BrightStar offers private duty home care programs like HANDS and Clinical Pathways to reduce hospital readmissions and improve quality of life. HANDS provides home care after discharge to address issues that arise. Clinical Pathways is a condition-specific, transitional care program focused on reducing negative outcomes and optimizing quality of life through RN visits, education, and monitoring. These programs aim to address the top reasons for readmissions like medication management and lack of home support. They utilize technology, evidence-based practices, and specially trained staff to benefit patients, healthcare systems, and providers through better outcomes and efficiencies.
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1. The Role of Private Duty Home Care in Reducing Hospital Readmissions &
Enhancing Quality Of Life
Taking Private Duty Home Care to a Whole New Level
Hospital Assisted Nurse Discharge Service (HANDS)
and BrightStar Clinical Pathways
2. The Opportunity
Hospital/Health System
As part of the Patient
Protection & Affordable
data will be scrutinized at a
Care Act (PPACA), there number of levels and
are a number of changes failure to achieve certain
that will impact
reimbursement to national CMS benchmarks
hospitals and other will result in
healthcare systems
Financial Penalties
Excessive Readmissions
National efforts are
underway to reduce Less Robust Rewards
potentially preventable Poor Customer Satisfaction
hospital readmissions and
optimize the patient Poor Outcomes of Care
3. *Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services, Public Affairs, April 2009
Medicare data shows that nearly 1 in 5
patients who leave the hospital are
readmitted within the next month
and that more than 75% of these
Healthcare readmissions are preventable*
systems need to
look for new
solutions since Research has demonstrated that many
existing of the return trips can be prevented
approaches are with an in-home care program
not solving the that includes proper education and
problem. supervision.
4. Top Reasons for 30-day hospital readmissions:
Failure to make follow-up appointments
Lack of communication
Failure to understand medication management
Absence of in-home support
Non-adherence to lifestyle recommendations
Failure to understand and actively participate in the
management of their chronic disease
5. At BrightStar we utilize a Best
Practice approach to care
following the
National Quality Standards of
The Joint Commission
6. Cutting Edge Clinical Programs
The Framework:
Making More Possible
We are companions on LifeCare
the healthcare journey BrightStar
our clients take. KidCare
Pathways Staffing
BrightStars clinical
programs allow us to HANDS
partner with the client,
their family and their Person-Centered Care
healthcare team to Clinical Expertise
enhance quality of life National Quality Standards
and improve care
7. BrightStars Clinical Pathways and HANDS
Program was inspired by nationally recognized
care transition programs:
Coleman Care Transition
Intervention Program
which reduced hospital readmissions by
50% at 30, 60 and 90 days
8. HANDS is a transitional care program focused
on a safe transition home
After leaving the hospital it is important that the patient
have a direct link to an accessible care provider.
HANDS provides that link, bridging the transition to
home and addressing issues and questions that arise.
Medicare agencies may not be able to be there within
the 1st - 24 hours and sometimes not for 2-4 days.
9. BrightStars Hospital Accelerated Nurse
Discharge Service (HANDS) is a transitional
care program to facilitate a safe discharge
It is ideally the beginning of a journey we take
with the client and their healthcare team.
HANDS: It begins at time of discharge and continues
for a minimum of 24 hours
critical transition time for
What is it to re-engagement in the home setting.
A visit by our Registered Nurse Care
Our Manager is the cornerstone of the program
Assessment, Medication Reconciliation, Disease
Partners? State Education w/attention to Red Flag
Person-centered services performed by our
Transportation from hospital to home, Home
Safety Check, Light Housekeeping, Retrieval of
Simple Supplies (medications, groceries, etc),
Light Meal Prep, Transition Check List which
includes phone calls to loved ones,
arranging/confirming follow-up appointment with
discharging physician
11. HANDS Basic
3 hours CNA time
1 RN Home Visit w/i 4-8 hours of
Services hospital discharge
Everything included above
Pre-discharge RN Visit at hospital
(meet & greet, chart review,
discharge instructions, etc)
1 additional RN visit
24/7 RN phone call availability for
HANDS Plus 30 days
Services Detailed medication
instruction/med set-up if indicated
13. Simply put
BrightStar Clinical Pathways is a
patient centered
transitional care program
Focused on
reducing negative outcomes
optimizing quality of life
14. BrightStar Clinical Pathways SM
Patient Centered
Best practice approach
Time-limited (4 wks)
RN Clinical Pathway Coordinator
Specially Trained CNAs
15. BrightStar Clinical Pathways SM
Heart failure
Acute MI
Delirium & Dementia
Falls with Fracture
17. BrightStar Clinical Pathways :
Essentials Package
4 RN CPC Visits, 8 RN CPC Virtual Visits,
13 Specialty CNA Visits
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 TTL
RN Visit X X X X 4
RN Phone Call X X X X X X X X 8
CNA/HHA Visit X X X X X X X X X X X X X 13
Each face to face visit is a 2 hour condition-specific person-
centered interaction focused on empowering the client as well
as symptom surveillance
18. BrightStar Clinical Pathways
MS DRGs and Frailty Factors
*Frailty Factors
Mult Diagnoses
Mult. Medications
MS DRG CC Plus ADL/IADL Deficits
Unintentional Wt Loss
Limited Support
MS DRG Essentials
Frailty Factors*
19. BrightStar Clinical Pathways :
Essentials Plus Package
5 RN CPC Visits, 13 RN CPC Virtual Visits,
17 Specialty CNA Visits
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 TTL
RN Visit X X X X X 5
RN Phone Call X X X X X X X X X X X X X 13
CNA/HHA Visit X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 17
Each face to face visit is a 2 hour condition-specific person-
centered interaction focused on empowering the client as well
as symptom surveillance
20. Other Essential Elements of
BrightStar Clinical Pathways Care Together
Web based communication and calendar
tool for the client and their formal and
informal care team; also promotes the self-
management of chronic illness
Building a PressGaney/Patient Impact
National Patient Satisfaction Survey
Platform of comparable to what many hospitals
Clinical We hold ourselves to a high service
Excellence 9 out of 10 clients would refer us to a friend
ABS 2.0
Data tracking of diagnosis, recent
hospitalizations, reasons for
Staff assignment
Three key ways CareTogether enhances BCPs for clients & their families:
1. Condition specific
educational materials, care Families using with physicians and case
tools, resources managers can enhance communication
and understanding and adherence!
