1. Bayesian methods can be used to approximate the probability of B given A (P(B|A)) by treating it as a function (f(A;w)) of the exemplars A and weights w, where the weights are unknown.
2. A Bayesian model is set up where the model/basis shapes are normally distributed, the confidence weights are independent, and there are precision tuners on the basis and weights.
3. Complexity control through regularization adds a penalty term (E_w) to the standard regression error term (E_d) controlled by a hyperparameter (lambda) to solve overfitting.
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1. Bayesian Methods in Machine
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2. Sources
Papers from Michael Tipping
-Bayesian Inference: An introduction to Principles in Machine Learning
Youtube from mathematicalmonk
3. approximate P(B|A)
P(B|A)=f(A;w) .. A is the exemplars and w is
the weights.|given A, what is B?.
B and A usually relates as D= {A_n,B_n} from
n=1 to N.
Prior statements, possible to over-fit.
5. Setup and Model
Setup; it is a supervised learning situation
(1) Models/Basis* shape are normally
(2) confidence weights/tuneVar are
(3) there are precision tuners on
basis+weights. Var and alpha
(4) all are known except weights.
6. Usual vs MAP
Usual ; over-fitting
MAP ; solves over-fitting but there is no
interpretation of BR.
Confidence-Level/Interpretation of the
7. Complexity Control : Regularization
E(w)= E_d(w)+lambda*E_w(w)
E_d is the standard regression
model, liner, sigmoid etc.
E_w is the penalty
Lamda is a hyperparameter