Innovatie van het innovatieproces beschrijft de veranderingen die het innovatieproces dient te ondergaan. Om aansluiting te vinden op de markt kan serious gaming een goed instrument zijn voor succesvolle innovaties!
Solution = oplossing die meer, complexe ambities vervult: Duurzaam Rendement, Risico Management & toegevoegde waarde voor alle belanghebbenden Klanten, Medewerkers, de Handelsketen, Aandeelhouders & de Maatschappij die belangen van mensen en milieu(bescherming) omvat.
Direct Marketing & Telemarketing Techniek
De onderdelen, stappen overlappen en zijn dus steeds minder arbeidsintensief: het is een breed gedragen checklist waar men er eigenlijk niet tegen kan zijn. Het perfecte telemarketing model dat meerdere malen om instemming vraagt en in kopt met een handelingsperspectief: de eigen Unique Solution Proposition².
Gelukkig overlappen de voorgestelde impact visie, missie , strategie zodat de tactiek vlot & effectief gedefinieerd wordt.
De markt stelt vandaag de dag andere eisen. Nu is bij uitstek de tijd om de huidige markt anders te benaderen: tijdig actie ondernemen, aanpassen en kansen grijpen zijn hier sleutelwoorden. Maar hoe? Syntens heeft de workshop 'Innoveren door slimmer te werken' ontwikkeld, boordevol tips voor het besparen van kosten en het genereren van nieuwe omzet.
Aan de hand van 49 praktijkvoorbeelden heeft Syntens een stalenboek samengesteld dat deelnemers bij aanvang van de workshop ontvangen. Dit 'stalenboek' is te vergelijken met een staalkaartenboek voor woninginrichting: niet alle stalen passen bij de situatie of voorkeur van de ondernemer, maar een selectie ervan wel. Hierop kan men verder borduren of een aantal acties wordt direct uitgevoerd. De deelnemers gaan naar huis met een actielijst waarmee ze meteen aan de slag kunnen.
Informal 1B.pdf: Hoe krijg je succesvol een informal aan boord? Workshop Herm...Rabobank
Ben je op zoek naar startkapitaal of wil je meer informatie over financiering via informal investors? Wat houdt informal investment eigenlijk in? Wat betekent dit voor een bedrijf waarin geïnvesteerd wordt of wat is de inbreng en rol van een informal investor? De do's en don'ts op een rij.
The document outlines a presentation for e-Learners, beginning with an introduction section where the presenter would provide personal details like their name, interests, hobbies, and goals. The next section instructs the presenter to create a plus-minus-interesting table analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of being an e-learner. The final section prompts the presenter to share what they hope to achieve by the end of the term as an e-learner.
Social Media Marketing Strategies for Social Ventures
The session, presented by Cheryl Contee, reviewed core principals and strategies for successful social media marketing campaigns, customer outreach, and follow through.
Wingsâ„¢ Corporate Travel provides travel management services with a specialization in the oil and gas industry. It has several pillars of service including its 24/7 emergency contact center, strategic global locations, focus on safety and security, consolidated technology platform, and efforts to reduce costs. Wingsâ„¢ aims to provide innovative customized solutions through pioneering new technologies and products to help travelers and travel managers be more efficient, secure and environmentally responsible.
Este documento presenta un nuevo concepto en bolsitas de publicidad creativa. Alienta al lector a enviar el PowerPoint a un amigo si les gustó y ofrece más presentaciones similares en un sitio web, asà como la opción de suscribirse para recibir más presentaciones por correo electrónico de forma gratuita.
The document introduces Watson Realty Corp as a top real estate company in Jacksonville, Florida with over 43 years of experience and a 21% market share. It highlights the many services and tools Watson Realty provides agents, including marketing support, training programs, and one-on-one coaching. The Southside office, managed by Crissie Cudd, is described as a central location with visible signage and resources to help agents succeed. Prospective agents are encouraged to contact Crissie Cudd at the Watson Southside office.
The document discusses the mathematical patterns and relationships found in the Quran related to the number 19. It provides numerous examples showing how aspects of the Quran such as the number of chapters, words, letters and verses contain relationships and patterns based on the number 19. The document argues that these mathematical patterns are evidence that the Quran is of divine origin and could not have been authored by humans. It issues a challenge for humans to try and produce a work with the same complexity of mathematical composition as the Quran.
