A way to make all the information available in business messaging available in the context of a specific enquiry on demand. No more insight and important data locked away in mail boxes of unavailable people when its needed. Massive improvement in the problem the move to elctronic correspondence brought, plus voice messages are now included in message threads.
2. email has become essential to
but introduced new problems
no one fixed them
so we created Threads
3. Our market research showed:
62% of respondents have needed
to access a colleagues email
email stored in individual mail boxes is
not available on demand when required by
Access to relevant information on demand is
essential to maximising business efficiency
4. Email is Business
The concept behind Threads is that...
.....messaging information should be
accessible to users across the
business on demand
5. Best management of business often
requires information from all
? Colleagues who
need it dont
Some people have
the knowledge
7. Messages can now be searched by
colleagues across the business, on
Knowledge is
securely shared
8. Threads allows flexible searching of
the entire messaging database
Show me all
relating to
the ACME
from the
last month
Show me all
relating to
the ACME
from the
last month
Show me ACME
mails with
Threads in
content in
last month
Show me ACME
mails with
Threads in
content in
last month
11. The private nature of email boxes
changed users perception of privacy of
business messagesOur research showed:
60% of respondents
had concerns about
others accessing
their email
This can be managed by:
Company policy
Users personal classification
Rules based Policy Management supported by
12. Good management and compliance law both
demand effective mail management and
Our research showed:
49% of respondents have no way
of retrieving deleted email
90% of respondents could not
access deleted mail without
going to their IT department
Threads independent message base delivers discovery,
message restore and compliance - by users and on
13. Threads Works With any mail
system, the users mail
interface is unchanged
14. Threads Tackles The Big Messaging
problems - Simply and Intuitively
Fast contextual searching of your entire messaging
Unique shared contact directory
Privacy management to local policy
Secure archive of all messaging content with on demand
user friendly discover and restore
All delivered in the cloud for a monthly fee, no
investment required in local IT resources or skills
15. Who is Threads for?
Any business whose people have to
collaborate over multiple customers,
accounts, projects, support, etc,
Good examples are services businesses such
as architects, lawyers, creative agencies,
accountants, consulting firms, engineering
and construction companies, etc.
If you are one of these why not try
#2: 1. CLICK Welcome to Threads. CLICK Threads is a Cloud based service currently in its pilot got to market phase. Threads lets you use the information stored in your messaging systems to manage your business better. Lets see how...
#3: 2. CLICK AND READ 1st Bullet email has become essential to business ~ READ The replacement of paper systems made business processes faster and cheaper, CLICK 2nd BULLET but introduced its own problems to managing a business CLICK AND SAY No one fixed them. CLICK and SAY So we created Threads to overcome them, and improve the management of businesses using electronic messaging. So what are the problems? END
#4: 3. The major problem Threads solves is that CLICK BULLET 1 and Read Emails design means business information is held privately in individuals mail boxes, not filing cabinets, making it unavailable to others when needed. CLICK AND REad Our market research showed that 62% of respondents have needed to access a colleagues email When relevant information is not available on demand, a business can be avoidably impacted in multiple negative ways, for example by delay, or poorly informed decisions that need to be made quickly. END XXXThe solutions there are are enterprise scale, slow, high management and expensive, and require skilled IT support.
#5: 4. So...Click READ So the concept behind Threads is.... Click Email is valuable Business Information .... THEN Analysts agree this is well over half of all the information in a business, and the largest proportion is in smaller businesses who cannot afford enterprise Information management systems. CLICK 3rd BULLET Threads makes messaging information available to authorised users across the business, on demand and in their own context. There is a huge amount of business knowledge trapped inside individual email accounts that cant be shared for fear of allowing access to confidential information. Threads solves that problem.
#6: 5. CLICK For example, dealing with a customer or supplier enquiry or issue most effectively often requires information from all disciplines , on demand. Has this customer been quoted, are they paying their bills, is there a support issue, has that supplier acknowledged our order, etc. CLICK The people directly responsible have the knowledge, but may not be available - CLICK to Disappear- but an informed answer is expected from the business CLICK TO BUILD ticked off group.
