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Curriculum Vitae
Barbara Casadei, MD, DPhil, FRCP, FMedSci, FESC
Present Position and Address
? Vice-President for Scientific Affairs of the European Society of Cardiology
? British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK
? Deputy Head of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK
? Consultant Cardiologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, West Wing Level 6, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
Training and Education
1984 MD cum laude, University of Pavia, Italy
1985 Habilitation to practice medicine (Distinction), University of Pavia, Italy
1990 Specialist in Cardiology (Distinction), University of Pavia, Italy
1998 M.R.C.P. London, UK
2001 F.R.C.P. London, UK
Post Graduate Degrees
? 1995 DPhil (PhD) in Cardiovascular Medicine, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, UK
European Society of Cardiology Activities
? Nucleus Member & Chair of the Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (2006-08)
? Secretary (2008-2010) and Chair (2012©\14) of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science
? Congress Programme Committee and Coordinator of the ESC Basic Science Track Programme (2008-12)
? Programme Committee of the Winter Meeting of the Heart Failure Association (2005-©\©\2014)
? Co-founder and core organiser of the international meetings of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science of
the ESC: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB, Berlin 2010, London 2012, Barcelona 2014, Florence 2015).
? Co-chair of ¡°Best of ESC¡± webcast 2011-14
? Associate Editor of Cardiovascular Research (2012©\)
? Chair of the ESC Highlights (2013©\14)
? MEP Heart Group for Cardiovascular Health Week (Mind your heart ¨C for a heart healthy Europe 2014),
European Parliament, Brussels.
? Member of the 2016 ESC Task Force for the management of atrial fibrillation
? Vice-President for Scientific Affairs of the European Society of Cardiology (2014-16) with a portfolio including:
? the ESC Taskforce on Research (5-year strategic plan; e.g., including the creation of the ESC
scholars, the ESC website portal on research and the research Thinktank),
? WGs and Councils, e.g., the creation of a taskforce for a new ESC Council on Stroke
? The ¡°Women in the ESC¡± Initiative, e.g., the Women Transforming Leadership Programme
? initiatives to impact on the research regulatory environment in Europe and globally; e.g.,
? assessing the culture of the working place amongst different National Societies, in partnership with
Brandeis University, USA.
Other National and International Scientific Committee Participation
Programme Committee, British Cardiovascular Society (2006-10)
Executive Committee, British Society for Cardiovascular Research (2006-14)
Executive Committee, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland (2006-8)
Board member, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Excellence Cluster) Division Life Sciences, Germany (2006)
Strategic Adviser, EU Commission DG research, Brussels, Belgium (2008)
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Vall d¡¯Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) in Barcelona, Spain (2011-)
SAB, National Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases (ICAN), France (2011-14)
SAB, International Research Training Group 1816, German Research Foundation & the King's College London (2013- )
Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, USA (2016)
External advisory board, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium (2016)
Fellowships & Honours
1990-91 Research Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology
1991 Syntex Award for Initiatives in Cardiology, UK
1991-94 Joan and Richard Doll Research Fellowship, Green College, Oxford
1994 Young Research Workers Prize of the British Cardiac Society.
1995 Gold Medal for academic excellence (Medaglia Teresiana) of the University of Pavia, Italy.
1997 Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC)
2004 The Joan Mott Prize Lecture of the Physiological Society, UK
2007 The Valsalva Prize Lecture of the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research, Italy
2013 Fellowship of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci)
2013 The William Harvey Lecture and Silver Medal of the European Society of Cardiology
2014 The Thomas Lewis Lecture and Silver Medal of the British Cardiovascular Society
2015 The Carmeliet-Coraboeuf-Weidmann Lecture of the WG on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology.
Major Publications
? Zheng Z, Jayaram R, Jiang L, Emberson J, Zhao Y, Li Q, Guarguagli S, Hill M, Chen ZM, Collins R, Casadei B.
