This document summarizes the Beating the Odds Foundation's leadership program for Fall 2016/2017. The foundation aims to foster student achievement and purpose through hands-on STEM/STEAM education opportunities in partnership with NASA and Challenger Learning Centers. The program increases student engagement in STEM/STEAM fields through curriculum teaching skills like computer science, leadership, and a blueprint for success. It aims to reach over 150,000 students in the next five years to address the growing shortage of STEM professionals in the US.
2. The Beating the Odds Foundation's mission is to serve
the needs of students by fostering in them the desire to
achieve success in all that they do and to live lives of
purpose and meaning as caring human beings and
builders of caring communities.
The Beating the Odds Foundation (BTO) is answering our nations call for
STEM/STEAM education opportunities that prioritize hands-on learning to
increase student engagement, interest, and achievement in the STEM/
STEAM 鍖elds.
BTOs partnership with NASA, and the Challenger Learning Centers
increases student engagement and exposure in the STEM/STEAM
industries. Through this curriculum, each student participating will learn skills
in computer science, language arts and leadership.
Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator - Must Watch -NASA/BTO Partnership
We want students to know what it
takes to achieve success in
school, career, and life. Therefore,
we seek to give everyone access
to the best kinds of interesting and
advanced STEM/STEAM 鍖elds.
We hope to create an opportunity
for students that are not yet aware
of the possibilities in STEM/
STEAM related careers. Its also an
opportunity to introduce students
to individuals who came from
similar backgrounds, showing
students that anything is possible.
6. Quarterbacks of Life has inspired me to become an aerospace engineer.
When asked about why I wanted to pursue this career path, it will not be
because, I always knew, or that, I never imagined this is what I would
do. I will think back to an auditorium in Washington D.C., where I heard
the stories that set my future, revealed my passion, and changed my
~Michael P. Nutt | Pennsylvania State University | Class of 2020
College of Engineering | Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering
NASA and BTOs partnership goal is to
enable students to get onto the pathway
toward careers as mathematicians,
scientists, engineers, physicists, and even
The partnership will:
increase the students STEM/STEAM
challenge students to become critical
teach students a blueprint for success
(Stepping Stones to Success)
give students a newfound sense of
teach teamwork
Challenger Learning Centers for
space science education was
founded in 1986 by the families of
the astronauts who died in the
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
on January 28, 1986.
The Challenger learning Centers
offer dynamic, hands-on
exploration and discovery
opportunities to students around
the world. These programs equip
students with the knowledge,
con鍖dence, and skills that will help
better our national social and
economic well-being.
The Challenger Learning Centers reach into communities around the globe,
engaging more than 400,000 school-age students and 40,000 educators each
The US Armys JROTC Program uses BTOsStepping Stones to
Successcurriculum in 2,000 JRORC schools and over 300,000 students
throughout the world.
GOAL: BTO/NASA/Challenger Learning Centers 鍖ve year goal for this partnership
is to reach more than 150,000 students with STEM potential, creating a model that
can be replicated in any classrooms, anywhere in the world.
US Armys JROTC Program | National
ACE Leadership Summit | Antelope Valley, CA
Challenger Learning Center | Downey, CA
STEM in Gaming | Los Angeles, CA
Microsoft STEM in Sports | Woodland Hills, CA
Penn State University's Astronomy Initiative | College Station, PA
NASA Quarterbacks of Life | Pittsburgh, PA
NASA Quarterbacks of Life | Philadelphia, PA
Challenger Learning Center | Wheeling, WV
According to the White House US2020
STEM initiative, by 2022 the U.S. will need
more than 9 million STEM professionals.
Current projections indicate there will be a
signi鍖cant shortage of quali鍖ed
professionals to meet this need.
BTO is seeking partners who share like-
vision and goals to support students who
aspire to have careers in STEM/STEAM
As a partner, your support will allow BTO to
provide our STEM/STEAM curriculum to
educators and students in school districts
across the country.
If you share this vision, we want to talk with
you. Please contact Henry Bell, CEO of
EPYC LLC at 310-460-8865 or Email at