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Seasoned engineer with over 26 years of proven success in management and power plant operations, an expertise in commissioning,
coordination, startup, and operations enhancement, and exemplary leadership acumen seeking position to contribute to organizations
further success as an Commissioning/ Startup Manager of combined cycle power plants and in the oil and gas industries.
Relationship-Builder | Team-Player | Self-Motivated | Analytically Minded | Problem-Solver | Achiever Result-Oriented | Exemplary Work Ethics |
Ambitious & Goal Driven | Talented Time Manager
Southern Company/Mississippi Power Title: Mechanical Commissioning Coordinator 04/14/2014
 Wrote the Startup procedures for the Solids Handling System, Worked with the (AGR) Acid Gas Recovery in receiving Selexol, worked
with the Compressor Group with flushing their equipment. Liaison between Air Liquide and Southern Company. Worked with the Nitrogen
Group with preparation and conducting air blows and pressure tests. Walked downs the Solid Handling equipment for lining this equipment
up for normal operation. Working with the Syngas cleanup crew and Mississippi Power Operators with various vessel inspection and valve
line up for plant operation. Worked with the Nitrogen handling crew in the pressure testing and the lineup of the nitrogen system. Help setup
the Gasifier Analysis Sampling System wit Instrument air, Close Cooling Water (CCW) and Demin Water, Also assisted in the operation of 2
package boilers 04/14/2014-Present
.Mechanical Commissioning Specialist at the R. M. Schahfer FGD & WWT Project located in Wheatfield Indiana, Title: Senior Associate 1
 Commissioning and Start up of the Limestone Slurry Forced Oxidation Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) .One FGD system is provided
per unit to treat the flue gas produced by NIPSCO Schahfer Units 14 & 15 coal fired boilers. Also started up the (DSI) Dry Sorbent
Injection System, and worked WWT Waste Water System. 07/2013  4/2014
Mechanical Operations Engineer.
Kiewit (DWP) Department of Water and Power Long Beach Ca.
The project are start-up six (6) GEs LMS100 New High Efficiency Simple Cycle Gas Turbine. 12/19/2012 
 Directed and counseled client supervisory personnel during the commissioning and initial start-up through acceptance of the project;
represented organization to senior level client personnel during the pre-commissioning, commissioning, test run, and acceptance of the
six GE LMS100.
Commissioning Engineer
Dan River Project, Eden, NC 01/2012- 08/2012
Duke Buck Project, Salisbury NC 06/2011- 01/2012
Nevada Power, Harry Allen Project, Las Vegas Nevada 01/2011-06/2011
 The projects are Two GE 7FAs Gas Turbines, Two Volt HRSGs located at the exhaust end of the combustion turbine on a Combined
Cycle Plant with other support equipment
 Held full accountability for the job duties planning, prioritization, and delegation
 Directed and counseled client supervisory personnel during the commissioning and initial start-up through acceptance of the project;
represented organization to senior level client personnel during the pre-commissioning, commissioning, test run, and acceptance of the
EPCT Project Lockout Tag-out Coordinator 02/09- 12/10
 Played a pivotal role in the Castle Peak Power Station Emissions Control Project through resourceful coordination and management of
permits with Construction, Commissioning, and Production Operations
 Acted as the focal point for Construction and Commissioning Teams to ensure adherence to safe work systems (Permit to Works,
SIMOPS, Task Risk Assessments, etc.); maintained PTW registers and controlled Long Term Isolation and Bypass Safety Device
Shift Supervisor- EPC Global-Bechtel, Cheniere LNG Gas Plant. Cameron, LA. Sabine Pass LNG Plant. 07/2008-
General Electric Inland Empire Energy Center, LLC Romoland, CA
Mechanical Startup Engineer 01/2008-
 Responsibilities included assisting with Flushing EHC Systems, ACW, CCW, CD, BFP commissioning and startup of each system for n
Washington Group International, San Juan Repowering Project, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Startup Engineer/ Shift Supervisor 3/2007-12/2007
 Responsible for assisting the start-up commissioning teams with all aspects of power plant operations.
 Worked as a Shift Supervisor during commissioning to train the local Puerto Rican Operators how to operate all plant systems.
 Two one-over-one Ansaldo Combustion Turbine associated with an Ansaldo Duel Pressure Integral Reheat Horizontal Stack HRSG.
 With a Siemens Westinghouse (SW) Tandem Compound Steam Turbine.
Penpower USA Commissioning Engineer Gas Turbine Centerline. 05/2005-
揃 Assisted General Electric (GE) with the commissioning and startup of GE (109 FA) Combustion Turbine and GE (AH14 HP/RH/LP )
Steam Turbine. Galway, Ireland
B R A N D O N D . S T E E L E , S R .
