The #NHLTweetup event added a new marketing dimension to the Stanley Cup Playoffs by bringing together NHL fans on Twitter for real-world discussions. Over 150 fans attended the New York City event, where they bonded over their shared love of hockey beyond just 140-character conversations. The NHL hosted Tweetups in 23 cities, becoming one of the most extensive uses of Twitter to organize fan gatherings. This integrated social media into the NHL's traditional marketing efforts and provided longer-lasting coverage of the fan engagement.
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1. Integrating Social:
How the #NHLTweetup
Added a New Marketing Dimension
to the Stanley Cup Playoffs
asdfasdf --> <<-- asdfasdfsdf --> <-- ga tags end here
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2. The Stanley Cup Playoffs = Best Hockey of the Season
The hardest trophy
to win in team
The best 16 teams
The best players in
the world
Unrivaled intensity
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3. But NHL fans dont always activate nationally
NHL fans skew more
High incidents of
displaced fans
Local vs. National TV
Page 3
5. But it takes more than marketing
Launched thePORTAL microsite
Playoff Obsession Raised To
Another Level
Conducted traditional media
Tasked with making it larger
than life
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6. The power of social: few can sound like many
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8. Social doesnt have to mean no media allowed
One of the best Tweetups ever I was pleasantly
surprised to see so many REAL hockey fans in
attendance, not just the social media/tech crowd
jumping on a Tweetup to promote and network I
never would have had a chance to bond with the
aforementioned group if the NHL hadn't seen value in
gathering its Twitter-using fans together in one spot to
have longer than 140-character conversations. Kelly
Samardak, MediaPost
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9. And the media can help tell other parts of the story
Cover Story: Brands Take Social Media Into Real Life
The menu of McDonald's and Bud Light
wasn't exactly haute cuisine. It was
enough, however, to satisfy the 150
hockey fans who got together last week
in New York as part of a series of parties
organized online by the National Hockey
League to celebrate the start of the
playoff season.
The NHL held what is probably the most
extensive "Tweetup" to date, using the
service to hold parties in 23 U.S. and
Canadian cities. They ran the gamut of
large and small, with some like the one
in Regina, Saskatchewan, drawing 350
attendees and others, like the one in
Edmonton, Alberta, attracting just 10.
The NHL and other brands are taking a
page from political groups that use
social-networking tools to help their
constituencies organize themselves.
Brian Morrissey, AdWeek
Page 9
10. And provide a longer shelf life for the story
NHL Hosts Tweetups for Hockey Fans
League Has Been One of Sports' Most
Aggressive Users of Twitter and Other Digital
Continuing its aggressive use of Twitter, the National Hockey League
is hosting 21 tweetups -- real-world get-togethers of Twitter users -- to mark
the start of its playoffs tomorrow
The NHL has generally been among the most aggressive sports
leagues in terms of its digital offerings and efforts, including an online
subscription service that offers live broadcasts of every NHL game. The league
said its fan base tends to be younger and more digitally inclined than those of
the other big leagues and, as such, more likely to be dialed in to Twitter and
other social media. Jeremy Mullman
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