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Contact us at kamal@fi.co
The Worlds Largest Pre-Seed Accelerator
Become a part of our
growing global
network by becoming
a director of your own
Founder Institute
http://fi.co @founding 3
What does Founder Institute (FI) Do?
FIs flagship pre-seed accelerator* program validates startups for further growth
Hackathon Venture CapitalSeed AcceleratorPre-Seed Accelerator
Ideation Validation Early Growth Expansion
Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-14
*An accelerator is a ~3 month intensive program to push a company forward. Incubators provide space, and no fixed curriculum.
http://fi.co @founding
Why Be a Director?
You want to join a robust global network with deep roots in Silicon Valley.
You want to position yourself as a leader in your local startup ecosystem.
Use Your Time Efficiently
Run your own accelerator in only 8-10 hours a week.
Own a Diverse Portfolio
You want equity in the most exciting startups in your ecosystem.
Help Entrepreneurs
You are looking to give back to your startup community.
A tech entrepreneur, whose active involvement in the Silicon Valley startup
ecosystem, and links to Tunisia, make her invaluable to her founders
around the world.
Emna Ghariani, Tunisia
A former tech entrepreneur, deeply involved in the entrepreneurial scene
globally through his involvement in Startup Chile, Startup Peru, Techstars
and more.
Sergio A. Escobar, Montreal
Meet Some of Our Directors
 You have 5-10 years
of entrepreneurial
 You have a robust
local entrepreneurial
 Open to part time
work to supplement
other activities
Canadian entrepreneur now building companies in Brazil via the multi-
accelerator hub, Jupter. Helping to expand the Founder Institute, which
boosts his abilities to find, fund and launch the next great startups.
Nima Kaz, Brazil
FI Headquarters
Utilizes a combination of
both automated,
ongoing, and special
endeavors to help local
directors and create
successful semesters.
Global Marketing Channels
Global Webinars
Global Updates
Social Media Global
Conference Call
Public Relations Meetup Group
Global Insight
Operational Support
FI Headquarters
Utilizes a combination of
both automated,
ongoing, and special
endeavors to help local
directors and create
successful semesters. Online Teaching
Full Curriculum Billing &
Support Contact
Management Tools
Best Practice
Sales Materials
for Sponsors
Mentor Offering
http://fi.co @founding
What You Do
Build a team of 2-3 directors who between you make a 6 month
commitment to:
 run / facilitate local events (1 night/week)
 support and monitor the work of your founders
 recruit local mentors
 recruit / partner with local ecosystem players
 recruit local sponsors (optional: For Personal Income)
What does an FI Founder Look Like?
 Average age: 32-34
depending on the
 Many have between
5 and 15 years of
experience in their
 The majority of our
founders have a
Founder Characteristics
 Often founders are hardworking and organized, but are looking to
leave their current job, or they are experienced entrepreneurs
who are looking to start another company, this time with more
 Based on our DNA Assessment, we know that many of our
founders have high conscientiousness, high extroversion,
moderate agreeableness, and are self starters.
 Most of our founders excel in problem solving and enjoy daily
 Many have extensive experience in their vertical, but could use a
network like FI to find their co-founder, and refine skills they dont
Our Shared Equity Pool
Distributed to
the other
25% Directors
Returns are shared among
everyone who supported
the cohort (including
Everyone is incentivized
to help build great
Graduates contribute
4% in warrants to a
15-year pool
Puerto Rico
The connections, networks
and camaraderie you develop
with other entrepreneurs
doing amazing things are
unparalleled. Join the FI
community today - you won't
regret it!
Director, Toronto
The online tools and support
team let me get the fun of
running an accelerator, where
I can help founders achieve
their dreams, for only a one
day per week commitment.
Director Testimonials
Our directors are
founders and local
community builders
Directors often play
multiple roles, giving
them a wide reach
within their startup
ecosystems. This
makes them strong
Eugenio Perea
Director, Mexico City
The Founder Institute has
helped me immensely. It has
opened doors at every level,
and increased my credibility
in the ecosystem.
Marjeta Tomulic
Director, Zagreb
I love that my work has an
impact on the whole
ecosystem, because every
new company potentially
creates new and added value
for everyone.
Sofia Stolberg Kamal Hassan
http://fi.co @founding
Your Next Steps From Here
1. Director
1.Fill out application and
2.Q&A call with FIs founder,
Adeo Ressi
3.Take our entrepreneurial
DNA test (see fi.co/DNA)
4.Recommend candidate(s)
to complete team of 2-3
5.Team Assessment
(~2-4 weeks)
Month 1
2. Exploratory
Market Test
7.3-4 Market Test Events
8.75 Applicants and 30
9.Launch Semester
(~3-4 weeks)
Month 2 Month 3
3. Launch
11. Recruiting Events
12. Run the
13. Graduation
(~ 20 weeks)

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Become a Founder Institute Director

  • 1. BECOME A FOUNDER INSTITUTE DIRECTOR Contact us at kamal@fi.co
  • 2. http://fi.co 50+ Countries 100+ Cities The Worlds Largest Pre-Seed Accelerator Become a part of our growing global network by becoming a director of your own Founder Institute chapter!