The document discusses Rabobank's mobile banking and payments subsidiary Rabo Mobiel. It provides an overview of Rabobank and Rabo Mobiel, describing their large customer base, innovation focus, and AAA credit rating. It then outlines Rabo Mobiel's product rollout strategy from 2007-2012, focusing on trials and integration with partners. Key challenges and opportunities around mobile security and payments in the Netherlands are also summarized.
The document describes an inquiry learning program called the Putauaki Primary Inquiry Learning Tackle Box that uses fishing as a metaphor for the inquiry process. The tackle box contains various stages of inquiry represented by fishing terms - students wonder about topics, locate and sort information, judge what they find, present and share their findings, then reflect on what they have learned.
The document shares two stories about encounters with a woman named Maggie. In the first story, the narrator meets Maggie at a bar and loses memory of that night, waking up holding her hand. When they meet again at a restaurant, Maggie has a hysterical crying fit claiming that men in the restaurant burned her as a witch in a past life. In the second story told a year later, both Maggie and the narrator's new girlfriend Sue are seated at the same table at a crowded restaurant. Sue then experiences stomach pains and claims Maggie is killing her with witchcraft before running from the restaurant. Maggie approaches and warns Sue she deserved the pain before both women disappear from the narrator's life.
The document discusses convergence of applications and mobile technologies enabled by Texas Instruments' OMAP processors. It describes how OMAP 3 and upcoming OMAP 4 processors allow for faster, more powerful mobile experiences like full web browsing, 12MP cameras, HD video recording and playback, and 3D graphics. The OMAP 3 processor provides over 3x the performance of earlier processors while being more power efficient. OMAP 4 will further advance mobile experiences with dual-core processing, 1080p HD video, 20MP cameras, 3D interfaces and longer battery life. The Palm Pre smartphone utilizes the OMAP 3430 processor to provide laptop-like power and a smooth user experience.
Digital photography in PowerPoint presentations should follow these criteria: group all photos of a single theme on one slide with no white space visible, and present photographic images from a scavenger hunt theme completed by students Isaac, James, Phoebe and Jayden as part of a presentation by Tech Team D.
This document provides the daily schedule and activities for an e-learning team at Putauaki for Week 6, Day 1 and Day 2. The schedule includes morning reviews, math lessons on statistics and graphing, activities on brainwaves and learning like creating cartoons and games, and reflections at the end of each day. Students will work on topics like acronyms, neurons, and parts of the brain using tools like ToonDoo, weebly, and online games.
This document discusses the Moore-Spiegel oscillator, a nonlinear oscillator model used to study chaos. It provides the system equations, finds periodic and chaotic solutions using numerical integration, and analyzes the dynamics through phase space plots, Poincare sections, bifurcation diagrams, and Lyapunov exponents. The analysis reveals transitions from periodic to chaotic behavior as the control parameters are varied.
De markt stelt vandaag de dag andere eisen. Nu is bij uitstek de tijd om de huidige markt anders te benaderen: tijdig actie ondernemen, aanpassen en kansen grijpen zijn hier sleutelwoorden. Maar hoe? Syntens heeft de workshop 'Innoveren door slimmer te werken' ontwikkeld, boordevol tips voor het besparen van kosten en het genereren van nieuwe omzet.
Aan de hand van 49 praktijkvoorbeelden heeft Syntens een stalenboek samengesteld dat deelnemers bij aanvang van de workshop ontvangen. Dit 'stalenboek' is te vergelijken met een staalkaartenboek voor woninginrichting: niet alle stalen passen bij de situatie of voorkeur van de ondernemer, maar een selectie ervan wel. Hierop kan men verder borduren of een aantal acties wordt direct uitgevoerd. De deelnemers gaan naar huis met een actielijst waarmee ze meteen aan de slag kunnen.
Informal 1B.pdf: Hoe krijg je succesvol een informal aan boord? Workshop Herm...Rabobank
Ben je op zoek naar startkapitaal of wil je meer informatie over financiering via informal investors? Wat houdt informal investment eigenlijk in? Wat betekent dit voor een bedrijf waarin geïnvesteerd wordt of wat is de inbreng en rol van een informal investor? De do's en don'ts op een rij.
