Brain Computer Interface allows direct communication between the brain and external devices. It reads electrical signals from the brain and translates them into a digital format. Research on BCIs started in the 1970s with basic sensors implanted in rats, mice, monkeys and humans. Today, BCIs can be invasive, partially invasive or non-invasive. Invasive BCIs are implanted directly into the brain to provide high quality signals, while non-invasive BCIs like EEGs record electrical activity from the scalp. BCIs have applications in medicine, military technology, and assisting people with disabilities.
2. What is BCI
Direct communication pathway between the
brain and an external device
Reads electrical signals from brain
Signals translated into a digital form
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
3. History
Research started from 1970
BCI Project by Jacques Vidal
Implanting simple BCI sensors within rats,
mice, monkeys, and humans.
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
4. History
1990 - implanting an electrode in the motor
cortex of a paralyzed patient.
Makes the patient communicate by moving a
1999 Trained rats to use their brain signals
to move a robotic water-dispensing arm.
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
7. How BCI work
Uses optical nerves
for image input
Camera input
directed to brain
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8. Types of BCI
Partially Invasive
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9. Invasive BCI
Targeted for people
with paralysis
Implanted directly
into the grey matter
Produce the highest
quality signals Jens Naumann, a man with
acquired blindness, being
scar-tissue build-up interviewed about his vision
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
10. Partially Invasive BCI
BCI devices are
implanted inside
the skull
produce better
resolution signals
Cathy Hutchinson, who was one
lower risk of of the first persons to have a
forming scar-tissue direct connection between her
brain and a computer implanted
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
11. Non-Invasive BCI
Easy to wear
produce poor signal
dispersing the
waves created by
the neurons
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
13. Electrocorticography(ECoG )
Pioneered in the early 1950s
Measures the electrical activity of the brain
Taken from beneath the skull
Embeds electrodes in a plastic bag placed
above cortex
A surgical incision is required
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
14. MRI technology
Uses brain signals to control
Detects the subjects brain signals and sends
the MRI signals over Ethernet cables, via
TCP/IP, to a computer.
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
16. Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Magnetic Field of 10-15 T
to 10-13 T
S.Q.U.I.D Sensors are
Shielded room is needed
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
17. Electroencephalography (EEG)
Recording of electrical activity along the
Measures voltage fluctuations resulting
from ionic current.
Fine temporal resolution
Ease of use, portable and low set-up cost
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
20. Electroencephalography (EEG)
Described in frequency ranges
Delta (隆) < 4 Hz. Most apparent in deep
sleep states.
Theta (慮) waves 4-8 Hz, appear in a relaxed
state and during light sleep and meditation.
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
21. Electroencephalography (EEG)
Alpha (留) waves 8-12 Hz, associated with
meditation and relaxation.
Beta (硫) 13-30 Hz waves, connected to
alertness and focus.
Gamma (粒) waves > 30 Hz, related to
subjective awareness
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
23. Processes
Bandpass Filter - to filter out frequencies
that do not fall within the 留 and 硫 ranges.
Related to senseorimotor activities
Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) enhances
the discriminability between classes.
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
24. Processes
Feature Extraction methods used to collect
useful vectors
Log Variance
Power Density Estimation (PSD)
Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD)
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
25. Processes
Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
-reduce the dimensionality of the feature
Classification Method - to build classifier
which discriminate between labels.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
27. Applications
Brain operated wheelchair
Multimedia and Virtual Reality
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
28. Conclusion
Enables people to communicate and control
appliances with use of brain signals
Open gates for disabled people.
Development of new brain imagining
Numerous future applications
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
29. Bibliography
Toward Inexpensive and Practical Brain
Computer Interface by Hamzah S. AlZubi
Nayel S. Al-Zubi Waleed Al-Nuaimy
Robot Navigation using Brain-Computer
Interfaces by Athanasios Vourvopoulos and
Fotis Liarokapis
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC
30. Bibliography
A general framework of Brain-Computer
Interface with Visualization and Virtual
Reality Feedback by Gufei Sun, Kuangda Li,
Xiaoqiang Li, Bofeng Zhang, Shizhong Yuan,
Gengfeng Wu
03/13/13 IT Department, JECC