This document provides guidance on becoming a sales expert and includes tips from experienced executives. It outlines a sales strategy section and a simulation activity section. The simulation activity section describes 4 scenarios for trainees to practice their sales skills, such as selling themselves in one minute, selling a mobile phone, being approached to develop a mobile app, and making cold calls through LinkedIn.
#4: It looks at how you will deliver objectives set out in your marketing plan, as well as how you have chosen to segment your target market and how you will fund your marketing activities
you will need to sit down and come up with a different sales strategy for each of your product lines. While they may all end up looking very similar, but it's important to be aware of subtle differences between your products and the customers who pay for them.
#6: Going through these slides very briefly as Nicola already went through them in webinar so no point of repetition so swiftly move on to next slide
Call up 3 VPs at this point Arka, Delila and VPICX Edinburgh to share
#10: Talk about best ways to communicate to leads best language to use! VALUE MESSAGES!
Scenario: networking event picture
-sell yourself in a minute feedback on body language and tone of voice
-Switch partners and then sell your mobile phone feedback on how excited they were by it, did they sell you their key features, personal connection
MD of mobile app SME at a meetup event, shes introduced herself saying shes looking for a developer. feedback: interaction, interest (meeting)
Cold calling, found a company through linkedin, online fashion company who wants someone to create a web app, they want someone same feedback as above