny Chawla
- Create New Blog!
- Lets Go Practical!
What is Social Media?
 Social media are computer-
mediated tools that allow people to
create, share, or exchange
information, career interests, ideas,
and pictures/videos in virtual
communities and networks.
 In general terms, social media is your
whatsapp, facebook, twitter, Google
Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn,
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 8
What is Facebook?
 Facebook needs no introduction, we all knew about it.
 Table of Contents
 The Menu Bar
 Your Homepage
 Your Profile Page
 Your Friends Page
 Facebook Business Page
 Your Inbox
 A Word of Caution
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 9
What isTwitter?
 Twitter is an information network
made up of 140-character messages
calledTweets. It's an easy way to
discover the latest news related to
subjects you care about.
 Twitter contains information you will
find valuable. Messages from users you
choose to follow will show up on your
home page for you to read. Its like
being delivered a newspaper whose
headlines youll always find interesting
 you can discover news as its
happening, learn more about topics
that are important to you, and get the
inside scoop in real time.
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 10
What is Pinterest?
 Pinterest is a social network that allows users
to visually share, and discover new interests
by posting (known as 'pinning' on Pinterest)
images or videos to their own or others'
boards (i.e. a collection of 'pins,' usually with a
common theme) and browsing what other
users have pinned.
 A social media site built around the concept of
sharing photos, Pinterest users can pin
photos to their boards for sharing with other
users. With a predominantly female audience,
Pinterest is a popular place to share photos for
wedding planning, home redecorating,
recipes, vacation destinations, and books.
However, despite popular belief, your
business doesnt need to be product-based in
order take advantage of the benefits that
Pinterest offers.
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 11
What is Instagram?
 Instagram is an online mobile photo-
sharing, video-sharing and social
networking service that enables its
users to take pictures and videos, and
share them on a variety of social
networking platforms, such as
Facebook,Twitter,Tumblr and Flickr.
 Photo Sharing, Photo Manipulation,
Social, Finding People to Follow,, The
photographs, A running
documentary of your life,The
Community, An Education on our
Shared Humanity,
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 12
What is Google + ?
 Google+  or Google Plus  is a
social network from Google. Some
of its tools and features come from
existing services and platforms, such
as the Picasa photo storing and
sharing platform. Some of the
features are similar to other popular
social networks and micro-blogging
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 13
Advantage of Social Media : Be A
Smart Woman
 quick and easy (simply login on
computer/mobile app)
 fast access to a large and diverse
 typically free for most features
(which is great for
 not limited due to geography
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 14
Advantage of Social Media : Be A
Smart Woman
 quick and easy (simply login on
computer/mobile app)
 fast access to a large and diverse
 typically free for most features
(which is great for
 not limited due to geography
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 15
And GrowYourself!
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 16
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 17
Presented by: Jenny Chawla ( Founder at Socialsoupz- Digital Marketing Agency)
Presented at: Utkarsh Foundation -Women OnWeb Event
Date: 9/1/2015
Email: jennychawla99@gmail.com
WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 18

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Basics of Blogging & Social Media for WOW Training by Socialsoupz

  • 1. Basics for Social Media & Blogging WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla Presented by: Jenny Chawla aka Dipti Chawla Presented at: Utkarsh Foundation - Women On Web Event Date: 9/1/2015
  • 2. What is a Blog? A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your passions. Really, its anything you want it to be. For our purposes well say that a blog is your own website that you are going to update on an ongoing basis. Blog is a short form for the word weblog and the two words are used interchangeably. Example : wwwjennychawla.com (Personal Blog) WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 2
  • 3. Lets Learn -Terminology Blog (noun) a journal or diary that is on the Internet. Blogger (noun) a person who keeps a blog Bloggers are revolutionizing the way news is shared. Blog (verb) to write a blog I am going to blog before breakfast this morning. Blogging (verb) the action of writing a blog Blogging is my way of sharing my passions with the world. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 3
  • 4. Who Blogs? So who are these fearless people who would be willing to post about their lives in as public a forum as the Internet?They are people just like you. Once the haven of technical know-it-alls, blogging has suddenly caught-on as a legitimate hobby and has entered the mainstream. Every day millions of people, some of whom have no technical ability whatsoever, write on their blogs. To meet this demand some amazing tools have been created that will allow anyone, even people with very little knowledge of computers, to have their own blog. If you can find your way onto the Internet and follow some basic instructions you can have your own blog. Its just that easy. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 4
