2. Contents
Water ..................................... 3
Around the Globe ................... 4
Drinking Water ....................... 6
Process Water ....................... 8
Industrial Waste Water ......... 10
Produced Water ................... 12
Expertise .............................. 14
3. Water ...
... is one of the four elements, and the Just 0.6 percent of all the water on
one most closely linked to the spirit of Earth is available directly as fresh
life itself and the enjoyment of it. The water, and even most of that has to be
associations it evokes extend from a subjected to costly and complex treat-
cool drink, through playing games at ment before it can be used as drinking
the water's edge, to swimming in a water.
lake or the ocean ... emotional mo- And water consumption varies widely
ments embodying pure nature and the around the world. Each person in
joys of life. So the simple word 'water' Germany uses an average of about 125
is linked to a range of emotions and litres of drinking water per day. Some
activities, from enthusiastic enjoyment comparative figures are: France 156
of the world to the cold fact of the litres, Italy 213 litres, Switzerland 237
chemical formula H2O. litres, USA 300 litres, and the United
In a political, social and economic Arab Emirates as much as 500 litres.
context, issues relating to water turn Increasing industrialization and tech-
to more objective and mundane con- nology has impacted substantially on
cerns. Are we taking sufficient care water as a resource, placing major
to preserve what is the most valuable strains on this vital natural element in
and vital of resources and the very innumerable different ways. In recent
basis of human life? One might think decades awareness of the need to
that the some 1.4 billion cubic kilo- conserve and use water more carefully
metres of water on Earth should be has grown significantly. Research and
enough ... But 97 percent of it is sea development has come up with new
water that is, salt water and so methods of treating and purifying
not fit for human consumption without water. Innovative technology is avail-
prior treatment. Of the remaining three able to treat water. This technology
percent of our fresh water resources, includes systems from BAUER Water
much of it is enclosed in ice, either at GmbH (BWS).
the North or South Pole or in glaciers.
5. B
auer Water is a member of The two other segments Construc- expertise in the planning, construc-
the BAUER Group, based in tion and Equipment represent the tion and operation of water purifica-
Schrobenhausen in southern BAUER Group's traditional operations tion systems in one unit. The global
Germany. The third and most recent in specialist foundation engineering presence of Bauer companies, with
Group segment, named Resources, and machinery manufacturing. In over 100 subsidiaries and branch
was established in 2007, and is focu- those segments, too, water is a per- offices in some 70 countries, pro-
sed on a number of key fields which manent concern: whether in control- vides Bauer Water with the organiza-
are of vital importance to all our futu- ling groundwater when installing tional backing to operate on every
res: water, the environment, mineral foundations, or in the manufacture of continent. Wherever Bauer Water is
resources and energy. Bauer Water drilling rigs to sink wells. In establish- running a project, the project team
is part of the BAUER Group's Re- ing Bauer Water, we have concen- can utilize the existing local Bauer
sources segment. trated our years of experience and infrastructure.
6. Drinking Water
lean drinking water is a funda- One example of this technology is concepts, the company offers a
mental aspect of hygiene, and ultrafiltration, involving membranes package of solutions all from a single
is essential to healthy living. with a pore diameter of 20 nanometres. source from extraction of water re-
However, clean drinking water is in This scale is most easily illustrated by sources through to recycling. Bauer
short supply or indeed virtually a comparison: if an ultrafiltration pore Water's in-house plant manufacturing
unavailable in many of the world's had a diameter of one millimetre, the operation processes plastic, stainless
countries. In the industrialized nations, diameter of a human hair would be steel and untreated steel, as well as
too, the general environmental debate five metres! Aiming to provide its cus- assembling the complete control sys-
of recent decades has focused more tomers with a partner in their search tems. Dedicated installer teams carry
and more on issues linked to water, for sustainable and economical water out the installation.
including an increasing scepticism in
relation to the chemicals contained
in drinking water.
Based on its long-standing experience
and extensive know-how, and employ-
ing innovative process techniques,
Bauer Water has committed itself to
safeguarding public access to fresh
water at the highest level. The portfo-
lio extends from compact treatment
plants for emerging countries to
cope with the new burdens they face
arising from extensive agricultural
use and for disaster relief missions
through to turnkey drinking water
works for local communities. Along-
side standardized products, Bauer
Water offers custom solutions adapt-
ed to specific requirements. At the
heart of many treatment plants, featur-
ing in a wide variety of different proj-
ects, is membrane technology. The
plants are modular in design, and can
be supplied in a variety of size options.
