
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Cac the co ban trong html:
<h1> Heading Level 1</h1>

<h6> Heading Level 6</h6>
<B> </B> Bold <strong></strong>
<I></I> Italic <em></em>
<tt> </tt> typewriterchuthanh
<U></U> Underline
<BR> Xuongdong
<P></P> Tao doanvan ban
<HR> tao duongke ngang
<Blockquote>..text</Blockquote>Chucnangchen motkhoi van ban thut
<Address> Li棚nk畉tt畛i CSS : <linktype=text/cssrel=stylesheethref=stylesheet.css>
<BaseFont> Thiet lap font Style chu cho toan
van ban
<p style="font-size: 12px">
<h2 style="color:red">
<h2 style="color: green; font-size:12px">
<h1 style="font-family: Arial">Title</h1>
<p style="background-color: red;">Hello!</p>
<!--This is an example of a comment!-->
<h1 style="text-align:center">
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-decoration:none || underline; //link khong co gach chan o duoi
<Border> Thiet lap box cho 畛i t動畛ng
border:1px dashed blue; rong 1 dang cham bi, xanh
border:1px solid black; dang duong thang
border-radius: 5px; Tao mot border hinh tu
T畉p c叩c k箪 hi畛u 畉c bi畛t
V畛 tr鱈 c叩c element
line-height: 50px; Line height bang height de text o
giua button
margin:auto; set cho element ra giua
margin-top: /*some value*/
margin-right: /*some value*/
margin-bottom: /*some value*/
margin-left: /*some-value*/
element {
clear: /*right, left, or both*/
margin: 10px 5px5px 50px
Position:M畉c 畛nh l static v kh担ng d湛ng 動畛c c叩c gi叩 tr畛 left right top bottom
Position: absoluted : V畛 tr鱈 c畛a n坦 kh担ng ph畛 thu畛c vo cha
Position: relative: V畛 tr鱈 c畛a n坦 ph畛 thu畛c vo v畛 tr鱈 c畛a cha
position_Parent="relative" thi tuc la con chay theo cha cac con cua no se co thuoc
tinh top left right bottom theo no
position_Child="absolute" thi tuc la no sechay theo cha no co the de len cac
phan tu khac
Position:Fixed : V畛 tr鱈 c畛a n坦 ln theo con ln
margin-left:auto; SET DIV CENTER
margin-right:auto; SET DIV CENTER
border:2px solidblack;
a:link: An unvisited link.
a:visited: A visited link.
a:hover: A link you're hovering your mouse over.
Chon con
Ch炭 箪 trongCSS th狸 c叩c idlu担nx畉psau,class x畉ptr動畛cc嘆n c叩c selectorth担ngth動畛ngtr棚nc湛ng
div .#style
p:first-child {
color: red;
display: inline-block;
Mac dinh cac thanh phan nhu <div> <h1> <h6> la block tuc la khi xep
nhieu thi chung tu xuong hang nhung neu chi muon no o vi tri cua no
ta dung inline
lay con dau tien
div> p chi truc tiep den thang con
div p tro den ca con lan chau
<font size = 6 face =   color =  >
<Pre > Hien thi dang chu danh may
<Sub> Van ban viet duoi dang Subscript. Van ban in thap hon chu
<Sup> Van ban viet duoi dang Supperscript. Van ban in hoi cao hon
chu thuong
<Big> va <Small> Font size chu lon hoac nho
<Marquee align = middle-Top - Bottom direction = right- Left
scrolldelay = 60 Loop =  Behavior = scroll  slide 
alternate >
<videowidth="320" height="240" controls>
<source src=/slideshow/bat-dau-hoc-lap-trinh-asp/66324005/"https:/s3.amazonaws.com/codecademy-content/projects/make-a-website/lesson-
<td colspan =2>
<td rowspan =2>
<framesetrows= "30%, *"> chia thnh2 hng,hng th畛 nh畉tchi畉m30% mn h狸nh,c嘆n l畉i l hngth畛
<framesetcols= "*, 100, *"> chia3 c畛t, c畛t th畛 2 c坦 畛 r畛ng 100 i畛m, c叩c c畛t c嘆n l畉i s畉 t畛 畛ng
<framesetrows= "30%, *" border=0 framespacing=5 frameborder=0>: 畉t 動畛ngvi畛n,kho畉ng
c叩ch, ...