Perioperative rosuvastatin in cardiac surgery. New Engl Med J In press 2016
? Reilly SN, Liu X, Carnicer R, Recalde A, Muszkiewicz A, Jayaram R, Carena MC, Stefanini M, Surdo NC, Wijesurenda
R, Lomas O, Ratnatunga C, Sayeed R, Krasopoulos G, Rajakumar T, Bueno-Orovio A, Verheule S, Fulga TA,
Rodriguez B, Schotten U, Casadei B. Atrial-specific upregulation of miR-31 in human atrial fibrillation begets the
arrhythmia by depleting dystrophin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Science Transl Med In press 2016
? Wijesurendra RS, Casadei B. Atrial fibrillation: effects beyond the atrium? Cardiovasc Res. 2015 Mar 1;105(3):238-
47 (in ¡°The Best of 2015" http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/best-of#Cardiovascular-Research).
? Carnicer R, Hale AB, Suffredini S, Liu X, Reilly S, Zhang MH, Surdo NC, Bendall JK, Crabtree MJ, Lim GB, Alp NJ,
Channon KM, Casadei B. Cardiomyocyte GTP cyclohydrolase 1 and tetrahydrobiopterin increase NOS1 activity
and accelerate myocardial relaxation. Circulation Research 2012;111(6):718-27.
? Antoniades C, Demosthenous M, Reilly S, Margaritis M, Zhang MH, Nahar K, Antonopoulos A, Marinou K, Jayaram
R, Tousoulis D, Bakogiannis C, Sayeed R, Economopoulos G, Koumallos N, Psarros T, Stefanadis C, Channon KM,
Casadei B. Myocardial redox state predicts in-©\©\hospital clinical outcome after cardiac surgery: Effects of short-©\©\
term preoperative statin treatment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;59(1):60-70 (published with an Editorial)
? Reilly SN, Jayaram R, Nahar K, Antoniades C, Verheule S, Channon KM, Alp NJ, Schotten U, Casadei B. Atrial
sources of reactive oxygen species vary with the duration and substrate of atrial fibrillation: implications for the
antiarrhythmic effect of statins. Circulation 2011;124(10):1107-17
? Seddon MD, Chowienczyk P, Brett SE, Casadei B, Shah AM. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) regulates basal
vascular tone in humans in vivo. Circulation 2008;117:1991-1996
? Zhang YH, Zhang MH, Sears CE, El-©\©\Armouche A, Kranias L, Redwood C, Casadei B. A reduced phospholamban
phosphorylation contributes to the impaired myocardial relaxation in nNOS knockout mice. Circulation Research
2008;102:242-249 (published with an Editorial)
? Kim YM, Kattach H, Ratnatunga C, Pillai R, Channon KM, Casadei B. Association of atrial NADPH oxidase activity
with the development of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51(1):68-74 (published
with an Editorial & reviewed in ¡°Highlights in JACC 2008¡±)
? Dawson D, Lygate CA, Zhang MH, Hulbert K, Neubauer S, Casadei B. nNOS gene deletion accelerates pathological
left ventricular remodeling and functional deterioration after myocardial infarction. Circulation
2005;112(24):3729-37 (published with an Editorial).
? Kim YM, Guzik TJ, Zhang YH, Zhang MH, Kattach H, Ratnatunga C, Pillai R, Channon KM, Casadei B. A myocardial
Nox2 containing NAD(P)H oxidase contributes to oxidative stress in human atrial fibrillation. Circulation Research
2005;97(7):629-36 (published with an Editorial).
Major Research Interests
? Atrial fibrillation; Perioperative care; Nitric oxide/redox signalling in health and disease.
With my collaborators, I have raised ? 30M in research funds (Gov, Charities and EU FP7 & HZ2020 + ca. ?100K
of unrestricted research funds from Industry) since 2010.