162 Savannah LN | Calera, Al. 35040
(205) 451-9087/ (205)746-6749 | (205) 663-3927 |
PPN Operator Gila River Energy Combined Cycle Project 07/2004-
 Demonstrated dedication to excellence while contributing to daily plant operations and assisting with consistent performance
enhancement efforts; worked in conjunction with peers during overhaul and PMs of plant equipment.
 Plant consisted of 8 GE 207 FA Hydrogen Cooled Combustion Turbine, and 4 D11 Hydrogen Cooled Steam Turbines, as well as an
Ovation DCS System to operate the plant
Startup, Commissioning, and Operation Dominion Fairless Energy Combined Cycle Project 03/2004-05/2004
 Facility consisted of 4 GE MS7001FA Gas Turbines, 2 STAG 207FA Steam Turbines, and 4 NEM HRSGS
 Tasked with the units commissioning and startup oeprations support, while assisting and training the plant operators using a GE Mark
VI DCS system
 Administered the commissioning of the Close Cycle Cooling system (CCW), Service Water system (SW), Instrument / Plant Air system
(IA), Condensate System (CO), and Air Ejector System
Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) Startup/ Commissioning/ Operation 06/2003-01/2004
 Facility consisted of Two GE 6FA 40mw Gas Turbine supplying Two ATS HRSG and one Nuevo Pignone 40mw Steam Turbine, along
with BOP equipment
 Commissioned the BOP section of the plant and led the startup of the GTs and Steam Turbine; coordinated the chemical cleaning of
both HRSG, as well as steam blows; leveraged subject matter expertise to train operators and developed training documentation for
Jamaica Public Service Company training program
Charleston, MA. Startup/ Commissioning/Operation 07/2002-
 Facility consisted of Four (4) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) 501G Hydrogen Cooled Combustion Turbine (GT), each associated
with a Deltak Triple Pressure Horizontal Stack Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG); steam from both HRSGs HP steam system is
fed to the high pressure side of a single Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Tandem Compound Hydrogen Cooled Steam Turbine (STG)
Responsible for Chemical Cleaning 2 of the 4 HRSG and the associated piping, Air and Steam Blows, Piping restoration after Steam
and Air Blows
 Assisted with the plant operators training, efficiently deploying Foxboro DCS system; tasked with the Close Cycle Cooling system
(CCW), Service Water system (SW), Instrument / Plant Air system (IA), Condensate System (CO), and Air Ejector System
DFD, Moss Landing, CA Commissioning and Startup 04/2002-06/2002
 Served at DFD, Moss Landing, CA; facility consists of 4 x 7FA GE gas turbines and 2 GE stream turbines, Alstom HRSG and Foxboro
DCS.; assisted with each unit commissioning and start up, while educating and training 16 operators
 Developed and implemented diverse system procedures, resulting in performance efficiency enhancement
DFD, Eddystone, PA Lead Mechanical / Operation 10/2001-04/2002
 Assigned to DFD, Eddystone, PA; facility consists of 2 x 168.6MW GE Frame 7FA hydrogen cooled gas turbine generators with
Selected Catalytic Reduction for turbine exhaust emission control, 188.4MW. Toshiba hydrogen cooled steam turbine generator, two
HRSGs with supplemental duct burners, cooling tower, Foxboro DCS, and all associated power block and BOP equipment; steered and
controlled fitters and labors mechanical work, while assisting with commissioning
 Issued lockout / tag-out clearance, as well as effectively monitored plan operations to ensure flawless performance
ABB Alstom, San Marcos, TX Shift Charge Engineer 06/2001-10/2001
 Acted as an integral part of the team at ABB Alstom, San Marcos, TX; facility consists of 1000MW plant, four ABB GT24/GT26 class
gas turbines, four ABB once through (HRSG) HRSGs, two HP/LP (OTC) Once Through Cooler, air-cooling system, and ABB Advant
Power Control (DCIS) system; monitored plant operations and provided compelling leadership for the shift workers to facilitate
effective execution of assigned duties and ensure proper handling of arousing performance challenges
Nuevo Pignone, Dakar, Senegal, Africa Operations Supervisor 01/2001-05/2001
 Worked at Nuevo Pignone., Dakar, Senegal, Africa; facility consists of Nuevo Pignone/GE Frame 6 gas turbine, 21MS GE steam
turbine, and CCT dual pressure HRSG, and Moore DCS
 Created and integrated innovative procedures, as well as wrote turnover package; supervised shit operators
Florida Power & Light, Kissimmee, Florida Turn Over Package Coordinator 10/2000-12/2000
 Collected data upon job completion to ensure compliance with the P&IDs, Mechanical, Piping, and Electrical Drawing; performed