<frame src=/slideshow/bat-dau-hoc-lap-trinh-asp/66324005/"URL"
name="t棚n c畛a s畛"
with = "N"
height = "M"
scrolling = "yes/no/auto"
frameborder = "yes/no"
framespacing = "N"
bordercolor = #xxyyzz
noresize >
Bat dau hoc lap trinh asp
畉o c叩c trang con Header.html, left.html, main.html, footer.html
<frameset rows="50,*,50">
<frame src=/slideshow/bat-dau-hoc-lap-trinh-asp/66324005/"header.html" />
<frameset cols="30%,*">
<frame src="left.html" />
<frame src="main.html" />
<frame src="footer.html" />
<noframes> Tr狸nh duy畛t kh担ng h畛 tr畛 Frame </noframes>
Chapter Summary
 Use the style attribute for styling HTML elements
 Use background-color for background color
 Use color for text colors
 Use font-family for text fonts
 Use font-size for text sizes
 Use text-align for text alignment
 Span d湛ng 畛 nh坦m m畛t kh畛i ph畉n t畛 trong khi Div nh坦m nhi畛u ph畉n t畛
Bat dau hoc lap trinh asp
Cac cau truc dieu khien trong java scrip
<SCRIPT language = JavaScript>
} else{
alert(  + );
function ten_ham(thamso_1, thamso_2, ..){
khai bao bien dung var x = ;
onChange Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng 畛i gi叩 tr畛 trong 畛i t動畛ng(textbox,checkbox,select..)
onClick Ng動畛i s畛 d畛ngnh畉nn炭t chu畛t l棚n畛i t動畛ng
onMouseOver Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng 動a con tr畛 l動畛tngangqua 畛i t動畛ng
onMouseOut Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng 動a con tr畛 ra kh畛i 畛i t動畛ng
onSubmit K鱈ch ho畉t bi畛um畉ug畛i i
onBlur Di chuy畛ncontr畛 ra kh畛i 畛i t動畛ng
onFocus 畛i t動畛ngnh畉ncon tr畛
onLoad M畛t trang 達 t畉i xu畛nghonch畛nh
onUnload Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng r畛i kh畛i trang ho畉c t畉i l畉i trang
Blur Click Change Focus Load MouseOver MouseOut Submit Unload
Text x x x x x x
Listbox x x x x x x
Button x x x x x
Checkbox x x x x x x
Form x
Link x x x
Radio x
Reset x
Textarea x x x
body x x
<!hide form other browsers
function welcome() {
// stop hiding from other browsers 
<body onLoad = welcome(); onUnload = welcome();>
#header {
#nav {
#section {
#footer {
< /style>
Website Layout Using HTML5
HTML5 offers new semantic elements that define different parts of a web page:
 <header> - Defines a header for a
document or a section
 <nav> - Defines a container for navigation
 <section> - Defines a section in a document
 <article> - Defines an independent self-
contained article
 <aside> - Defines content aside from the
content (like a sidebar)
 <footer> - Defines a footer for a document
or a section
 <details> - Defines additional details
 <summary> - Defines a heading for the
<details> element
This example uses <header>, <nav>, <section>, and <footer> to create a
multiple column layout:
JavaScipt  Code
L畛nh hi畛n th畛 ra mn h狸nh
- document.write(String)
- document.writeln(String)
- alert(String)
- var name = window.prompt(String.)
L畛nh v畛i function()
- new
- with(object){}
- eval(String)
- parseInt(string,10-2-16)
- parseFloat(string)
function InitArray(numElements) {
this.length = numElements;
for (var x=1; x<=numElements; x++){
this[x]=0 }
return this;
myArray = new InitArray(10);
myArray[1] = "Ngh畛 An";
myArray[2] = "H N畛i";
document.write(myArray[1] + "<BR>");
JavaScript- Object
B畉ng quy t畉c Regular Expression
Bi vi畉t 動畛c ng t畉i freetuts.net - thehalfheart@gmail.com
Ch炭ng ta s畉 chia thnh t畛ng nh坦m 畛 sau ny d畛 t狸m ki畉m.
