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bConnectAutomate Your Communications
What is bconnect
bConnect is anenhanceddocument
delivery solution especially designed for
use with ERP software.
bConnect is used by morethan 30customers in India, UK, Middle East, Africa and NewZealand. Firstintroduced in 2011,it generatesmorethan 2500emails daily including invoices to
customers, paymentreminders,statementsand reports.Ithas helpedsaved our customers hundreds of man hours by automating theirroutine communication with theirbusiness
partners and employees.Ithas also helped customers in improving their paymentcycles and customer satisfaction.
Email Documents
bConnect can sendinvoices, purchaseorders,oranyother documentdirectlyto customer,supplier,salesemployee,orany oneelse, even outsideyour
ERP or SAPB1 system.
bConnectcan deliverreports,like paymentreminders,dailysales,monthlycollection,etc. directlyto email at pre-definedintervals,ondaily,weekly,
monthlyoranyotherschedule,asperyour requirement.
SavetoFTP/File Server
bConnectcan saveoutputfrom CrystalReportsto yourFTP orFileServerinPDF, XML, CSVorWord/ Excel format, whichcan be usedin integration,
EDI systemsorIntranetwebsites.
bConnectis the mostflexibledocument/ reportdeliverysolutionforSAP B1, youcan control allaspectsof emails,includingwhom to send,subject,
text, attachmentformat, etc. bConnectcan alsoupdateflagsback in databasesystemaftersuccessfulgenerationof emails.
You can improve your orderto cashcycle by sending
promptinvoicesand timely payment remindersand
statements.Alsoprecious manhours are saved
because ofincreased automation and less
dependency on manual emailing ofdocuments.
Businesspartners aremoresatisfiedbecause they get
promptdocuments and timelyinformation.You can
send orderconfirmation,etc. toavoid costly mistakes
inorder handling later.It can alsosend tracking
detailsand dispatch intimations,assoon as the
Management and salesexecutives can gettimely
information.Everyone can getreportsspecificto his/
her requirements,in Inbox in the formatof choice,
PDF or Excel.Timely and proactivereportsand
informationwillhelp make decision making easier
WithbConnect, you areno longerrequired tosave
documents in PDF than send themin email. Orprint
and send them. Allinvoicesand otherdocuments will
be send assoon asthey areposted. You alsodont
have tospend timeincreating reportswith separate
set ofparametersforeveryone.
Provide basicdetails, like title, description, type of rule (couldbe Email or SMS or File), folder
in whichto store, sourcetype (could be Crystal Report or SQL Query).
Sourceis usedto generate the output.This could be either aCrystalReport or SQL Query.This
report/ querywill be executed andoutputwill be sentto the destination. Valuesreturnedby
parameters querywill be usedin execution of source.
You canset scheduleas per yourrequirement.It could be every 5 minutes,every hour,daily
morning,daily evening,oncea week, onceevery 15day, once a monthor anythingyou
require.Youcan also set a start andend date for the rule.
You haveoptions of updatingsomefield in the database or runningsomequery after email is
successfullysent.You also havethe option to runthe rulefor newly created or modified
recordsonly. For sendingemails, you canchoosebetween Outlookand SMTP server.
Main Window
bConnect can connect to multiple
databases orSAP B1companies
simultaneously. Youcan also connect
to otherSQLDatabases.
Rules arethebasic building blocks of
bConnect. Each rule definethesource
and destination and various other
options for generatingemails.
You can pre-defineschedules and
reusethemin rules.Schedules could be
daily, weekly,fortnightly, monthly,
p GeneralTab
This tab definesthebasic settingsof therule,like Title,
Description, Source Type,etc.
Selects thedatabase on which this rule would beexecuted.
bConnect can connect to multiple databases simultaneously
and run rules on them.
Rule typecould beEmail  forsending emails to recipients,
SMS  for sending textmessageon mobile phones, or
FTP/File  forsaving output on FileServer/ FTPServer.
Source Typecould beeitherCrystalReport orSQL Query.
Output fromthesource will beusedto generatethecontent
of theemail.
p ReportTab
Hereyou selectthecrystal reportor SQL query source.
Ifyou areusing SAP B1,you can selecta reportwhich is
already imported in SAP B1.This could bea reportor a layout.
Crystal ReportFile
You can also select acrystal reportfile storedon theserver.