fuel and oil system checks to sustain 100% service readiness
 Created a detailed list to track items, turned over back to construction for completion; units were three GE frame 6 Simple Cycle
Combustion Turbine
GE Contractual Services, Tri Energy IPP Project at Ratchaburi, Thailand Startup Mechanical/Operator 09/1999-08/2000
 Facility consists of 750MW combine cycle plant, two GE MS9001FA gas turbines, hydrogen cooled generator, two Nooter Erikson
triple pressure HRSGs with reheat, one reheat steam turbine, two Combustion turbine generators (CTs) and the steam
turbine/generator (ST), and associated water treatment plant and auxiliaries with total plant capacity of 750 MW, Mark V and Bailey
Infi-90/Symphony (DCIS) systems
 Provided comprehensive assistance for the start-up commissioning teams with all aspects of power plant operations
 Worked as a Shift Supervisor during commissioning to train the local Thai Operators plant systems oeprations
 Cooperated resourcefully with the GE management staff to develop operating procedures and create an efficient qualification/training
Aqua-Chem, Inc. Qarn Alam Crestal Steam Injection Project. Oman Process Control Operator 088/1998-08/1999
 Facility consists of two Thermo tic gas fired steam generators utilizing Aqua-Chem seed slurry brine concentrator, water treatment
plant, and Foxboro DCS system.
 Spearheaded the refurbishment, startup, and operation efforts; coordinate the injection of the steam into ground to raise temperature of
earth to cause trapped oil flow to reservoirs to be pumped to storage tanks
 Managed the provision of water for steam generators and potable water system for camps and villages in surrounding areas; monitored
related activities
Plant Manager  Galax Energy Concepts, LLC  11/1996-08/1998 Control Room Operator/Shift Supervisor  Hydra-Co Operation  06/1990-
Energy Factors, Inc. Steam Plant Training. Class II Certification  1987 | Waukesha Engine School, Waukesha, WI  1986
Energy Factors, Inc. Calgon Chemistry Class. Certification  1986
References Available Upon Request

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  • 1. Seasoned engineer with over 26 years of proven success in management and power plant operations, an expertise in commissioning, coordination, startup, and operations enhancement, and exemplary leadership acumen seeking position to contribute to organizations further success as an Commissioning/ Startup Manager of combined cycle power plants and in the oil and gas industries. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Relationship-Builder | Team-Player | Self-Motivated | Analytically Minded | Problem-Solver | Achiever Result-Oriented | Exemplary Work Ethics | Ambitious & Goal Driven | Talented Time Manager PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Southern Company/Mississippi Power Title: Mechanical Commissioning Coordinator 04/14/2014 Wrote the Startup procedures for the Solids Handling System, Worked with the (AGR) Acid Gas Recovery in receiving Selexol, worked with the Compressor Group with flushing their equipment. Liaison between Air Liquide and Southern Company. Worked with the Nitrogen Group with preparation and conducting air blows and pressure tests. Walked downs the Solid Handling equipment for lining this equipment up for normal operation. Working with the Syngas cleanup crew and Mississippi Power Operators with various vessel inspection and valve line up for plant operation. Worked with the Nitrogen handling crew in the pressure testing and the lineup of the nitrogen system. Help setup the Gasifier Analysis Sampling System wit Instrument air, Close Cooling Water (CCW) and Demin Water, Also assisted in the operation of 2 package boilers 04/14/2014-Present .Mechanical Commissioning Specialist at the R. M. Schahfer FGD & WWT Project located in Wheatfield Indiana, Title: Senior Associate 1 Commissioning and Start up of the Limestone Slurry Forced Oxidation Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) .One FGD system is provided per unit to treat the flue gas produced by NIPSCO Schahfer Units 14 & 15 coal fired boilers. Also started up the (DSI) Dry Sorbent Injection System, and worked WWT Waste Water System. 07/2013 4/2014 Mechanical Operations Engineer. Kiewit (DWP) Department of Water and Power Long Beach Ca. The project are start-up six (6) GEs LMS100 New High Efficiency Simple Cycle Gas Turbine. 