The document summarizes Todorov's narrative theory, which proposes that narratives follow a pattern of an initial state of equilibrium, a disruption to that equilibrium through some event or action, an attempt to repair the disruption, and a reinstatement of the original equilibrium. The theory breaks down the narrative process into five stages: 1) an initial state of equilibrium, 2) a disruption of that equilibrium, 3) recognition of the disruption, 4) an attempt to repair it, and 5) a reinstatement of the initial equilibrium. This pattern is then applied as an example to the narrative structure of Batman.
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Batman narrative structure_01-1
Events in a story have a causal relationship with one event leading to an other in a
pattern of cause and effect.The very notion of ‘cause and effect’implies a change in a
state of affairs. For Todorov,the primary function of narrative is to solve a problem.It
is this that forms the basis of Todorov’s theory of narrative. His modelbegins with a
state of equilibrium, a condition in which everything is in a state of order. This state of
equilibrium is disrupted either by a force of some kind or through the actions of an
individual. The narrative progressesto a restoration of equilibrium, or order.
Todorovbreaks the narrative process downinto five stages
• A state of equilibrium at the outset
• A disruption of the equilibrium by some action
• A recognition that there has been a disruption
• An attempt to repair the disruption
• A reinstatement of the initial equilibrium.
A state of equilibrium at the outset
A disruption of the equilibrium by some
A recognitionthat there has beena
An attempt to repair the disruption
A reinstatement of the initial equilibrium.