Three key ways CareTogether enhances BCPs for clients & their families:
3. Keeping the family involved
and updated is key part of
2. Calendar linked with ABS family and friends supporting
shows client + Care Team visit the care and better choices of
dates, times, name and more the Pathways program
23. HCAHPS vs BrightStar Press Ganey Survey
Which questions match between
HCAHPS & Press Ganey?
Which questions illustrate
opportunities for BrightStar to
24. BrightStar Clinical Pathways
Foundational Concepts
Person Centered
The individual is more than the sum of their parts
(or their diseases and medications)
Patient Empowerment with
Self Management of Chronic Disease
BrightStar Clinical Pathway Team Leader
25. Key BrightStar Clinical Pathways
Coordinator Goals
Motivate Clients
To become as independent as possible in monitoring
and maintaining their own health status
Provide Clients with the knowledge and skills
To make informed decisions about their healthcare
and quality of life
Reduce negative outcomes
Hospitalizations, Readmissions, Urgent Care Visits
,ER Visits, Falls, Med Errors, etc
Maintain active communication
BrightStar Clinical Pathway Team, Clients Family and
Physician, Other Healthcare Providers
30. Benefit to Patient:
Continuous care for better outcomes
RN education
Earlier Discharge Reduce risk of falls
One on one help and Additional resources
Improved medication guidance in the home to provide care,
management from specially transportation, RX
trained CNAs pick up, cleaning, etc
Stay out the of
hospital and the ER
31. What this program will mean to
Healthcare Systems & Providers:
Better Patient
Outcomes Improve Efficiencies
Improved Identify high-risk patients
Communication Complements patient and
and target specific family preparation for
Improve flow of information interventions to mitigate discharge. Ensure a timely,
between hospital, their risks for adverse efficient and safe
0utpatient physicians and events. With timely post discharge and transition
provider. discharge in-home care to home.
management and follow
Better Image
Improve patient and public Reduce likelihood of
perception of care and result in
higher satisfaction scores.
Promote customer loyalty &
confidence in St. Mary's and
preventable and
enhance patient overall costly readmissions
32. Why BrightStar?
Our Difference:
Joint Commission Accreditation Commitment to RN oversight
Fully Licensed by the Person centered approach
Press Ganey satisfaction survey CareTogether速
Licensed and insured for transport Flexible & responsive
RN DON trains & competency tests
Highly qualified and specially trained staff
all CNAs
Stringent screening and employment
All patients receive in-home risk
assessment to help reduce falls
Continuity of care and care
collaboration BrightStar Clinical Pathways
Ongoing services to maintain safety Locally owned & operated
and success
33. Ask Me How We Can
Make More Possible For You!
#3: President Obama proposed $320 billion in reductions to Medicare and Medicaid as part of his $3.8 trillion fiscal year 2013 federal budget proposal. The presidents plan, which is similar to a proposal the White House released in September, calls for cutting Medicare by $268 billion and Medicaid by $52 billion over 10 years.
#9: With the HANDS program BrightStar caregivers would provide timely assistance upon hospital discharge, maybe even transporting the patient to their place of residenceSo we will facilitate a safe and supportive environment before a Medicare home health agency has the ability to take over care management, We will serve as an additional link in care coordination. When MC agency and therapy com in collaborate with them supporting and reinforcing their teaching with the pt. - providing feedback , additional information they otherwise may not be able to obtain.- promoting even better outcomes than could have been possible before
#15: it begins at the time of discharge and continues for a minimum of 4-weeks critical transition time for re-engagement in the home setting- matches the 30 readmission window associated with penalties
#31: Family related/situation related/ afternoon evening dischargetimely visit by our RNCP Coord. Is the cornerstone of the program with safety assessment, med reconciliation, disease state education with attention to red flag symptoms.Person-centered services performed by our CNATransportation from hospital to home, Home Safety Check, Light Housekeeping, Retrieval of Simple Supplies (medications, groceries, etc), Light Meal Prep, following our Transition Check List which includes phone calls to loved ones, arranging/confirming follow-up appointment with discharging physician and so on . Condition home may have been left inOut of the hospital -Until those unavoidable exacerbation of their chronic disease occurs
#33: Our joint commission is firm evidence about the client care we provide. Both our accreditation and client satisfaction scores . At BS we have a wonderful asset in our PG reporting. We have an exclusive relationship with PG. our questions map those of HCAHPS and HHCAPSYou have a great deal of focus on client satisfaction and so do weSt BS we understand the importance of patient satisfaction-Our last PG survey revealed that 98% of our customers would refer us to family or friend.CareTogether. we know you have a similar program in Caring Bridge - Care Together is different and complementary. -The calendar/visit function and condition specific pt education materials that weve added to CareTogether really make it unique.