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BCIX Update
7th May 2009, Amsterdam
Thorleif Wiik
    BCIX e.V. founded as association in           Executive Board:
                                                     Peter Lampe - Chairman
   BCIX e.V. runs Berlin Internet Exchange
                                                     Thorleif Wiik
   3 Switch Locations in Berlin
                                                     Steffen David

   100Mbit/s, 1Gbit/s, 10Gbit/s Peering
                                                     Helga Kr端ger
                                                     Cordula Fiedler
   3Gbit/s Traf鍖c

   EURO-IX member
43 Members and Peers

Members and Peers
                       new      loss        all


37.5                    37             37



               3                                               3
  00           1         1                           1
                         0                                     0
 Q1/2008    Q2/2008   Q3/2008     Q4/2008         Q1/2009   Q2/2009
Peering Ports
           40 active peering ports              10 Gbit/s   1 Gbit/s    10/100Mbit/s


22.5                                                              24
  15 17

                                                 10               10              10
 7.5                                    9
   0                                                              2
  Q1/2008                  Q2/2008   Q3/2008   Q4/2008        Q1/2009          Q2/2009
     0                        0         0         0

without Interconnect / Serverports
BCIX Details
    Three locations in Berlin:                        N15: Foundry BigIron 4000 Switch

        G40: Versatel Colocation                      L105: Foundry BigIron RX-8 Switch +
                                                      Foundry BigIron 8000 Switch
       L105: I/P/B/ Carrier-Colo
                                                 Dark鍖bre between locations
       N15: e-shelter Data Center (Newly
        built, 18.000sqm space, high power)       OpenBGPD / OpenBSD Route Server
                                                  on two Sun X4200 Server

       G40: Foundry BigIron 8000 Switch
N15 e-shelter

                L105 I/P/B/

                              G40 Versatel
N15 e-shelter


                            L105 I/P/B/


                                               G40 Versatel
Route Server
                   Neighbor              AS           MsgRcvd    MsgSent    OutQ Up/Down State/PrfRcvd
                   n15-v4-herbst              43503        30716      65922     0 01w4d03h    1/10000
                   l105-v4-hansenet           13184        35452      66181     0 01w4d07h   41/10000
                   l105-v4-dh-2               12732       117571     255925     0 04w0d00h    0/10000
                   l105-v4-dh-1               12732       118554     259736     0 07:18:17   37/10000
                   g40-v4-ediscom             12693       164721     609201     0 01w0d14h   14/10000
                   l105-v4-mpex               35833       155603     558394     0 04w0d00h    3/10000
                   l105-v4-noris              12337       154221     565984     0 04w0d00h    1/10000
                   l105-v4-netzhaus           24993       180782     616180     0 6d16h38m    1/10000
OpenBSD 4.4 +      l105-v4-cablesurf          35244       351877     527229     0 04w0d00h    9/10000
                   l105-v4-http               12574       175200     592724     0 04w0d00h    1/10000
patches            g40-v4-kde                 31334       160900     560760     0 04w0d00h   35/10000
                   g40-v4-denic               31529       124614     435885     0 04w0d00h    1/10000
                   l105-v4-pixelpark          33811       197105     688417     0 04w0d00h    3/10000
                   l105-v4-retn                9002       726733     202415     0 04w0d00h 6089/10000
ASN32 compatible   l105-v4-dns-net            15366       240833     710860     0 04w0d00h   11/10000
                   n15-v6-unbelievable        48173       198728     198799     0 04w0d00h    0/1000
                   n15-v4-unbelievable        48173       215260     709240     0 04w0d00h    3/10000
                   n15-v4-Internet4You        29014       214594     731834     0 1d20h07m    7/10000
IPv4 + IPv6        l105-v6-e4a                34695       232537     203582     0 03w4d23h    0/1000
                   l105-v4-ipb                20647       162041     586478     0 03w6d06h   10/10000
                   l105-v4-in-berlin-2        29670       436839     959624     0 2d00h24m    9/10000
                   l105-v4-in-berlin-1        29670       437721     951633     0 2d00h16m    9/10000
Communities        l105-v4-e4a                34695       209720     668553     0 03w5d08h    9/10000
                   g40-v4-phade               35053       149950     556346     0 04w0d00h    5/10000
                   g40-v4-strato               6724       324687     832065     0 04w0d00h   33/10000
We look for

         more peers
We look for

       CDN / Content
BCIX Port Fees
                                                   monthly      monthly
                                                   1st Port    add. Ports

    100 Mbit/s                      400 Euro     100 Euro     50 Euro
       1Gbit/s                     1000 Euro     300 Euro     200 Euro
   10Gbit/s SR                     2000 Euro     1200 Euro    800 Euro
   10Gbit/s LR                     3000 Euro     1200 Euro    800 Euro
   10Gbit/s ER                     4000 Euro     1200 Euro    800 Euro
+ 600 Euro yearly association membership fee
Thank you

                     Any Questions ?
 Contact me:

 Web: http://www.bcix.de   Mail: thorleif.wiik@bcix.de

 Blog: http://www.wiik.de and http://twitter.com/wiik

More Related Content

BCIX Update at RIPE58 2009

  • 1. BCIX Update RIPE 58 7th May 2009, Amsterdam Thorleif Wiik
  • 2. Intro BCIX e.V. founded as association in Executive Board: 2002 Peter Lampe - Chairman BCIX e.V. runs Berlin Internet Exchange Thorleif Wiik 3 Switch Locations in Berlin Steffen David 100Mbit/s, 1Gbit/s, 10Gbit/s Peering Helga Kr端ger Ports Cordula Fiedler 3Gbit/s Traf鍖c EURO-IX member
  • 3. 43 Members and Peers mysysadmin.de
  • 4. Members and Peers new loss all 50 43 40 37.5 37 37 36 34 25 12.5 4 3 3 2 00 1 1 1 0 0 Q1/2008 Q2/2008 Q3/2008 Q4/2008 Q1/2009 Q2/2009
  • 5. Peering Ports 40 active peering ports 10 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s 10/100Mbit/s 30 27 22.5 24 21 19 18 15 17 10 10 10 7.5 9 8 6 3 0 2 Q1/2008 Q2/2008 Q3/2008 Q4/2008 Q1/2009 Q2/2009 0 0 0 0 without Interconnect / Serverports
  • 6. BCIX Details Three locations in Berlin: N15: Foundry BigIron 4000 Switch G40: Versatel Colocation L105: Foundry BigIron RX-8 Switch + Foundry BigIron 8000 Switch L105: I/P/B/ Carrier-Colo Dark鍖bre between locations N15: e-shelter Data Center (Newly built, 18.000sqm space, high power) OpenBGPD / OpenBSD Route Server on two Sun X4200 Server Switches G40: Foundry BigIron 8000 Switch
  • 7. N15 e-shelter L105 I/P/B/ G40 Versatel
  • 8. N15 e-shelter DarkFibre L105 I/P/B/ DarkFibre G40 Versatel
  • 9. Route Server Neighbor AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ Up/Down State/PrfRcvd n15-v4-herbst 43503 30716 65922 0 01w4d03h 1/10000 l105-v4-hansenet 13184 35452 66181 0 01w4d07h 41/10000 l105-v4-dh-2 12732 117571 255925 0 04w0d00h 0/10000 l105-v4-dh-1 12732 118554 259736 0 07:18:17 37/10000 g40-v4-ediscom 12693 164721 609201 0 01w0d14h 14/10000 l105-v4-mpex 35833 155603 558394 0 04w0d00h 3/10000 l105-v4-noris 12337 154221 565984 0 04w0d00h 1/10000 l105-v4-netzhaus 24993 180782 616180 0 6d16h38m 1/10000 OpenBSD 4.4 + l105-v4-cablesurf 35244 351877 527229 0 04w0d00h 9/10000 l105-v4-http 12574 175200 592724 0 04w0d00h 1/10000 patches g40-v4-kde 31334 160900 560760 0 04w0d00h 35/10000 g40-v4-denic 31529 124614 435885 0 04w0d00h 1/10000 l105-v4-pixelpark 33811 197105 688417 0 04w0d00h 3/10000 l105-v4-retn 9002 726733 202415 0 04w0d00h 6089/10000 ASN32 compatible l105-v4-dns-net 15366 240833 710860 0 04w0d00h 11/10000 n15-v6-unbelievable 48173 198728 198799 0 04w0d00h 0/1000 n15-v4-unbelievable 48173 215260 709240 0 04w0d00h 3/10000 n15-v4-Internet4You 29014 214594 731834 0 1d20h07m 7/10000 IPv4 + IPv6 l105-v6-e4a 34695 232537 203582 0 03w4d23h 0/1000 l105-v4-ipb 20647 162041 586478 0 03w6d06h 10/10000 l105-v4-in-berlin-2 29670 436839 959624 0 2d00h24m 9/10000 l105-v4-in-berlin-1 29670 437721 951633 0 2d00h16m 9/10000 Communities l105-v4-e4a 34695 209720 668553 0 03w5d08h 9/10000 g40-v4-phade 35053 149950 556346 0 04w0d00h 5/10000 g40-v4-strato 6724 324687 832065 0 04w0d00h 33/10000
  • 10. We look for more peers
  • 11. We look for CDN / Content providers
  • 12. BCIX Port Fees monthly monthly Setup 1st Port add. Ports 100 Mbit/s 400 Euro 100 Euro 50 Euro 1Gbit/s 1000 Euro 300 Euro 200 Euro 10Gbit/s SR 2000 Euro 1200 Euro 800 Euro 10Gbit/s LR 3000 Euro 1200 Euro 800 Euro 10Gbit/s ER 4000 Euro 1200 Euro 800 Euro + 600 Euro yearly association membership fee
  • 13. Thank you Any Questions ? Contact me: Web: http://www.bcix.de Mail: thorleif.wiik@bcix.de Blog: http://www.wiik.de and http://twitter.com/wiik