#7: 6. CLICK To solve this problem, we place a copy of all a businesss messaging into the Threads message store, which is optimised for fast search. The mail is automatically tagged to optimise its retrieval in typical searches. Specific entries such as project numbers or Key Words can be manually inserted in the Subject line to optimise a search, or avoid it - a project number, or Private, for example. Confidential messages such as mail private to the business owners or individuals can be excluded from search as part of policy management. CLICK XXX on a server in the cloud
#8: 7. CLICK BULLET 1 and say, Now all a businesses Messages can be searched by authorised colleagues across the business on demand including attachments, searchable objects and digital telephony. . CLICK The knowledge is now securely shared, fast Lets see how it works
#9: 8. CLICK To fully inform a conversation with a client, supplier, business partner or colleague the Threads database can be searched on demand. Both simple CLiCK and advanced search are supported, the initial search can thus be further filtered using more specific search terms CLICK. Subject tagging enhances discovery speed. No prior organisation, foreknowledge or shared folders are required to achieve this. This simply could not be done when information was hidden from others in private mail boxes. The Threads message store can also be accessed by CRM and other knowledge management tools where messaging traffic is important to CRM.
#10: 9. So, what else does Threads do? CLICK. Our research showed 50% of respondents do not have access to a central address book. Several versions of a contacts email address can exist across multiple individual directories - which causes obvious management problems. CLICK pause CLICK So Threads automatically creates a single shared contact directory, accessible to all mail users.
#11: 10. CLICK So that users can always locate accurate contact information and correctly address messages using the Threads directory. CLICK For the technical, its in LDAP format.
#12: 11.. CLICK The private nature of email boxes changed users perception of privacy of business messages. CLICK Our research showed that 60% of respondents had concerns about others accessing their email. CLICK These concerns are best managed by CLICK a clear overall business policy on confidentiality of messaging using the businesss messaging service. CLICK and defining ways to classify mail as confidential if part of policy. CLICK Threads allows for the definition of approved classes of messages as confidential - HR, company accounts, personal mail. All mails can be saved for discovery by authorised users only where compliance requires it.
#13: 12. CLICK Good management, and compliance law, both demand effective mail management and archiving. CLICK Our research showed just how difficult this is in a medium sized business, CLICK with 49% of respondents having no way of retrieving deleted email, and 90% of respondents unable to access deleted mail without going to their IT department - requiring outside help in smaller businesses not employing an IT specialist. CLICK Threads independent message base offers discovery, message restore and compliance - by users and on demand.
#14: 13. CLICK Because threads uses an independent database securely hosted in the cloud accessed from a browser interface, Threads works with any existing email system with zero impact. This includes CLICK Microsoft Outlook and CLICK Exchange, CLICK Notes, and CLICK Apple Mail. Users mail clients work as normal, with the positive benefit there is no longer any need to maintain large mailboxes as Threads holds secure copies of all mail remotely.
#15: 14. CLICK Threads Tackles The Big Messaging problems - Simply and Intuitively. Threads delivers: CLICK Fast contextual searching of your entire messaging database CLICK Unique shared contact directory CLICK Privacy management to local policy CLICK Secure archive of all messaging content with on demand user friendly discover and restore CLICK Delivered in the cloud for a monthly fee, no expensive local resources or skills required.
#16: 15. CLICK So who is Threads for? CLICK Typical Threads clients are knowledge working businesses, whose employees need to collaborate across multiple clients, suppliers, tasks and projects for optimum results. CLICK Here some examples CLICK Threads offers such businesses a truly unfair competitive edge, why not try it?
#17: 16. CLICK To find out more about Threads, see our growing reference library, or download a data sheet, visit our website CLICK. To check out what you need to do to run Threads and what it costs, contact us CLICK. CLICK Thanks for listening to our presentation. If you have suggestions for its improvement let us know. This presentation is work in progress, as is Threads. We continue development of Threads, including APIs for White Label and OEM applications.