8. Process Water
rocess water must meet different the manufacturer through to the com- sources to research and development,
quality criteria depending on the missioning stage. The company com- and is continually coming up with new
specific industrial application mits major efforts and financial re- innovations.
concerned. Low electrical conductivity,
zero oxygen content and softness are
some characteristics of process water.
As the process water required is usu-
ally obtained from groundwater or
mains water, it must be treated appro-
priately before being fed into boilers,
used for cooling, turned into ultra-pure
water or used in the manufacture of
products. Employing a range of chem-
ical/physical, biological and technical
processes, Bauer Water is able to
meet any customer requirements with
tailored solutions, thereby also help-
ing to cut the actual consumption of
process water. Bauer Water offers its
industrial customers a package which
encompasses consulting, engineering
and service, through to financing. A
particular strength of Bauer Water is
its in-house plant manufacturing oper-
ation. Every plant is produced to spec-
ification, installed and monitored by
10. Industrial Waste Water
Bauer Water portfolio, as is the deacti- tionally safe biological method for the
ater needed to operate
industrial plants cannot be vation of waste water in the pharma- distributed purification of waste water.
simply extracted from clean ceutical industry and the sterilization The success of this low-maintenance,
sources, polluted by processing and of waste water from research institutes, stable ecological process technique is
then disposed of in sewage plants. hospitals, etc. based on the harmonious interaction
This method is too expensive, and With its PURE reed-bed treatment between the plants, the filter gravel
is the wrong approach in ecological plant, Bauer Water offers an opera- and micro-organisms.
terms a fact long overlooked during
the era of industrialization.
Over recent decades, however, a
range of processes have been devel-
oped to recover and re-use process
water. Many industrial plants now re-
cycle the water they need to run; the
"closed circuit" in relation to water is
state of the art. The wide variety of
processes employed in the various
industrial fields also means that differ-
ent types of waste water, with specific
pollutant contents, are produced. Usu-
ally this water has to be pre-treated
before being allowed to enter public
treatment plants, or it is definitively
treated before being routed into an
outfall. Ideally, process water can be
re-treated and returned to the produc-
tion operation. In some cases it is also
possible to extract raw materials from
the waste water, such as from fermen-
tation residues and production waste.
Decontamination of polluted water by
naturally occurring radioactive materi-
al (NORM) is an integral part of the
12. Produced Water
roduced water refers to water process. By employing this technique, gradient. The contaminated water is
produced in the oil and gas in- Oman is adopting an eco-friendly cascaded through the basins and is
dustry in the course of extraction approach to the processing of its oil subjected to biological purification.
operations. Produced water contains resources. The biological treatment Residues produced include salt due
impurities due to hydrocarbons and plant is located close to the country's to evaporation, which can in turn be
mineral substances, as well as heavy most productive oil field. The prepara- reused for industrial purposes. The
metals too in some cases, which occur tory works involved extensive earth marketing of this salt is a key element
in oil and gas reservoirs. Produced movement and the cultivation of thou- of the project's financing. Bauer Water
water is industrial waste and in part sands of reeds. Stepped treatment has also contracted to operate the
also a recyclable raw material which basins provide the plant with a natural plant for a period of 20 years.
has to be treated and cleaned before
being disposed of or re-used.
Bauer Water has set itself the goal of
becoming a leading vendor of custom
complete solutions which are advanced
in design, fit for the future, sustainable
and economical. Filtration, centrifuga-
tion, flotation and biological processes
are the technologies it is employing to
this end. As a partner to the oil and gas
industry, Bauer Water offers a range of
packages including complete DBOOT
(Design, Build, Operate, Own and
Transfer) solutions. The deployment of
all available technologies enables
substantial oil content to be extracted
from the contaminated water and re-
covered on behalf of the customer.
Moreover, all processes are designed
to further conserve valuable resources
by saving energy. A project unmatched
anywhere in the world is Bauer Nimr
Oman, an enormous reed-bed treat-
ment plant constructed by Bauer
Water on a 1.8 by 3.3 kilometre site in
the desert of Oman for the treatment
of waste water from oil extraction. The
project is an exemplary model of an
ecological/biological produced water
14. Our Expertise
Our Processes
Our Markets
Oil and gas
Food and beverages
Processing industries