Presentation to Big Data World - Europe in London Sep 20 2012. "How to generate an ROI through a positive approach to data privacy".
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Bdw bryan sep 20-2012
1. How to generate an ROI through
a positive approach to data privacy
2. In general, a business case . . .
Translates issues into economic terms
Justifies and prioritizes effort forward
Evaluates impacts in hindsight
For data privacy, the business case sounds . . .
What will it take? It depends.
Worst case? Youre going to jail.
3. 1. Itemize risks For data privacy, this approach
yields subjective, extreme and
2. For each risk, identify the impacts sometimes threatening results.
3. For each impact, estimate:
Economic impact (Ie) Not credible
Probability of Risk (Rp)
What about next year
ROI = Risks Impacts (Rp x Ie)
Cost to Prevent
4. Add, to taste . . .
PV of Risks PV of Costs
Cost of Capital Tax Impact
Current Future Insurance
4. Cost & Risk driven Opportunity & value driven
No differentiation Competitive ground
Justified a priori Measured impacts
Do or Do Not decision to what extent
Zero-Lose game Zero-Win game
For privacy, recognize Brand
value contributions Loyalty
5. Privacy practices ARE interactions
Customer integrated
communicating policy
Relationship interactions Cost
Value recording preferences
Management preferences
observing practices
Apply CRM valuation to Privacy
Customer Satisfaction
Involve/Obligate Marketing
Basis for ROI Revenue / Customer Communicate impacts
Lifetime Value (LCV)
A/B testing
Measure by Cross-process impact
Anecdotal tracking
6. Brands have measurable value also called Brand Equity, reflected in premium
P/E, or market capitalization in excess of earnings valuation
Price, or Value/Sales compared to generics or competitors
Intangible Asset (Goodwill) applied in finance and negotiating power
Trust efforts can be valued like those of marketing campaigns
Reach population who experience privacy messaging
Expect terms Frequency how often privacy is expressed (with other messages)
Impact ad concept of message importance
Talk to your advertising Agency of Record
Get subjective, authoritative impact value
Check out brand valuation methods from:
Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
7. A loyalty program translates
Loyalty & customer registration programs
Do you want privacy? into
Acquire more customers How do you want info?
Retain them longer
In sell, cross sell, up sell
Change privacy to preferences
All of these are measured!
Use loyalty to lift privacy frequency
Direct Marketing
Redemptions and other activity Coordinate measurement method
Customer service
To Loyalty, privacy means opt-out
But My Account also
Incentivize engagement
Offers multiple preferences
Returns data to customer
8. Usually refers to public board organization because its their money.
In big data, we customer information because its their data.
Governance is measured by asking & inspecting.
Customer care, service and sale events can embed privacy messages
Including it in greetings, confirming identity and script flow
Reiterating policy, soliciting confirmation
Monitoring satisfaction by process (expect varying impact)
Satisfaction is measureable
Transparent companies disclose CSI
Analyst community premium
Evidence of Consumer Protection
Like all measures, it trends, translates to financials
9. Positive cases depend on other business functions
Reach outside legal, compliance, IT
Learn partnership, collaborative sponsoring
Address: whats in it for them?
Positive includes measuring outcomes
Even/especially when they miss expectations
Tracking needs to be baked in to process & tech solutions
Continually improving measurement methods
Michael Bryan
(703) 638-3224