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Because i could not stop for death
Because I Could Not Stop For Death
By Emily Dickinson
Because i could not stop for death
Because I Could Not Stop For Death
He Kindly Stopped For Me
Because i could not stop for death
Because i could not stop for death
The Carriage Held But Just Ourselves
Because i could not stop for death
And Immortality
Because i could not stop for death
We Slowly Drove
Because i could not stop for death
He Knew No Haste
Because i could not stop for death
I Had To Put Away
My Labor
Because i could not stop for death
And My Leisure, Too
For His Civility
Because i could not stop for death
We Passed the School,
Where Children Strove
At Recess in the Ring
Because i could not stop for death
We Passed the Fields of Grazing Grain
Because i could not stop for death
We Passed the Setting Sun
Because i could not stop for death
Or rather  He passed us
Because i could not stop for death
The Dews drew quivering and
Because i could not stop for death
For only Gossamer, my Gown
Because i could not stop for death
My Tippet  only Tulle
Because i could not stop for death
We paused before a House
that seemed
Because i could not stop for death
A Swelling of the Ground
Because i could not stop for death
The Roof was Barely Visible
Because i could not stop for death
The Cornice in the Ground
Because i could not stop for death
Since then  tis Centuries  and yet
Because i could not stop for death
Feels shorter than the Day
Because i could not stop for death
I first surmised the Horses Heads
Because i could not stop for death
Were toward Eternity
Because i could not stop for death
Because i could not stop for death
Why is Death personified as a
gentleman, a lover?
Why is Death dramatized as a date, a
How does this poem prompt you to
think and feel about your own death?

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