This document provides a case study of a 17th century barn conversion in South Creake, Norfolk that features a Blanc de Bierges spiral staircase. The architect, Robert Lord, suggested the spiral staircase as it would better suit the proportions of the hallway and maximize light. The creamy-buff colored staircase complements the chalk walls and becomes a feature. The barn conversion project won architectural awards and the Blanc de Bierges staircase augments the setting perfectly.
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Baugh Spiral
Case Study South Creake - Norfolk Robert Lord
Creating the perfect fit A Blanc de Bierges spiral
staircase is a key feature
of 20 an award-winning,
carefully restored 17th
century barn in South
Creake, Norfolk.
Barn 1610 is one of a development of
five superior barn conversions, Manor
Farm Barns, by John Symington of
Townsfolk Limited, a company
specialising in renovation and
restoration in the North Norfolk area.
The company is committed to using
materials of the highest quality and
many of them are locally sourced. The
creamy buff Blanc de Bierges staircase
augments the setting perfectly.
The contractor was J S Hay Ltd of
Lingwood, Norwich.
Built from chalk, flint and brick, Barn 1610 It makes a
is one of the longest barns in Norfolk and statement of the
is unusual in that it has three threshing
style of the whole
bays. The 20 conversion project has won
barn - immediately
a Craftsmanship Award from the Norfolk
Association of Architects and a Design in the on walking in the
Environment Award from the Mayor of the front door
Borough of King Lynn and West Norfolk. Robert Lord - Architect
Robert Lord, the architect for the project, suggested that theBlanc de Bierges The Blanc de Bierges spiral staircase is
spiral staircase would better suit the proportions of the hallway than a suitable for interior and exterior use.
traditional staircase and that it would maximise the flow of light into the
The non-slip finish coupled with
space. He also felt that the creamy-buff coloured staircase with its textured
a closed riser are important safety
finish would complement the chalk walls and become a feature both
features. All structural components
downstairs in the hall and upstairs where it rises into the sitting It makes a
are fully reinforced. There different
statement of the style of the whole barn - immediately on walking in the
versions and landings can be made to
front door he said.
specific requirements.
B l a n c d e Bi e r ge s L t d Te l : + 44 (0 ) 1858 410 048 w w w. bla n cdebi erges . co m
2. Blanc de Bierges components used on the Barn Conversion Scheme
Retaining Walls
Spiral Stairways
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