  • 5. Why Do People Blog? So you may be asking why anyone would want to have their own blog.We believe the answer lies in the fact that every human has a voice and wishes their voice to be heard.The Internet is a medium that is unparalleled in its reach. Never before have average people like you or me been able to reach a global audience with so little trouble. Bloggers have the opportunity of reaching hundreds or even thousands of people each and every day. There are still many people who like to share the details of their days.They may post twenty or thirty times a day, detailing when they ate lunch and when they headed home from work.On the other hand there are bloggers who give almost no detail about their lives, but write instead about a hobby or interest of theirs.They may dedicate their blog to something they are passionate about. In fact, todays blogs can provide hair tips, up-to-date news, technical information, celebrity scandal, political rumor, gets people involved in volunteering, advice on investments as well as there being blogs on cooking, health, gardening, sport, blogging blogs (this blog) and of course many personal blogs and quite a few strange blogs. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 5
  • 6. Lets MakeYour First Blog and start the drive! WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 6
  • 7. How to create your own Free Blog using your Gmail Account on blogger? WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 7 - Create New Blog! - Lets Go Practical!
  • 8. What is Social Media? Social media are computer- mediated tools that allow people to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. In general terms, social media is your whatsapp, facebook, twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 8
  • 9. What is Facebook? Facebook needs no introduction, we all knew about it. Table of Contents The Menu Bar Your Homepage Your Profile Page Your Friends Page Facebook Business Page Your Inbox Chat Applications Notifications Settings A Word of Caution WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 9
  • 10. What isTwitter? Twitter is an information network made up of 140-character messages calledTweets. It's an easy way to discover the latest news related to subjects you care about. Twitter contains information you will find valuable. Messages from users you choose to follow will show up on your home page for you to read. Its like being delivered a newspaper whose headlines youll always find interesting you can discover news as its happening, learn more about topics that are important to you, and get the inside scoop in real time. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 10
  • 11. What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interests by posting (known as 'pinning' on Pinterest) images or videos to their own or others' boards (i.e. a collection of 'pins,' usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned. A social media site built around the concept of sharing photos, Pinterest users can pin photos to their boards for sharing with other users. With a predominantly female audience, Pinterest is a popular place to share photos for wedding planning, home redecorating, recipes, vacation destinations, and books. However, despite popular belief, your business doesnt need to be product-based in order take advantage of the benefits that Pinterest offers. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 11
  • 12. What is Instagram? Instagram is an online mobile photo- sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook,Twitter,Tumblr and Flickr. Photo Sharing, Photo Manipulation, Social, Finding People to Follow,, The photographs, A running documentary of your life,The Community, An Education on our Shared Humanity, WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 12
  • 13. What is Google + ? Google+ or Google Plus is a social network from Google. Some of its tools and features come from existing services and platforms, such as the Picasa photo storing and sharing platform. Some of the features are similar to other popular social networks and micro-blogging platforms WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 13
  • 14. Advantage of Social Media : Be A Smart Woman quick and easy (simply login on computer/mobile app) fast access to a large and diverse crown/population typically free for most features (which is great for businesses/marketing) not limited due to geography WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 14
  • 15. Advantage of Social Media : Be A Smart Woman quick and easy (simply login on computer/mobile app) fast access to a large and diverse crown/population typically free for most features (which is great for businesses/marketing) not limited due to geography WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 15
  • 16. BEWISE | BE SMART | USE INTERNET IN BETTER WAY And GrowYourself! WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 16
  • 17. WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 17
  • 18. THANKYOU! Presented by: Jenny Chawla ( Founder at Socialsoupz- Digital Marketing Agency) Presented at: Utkarsh Foundation -Women OnWeb Event Date: 9/1/2015 Email: jennychawla99@gmail.com WOW Event by Utkarsh - Presentation by Jenny Chawla 18