I am grateful to my colleagues of the British Cardiovascular Society for proposing my candidature for the
Presidency of the ESC. I am a cardiologist who is involved in providing a clinical service, co-chairing an academic
department and who also leads a large bench-to-bedside translational research programme; from this position, I
believe I can understand and represent the concerns and aspirations of many of the Society¡¯s Constituent Bodies.
: For many years I have thoroughly enjoyed my engagement with theMy personal connection with the ESC
ESC. I started as a ESC Research Fellow in Oxford in 1990 and went on to become Nucleus member and then Chair of
the WG on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Secretary and Chair of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science,
founder and core-organiser of the Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) meetings, coordinator of the Basic
Science Track of the ESC meetings, co©\chair of the ¡®Best of ESC¡¯ webcast, and Associate Editor of Cardiovascular
Research. Since September 2014, I have been a Vice President (VP) of the ESC with a wide portfolio including WG &
Councils, the ¡®Women in the ESC¡¯ project, Research and Advocacy.
: As a VP, I have drafted the Society¡¯s 5-year Strategic Plan for Research,My achievements within the ESC
initiated a number of activities to increase the engagement of professional women in the Society, set up a Taskforce
on Stroke, and started a campaign aimed at easing the regulatory burden on clinical research in Europe and
promoting safer and more affordable clinical trials.
I am passionate about the need for inspiring and supporting the career of young clinicians and scientists in the
cardiovascular field and to this end I have initiated or supported a number of initiatives, e.g., the ESC Summer School,
the ¡°Scientists of Tomorrow¡±, the International Fellowship in Basic & Translational Research, the Outstanding
Achievement Award, the First Contact Initiative Grants, including a new PhD programme (the ¡®ESC Scholars¡¯) for
young researchers across Europe starting next year.
I am also increasingly concerned about the pressure under which professionals of all ages are working and the
need for documenting these difficulties objectively to be able to impact on them. For this reason I have negotiated
the adoption of a validated tool across the ESC membership, i.e., the C-Change (for Culture Change) questionnaire
(Brandeis University, USA), as a first step to help the ESC and National Societies develop a strategy that suits the
membership¡¯s specific needs.
: I strongly endorse the Society¡¯s ongoing efforts to achieve better governance and aMy vision for the ESC
strong ethical framework. I believe that, within this framework, the Society¡¯s Constituent Bodies need to be free to
pursue their initiatives and aspirations, be supported in their endeavors, and celebrated for their successes.
The future of the ESC depends on it and on the Society¡¯s ability to:
? pursue excellence and integrity and inspire the membership by setting high standards for all its activities;
? facilitate, support and help coordinate the initiatives of the Constituent Bodies;
? influence the priorities of health providers, research regulators, and funding agencies to obtain:
- the best outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease,
- the best training for the younger generations,
- due consideration for the needs of professionals engaged in patient care and in clinical and basic research
in the cardiovascular field;
? be efficient and accountable to its membership and increase the diversity of its leadership positions;
? engender work mobility and the creation of networks of excellence for clinical training and research.
International recognition and impact have been generated by the Society¡¯s investment in journals, congresses,
practice guidelines, training and education. These activities are of great value to the ESC membership and will
continue to be a strong priority. To these I will add further focus on research (including research training for the
younger generation and greater investment in innovation and external collaborations), and lobbying to ease the
research regulatory environment and protect our professional identity.
I see the ESC Presidency as both a leadership position (providing inspiration and innovation from within the
Society) and a means of connecting and helping with the challenges encountered by the ESC membership. I believe
the Society¡¯s duty is to inspire its members to develop as exemplary leaders, provide a framework for the pursuit of
excellence, and support the membership to achieve their objectives and overcome their challenges.
Through my work, I have gained insights into the Society¡¯s challenges and enjoyed the friendship of many
colleagues with whom I have had the pleasure to work. I am offering my candidature because I feel I have the energy
and the experience for leading new initiatives within the Society and taking them to fruition. It is a great privilege
and a great responsibility to be considered for the position of President Elect of the ESC; it would be an honour and a
pleasure to continue to serve the Society in the future.