  • 3. http://fi.co @founding 3 What does Founder Institute (FI) Do? FIs flagship pre-seed accelerator* program validates startups for further growth Hackathon Venture CapitalSeed AcceleratorPre-Seed Accelerator Ideation Validation Early Growth Expansion Weeks 1-5 Weeks 6-14 *An accelerator is a ~3 month intensive program to push a company forward. Incubators provide space, and no fixed curriculum.
  • 4. http://fi.co @founding Why Be a Director? Community You want to join a robust global network with deep roots in Silicon Valley. Leadership You want to position yourself as a leader in your local startup ecosystem. Use Your Time Efficiently Run your own accelerator in only 8-10 hours a week. Own a Diverse Portfolio You want equity in the most exciting startups in your ecosystem. Help Entrepreneurs You are looking to give back to your startup community.
  • 5. http://fi.co A tech entrepreneur, whose active involvement in the Silicon Valley startup ecosystem, and links to Tunisia, make her invaluable to her founders around the world. Emna Ghariani, Tunisia A former tech entrepreneur, deeply involved in the entrepreneurial scene globally through his involvement in Startup Chile, Startup Peru, Techstars and more. Sergio A. Escobar, Montreal Meet Some of Our Directors Director Characteristics: You have 5-10 years of entrepreneurial experience You have a robust local entrepreneurial network Open to part time work to supplement other activities Canadian entrepreneur now building companies in Brazil via the multi- accelerator hub, Jupter. Helping to expand the Founder Institute, which boosts his abilities to find, fund and launch the next great startups. Nima Kaz, Brazil
  • 6. http://fi.co FI Headquarters Utilizes a combination of both automated, ongoing, and special endeavors to help local directors and create successful semesters. Global Marketing Channels Global Webinars Global Updates List Social Media Global Conference Call Automated Emails Public Relations Meetup Group Global Insight Newsletter Content Marketing
  • 7. http://fi.co Operational Support FI Headquarters Utilizes a combination of both automated, ongoing, and special endeavors to help local directors and create successful semesters. Online Teaching Platform Full Curriculum Billing & Collections Dedicated Support Contact Online Management Tools Simple Methodology Best Practice Calls Sales Materials for Sponsors Compelling Mentor Offering Legal Agreements All Admissions
  • 8. http://fi.co @founding What You Do Build a team of 2-3 directors who between you make a 6 month commitment to: run / facilitate local events (1 night/week) support and monitor the work of your founders recruit local mentors recruit / partner with local ecosystem players recruit local sponsors (optional: For Personal Income)
  • 9. http://fi.co What does an FI Founder Look Like? Founder Demographics: Average age: 32-34 depending on the region Many have between 5 and 15 years of experience in their field The majority of our founders have a technical background. Founder Characteristics Often founders are hardworking and organized, but are looking to leave their current job, or they are experienced entrepreneurs who are looking to start another company, this time with more structure. Based on our DNA Assessment, we know that many of our founders have high conscientiousness, high extroversion, moderate agreeableness, and are self starters. Most of our founders excel in problem solving and enjoy daily challenges. Many have extensive experience in their vertical, but could use a network like FI to find their co-founder, and refine skills they dont have.
  • 10. http://fi.co Our Shared Equity Pool Graduates25% 75% Distributed to the other participants 25% Directors Returns are shared among everyone who supported the cohort (including graduates) Everyone is incentivized to help build great companies Graduates contribute 4% in warrants to a 15-year pool Mentors25% 25% Founder Institute
  • 11. http://fi.co Puerto Rico The connections, networks and camaraderie you develop with other entrepreneurs doing amazing things are unparalleled. Join the FI community today - you won't regret it! Director, Toronto The online tools and support team let me get the fun of running an accelerator, where I can help founders achieve their dreams, for only a one day per week commitment. Director Testimonials Our directors are founders and local community builders Directors often play multiple roles, giving them a wide reach within their startup ecosystems. This makes them strong advocates. Eugenio Perea Director, Mexico City The Founder Institute has helped me immensely. It has opened doors at every level, and increased my credibility in the ecosystem. Marjeta Tomulic Vehovec Director, Zagreb I love that my work has an impact on the whole ecosystem, because every new company potentially creates new and added value for everyone. Sofia Stolberg Kamal Hassan
  • 12. http://fi.co @founding Your Next Steps From Here 1. Director Onboarding 1.Fill out application and survey. 2.Q&A call with FIs founder, Adeo Ressi 3.Take our entrepreneurial DNA test (see fi.co/DNA) 4.Recommend candidate(s) to complete team of 2-3 5.Team Assessment (~2-4 weeks) Month 1 2. Exploratory Market Test 7.3-4 Market Test Events 8.75 Applicants and 30 Mentors 9.Launch Semester (~3-4 weeks) Month 2 Month 3 3. Launch 11. Recruiting Events 12. Run the Semester 13. Graduation (~ 20 weeks)
  • 13. kamal@fi.co RUN A CHAPTER IN YOUR CITY! FI.CO/LEAD