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Bechirot 際際滷 Show
Before children become
       They are just kids
We want them to stay that way!!!
Bechirot 際際滷 Show
Bechirot 際際滷 Show
Communication is what works. Bechirot
   teaches children to communicate
 appropriately in spoken and unspoken
 ways, and to hear and read the signals
 given by others. When children know
what is really going on they can respond
  accordingly. This skill will take them
anywhere they want to go as grownups.
Self Knowledge =

     We all want our kids to be happy.

         We can achieve that!

 The first step toward true contentment is
self awareness; it must come from within.
Bechirot empowers children with a positive
self-image and helps them develop the
skills they need to make choices that make
them happy & secure.
ll feelings
         Despondency. Depression.
         Sadness. Misery.terms
         often used to describe a
         teens feelings. Bechirot
         stops these negative
         emotions well before the
         teenage years, and works
         to eradicate them from
         adolescents before the
         paths they choose cause
         them even more pain.
                               Are always there

Bechirot works with young
people to help them
recognize both positive and
negative opportunities.

                                            Self Growth
                                           Self Destruction

                                     Which would you choose?
The most important people
Outside our immediate family
are a childs friends.
To be part of the action ; to fit in; to be welcomed; to
sharethis is what matters to children. But how do
we choose which group is the right one for our kids?
As adults, our relationships take on a
new dimension. However, we are a
product of our childhood, and the
company we keep as grownups very
often depends on the closeness we
developed with friends and family
when we were young. Bechirot
strengthens family ties and
encouragsiblings.es close interaction
with parents and children.
Teacher Training
The Teacher is always right
       But are they? Bechirot trains teachers to
recognize issues in the classroom and
playground. Teachers use their training to
diffuse potentially volatile situations and
reinforce principles of wise choices.
I ts all about thekids!!!!
Children dont like to be told what to do; they
  should be in control of their own destiny. It is up
  to us to give them the knowledge to effectively
  change and regulate their responses so they can
  fulfill THEIR mission: to be the best they can be.
That includes living a healthy productive life.
            Thats Bechirots goal.
The choices they make based on the choices they
  are given.
Mission statement

We give children the support and skills necessary to make
healthy choices for themselves. We will work with schools
and other community organizations to create student and
 parent workshops that empower students, parents, and
    their teachers to examine the choices children are
    confronted with on a daily basis and provide tools
  necessary to change the lives of our youth by teaching
         them to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
Executive Director  Ruth Sanders
  Clinical Director  Shlomo Lieberman LCSW
  Educational Director  Benzion Twerski PhD


Music by Yaakov Chesed   Photos by Ariella Neren

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Bechirot 際際滷 Show

  • 2. Before children become Kids-at-Risk They are just kids We want them to stay that way!!!
  • 5. Communication is what works. Bechirot teaches children to communicate appropriately in spoken and unspoken ways, and to hear and read the signals given by others. When children know what is really going on they can respond accordingly. This skill will take them anywhere they want to go as grownups.
  • 6. Self Knowledge = Happiness We all want our kids to be happy. We can achieve that! The first step toward true contentment is self awareness; it must come from within. Bechirot empowers children with a positive self-image and helps them develop the skills they need to make choices that make them happy & secure.
  • 7. ll feelings Despondency. Depression. Sadness. Misery.terms often used to describe a teens feelings. Bechirot stops these negative emotions well before the teenage years, and works to eradicate them from adolescents before the paths they choose cause them even more pain.
  • 8. pportunities Are always there Bechirot works with young people to help them recognize both positive and negative opportunities. Self Growth or Self Destruction Which would you choose?
  • 9. The most important people Outside our immediate family are a childs friends.
  • 10. To be part of the action ; to fit in; to be welcomed; to sharethis is what matters to children. But how do we choose which group is the right one for our kids?
  • 11. As adults, our relationships take on a new dimension. However, we are a product of our childhood, and the company we keep as grownups very often depends on the closeness we developed with friends and family when we were young. Bechirot strengthens family ties and encouragsiblings.es close interaction with parents and children.
  • 12. Teacher Training The Teacher is always right But are they? Bechirot trains teachers to recognize issues in the classroom and playground. Teachers use their training to diffuse potentially volatile situations and reinforce principles of wise choices.
  • 13. I ts all about thekids!!!! Children dont like to be told what to do; they should be in control of their own destiny. It is up to us to give them the knowledge to effectively change and regulate their responses so they can fulfill THEIR mission: to be the best they can be. That includes living a healthy productive life. Thats Bechirots goal. The choices they make based on the choices they are given.
  • 14. Mission statement We give children the support and skills necessary to make healthy choices for themselves. We will work with schools and other community organizations to create student and parent workshops that empower students, parents, and their teachers to examine the choices children are confronted with on a daily basis and provide tools necessary to change the lives of our youth by teaching them to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
  • 15. Executive Director Ruth Sanders Clinical Director Shlomo Lieberman LCSW Educational Director Benzion Twerski PhD Bechirot@Gmail.com WWW.Bechirot.org 718-362-9008 Music by Yaakov Chesed Photos by Ariella Neren