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BCasadei_Curriculum Vitae & Statement

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Barbara Casadei, MD, DPhil, FRCP, FMedSci, FESC Present Position and Address ? Vice-President for Scientific Affairs of the European Society of Cardiology ? British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK ? Deputy Head of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK ? Consultant Cardiologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, West Wing Level 6, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK Training and Education 1984 MD cum laude, University of Pavia, Italy 1985 Habilitation to practice medicine (Distinction), University of Pavia, Italy 1990 Specialist in Cardiology (Distinction), University of Pavia, Italy 1998 M.R.C.P. London, UK 2001 F.R.C.P. London, UK Post Graduate Degrees ? 1995 DPhil (PhD) in Cardiovascular Medicine, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, UK European Society of Cardiology Activities ? Nucleus Member & Chair of the Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (2006-08) ? Secretary (2008-2010) and Chair (2012©\14) of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science ? Congress Programme Committee and Coordinator of the ESC Basic Science Track Programme (2008-12) ? Programme Committee of the Winter Meeting of the Heart Failure Association (2005-©\©\2014) ? Co-founder and core organiser of the international meetings of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science of the ESC: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB, Berlin 2010, London 2012, Barcelona 2014, Florence 2015). ? Co-chair of ¡°Best of ESC¡± webcast 2011-14 ? Associate Editor of Cardiovascular Research (2012©\) ? Chair of the ESC Highlights (2013©\14) ? MEP Heart Group for Cardiovascular Health Week (Mind your heart ¨C for a heart healthy Europe 2014), European Parliament, Brussels. ? Member of the 2016 ESC Task Force for the management of atrial fibrillation ? Vice-President for Scientific Affairs of the European Society of Cardiology (2014-16) with a portfolio including: ? the ESC Taskforce on Research (5-year strategic plan; e.g., including the creation of the ESC scholars, the ESC website portal on research and the research Thinktank), ? WGs and Councils, e.g., the creation of a taskforce for a new ESC Council on Stroke ? The ¡°Women in the ESC¡± Initiative, e.g., the Women Transforming Leadership Programme ? initiatives to impact on the research regulatory environment in Europe and globally; e.g., ? assessing the culture of the working place amongst different National Societies, in partnership with Brandeis University, USA. Other National and International Scientific Committee Participation Programme Committee, British Cardiovascular Society (2006-10) Executive Committee, British Society for Cardiovascular Research (2006-14) Executive Committee, Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland (2006-8) Board member, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Excellence Cluster) Division Life Sciences, Germany (2006) Strategic Adviser, EU Commission DG research, Brussels, Belgium (2008) Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), Vall d¡¯Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) in Barcelona, Spain (2011-) SAB, National Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases (ICAN), France (2011-14) SAB, International Research Training Group 1816, German Research Foundation & the King's College London (2013- )
