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     By: Michael Chabot
Battle of gettysburg
Battle of gettysburg

  The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the civil
 war, in which all hope of an independent Confederacy was
lost, Lees Army was badly wounded, and all hope of foreign
                       aid was crushed
 Fighting occurred between Jul 1-3 1863
 General Lee commanded The Army of Northern Virginia-
  numbering 75,000 men
 General Meade commanded The Army of the Potomac-85,000
 General Hooker was originally in charge of the union forces, but
  was replaced by General Meade three days earlier for a dispute
  over forces defending Harpers Ferry
 More men would fight and die in this battle than any
  other conflict in American History
 569 tons of ammunition fired
 46,000-50,000 casualties
 23,049 Union to 28,063 Confederate
 9 of the 120 Generals present at the battle were killed
 63 medal of honors awarded
 He had just defeated Union forces at the battle of
 Wanted to bring the fighting to the north for only the
  second time, after his first ended in failure at the battle
  of Antietam.
 Victory in the North could bring much needed supplies
  to the South, release the besieged fort at
  Vicksburg, and add to the growing wave of Northerners
  favoring peace.
 The first conflict of the battle was a Calvary fight on
  June 9 1863
 9,500 confederate cavalry under famed commander
  Jeb Stuart fought against Alfred Pleasontons 8,000
  cavalry and 3,000 infantry
 Stuarts forces repelled Pleasontons
 However for the first time Union cavalry was able to
  stand up to the confederacy, foreshadowing events to
Battle of gettysburg
 By the middle of June lees army was ready to cross
  the Potomac, and enter into the North
 After he defeated Garrisons guarding the river the army
  began taking supplies from farmers on the way
 Lee ordered that no civilian be hurt, but 40 African
  Americans believed to be run a ways were sent back to
  the south in chains
 Also property from northern farmers was taken and
  paid for with useless confederate currency
 On June 29 General Lee learned that the Union Army had
  crossed the Potomac River
 Lee put a detachment of his army under General Heth into the
  town of Cashtown which is 8 miles South of Gettysburg
 General Heth sent some of his brigade under General Pettigrew
  to search for supplies in neighboring Gettysburg
 General Pettigrew noticed union forces arriving in the town
 Upon reporting this to General Heth, he ordered two brigades to
  advance on Gettysburg
Battle of gettysburg
 Seeing the advancement of Confederates on
  Gettysburg, Commanding general Budford set his
  forces on the high ground
 Herr Ridge, McPherson Ridge, and Seminary Ridge
 Budford chose these positions to give them a superior
  advantage to the far greater infantry force, and to stop
  the Confederates from gaining Cemetery
  Ridge, Cemetery Hill, or Culps Hill
   The two Divisions lead by General James Archer, and Joseph Davis launched an attack
    on Union dismounted Calvary troops
   The Union Forces were able to delay the Confederates from behind fence posts
   The confederates eventually pushed the Union to McPherson Ridge where more Union
    forces arrived
   Two divisions lead by General Ewell marched West towards Chashtown
   However Union forces met them in root and were able to keep them in Gettysburg
 This move caused the Union army to have a semicircle
  defensive position
 Later in the day after more forces had arrived, the Confederate
  Second Core lead by General Rhodes and Early assaulted the
  Union forces North of the town
 They were able to outflank the Union, and caused the Union
  flank to crumble
 By later that afternoon both flanks of the Union army had
  collapsed, and General Howard ordered a retreat to the high
  ground to the South
 General Meade then sent Norristown native General Winfield S
  Hancock to assume command of the battlefield until his arrival
 The Confederate forces missed a great opportunity to win the
  battle because of Ewells failure to order an assault on the
  weakly defended cemetery hill
 The first day of battle ranks as the 23 rd biggest battle of the war
 村 of the union army and 1/3 of the Confederates fought
Battle of gettysburg
Battle of gettysburg
 At this point the full strength of both armies had arrived
 The Union forces were in a fishhook formation from
  Culps Hill along Cemetery Ridge to Little Round top in
  the south
 Lee hoped that General Longstreets Corps could
  defeat the Union left flank and roll up the Union line
 The plan called for Longstreets sending of troops in
  waves to prevent the Union forces from shifting, as well
  as a simultaneous demonstration (fake show of power)