This reportshould beconnected to theappropriate database.
Ifthesource typeis SQL Query - you can specify a queryfor
p ParametersTab
Parametersarepassedto thecrystal reports orSQL query
You can useaquery savedin B1by selecting thesamehere.
You can typeaquery directly. The values returnedby the
queryarepassed asparametersin thesameorderasreturned
by query.Thesevalues can also beused in subject, recipient
p Email Tab
Specify therecipient address and otheroptions for email.
To / Cc/ Bcc
Specify theemail addressor selectthefield which contains
theemail address.
Specify thesubject oftheemail. Youcan include fields
returnedby ParametersQuery.
Message Format& Text
Specify if theoutput should beembeddedin themessage
body orattached totheemail. Also selectif theemail should
besentusing Outlook or SMTP server.
p FTP/FileTab
Detail theoptions forsaving output on FTP/ FileServer.
Server& Path
Specify theserveror thefile path wheretheoutput should be
saved.Also specify username/ password as required.
Specify thenameof thefile to beused.Youcan usefields
fromParametersQuery in thefilename.
p FormatTab
Formatting options forEmail /FTPRules.
Message Format
Output could beformattedas HTML, Rich Text,PDF,Excel,
Word, CSVor XML.
Specify date formatand textformatting options if you are
outputting to CSVorXML file.
p ScheduleTab
Schedule oftherule determineswhenit will beexecuted.
Ifruleis setforOne Time  it will beexecutedonly once at
thespecified date and time.
You can selectpre-definedrecurring schedule or defineyour
own as pertherequirements.This could bedaily, multiple
timesdaily, weekly,fortnightly, monthly, quarterly,or
anything elseas you need.
p OptionsTab
Options determinestepsaftersuccessful execution.
UpdateField/ Query
You can update a field back in thedatabaseor run a query
afterthesuccessful execution oftherule.
Process Records
You can specify if therule will beexecutedforall records, or
forrecords which have beenadded or modified since thelast
Customer Testimonials.
Atul Kshetry
bConnect developed by Accelon in 2011
is a verypractical product thatfulfilled the
demandforautomated emailing for
companies using SAP Business One.
Clive Ashworth
Itusedto takeus 4days everymonth to
print and sendcustomer statements.Now
theyare sentautomatically on 5th of every
Ecodis, UK
Wehad to sendfiles on FTPto the
warehousing company  as soon as a
delivery wasposted.bConnect
accomplished this without any coding or
Wehave beenusing bConnect for sending
invoices, dispatch intimations, payment
reminders,etc.to our customers. Ithas
helpedreduce our payment cycle by
Accelon Technologies
Established  2005
Numberof Customers 100+
Numberof Users Supported  3000+
Numberof Employees  30+
Accelon is preferred partnerfor SAP BusinessOneand other solutions for scores of customersin Indiaand abroad.
Accelon Technologies is a leading provider ofSAP Business One solutions and servicessince 2006.Accelon has done scores of projects across verticals in SAP Business Oneand have wide
portfolio of add-ons and solutions. With its experiencedconsulting team,Accelon can support any typeof project or scenario in SAP Business One. Accelon was awarded SAP Business
One HANA Partnerof the Year 2014at SAP Business One Innovation Summit,Bangkok.
ManufacturingProadds advance
manufacturingand routingcapabilities
to SAP BusinessOne.
PayOnprovides attendance, leave
management,payroll andtravel
expensemanagement,for SAP Business
FashionProis complete end-to-end
solution for Fashion,Shoes &Apparel
Manufacturing.It hascomprehensive
functionality to handle orders and
Tracto is our platform for web and
mobile based sales andservice portals.
It canbe customized to suit individual
QualityPro lets youmaintains quality
plans andinspections in SAP Business
One.Suitable for both discreet and
process manufacturing.
404, Transbay,Balewadi
Thank You!
SAP Is Necessary. Accelon Makes It Sufficient.

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bConnect - Automate Your Communications From SAP Business One

  • 2. Introduction What is bconnect bConnect is anenhanceddocument delivery solution especially designed for use with ERP software. bConnect is used by morethan 30customers in India, UK, Middle East, Africa and NewZealand. Firstintroduced in 2011,it generatesmorethan 2500emails daily including invoices to customers, paymentreminders,statementsand reports.Ithas helpedsaved our customers hundreds of man hours by automating theirroutine communication with theirbusiness partners and employees.Ithas also helped customers in improving their paymentcycles and customer satisfaction.