  • 2. 2 Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms, USA (2016) External advisory board, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leuven, Belgium (2016) Fellowships & Honours 1990-91 Research Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology 1991 Syntex Award for Initiatives in Cardiology, UK 1991-94 Joan and Richard Doll Research Fellowship, Green College, Oxford 1994 Young Research Workers Prize of the British Cardiac Society. 1995 Gold Medal for academic excellence (Medaglia Teresiana) of the University of Pavia, Italy. 1997 Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC) 2004 The Joan Mott Prize Lecture of the Physiological Society, UK 2007 The Valsalva Prize Lecture of the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research, Italy 2013 Fellowship of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci) 2013 The William Harvey Lecture and Silver Medal of the European Society of Cardiology 2014 The Thomas Lewis Lecture and Silver Medal of the British Cardiovascular Society 2015 The Carmeliet-Coraboeuf-Weidmann Lecture of the WG on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology. Major Publications ? Zheng Z, Jayaram R, Jiang L, Emberson J, Zhao Y, Li Q, Guarguagli S, Hill M, Chen ZM, Collins R, Casadei B. Perioperative rosuvastatin in cardiac surgery. New Engl Med J In press 2016 ? Reilly SN, Liu X, Carnicer R, Recalde A, Muszkiewicz A, Jayaram R, Carena MC, Stefanini M, Surdo NC, Wijesurenda R, Lomas O, Ratnatunga C, Sayeed R, Krasopoulos G, Rajakumar T, Bueno-Orovio A, Verheule S, Fulga TA, Rodriguez B, Schotten U, Casadei B. Atrial-specific upregulation of miR-31 in human atrial fibrillation begets the arrhythmia by depleting dystrophin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase. Science Transl Med In press 2016 ? Wijesurendra RS, Casadei B. Atrial fibrillation: effects beyond the atrium? Cardiovasc Res. 2015 Mar 1;105(3):238- 47 (in ¡°The Best of 2015" http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/best-of#Cardiovascular-Research). ? Carnicer R, Hale AB, Suffredini S, Liu X, Reilly S, Zhang MH, Surdo NC, Bendall JK, Crabtree MJ, Lim GB, Alp NJ, Channon KM, Casadei B. Cardiomyocyte GTP cyclohydrolase 1 and tetrahydrobiopterin increase NOS1 activity and accelerate myocardial relaxation. Circulation Research 2012;111(6):718-27. ? Antoniades C, Demosthenous M, Reilly S, Margaritis M, Zhang MH, Nahar K, Antonopoulos A, Marinou K, Jayaram R, Tousoulis D, Bakogiannis C, Sayeed R, Economopoulos G, Koumallos N, Psarros T, Stefanadis C, Channon KM, Casadei B. Myocardial redox state predicts in-©\©\hospital clinical outcome after cardiac surgery: Effects of short-©\©\ term preoperative statin treatment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012;59(1):60-70 (published with an Editorial) ? Reilly SN, Jayaram R, Nahar K, Antoniades C, Verheule S, Channon KM, Alp NJ, Schotten U, Casadei B. Atrial sources of reactive oxygen species vary with the duration and substrate of atrial fibrillation: implications for the antiarrhythmic effect of statins. Circulation 2011;124(10):1107-17 ? Seddon MD, Chowienczyk P, Brett SE, Casadei B, Shah AM. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) regulates basal vascular tone in humans in vivo. Circulation 2008;117:1991-1996 ? Zhang YH, Zhang MH, Sears CE, El-©\©\Armouche A, Kranias L, Redwood C, Casadei B. A reduced phospholamban phosphorylation contributes to the impaired myocardial relaxation in nNOS knockout mice. Circulation Research 2008;102:242-249 (published with an Editorial) ? Kim YM, Kattach H, Ratnatunga C, Pillai R, Channon KM, Casadei B. Association of atrial NADPH oxidase activity with the development of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51(1):68-74 (published with an Editorial & reviewed in ¡°Highlights in JACC 2008¡±) ? Dawson D, Lygate CA, Zhang MH, Hulbert K, Neubauer S, Casadei B. nNOS gene deletion accelerates pathological left ventricular remodeling and functional deterioration after myocardial infarction. Circulation 2005;112(24):3729-37 (published with an Editorial). ? Kim YM, Guzik TJ, Zhang YH, Zhang MH, Kattach H, Ratnatunga C, Pillai R, Channon KM, Casadei B. A myocardial Nox2 containing NAD(P)H oxidase contributes to oxidative stress in human atrial fibrillation. Circulation Research 2005;97(7):629-36 (published with an Editorial). Major Research Interests ? Atrial fibrillation; Perioperative care; Nitric oxide/redox signalling in health and disease. With my collaborators, I have raised ? 30M in research funds (Gov, Charities and EU FP7 & HZ2020 + ca. ?100K of unrestricted research funds from Industry) since 2010.