The document outlines a presentation for e-Learners, beginning with an introduction section where the presenter would provide personal details like their name, interests, hobbies, and goals. The next section instructs the presenter to create a plus-minus-interesting table analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of being an e-learner. The final section prompts the presenter to share what they hope to achieve by the end of the term as an e-learner.
Social Media Marketing Strategies for Social Ventures
The session, presented by Cheryl Contee, reviewed core principals and strategies for successful social media marketing campaigns, customer outreach, and follow through.
Wingsâ„¢ Corporate Travel provides travel management services with a specialization in the oil and gas industry. It has several pillars of service including its 24/7 emergency contact center, strategic global locations, focus on safety and security, consolidated technology platform, and efforts to reduce costs. Wingsâ„¢ aims to provide innovative customized solutions through pioneering new technologies and products to help travelers and travel managers be more efficient, secure and environmentally responsible.
Este documento presenta un nuevo concepto en bolsitas de publicidad creativa. Alienta al lector a enviar el PowerPoint a un amigo si les gustó y ofrece más presentaciones similares en un sitio web, asà como la opción de suscribirse para recibir más presentaciones por correo electrónico de forma gratuita.
The document introduces Watson Realty Corp as a top real estate company in Jacksonville, Florida with over 43 years of experience and a 21% market share. It highlights the many services and tools Watson Realty provides agents, including marketing support, training programs, and one-on-one coaching. The Southside office, managed by Crissie Cudd, is described as a central location with visible signage and resources to help agents succeed. Prospective agents are encouraged to contact Crissie Cudd at the Watson Southside office.
The document discusses the mathematical patterns and relationships found in the Quran related to the number 19. It provides numerous examples showing how aspects of the Quran such as the number of chapters, words, letters and verses contain relationships and patterns based on the number 19. The document argues that these mathematical patterns are evidence that the Quran is of divine origin and could not have been authored by humans. It issues a challenge for humans to try and produce a work with the same complexity of mathematical composition as the Quran.
The document discusses Rabobank's mobile banking and payments subsidiary Rabo Mobiel. It provides an overview of Rabobank and Rabo Mobiel, describing their large customer base, innovation focus, and AAA credit rating. It then outlines Rabo Mobiel's product rollout strategy from 2007-2012, focusing on trials and integration with partners. Key challenges and opportunities around mobile security and payments in the Netherlands are also summarized.
The document describes an inquiry learning program called the Putauaki Primary Inquiry Learning Tackle Box that uses fishing as a metaphor for the inquiry process. The tackle box contains various stages of inquiry represented by fishing terms - students wonder about topics, locate and sort information, judge what they find, present and share their findings, then reflect on what they have learned.
The document shares two stories about encounters with a woman named Maggie. In the first story, the narrator meets Maggie at a bar and loses memory of that night, waking up holding her hand. When they meet again at a restaurant, Maggie has a hysterical crying fit claiming that men in the restaurant burned her as a witch in a past life. In the second story told a year later, both Maggie and the narrator's new girlfriend Sue are seated at the same table at a crowded restaurant. Sue then experiences stomach pains and claims Maggie is killing her with witchcraft before running from the restaurant. Maggie approaches and warns Sue she deserved the pain before both women disappear from the narrator's life.
The document discusses convergence of applications and mobile technologies enabled by Texas Instruments' OMAP processors. It describes how OMAP 3 and upcoming OMAP 4 processors allow for faster, more powerful mobile experiences like full web browsing, 12MP cameras, HD video recording and playback, and 3D graphics. The OMAP 3 processor provides over 3x the performance of earlier processors while being more power efficient. OMAP 4 will further advance mobile experiences with dual-core processing, 1080p HD video, 20MP cameras, 3D interfaces and longer battery life. The Palm Pre smartphone utilizes the OMAP 3430 processor to provide laptop-like power and a smooth user experience.
Digital photography in PowerPoint presentations should follow these criteria: group all photos of a single theme on one slide with no white space visible, and present photographic images from a scavenger hunt theme completed by students Isaac, James, Phoebe and Jayden as part of a presentation by Tech Team D.