  • 3. Features Email Documents bConnect can sendinvoices, purchaseorders,oranyother documentdirectlyto customer,supplier,salesemployee,orany oneelse, even outsideyour ERP or SAPB1 system. SendReports bConnectcan deliverreports,like paymentreminders,dailysales,monthlycollection,etc. directlyto email at pre-definedintervals,ondaily,weekly, monthlyoranyotherschedule,asperyour requirement. SavetoFTP/File Server bConnectcan saveoutputfrom CrystalReportsto yourFTP orFileServerinPDF, XML, CSVorWord/ Excel format, whichcan be usedin integration, EDI systemsorIntranetwebsites. Flexible bConnectis the mostflexibledocument/ reportdeliverysolutionforSAP B1, youcan control allaspectsof emails,includingwhom to send,subject, text, attachmentformat, etc. bConnectcan alsoupdateflagsback in databasesystemaftersuccessfulgenerationof emails.
  • 4. BusinessBenefits Money You can improve your orderto cashcycle by sending promptinvoicesand timely payment remindersand statements.Alsoprecious manhours are saved because ofincreased automation and less dependency on manual emailing ofdocuments. Satisfaction Businesspartners aremoresatisfiedbecause they get promptdocuments and timelyinformation.You can send orderconfirmation,etc. toavoid costly mistakes inorder handling later.It can alsosend tracking detailsand dispatch intimations,assoon as the materialisshipped. Information Management and salesexecutives can gettimely information.Everyone can getreportsspecificto his/ her requirements,in Inbox in the formatof choice, PDF or Excel.Timely and proactivereportsand informationwillhelp make decision making easier Time WithbConnect, you areno longerrequired tosave documents in PDF than send themin email. Orprint and send them. Allinvoicesand otherdocuments will be send assoon asthey areposted. You alsodont have tospend timeincreating reportswith separate set ofparametersforeveryone.
  • 5. SimpleConfiguration Destination 3 Schedule 4 Options 5 Source 2 BasicDetails 1 BasicDetails Provide basicdetails, like title, description, type of rule (couldbe Email or SMS or File), folder in whichto store, sourcetype (could be Crystal Report or SQL Query). Source Sourceis usedto generate the output.This could be either aCrystalReport or SQL Query.This report/ querywill be executed andoutputwill be sentto the destination. Valuesreturnedby parameters querywill be usedin execution of source. Schedule You canset scheduleas per yourrequirement.It could be every 5 minutes,every hour,daily morning,daily evening,oncea week, onceevery 15day, once a monthor anythingyou require.Youcan also set a start andend date for the rule. Options You haveoptions of updatingsomefield in the database or runningsomequery after email is successfullysent.You also havethe option to runthe rulefor newly created or modified recordsonly. For sendingemails, you canchoosebetween Outlookand SMTP server.
  • 7. Main Window DATABASES bConnect can connect to multiple databases orSAP B1companies simultaneously. Youcan also connect to otherSQLDatabases. RULES Rules arethebasic building blocks of bConnect. Each rule definethesource and destination and various other options for generatingemails. SCHEDULES You can pre-defineschedules and reusethemin rules.Schedules could be daily, weekly,fortnightly, monthly, quarterly,etc.
  • 8. RuleDefinition p GeneralTab This tab definesthebasic settingsof therule,like Title, Description, Source Type,etc. SourceDatabase Selects thedatabase on which this rule would beexecuted. bConnect can connect to multiple databases simultaneously and run rules on them. RuleType Rule typecould beEmail forsending emails to recipients, SMS for sending textmessageon mobile phones, or FTP/File forsaving output on FileServer/ FTPServer. SourceType Source Typecould beeitherCrystalReport orSQL Query. Output fromthesource will beusedto generatethecontent of theemail.
  • 9. RuleDefinition p ReportTab Hereyou selectthecrystal reportor SQL query source. ReportFromSAPB1 Ifyou areusing SAP B1,you can selecta reportwhich is already imported in SAP B1.This could bea reportor a layout. Crystal ReportFile You can also select acrystal reportfile storedon theserver. This reportshould beconnected to theappropriate database. SQLQuery Ifthesource typeis SQL Query - you can specify a queryfor generatingtheoutput.