12/19/2012 5/2013 Directed and counseled client supervisory personnel during the commissioning and initial start-up through acceptance of the project; represented organization to senior level client personnel during the pre-commissioning, commissioning, test run, and acceptance of the six GE LMS100. THE SHAW GROUP Commissioning Engineer Dan River Project, Eden, NC 01/2012- 08/2012 Duke Buck Project, Salisbury NC 06/2011- 01/2012 Nevada Power, Harry Allen Project, Las Vegas Nevada 01/2011-06/2011 The projects are Two GE 7FAs Gas Turbines, Two Volt HRSGs located at the exhaust end of the combustion turbine on a Combined Cycle Plant with other support equipment Held full accountability for the job duties planning, prioritization, and delegation Directed and counseled client supervisory personnel during the commissioning and initial start-up through acceptance of the project; represented organization to senior level client personnel during the pre-commissioning, commissioning, test run, and acceptance of the plant SHAW STONE AND WEBSTER ASIA (SWAI) EPCT Project Lockout Tag-out Coordinator 02/09- 12/10 Played a pivotal role in the Castle Peak Power Station Emissions Control Project through resourceful coordination and management of permits with Construction, Commissioning, and Production Operations Acted as the focal point for Construction and Commissioning Teams to ensure adherence to safe work systems (Permit to Works, SIMOPS, Task Risk Assessments, etc.); maintained PTW registers and controlled Long Term Isolation and Bypass Safety Device registers Shift Supervisor- EPC Global-Bechtel, Cheniere LNG Gas Plant. Cameron, LA. Sabine Pass LNG Plant. 07/2008- 08/2008 General Electric Inland Empire Energy Center, LLC Romoland, CA Mechanical Startup Engineer 01/2008- 05/2008 Responsibilities included assisting with Flushing EHC Systems, ACW, CCW, CD, BFP commissioning and startup of each system for n Washington Group International, San Juan Repowering Project, San Juan, Puerto Rico Startup Engineer/ Shift Supervisor 3/2007-12/2007 Responsible for assisting the start-up commissioning teams with all aspects of power plant operations. Worked as a Shift Supervisor during commissioning to train the local Puerto Rican Operators how to operate all plant systems. Two one-over-one Ansaldo Combustion Turbine associated with an Ansaldo Duel Pressure Integral Reheat Horizontal Stack HRSG. With a Siemens Westinghouse (SW) Tandem Compound Steam Turbine. Penpower USA Commissioning Engineer Gas Turbine Centerline. 05/2005- 03/2006 揃 Assisted General Electric (GE) with the commissioning and startup of GE (109 FA) Combustion Turbine and GE (AH14 HP/RH/LP ) Steam Turbine. Galway, Ireland B R A N D O N D . S T E E L E , S R . 162 Savannah LN | Calera, Al. 35040 (205) 451-9087/ (205)746-6749 | (205) 663-3927 | brandonsteele@earthlink.net
  • 2. PPN Operator Gila River Energy Combined Cycle Project 07/2004- 09/2004 Demonstrated dedication to excellence while contributing to daily plant operations and assisting with consistent performance enhancement efforts; worked in conjunction with peers during overhaul and PMs of plant equipment. Plant consisted of 8 GE 207 FA Hydrogen Cooled Combustion Turbine, and 4 D11 Hydrogen Cooled Steam Turbines, as well as an Ovation DCS System to operate the plant Startup, Commissioning, and Operation Dominion Fairless Energy Combined Cycle Project 03/2004-05/2004 Facility consisted of 4 GE MS7001FA Gas Turbines, 2 STAG 207FA Steam Turbines, and 4 NEM HRSGS Tasked with the units commissioning and startup oeprations support, while assisting and training the plant operators using a GE Mark VI DCS system Administered the commissioning of the Close Cycle Cooling system (CCW), Service Water system (SW), Instrument / Plant Air system (IA), Condensate System (CO), and Air Ejector System Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) Startup/ Commissioning/ Operation 06/2003-01/2004 Facility consisted of Two GE 6FA 40mw Gas Turbine supplying Two ATS HRSG and one Nuevo Pignone 40mw Steam Turbine, along with BOP equipment Commissioned the BOP section of the plant and led the startup of the GTs and Steam Turbine; coordinated the chemical cleaning of both HRSG, as well as steam blows; leveraged subject matter expertise to train operators and developed training documentation for Jamaica Public Service Company training program Charleston, MA. Startup/ Commissioning/Operation 07/2002- 05/2003 Facility consisted of Four (4) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) 501G Hydrogen Cooled Combustion Turbine (GT), each associated with a Deltak Triple Pressure Horizontal Stack Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG); steam from both HRSGs HP steam system is fed to the high pressure side of a single Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Tandem Compound Hydrogen Cooled Steam Turbine (STG) Responsible for Chemical Cleaning 2 of the 4 HRSG and the associated piping, Air and Steam Blows, Piping restoration after Steam and Air Blows Assisted with the plant operators training, efficiently deploying Foxboro DCS system; tasked with the Close Cycle Cooling system (CCW), Service Water system (SW), Instrument / Plant Air system (IA), Condensate System (CO), and Air Ejector System commissioning DFD, Moss Landing, CA Commissioning and Startup 04/2002-06/2002 Served at DFD, Moss Landing, CA; facility consists of 4 x 7FA GE gas turbines and 2 GE stream turbines, Alstom HRSG and Foxboro DCS.; assisted with each unit commissioning and start up, while educating and training 16 operators Developed and implemented diverse system procedures, resulting in performance efficiency enhancement DFD, Eddystone, PA Lead Mechanical / Operation 10/2001-04/2002 Assigned to DFD, Eddystone, PA; facility consists of 2 x 168.6MW GE Frame 7FA hydrogen cooled gas turbine generators with Selected Catalytic Reduction for turbine exhaust emission control, 188.4MW. Toshiba hydrogen cooled steam turbine generator, two HRSGs with supplemental duct burners, cooling tower, Foxboro DCS, and all associated power block and BOP equipment; steered and controlled fitters and labors mechanical work, while assisting with commissioning Issued lockout / tag-out clearance, as well as effectively monitored plan operations to ensure flawless performance ABB Alstom, San Marcos, TX Shift Charge Engineer 06/2001-10/2001 Acted as an integral part of the team at ABB Alstom, San Marcos, TX; facility consists of 1000MW plant, four ABB GT24/GT26 class gas turbines, four ABB once through (HRSG) HRSGs, two HP/LP (OTC) Once Through Cooler, air-cooling system, and ABB Advant Power Control (DCIS) system; monitored plant operations and provided compelling leadership for the shift workers to facilitate effective execution of assigned duties and ensure proper handling of arousing performance challenges Nuevo Pignone, Dakar, Senegal, Africa Operations Supervisor 01/2001-05/2001 Worked at Nuevo Pignone., Dakar, Senegal, Africa; facility consists of Nuevo Pignone/GE Frame 6 gas turbine, 21MS GE steam turbine, and CCT dual pressure HRSG, and Moore DCS Created and integrated innovative procedures, as well as wrote turnover package; supervised shit operators Florida Power & Light, Kissimmee, Florida Turn Over Package Coordinator 10/2000-12/2000 Collected data upon job completion to ensure compliance with the P&IDs, Mechanical, Piping, and Electrical Drawing; performed fuel and oil system checks to sustain 100% service readiness Created a detailed list to track items, turned over back to construction for completion; units were three GE frame 6 Simple Cycle Combustion Turbine GE Contractual Services, Tri Energy IPP Project at Ratchaburi, Thailand Startup Mechanical/Operator 09/1999-08/2000 Facility consists of 750MW combine cycle plant, two GE MS9001FA gas turbines, hydrogen cooled generator, two Nooter Erikson triple pressure HRSGs with reheat, one reheat steam turbine, two Combustion turbine generators (CTs) and the steam turbine/generator (ST), and associated water treatment plant and auxiliaries with total plant capacity of 750 MW, Mark V and Bailey Infi-90/Symphony (DCIS) systems Provided comprehensive assistance for the start-up commissioning teams with all aspects of power plant operations Worked as a Shift Supervisor during commissioning to train the local Thai Operators plant systems oeprations Cooperated resourcefully with the GE management staff to develop operating procedures and create an efficient qualification/training program. Aqua-Chem, Inc. Qarn Alam Crestal Steam Injection Project. Oman Process Control Operator 088/1998-08/1999 Facility consists of two Thermo tic gas fired steam generators utilizing Aqua-Chem seed slurry brine concentrator, water treatment plant, and Foxboro DCS system.
  • 3. Spearheaded the refurbishment, startup, and operation efforts; coordinate the injection of the steam into ground to raise temperature of earth to cause trapped oil flow to reservoirs to be pumped to storage tanks Managed the provision of water for steam generators and potable water system for camps and villages in surrounding areas; monitored related activities OTHER EMPLOYMENT Plant Manager Galax Energy Concepts, LLC 11/1996-08/1998 Control Room Operator/Shift Supervisor Hydra-Co Operation 06/1990- 10/1996 CERTIFICATIONS Energy Factors, Inc. Steam Plant Training. Class II Certification 1987 | Waukesha Engine School, Waukesha, WI 1986 Energy Factors, Inc. Calgon Chemistry Class. Certification 1986 References Available Upon Request