  from General Johnsons Corps, in order to confuse the
 However Lees plans were based on bad intelligence
  because his best Calvary commander Jeb Stuart had
  not yet returned
 General Longstreets forces hit the left flank of the Union line
 Meade sent 20,000 reinforcements to help defend the flank
 Assault did not follow Lees plan because one of the Corps deviated more
  East than intended
 As the fighting continued there were only small forces on the crucial little
  round top
 A brigade of only four regiments was able to hold off repeated assaults by a
  full brigade of 20 regiments lead by General Law
 The key defense by the Union was ordered By Col Chamberlain in which the
  20th Maine Regiment did a bayonet charge forcing the Confederates back
 With all of the focus on the left flank of the Union, only
  one Brigade lead by General Greene was left
 Greene had ordered well dug out defensive
  positions, and because of this the Union successfully
  defended Culps hill
 Jeb Stuarts Calvary finally arrived at noon time and
  played no role in the days battle
Battle of gettysburg
 At 1pm on the third day 150-170 confederate cannons
  were shot at the Union center in an attempt to weaken
  the line
 The Union fired back 15 minutes later with 80 cannons
 However the Confederate cannons over shot and
  nearly every cannonball fell over the heads of the
 At 3pm the firing stopped due to the Confederate lack
  of ammunition
 Under General Picketts command 12,500 men marched on flat terrain
  towards the defending Union forces lead by General Hancock
 This attack is known as Pickets charge
 There was cannon fire being shot on each flank of the Confederate
  troops, as well as direct fire from the Union
 The charge failed miserably with nearly half of the assailants dyeing
 Confederate General Armistead was able to reach the Union line at a point
  known as the angle
 This was the closest the Confederacy ever came to winning their
Battle of gettysburg
Confederate Corps                Casualties (k/w/m)
First Corps                         7665 (1617/4205/1843)
Second Corps                        6686 (1301/3629/1756)
Third Corps                         8495 (1724/4683/2088)
Cavalry Corps                       380 (66/174/140)

                    Union Corps                  Casualties (k/w/m)
I Corps                             6059 (666/3231/2162)
II Corps                            4369 (797/3194/378)
III Corps                           4211 (593/3029/589)
V Corps                             2187 (365/1611/211)
VI Corps                            242 (27/185/30)
XI Corps                            3807 (369/1924/1514)
XII Corps                           1082 (204/812/66)
Cavalry Corps                       852 (91/354/407)
Artillery Reserve                   242 (43/187/12)
Battle of gettysburg
 The town of Gettysburg became a hospital
 Every house, church, and building was filled with injured
 5,000 animals, and 8,000 bodies needed to be buried or burned
 The stench of death lingered for weeks
 Many became critically ill from the smell
   Lees army retreated towards Cashtown, and back to the south
   Meade sent his army in pursuit
   The Union army trapped the Confederates against the raging Potomac
   However before the Union could crush Lees army, The Army of Northern Virginia
    successfully crossed the Potomac
   Meade would fail to catch Lee, and both armies would set up across from each other on
    the Rappahannock River
   At the same time the major strong point of the Confederate Western front at Vicksburg
    was captured by General Ulysses S Grant
   Lincoln believed that a successful pursuit of the Confederates would end the war
   Meade's failure at this lead to heavy criticism and his replacement
 This battle hurt the Confederacy both militarily and
 Vice President Andrew Stephens wanting to negotiate a
  truce was turned back by Lincoln upon hearing of the
  success at Gettysburg
 Also any hope of foreign aid was crushed
 This battle became a key symbol of The Lost Cause
 Abraham Lincoln set out four months later to dedicate
  the Soldiers National Cemetery
 Lincoln redefined the purpose of the war as well as
  honoring those who had died by delivering his historic
  Gettysburg Address
 The words Four score and seven years ago our fathers
  brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived
  in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men
  are created equal still inspire Americans
Battle of gettysburg
"American Civil War Battle Gettysburg Pennsylvania July 1-3
       1863." Gettysburg Battle American Civil War July 1863.
       Web. 28 May 2012.
"Civil War Trust." The Battle of Gettysburg Summary & Facts. Web.