Modifier Description
i So s叩nh kh担ng ph但n bi畛t ch畛 hoa ch畛 th動畛ng (case-insensitive)
g So s叩nh ton b畛 chu畛i d湛 trong chu畛i c坦 xu畛ng hng (global)
m So s叩nh nhi畛u d嘆ng (multiline)
Expression Description
[abc] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 a, b ho畉c c
[^abc] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i a, b v c
[0-9] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 l ch畛 s畛 t畛 0-9
[^0-9] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i ch畛 s畛 t畛 0-9
(x|y) T狸m k箪 t畛 x ho畉c y
b[Dd._%+-]+@[Dd.-]+.[D]{2,6}b t44fff @gmail .com
Expression Description
. T狸m k箪 t畛 b畉t k狸
w T狸m k箪 t畛 ch畛 c叩i
W T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i l ch畛 c叩i
d T狸m k箪 t畛 l ch畛 s畛
D T狸m k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i l ch畛 s畛
s T狸m k箪 t畛 l kho畉ng tr畉ng
S T狸m k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i kho畉ng tr畉ng
b T狸m so kh畛p b畉t 畉u ho畉c k畉t th炭c chu畛i
B T狸m so kh畛p kh担ng ph畉i b畉t 畉u ho畉c k畉t th炭c chu畛i
0 T狸m k箪 t畛 NULL
n T狸m k箪 t畛 xu畛ng hng
t T狸m k箪 t畛 tab
Expression Description
+ Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n m畛t ho畉c nhi畛u l畉n
* Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n kh担ng ho畉c nhi畛u l畉n
Expression Description
? Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n kh担ng ho畉c m畛t l畉n
{X} Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n 炭ng X l畉n
{X,Y} Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n t畛i thi畛u X l畉n v t畛i a Y l畉n
{X,} Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n 鱈t nh畉t X l畉n
^ Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 b畉t 畉u chu畛i
$ Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 k畉t th炭c chu畛i
Thu畛c t鱈nh  ngh挑a Ph動董ngth畛c  ngh挑a
defaultStatus Th担ng b叩ong畉m
畛nhhi畛nth畛 l棚n
tr棚nthanh tr畉ng
th叩i c畛a c畛a s畛
alert(message) Hi畛nth畛 h畛p tho畉i
v畛i chu畛i message
v ok
Frames M畉ng x叩c畛nh c叩c
frame trong c畛a
clearTimeout(timeoutID) X坦a timeout
Length S畛 l動畛ngc叩c
frame trong c畛a
s畛 cha m畉
windowReference.close 坦ng c畛a s畛
Name t棚nc畛a s畛hi畛n
confim(message) Hi畛nth畛 h畛p tho畉i
v畛i chu畛i message.
OK v cancle
Parent 畛i t動畛ngc畛a s畛
cha m畉
prompt(message, input) nh畉p
Self C畛a s畛 hi畛nth畛i TimeoutID=setTimeout(experession,
叩nh gi叩 bi畛uth畛c
Status Ghi 竪 l棚n
Top C畛a s畛 tr棚nc湛ng
Window C畛a s畛 hi畛nth畛i
K畉t n畛i c董 s畛 d畛 li畛u
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace Myclasshello.Models {
public class SinhVien {
public int id { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage="Phai nhap truong nay")]
[Display (Name="H畛 v t棚n")]
public string hoten { get; set; }
[DisplayFormat (DataFormatString="{0:dd:mm:yyyy")]
public DateTime ngaysinh { get; set; }
public string diachi { get; set; }
public class SinhVienDbContext : DbContext {
public DbSet<SinhVien> SinhVien { get; set; }
Html5, Css3,JavaScript - > Jquery -> AJAX || ASP.NET -> JSON -> BootsTRap -> NoteJS ->
Bat dau hoc laptrinh ASP.NET
L畉p tr狸nh C#
C叩c bi畉n khai b叩o public private protected
L畛nh vo ra:
i = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());44
Console.WriteLine("1. Thuc hien phep cong");
L畛p v 畛i t動畛ng
C担ng th畛c 畛 t畉o m畛t class
AccessModifier classclassName { //th但n class}
K畉 th畛a
Override th担ng minh
Bat dau hoc lap trinh asp
IO Namespace
ch畛a nh畛ngl畛pcho ph辿pthao t叩c 畛c v ghi d畛 li畛u畉nnh畛nglu畛ngd畛li畛uvfile.M畛ts畛 l畛pc畛a
System.IO動畛cli畛tk棚 nh動sau:
Bat dau hoc lap trinh asp

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Bat dau hoc lap trinh asp

