Build Back Better is a non-profit organization that provides access to education and play for children through sustainable construction of educational infrastructure and environmental education promotion. Its vision is for a better, safer and greener school where children can get quality education and learn about environmental issues. Its objectives are to innovate sustainable building materials and technologies, educate communities on green building importance, and empower communities to take charge of children's education.
2. Vision (to be developed) For a better , safer and greene r school in which children can pursue quality education and have greater awareness of environmental issues of the world
3. Mission (to be developed) Build Back Better is a non-profit organisation that provides access for children to education and play by building educational infrastructures through sustainable means and promoting environmental education .
4. Our Objectives (to be developed) Innovate the use of locally available building materials combined with the latest building technology and trends in conceptualizing and constructing sustainable school buildings Educate local communities the importance of building better and green by adopting sustainable methods of construction in rebuilding their community schools Empower local communities to take charge of the education of their children by providing them the means of a sustainable education 油
10. Project Updates Village Level Seek community feedback on design proposal, use of bamboo, local manpower and co-funding Clear land-ownership issues Village Liaison Person Pak Hamdan Villager Wali Korong District Level Bupati (Mayor) Camat (Head of Sub Disrict) Province Level (Kabupaten Padang Pariaman) Dinas Pendidikan (Education Ministry) Earthquake Rehabilitation/Reconstruction Coordination Body Submit Proposal to Tim Pendukung Teknis (TPT) (Technical Support Team) Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) (Povincial Agency for Disaster Management) UN Coordinating Body Liaison Person Zulfa Ermiza (RN UNRCO) Local Building Authorities Kimprawasil/PU (Pekerja Umum)
12. Our Project Objectives Design & build a better, safer and environmentally friendly school with the partnership of the village commune of Batu Bengaum Our Project Focus Earthquake Resistant Child Friendly Environmentally Friendly Hygiene & Nutrition Green Curriculum Disaster Risk Reduction
13. Timeline (Updated as of 24 May 2010) Deadline Task Action By 2 nd Week of May Recruiting Core Team Completed 4 th Week of May First proposal of kindergarten completed Interim Website completed Design Team 4 th Week of May Registration of Organisation Priscilla/Raja 1 st Week of June Organisation Branding and Collaterals Iswadi/Raja 1 st Week of June Developing Organisation Initial Budget Pris/KL 1 st week of June First Draft of Strategic/Business Plan Ezehar/Idayu 1 st week of June List of Potential Donors & Sponsors Grant letters and Cover letters to potential donors Donor/Media Kit Erdyanna/Ezehar/Iswadi 2 nd week of June Launch of First Fundraising Event (Bake Sale) Erdyanna/Yati 2 nd & 3 rd Week of June Recee Trip to Sungai Geringging Raja/Yusri/Anelia 4 th Week of June 1 st Week of July Marketing Campaign & Soft launch of Organisation Organisation Website Completed All
14. Kindergarten Design (Plan) Schedule of Accommodation 2 Classrooms (24m2 each) Teachers Office (12m2) Washrooms Store Outdoor Washing Area Courtyard Amphitheatre Playground Garden