This document discusses beauty pageants and what it takes to be a beauty queen. It provides tips for beauty queens such as looking your best, complimenting others, avoiding envy, and dressing well. It also outlines some common mistakes in pageants like judges showing favoritism, candidates initiating physical contact, and not sharing monetary prizes. Both pros and cons of beauty pageants are presented, with cons including competitions primarily judging on looks and creating unrealistic beauty standards. The opinion is expressed that pageants promote issues like eating disorders and plastic surgery.
2. What is beauty pageant?
- Beauty pageant is a
competition where
beautiful ladies compete. It
is base on beauty and
brains. The winner of the
pageant is considered as a
5. -Take time out every
morning to look as good
as you possibly can, and
then, stop thinking about
it. Remember, there will
always be someone better
looking, so don't let
another woman make
you feel ugly.
7. - Compliment a friend,
acquaintance or a
colleague if she is
looking especially nice,
or if she is wearing
something you like.
Stopping yourself from
passing a compliment
only feeds your own
9. - If a close friend is nicer
looking than you are,
you may tend to harbour
resentment towards her,
and in the process,
distance her from
certain aspects of your
life. Prettier women are
not necessarily happier
10. Everyone has their highs
and lows. Your friend may
be prettier, but you may be
in a very satisfying
relationship or you may
have more loving siblings.
Beauty will fade. 30 years
down the line none of this
will matter. What will
matter are the
relationships you have
formed in the present.
12. - This is more important
than having a pretty
face. Wear clothes that
suit you, trendy, and
that fit you well.
A great outfit will make
you feel great about
yourself. The way you
dress also speaks a lot
for your personality.
17. 4. Beauty pageant is
a competition at the
end of the day, but
winning friends and
their accolades is
equally important
than winning the
1. The award of scholarship
2. Women aren't forced to do
this if they don't want to, but if
they do, it's a great way to get a
3. Other scholarships are only to
really smart people, so now
more "average" intelligence
women have an opportunity.
1. Women win the pageant based majorly
on their looks. Sure, there's some
talent/congeniality portions, but no
woman has a chance of ever winning if
she's ugly.
2. It's not an equal opportunity to
everyone. These woman work out so
much so they can look good in their
swim suits, but a person with little
money doesn't always have the ability
to train as well. Most of the
contestants have personal trainers,
which are very expensive.
3. They create the American public's
view of beauty: tall, skinny, looks
in in a swimsuit and fancy gown.
4. The questions they're asked in
their interview are a joke. The
women prepare their answers
ahead of time and few of them
probably even know what they're
talking about or feel that strongly
about whatever they're talking
about. They just say what they
think will lead to a victory.
21. Opinion :
Beauty pageants lead to the high
rates of anorexia, bulimia, and
plastic surgery in today's society.
The public thinks they're
worthless unless they look like
celebrities, models, and women in
pageants. You'll never see an
overweight woman in a pageant.
And they don't have pageants like
these for males . We live in a
pretty sexiest world in which one
way to easily succeed is beauty.