  • 1. Cac the co ban trong html: <h1> Heading Level 1</h1> <h6> Heading Level 6</h6> <B> </B> Bold <strong></strong> <I></I> Italic <em></em> <tt> </tt> typewriterchuthanh <U></U> Underline <BR> Xuongdong <P></P> Tao doanvan ban <HR> tao duongke ngang <Blockquote>..text</Blockquote>Chucnangchen motkhoi van ban thut <Address> Li棚nk畉tt畛i CSS : <linktype=text/cssrel=stylesheethref=stylesheet.css>
  • 2. <BaseFont> Thiet lap font Style chu cho toan van ban <p style="font-size: 12px"> <h2 style="color:red"> <h2 style="color: green; font-size:12px"> <h1 style="font-family: Arial">Title</h1> <p style="background-color: red;">Hello!</p> <!--This is an example of a comment!--> <h1 style="text-align:center"> font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration:none || underline; //link khong co gach chan o duoi <Border> Thiet lap box cho 畛i t動畛ng border:1px dashed blue; rong 1 dang cham bi, xanh border:1px solid black; dang duong thang border-radius: 5px; Tao mot border hinh tu T畉p c叩c k箪 hi畛u 畉c bi畛t &lt;html&gt; http://www.degraeve.com/reference/specialcharacters.php V畛 tr鱈 c叩c element line-height: 50px; Line height bang height de text o giua button margin:auto; set cho element ra giua margin-top: /*some value*/
  • 3. margin-right: /*some value*/ margin-bottom: /*some value*/ margin-left: /*some-value*/ float:right; element { clear: /*right, left, or both*/ } padding:0px30px0px10px; margin: 10px 5px5px 50px Position:M畉c 畛nh l static v kh担ng d湛ng 動畛c c叩c gi叩 tr畛 left right top bottom Position: absoluted : V畛 tr鱈 c畛a n坦 kh担ng ph畛 thu畛c vo cha Position: relative: V畛 tr鱈 c畛a n坦 ph畛 thu畛c vo v畛 tr鱈 c畛a cha position_Parent="relative" thi tuc la con chay theo cha cac con cua no se co thuoc tinh top left right bottom theo no position_Child="absolute" thi tuc la no sechay theo cha no co the de len cac phan tu khac Position:Fixed : V畛 tr鱈 c畛a n坦 ln theo con ln margin-left:auto; SET DIV CENTER margin-right:auto; SET DIV CENTER div{ display:inline-block; margin-left:5px; height:100px; width:100px; border-radius:100%; border:2px solidblack; border-top-left-radius:15px; border-top-right-radius:15px; text-align:center;
  • 4. } span{ display:inline-block; margin-top:30; text-align:center; line-height:20px; } Link-Visited-Hover a:link: An unvisited link. a:visited: A visited link. a:hover: A link you're hovering your mouse over. a:unvisited z-index Chon con Ch炭 箪 trongCSS th狸 c叩c idlu担nx畉psau,class x畉ptr動畛cc嘆n c叩c selectorth担ngth動畛ngtr棚nc湛ng div .#style p:first-child { color: red; } p:nth-child(4){ } display: inline-block; Mac dinh cac thanh phan nhu <div> <h1> <h6> la block tuc la khi xep nhieu thi chung tu xuong hang nhung neu chi muon no o vi tri cua no ta dung inline lay con dau tien
  • 5. div> p chi truc tiep den thang con div p tro den ca con lan chau <font size = 6 face = color = > <Pre > Hien thi dang chu danh may <Sub> Van ban viet duoi dang Subscript. Van ban in thap hon chu thuong <Sup> Van ban viet duoi dang Supperscript. Van ban in hoi cao hon chu thuong <Big> va <Small> Font size chu lon hoac nho <Marquee align = middle-Top - Bottom direction = right- Left scrolldelay = 60 Loop = Behavior = scroll slide alternate > Input
  • 6. Video: <videowidth="320" height="240" controls> <source src=/slideshow/bat-dau-hoc-lap-trinh-asp/66324005/"https:/s3.amazonaws.com/codecademy-content/projects/make-a-website/lesson- 1/ollie.mp4"type="video/mp4">
  • 7. Table valign=center-button-top <table> <tr> <td colspan =2> <td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan =2> <td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <td> </tr> </table> Frame <framesetrows= "30%, *"> chia thnh2 hng,hng th畛 nh畉tchi畉m30% mn h狸nh,c嘆n l畉i l hngth畛 2. <framesetcols= "*, 100, *"> chia3 c畛t, c畛t th畛 2 c坦 畛 r畛ng 100 i畛m, c叩c c畛t c嘆n l畉i s畉 t畛 畛ng ph但nchia. <framesetrows= "30%, *" border=0 framespacing=5 frameborder=0>: 畉t 動畛ngvi畛n,kho畉ng c叩ch, ... <frame src=/slideshow/bat-dau-hoc-lap-trinh-asp/66324005/"URL" name="t棚n c畛a s畛" with = "N" height = "M" scrolling = "yes/no/auto" frameborder = "yes/no" framespacing = "N" bordercolor = #xxyyzz noresize >