This document provides the daily schedule and activities for an e-learning team at Putauaki for Week 6, Day 1 and Day 2. The schedule includes morning reviews, math lessons on statistics and graphing, activities on brainwaves and learning like creating cartoons and games, and reflections at the end of each day. Students will work on topics like acronyms, neurons, and parts of the brain using tools like ToonDoo, weebly, and online games.
This document discusses the Moore-Spiegel oscillator, a nonlinear oscillator model used to study chaos. It provides the system equations, finds periodic and chaotic solutions using numerical integration, and analyzes the dynamics through phase space plots, Poincare sections, bifurcation diagrams, and Lyapunov exponents. The analysis reveals transitions from periodic to chaotic behavior as the control parameters are varied.
Look and Feel Issues and Usability at Imagenio Telefonica´s IPTV Platformmiguelvinagre
The document discusses Telefonica's IPTV platform in Spain called Imagenio. It describes the user interface structure, navigation tree, purchasing trees, remote control, electronic program guide, and advertising formats. It also discusses improvements to the user interface like personalization, recommendations, notifications and channel changing. The conclusion emphasizes making the user interface intuitive with good aesthetics and functionality while maintaining the TV viewing experience.
This PowerPoint presentation contains a series of digital photographs on the theme of a scavenger hunt taken by members of Tech Team B. The presentation criteria requires each team member to submit one slide with their photographic images of the theme grouped together with no white spaces visible between the images. The slides include photos taken by Cody, Fergus, Isabel, Mason, Haylee, Sam, Tameeka, and Sophie.
Twitter for Journalists Utrecht june 11 2009Bart Brouwers
Presentation for the Utrecht School of Journalism (School voor de Journalistiek) on the request of Piet Bakker, lector (@pietbakker)
(NB dit is een aangevulde versie)
Publicatie van onderzoek onder 50 ondernemers naar succesfactoren van innovatie.
Onderzoek uitgevoerd en publicatie geschreven in opdracht van Syntens Innovatiecentrum Paul d'Hond door Quirien Verbakel-Veldman e.a.
Frt 110523.2 - Vision Meeting - Intrapeneurship - Marc Bogaert - The Second...Flevum
Presentatie die gebruikt is door Marc Bogaert van The Second Phase tidens de Vision Meeting 'Intrapeneurship: wat leert ons de praktijk'?
Bron: The Second Phase | Marc Bogaert
Syntens Innoveren met Social Media VNO NCW RivierenlandMichiel Verheij
Syntens presentatie Innoveren met social media. Presentatie waarin op hoofdlijnen welke trends en ontwikkelingen er in de samenleving gaande zijn en de relatie met social media. In deze presentatie wordt daarnaast praktisch en bondig uit de doeken gedaan wat MKB precies kunnen met social media. Er wordt specifiek op een aantal social media ingegaan en hoe deze ingezet kunnen worden door bedrijven. Onder andere Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube en ºÝºÝߣshare passeren de revue
Syntens innoveren met social media Deventer Marktplaats #DM11Michiel Verheij
Syntens Innovatiecentrum presentatie Innoveren met social media. Presentatie waarin innovatieadviseur Michiel Verheij op hoofdlijnen welke trends en ontwikkelingen er in de samenleving gaande zijn en de relatie met social media. In deze presentatie wordt daarnaast praktisch en bondig uit de doeken gedaan wat MKBers zouden kunnen doen met social media. Er wordt specifiek op een aantal social media ingegaan en hoe deze ingezet kunnen worden door bedrijven. Onder andere Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube en ºÝºÝߣshare passeren de revue
Social media 5 oktober 2012 osse kennisnetwerkMichiel Verheij
Presentatie over sociale media voor Osse kennisnetwerk bij Lanhuishotel de Bloemenbeek in de Lutte. Welke ontwikkelingen (maatschappelijk/technisch) liggen ten grondslag aan de enorme groei van het gebruik van sociale media. Welke kansen en bedreigingen liggen er voor MKb bedrijven en daarnaast wordt aan de hand van voorbeelden getoond hoe sociale media ingezet kunnen worden.
De tweede editie van Capital gaat over buy & build. Groei realiseren door andere ondernemingen over te nemen en activiteiten en processen te integreren: het is een kunst op zich.