        28 May 2012.
"Military History Online - Battle of Gettysburg." Military History
         Online - Battle of Gettysburg. Web. 28 May 2012.

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Battle of gettysburg

  • 1. BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG By: Michael Chabot
  • 4. THESIS The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the civil war, in which all hope of an independent Confederacy was lost, Lees Army was badly wounded, and all hope of foreign aid was crushed
  • 5. FACTS Fighting occurred between Jul 1-3 1863 General Lee commanded The Army of Northern Virginia- numbering 75,000 men General Meade commanded The Army of the Potomac-85,000 men General Hooker was originally in charge of the union forces, but was replaced by General Meade three days earlier for a dispute over forces defending Harpers Ferry
  • 6. FACTS More men would fight and die in this battle than any other conflict in American History 569 tons of ammunition fired 46,000-50,000 casualties 23,049 Union to 28,063 Confederate 9 of the 120 Generals present at the battle were killed 63 medal of honors awarded
  • 7. CAUSES FOR LEES NORTHERN CAMPAIGN He had just defeated Union forces at the battle of Chancellorsville Wanted to bring the fighting to the north for only the second time, after his first ended in failure at the battle of Antietam. Victory in the North could bring much needed supplies to the South, release the besieged fort at Vicksburg, and add to the growing wave of Northerners favoring peace.
  • 8. FIRST ACTION The first conflict of the battle was a Calvary fight on June 9 1863 9,500 confederate cavalry under famed commander Jeb Stuart fought against Alfred Pleasontons 8,000 cavalry and 3,000 infantry Stuarts forces repelled Pleasontons However for the first time Union cavalry was able to stand up to the confederacy, foreshadowing events to come
  • 10. TROOP MOVEMENTS By the middle of June lees army was ready to cross the Potomac, and enter into the North After he defeated Garrisons guarding the river the army began taking supplies from farmers on the way Lee ordered that no civilian be hurt, but 40 African Americans believed to be run a ways were sent back to the south in chains Also property from northern farmers was taken and paid for with useless confederate currency
  • 11. TROOP MOVEMENTS CONTINUED On June 29 General Lee learned that the Union Army had crossed the Potomac River Lee put a detachment of his army under General Heth into the town of Cashtown which is 8 miles South of Gettysburg General Heth sent some of his brigade under General Pettigrew to search for supplies in neighboring Gettysburg General Pettigrew noticed union forces arriving in the town Upon reporting this to General Heth, he ordered two brigades to advance on Gettysburg
  • 13. DAY 1 Seeing the advancement of Confederates on Gettysburg, Commanding general Budford set his forces on the high ground Herr Ridge, McPherson Ridge, and Seminary Ridge Budford chose these positions to give them a superior advantage to the far greater infantry force, and to stop the Confederates from gaining Cemetery Ridge, Cemetery Hill, or Culps Hill
  • 14. DAY 1 The two Divisions lead by General James Archer, and Joseph Davis launched an attack on Union dismounted Calvary troops The Union Forces were able to delay the Confederates from behind fence posts The confederates eventually pushed the Union to McPherson Ridge where more Union forces arrived Two divisions lead by General Ewell marched West towards Chashtown However Union forces met them in root and were able to keep them in Gettysburg
  • 15. DAY 1 This move caused the Union army to have a semicircle defensive position Later in the day after more forces had arrived, the Confederate Second Core lead by General Rhodes and Early assaulted the Union forces North of the town They were able to outflank the Union, and caused the Union flank to crumble By later that afternoon both flanks of the Union army had collapsed, and General Howard ordered a retreat to the high ground to the South
  • 16. DAY 1 General Meade then sent Norristown native General Winfield S Hancock to assume command of the battlefield until his arrival The Confederate forces missed a great opportunity to win the battle because of Ewells failure to order an assault on the weakly defended cemetery hill The first day of battle ranks as the 23 rd biggest battle of the war 村 of the union army and 1/3 of the Confederates fought
  • 19. DAY 2 At this point the full strength of both armies had arrived The Union forces were in a fishhook formation from Culps Hill along Cemetery Ridge to Little Round top in the south Lee hoped that General Longstreets Corps could defeat the Union left flank and roll up the Union line