  • 9. 畉o c叩c trang con Header.html, left.html, main.html, footer.html <frameset rows="50,*,50"> <frame src=/slideshow/bat-dau-hoc-lap-trinh-asp/66324005/"header.html" /> <frameset cols="30%,*"> <frame src="left.html" /> <frame src="main.html" /> </frameset> <frame src="footer.html" /> <noframes> Tr狸nh duy畛t kh担ng h畛 tr畛 Frame </noframes> </frameset> Chapter Summary Use the style attribute for styling HTML elements Use background-color for background color Use color for text colors Use font-family for text fonts Use font-size for text sizes Use text-align for text alignment Span d湛ng 畛 nh坦m m畛t kh畛i ph畉n t畛 trong khi Div nh坦m nhi畛u ph畉n t畛
  • 11. Cac cau truc dieu khien trong java scrip <SCRIPT language = JavaScript> while(bt_dk){ } for() if(){ } else{ } alert( + ); function ten_ham(thamso_1, thamso_2, ..){ code } khai bao bien dung var x = ; onChange Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng 畛i gi叩 tr畛 trong 畛i t動畛ng(textbox,checkbox,select..) onClick Ng動畛i s畛 d畛ngnh畉nn炭t chu畛t l棚n畛i t動畛ng onMouseOver Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng 動a con tr畛 l動畛tngangqua 畛i t動畛ng onMouseOut Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng 動a con tr畛 ra kh畛i 畛i t動畛ng onSubmit K鱈ch ho畉t bi畛um畉ug畛i i onBlur Di chuy畛ncontr畛 ra kh畛i 畛i t動畛ng onFocus 畛i t動畛ngnh畉ncon tr畛 onLoad M畛t trang 達 t畉i xu畛nghonch畛nh onUnload Ng動畛i s畛d畛ng r畛i kh畛i trang ho畉c t畉i l畉i trang Event/ Html Element Blur Click Change Focus Load MouseOver MouseOut Submit Unload Text x x x x x x Listbox x x x x x x Button x x x x x Checkbox x x x x x x Form x Link x x x Radio x Reset x Submit Textarea x x x body x x
  • 12. VIDU <title></title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = JavaScript> <!hide form other browsers function welcome() { } // stop hiding from other browsers </SCRIPT> </head> <body onLoad = welcome(); onUnload = welcome();> </body> <style> #header { background-color:black; color:white; text-align:center; padding:5px; } #nav { line-height:30px; background-color:#eeeeee; height:300px; width:100px; float:left; padding:5px; } #section { width:350px; float:left; padding:10px; } #footer { background-color:black; color:white; clear:both; text-align:center; padding:5px; } < /style>
  • 13. Website Layout Using HTML5 HTML5 offers new semantic elements that define different parts of a web page: <header> - Defines a header for a document or a section <nav> - Defines a container for navigation links <section> - Defines a section in a document <article> - Defines an independent self- contained article <aside> - Defines content aside from the content (like a sidebar) <footer> - Defines a footer for a document or a section <details> - Defines additional details <summary> - Defines a heading for the <details> element This example uses <header>, <nav>, <section>, and <footer> to create a multiple column layout: JavaScipt Code L畛nh hi畛n th畛 ra mn h狸nh - document.write(String) - document.writeln(String) - alert(String) - var name = window.prompt(String.) L畛nh v畛i function() - new - with(object){} - eval(String) - parseInt(string,10-2-16)
  • 14. - parseFloat(string) M畉ng function InitArray(numElements) { this.length = numElements; for (var x=1; x<=numElements; x++){ this[x]=0 } return this; } myArray = new InitArray(10); myArray[1] = "Ngh畛 An"; myArray[2] = "H N畛i"; document.write(myArray[1] + "<BR>");
