Be Bully Free Elementary School program with Professional Storyteller Debbie Dunn helps promote a positive school climate, helps reduce school absenteeism, and helps reduce negative effects of bullying. Free download.
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Be Bully Free Elementary School program with Professional Storyteller Debbie Dunn
5. A man dropped a cigarette underneath a tree,
the home of the bees, crows, and squirrels. Can
Super Spy Squirrel find an animal big enough
to stop the fire before it transforms into a forest
6. Lion and Tiger bully Carl Coyote on a regular
basis. Some of the forest animals find out and
offer Coyote their friendship. That made Coyote
feel a little better. Unfortunately, he knows Lion
and Tiger plan to bully him again soon? What
will he do?
7. Carl Coyote was feelings so flat and deflated
from being bullied regularly by Lion and Tiger.
Sadly, he decided the only way to feel puffed-
up and inflated was to become a bully himself.
Watch what happens when he joins that chain
of pain.
8. At a meeting, the animals discuss the Bully
Chain of Pain. The boys and girls work out their
conflict. A plan is discussed to teach Coyote it is
NOT okay to be a bully. I Messages and other
techniques are taught to deal with bullies.
9. Eagle and her friends tell Carl Coyote that it is
NOT okay to be a bully. Instead, he should focus
on his talents and skills. Then the four boys he
bullied use I Messages to get him to stop
bullying them. Coyote apologizes.
10. Coyote gets caught in a hunters snare. Thanks
to his apologizing for being a bully, the animals
are willing to organize a rescue party before 2
hunters can sell him for money.
11. An Animal Intervention with 2 Bullies: Tiger
and Lion. Doug Raccoon and the other forest
animals state, Stop being a bully or leave our
forest forever. Tiger agreed to stop. Lion