  • 10. RuleDefinition p ParametersTab Parametersarepassedto thecrystal reports orSQL query source. QueryfromSAPB1 You can useaquery savedin B1by selecting thesamehere. SQLQuery You can typeaquery directly. The values returnedby the queryarepassed asparametersin thesameorderasreturned by query.Thesevalues can also beused in subject, recipient addresses,etc.
  • 11. RuleDefinition p Email Tab Specify therecipient address and otheroptions for email. To / Cc/ Bcc Specify theemail addressor selectthefield which contains theemail address. Subject Specify thesubject oftheemail. Youcan include fields returnedby ParametersQuery. Message Format& Text Specify if theoutput should beembeddedin themessage body orattached totheemail. Also selectif theemail should besentusing Outlook or SMTP server.
  • 12. RuleDefinition p FTP/FileTab Detail theoptions forsaving output on FTP/ FileServer. Server& Path Specify theserveror thefile path wheretheoutput should be saved.Also specify username/ password as required. FileName Specify thenameof thefile to beused.Youcan usefields fromParametersQuery in thefilename.
  • 13. RuleDefinition p FormatTab Formatting options forEmail /FTPRules. Message Format Output could beformattedas HTML, Rich Text,PDF,Excel, Word, CSVor XML. Options Specify date formatand textformatting options if you are outputting to CSVorXML file.
  • 14. RuleDefinition p ScheduleTab Schedule oftherule determineswhenit will beexecuted. OneTime Ifruleis setforOne Time it will beexecutedonly once at thespecified date and time. Recurring You can selectpre-definedrecurring schedule or defineyour own as pertherequirements.This could bedaily, multiple timesdaily, weekly,fortnightly, monthly, quarterly,or anything elseas you need.
  • 15. RuleDefinition p OptionsTab Options determinestepsaftersuccessful execution. UpdateField/ Query You can update a field back in thedatabaseor run a query afterthesuccessful execution oftherule. Process Records You can specify if therule will beexecutedforall records, or forrecords which have beenadded or modified since thelast execution.
  • 17. Testimonials Atul Kshetry TowerGroup,Nigeria bConnect developed by Accelon in 2011 is a verypractical product thatfulfilled the demandforautomated emailing for companies using SAP Business One. Clive Ashworth Rollerblinds,NewZealand Itusedto takeus 4days everymonth to print and sendcustomer statements.Now theyare sentautomatically on 5th of every month. KeithDavis Ecodis, UK Wehad to sendfiles on FTPto the warehousing company as soon as a delivery wasposted.bConnect accomplished this without any coding or programming. AnantKakatkar Suyash,India Wehave beenusing bConnect for sending invoices, dispatch intimations, payment reminders,etc.to our customers. Ithas helpedreduce our payment cycle by severaldays.
  • 18. Aboutus Accelon Technologies Established 2005 Numberof Customers 100+ Numberof Users Supported 3000+ Numberof Employees 30+ Accelon is preferred partnerfor SAP BusinessOneand other solutions for scores of customersin Indiaand abroad. Accelon Technologies is a leading provider ofSAP Business One solutions and servicessince 2006.Accelon has done scores of projects across verticals in SAP Business Oneand have wide portfolio of add-ons and solutions. With its experiencedconsulting team,Accelon can support any typeof project or scenario in SAP Business One. Accelon was awarded SAP Business One HANA Partnerof the Year 2014at SAP Business One Innovation Summit,Bangkok.
  • 19. ManufacturingPro ManufacturingProadds advance manufacturingand routingcapabilities to SAP BusinessOne. PayOn PayOnprovides attendance, leave management,payroll andtravel expensemanagement,for SAP Business One. OurOtherProducts FashionPro FashionProis complete end-to-end solution for Fashion,Shoes &Apparel Manufacturing.It hascomprehensive functionality to handle orders and manufacturing. Tracto Tracto is our platform for web and mobile based sales andservice portals. It canbe customized to suit individual requirements. QualityPro QualityPro lets youmaintains quality plans andinspections in SAP Business One.Suitable for both discreet and process manufacturing.
  • 21. Thank You! SAP Is Necessary. Accelon Makes It Sufficient. INDIA PACIFIC MIDDLEEAST AFRICA