  • 3. 3 Statement______________________________________________________________________ I am grateful to my colleagues of the British Cardiovascular Society for proposing my candidature for the Presidency of the ESC. I am a cardiologist who is involved in providing a clinical service, co-chairing an academic department and who also leads a large bench-to-bedside translational research programme; from this position, I believe I can understand and represent the concerns and aspirations of many of the Society¡¯s Constituent Bodies. : For many years I have thoroughly enjoyed my engagement with theMy personal connection with the ESC ESC. I started as a ESC Research Fellow in Oxford in 1990 and went on to become Nucleus member and then Chair of the WG on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Secretary and Chair of the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science, founder and core-organiser of the Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) meetings, coordinator of the Basic Science Track of the ESC meetings, co©\chair of the ¡®Best of ESC¡¯ webcast, and Associate Editor of Cardiovascular Research. Since September 2014, I have been a Vice President (VP) of the ESC with a wide portfolio including WG & Councils, the ¡®Women in the ESC¡¯ project, Research and Advocacy. : As a VP, I have drafted the Society¡¯s 5-year Strategic Plan for Research,My achievements within the ESC initiated a number of activities to increase the engagement of professional women in the Society, set up a Taskforce on Stroke, and started a campaign aimed at easing the regulatory burden on clinical research in Europe and promoting safer and more affordable clinical trials. I am passionate about the need for inspiring and supporting the career of young clinicians and scientists in the cardiovascular field and to this end I have initiated or supported a number of initiatives, e.g., the ESC Summer School, the ¡°Scientists of Tomorrow¡±, the International Fellowship in Basic & Translational Research, the Outstanding Achievement Award, the First Contact Initiative Grants, including a new PhD programme (the ¡®ESC Scholars¡¯) for young researchers across Europe starting next year. I am also increasingly concerned about the pressure under which professionals of all ages are working and the need for documenting these difficulties objectively to be able to impact on them. For this reason I have negotiated the adoption of a validated tool across the ESC membership, i.e., the C-Change (for Culture Change) questionnaire (Brandeis University, USA), as a first step to help the ESC and National Societies develop a strategy that suits the membership¡¯s specific needs. : I strongly endorse the Society¡¯s ongoing efforts to achieve better governance and aMy vision for the ESC strong ethical framework. I believe that, within this framework, the Society¡¯s Constituent Bodies need to be free to pursue their initiatives and aspirations, be supported in their endeavors, and celebrated for their successes. The future of the ESC depends on it and on the Society¡¯s ability to: ? pursue excellence and integrity and inspire the membership by setting high standards for all its activities; ? facilitate, support and help coordinate the initiatives of the Constituent Bodies; ? influence the priorities of health providers, research regulators, and funding agencies to obtain: - the best outcomes for patients with cardiovascular disease, - the best training for the younger generations, - due consideration for the needs of professionals engaged in patient care and in clinical and basic research in the cardiovascular field; ? be efficient and accountable to its membership and increase the diversity of its leadership positions; ? engender work mobility and the creation of networks of excellence for clinical training and research. International recognition and impact have been generated by the Society¡¯s investment in journals, congresses, practice guidelines, training and education. These activities are of great value to the ESC membership and will continue to be a strong priority. To these I will add further focus on research (including research training for the younger generation and greater investment in innovation and external collaborations), and lobbying to ease the research regulatory environment and protect our professional identity. I see the ESC Presidency as both a leadership position (providing inspiration and innovation from within the Society) and a means of connecting and helping with the challenges encountered by the ESC membership. I believe the Society¡¯s duty is to inspire its members to develop as exemplary leaders, provide a framework for the pursuit of excellence, and support the membership to achieve their objectives and overcome their challenges. Through my work, I have gained insights into the Society¡¯s challenges and enjoyed the friendship of many colleagues with whom I have had the pleasure to work. I am offering my candidature because I feel I have the energy and the experience for leading new initiatives within the Society and taking them to fruition. It is a great privilege and a great responsibility to be considered for the position of President Elect of the ESC; it would be an honour and a pleasure to continue to serve the Society in the future.