  • 16. B畉ng quy t畉c Regular Expression Bi vi畉t 動畛c ng t畉i freetuts.net - thehalfheart@gmail.com Ch炭ng ta s畉 chia thnh t畛ng nh坦m 畛 sau ny d畛 t狸m ki畉m. Modifiers Modifier Description i So s叩nh kh担ng ph但n bi畛t ch畛 hoa ch畛 th動畛ng (case-insensitive) g So s叩nh ton b畛 chu畛i d湛 trong chu畛i c坦 xu畛ng hng (global) m So s叩nh nhi畛u d嘆ng (multiline) Brackets Expression Description [abc] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 a, b ho畉c c [^abc] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i a, b v c [0-9] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 l ch畛 s畛 t畛 0-9 [^0-9] T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i ch畛 s畛 t畛 0-9 (x|y) T狸m k箪 t畛 x ho畉c y
  • 17. b[Dd._%+-]+@[Dd.-]+.[D]{2,6}b t44fff @gmail .com Metacharacters Expression Description . T狸m k箪 t畛 b畉t k狸 w T狸m k箪 t畛 ch畛 c叩i W T狸m c叩c k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i l ch畛 c叩i d T狸m k箪 t畛 l ch畛 s畛 D T狸m k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i l ch畛 s畛 s T狸m k箪 t畛 l kho畉ng tr畉ng S T狸m k箪 t畛 kh担ng ph畉i kho畉ng tr畉ng b T狸m so kh畛p b畉t 畉u ho畉c k畉t th炭c chu畛i B T狸m so kh畛p kh担ng ph畉i b畉t 畉u ho畉c k畉t th炭c chu畛i 0 T狸m k箪 t畛 NULL n T狸m k箪 t畛 xu畛ng hng t T狸m k箪 t畛 tab Quantifiers Expression Description + Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n m畛t ho畉c nhi畛u l畉n * Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n kh担ng ho畉c nhi畛u l畉n
  • 18. Expression Description ? Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n kh担ng ho畉c m畛t l畉n {X} Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n 炭ng X l畉n {X,Y} Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n t畛i thi畛u X l畉n v t畛i a Y l畉n {X,} Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 xu畉t hi畛n 鱈t nh畉t X l畉n ^ Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 b畉t 畉u chu畛i $ Ki畛m tra k箪 t畛 k畉t th炭c chu畛i Window Thu畛c t鱈nh ngh挑a Ph動董ngth畛c ngh挑a defaultStatus Th担ng b叩ong畉m 畛nhhi畛nth畛 l棚n tr棚nthanh tr畉ng th叩i c畛a c畛a s畛 alert(message) Hi畛nth畛 h畛p tho畉i v畛i chu畛i message v ok Frames M畉ng x叩c畛nh c叩c frame trong c畛a s畛 clearTimeout(timeoutID) X坦a timeout Length S畛 l動畛ngc叩c frame trong c畛a s畛 cha m畉 windowReference.close 坦ng c畛a s畛 windowReference Name t棚nc畛a s畛hi畛n th畛i confim(message) Hi畛nth畛 h畛p tho畉i v畛i chu畛i message. OK v cancle Parent 畛i t動畛ngc畛a s畛 cha m畉 prompt(message, input) nh畉p Self C畛a s畛 hi畛nth畛i TimeoutID=setTimeout(experession, msec) 叩nh gi叩 bi畛uth畛c expression Status Ghi 竪 l棚n defaultStatus Top C畛a s畛 tr棚nc湛ng Window C畛a s畛 hi畛nth畛i
  • 19. ADO.Net K畉t n畛i c董 s畛 d畛 li畛u using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace Myclasshello.Models { public class SinhVien { public int id { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage="Phai nhap truong nay")] [Display (Name="H畛 v t棚n")] public string hoten { get; set; } [DisplayFormat (DataFormatString="{0:dd:mm:yyyy")] public DateTime ngaysinh { get; set; } public string diachi { get; set; } } public class SinhVienDbContext : DbContext { public DbSet<SinhVien> SinhVien { get; set; }
  • 20. } } Html5, Css3,JavaScript - > Jquery -> AJAX || ASP.NET -> JSON -> BootsTRap -> NoteJS -> Bat dau hoc laptrinh ASP.NET L畉p tr狸nh C# C叩c bi畉n khai b叩o public private protected L畛nh vo ra: i = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());44 Console.WriteLine("1. Thuc hien phep cong"); L畛p v 畛i t動畛ng C担ng th畛c 畛 t畉o m畛t class AccessModifier classclassName { //th但n class}
  • 23. Enum IO Namespace ch畛a nh畛ngl畛pcho ph辿pthao t叩c 畛c v ghi d畛 li畛u畉nnh畛nglu畛ngd畛li畛uvfile.M畛ts畛 l畛pc畛a System.IO動畛cli畛tk棚 nh動sau: BinaryReader TextWriter