  • 20. DAY 2 The plan called for Longstreets sending of troops in waves to prevent the Union forces from shifting, as well as a simultaneous demonstration (fake show of power) from General Johnsons Corps, in order to confuse the Union However Lees plans were based on bad intelligence because his best Calvary commander Jeb Stuart had not yet returned
  • 21. DAY 2 General Longstreets forces hit the left flank of the Union line Meade sent 20,000 reinforcements to help defend the flank Assault did not follow Lees plan because one of the Corps deviated more East than intended As the fighting continued there were only small forces on the crucial little round top A brigade of only four regiments was able to hold off repeated assaults by a full brigade of 20 regiments lead by General Law The key defense by the Union was ordered By Col Chamberlain in which the 20th Maine Regiment did a bayonet charge forcing the Confederates back
  • 22. DAY 2 With all of the focus on the left flank of the Union, only one Brigade lead by General Greene was left Greene had ordered well dug out defensive positions, and because of this the Union successfully defended Culps hill Jeb Stuarts Calvary finally arrived at noon time and played no role in the days battle
  • 24. DAY 3 At 1pm on the third day 150-170 confederate cannons were shot at the Union center in an attempt to weaken the line The Union fired back 15 minutes later with 80 cannons However the Confederate cannons over shot and nearly every cannonball fell over the heads of the Union At 3pm the firing stopped due to the Confederate lack of ammunition
  • 25. DAY 3 Under General Picketts command 12,500 men marched on flat terrain towards the defending Union forces lead by General Hancock This attack is known as Pickets charge There was cannon fire being shot on each flank of the Confederate troops, as well as direct fire from the Union The charge failed miserably with nearly half of the assailants dyeing Confederate General Armistead was able to reach the Union line at a point known as the angle This was the closest the Confederacy ever came to winning their independence
  • 27. Confederate Corps Casualties (k/w/m) First Corps 7665 (1617/4205/1843) Second Corps 6686 (1301/3629/1756) Third Corps 8495 (1724/4683/2088) Cavalry Corps 380 (66/174/140) Union Corps Casualties (k/w/m) I Corps 6059 (666/3231/2162) II Corps 4369 (797/3194/378) III Corps 4211 (593/3029/589) V Corps 2187 (365/1611/211) VI Corps 242 (27/185/30) XI Corps 3807 (369/1924/1514) XII Corps 1082 (204/812/66) Cavalry Corps 852 (91/354/407) Artillery Reserve 242 (43/187/12)
  • 29. AFTERMATH The town of Gettysburg became a hospital Every house, church, and building was filled with injured soldiers 5,000 animals, and 8,000 bodies needed to be buried or burned quickly The stench of death lingered for weeks Many became critically ill from the smell
  • 30. AFTERMATH Lees army retreated towards Cashtown, and back to the south Meade sent his army in pursuit The Union army trapped the Confederates against the raging Potomac However before the Union could crush Lees army, The Army of Northern Virginia successfully crossed the Potomac Meade would fail to catch Lee, and both armies would set up across from each other on the Rappahannock River At the same time the major strong point of the Confederate Western front at Vicksburg was captured by General Ulysses S Grant Lincoln believed that a successful pursuit of the Confederates would end the war Meade's failure at this lead to heavy criticism and his replacement
  • 31. AFTERMATH This battle hurt the Confederacy both militarily and Politically Vice President Andrew Stephens wanting to negotiate a truce was turned back by Lincoln upon hearing of the success at Gettysburg Also any hope of foreign aid was crushed This battle became a key symbol of The Lost Cause
  • 32. GETTYSBURG ADDRESS Abraham Lincoln set out four months later to dedicate the Soldiers National Cemetery Lincoln redefined the purpose of the war as well as honoring those who had died by delivering his historic Gettysburg Address The words Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal still inspire Americans
  • 34. WORKS CITED "American Civil War Battle Gettysburg Pennsylvania July 1-3 1863." Gettysburg Battle American Civil War July 1863. Web. 28 May 2012. "Civil War Trust." The Battle of Gettysburg Summary & Facts. Web. 28 May 2012. "Military History Online - Battle of Gettysburg." Military History Online - Battle of Gettysburg. Web. 28 May 2012.