Too many reasons, studies and opinions have surged about the origin of the present global crisis. A different approach to the background reasons behind the facts
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Bee vs Locust Mother Nature explains us why are we in crisis
2. Many studies have investigated the phenomenon of the current crisis, from
the perspective of accountants, statesmen, power groups and the common
people, all experienced and wise.
But there is nothing wiser than Mother Nature, that speaks without words.
Sorry for the previous notes of Biology but they all give us indicators that we
must consider.....on baby steps if necessary...
4. From biblical times, is known to us the voracity of locusts.
Curiously enough, a synonymous of voracity is Greed.
Millennia and randomly locusts ravage entire territories,
leaving poverty and desolation in its wake.
5. In his solitary state, they are harmless. But when they become
gregarious, can threaten the livelihood of a tenth of the world.
A locust can eat every day the equivalent weight in plants, so a
swarm could eat 192 million kilograms of plants a day.
6. They not only change their behaviour,
their appearance too.
It is interesting that although they have wings,
do not fly much alone.
7. However, when they are in groups, they release pheromones as much
making them develop more wings and prepare for migration.
With them, they can cover a distance of 90 kms a day
8. It seems that when food runs short, they slowly become clustered
together, levels of serotonin are multiplied by three due to intense
friction, thus they suffer all these morphological and behaviour changes.
But let us see a little about the bees.
9. When a young queen bee starts a new hive, on its nuptial
flight, it makes sure to be with enough drones to ensure
having all necessary for the rest of its life.
10. Its only tasks from now on are laying
eggs, and to enter in contact with
every worker bee of its hive daily.
11. This way,
touching the
antennas, it
pheromones that
compel the
workers to do
their job, feeding
the larves, the
queen itself,
taking care of
security, or going
out to look for
12. When the workers go around, it happens a phenomena called symbiosis.This is the
relationship between species that have nothing to do between them, but the mutual
contact give mutual benefits.
13. The bee is only interested on the nectar, but is using its mobility to
spread the seed of the flower.
14. The queen bee lays workers eggs
only, until there are too many,
and the queen is not able to
touch every bee daily.
Mother Nature makes a change,
and the queen starts to lay queen
and drone eggs.
15. When they are born, they go out of the hive, and the cycle
starts again. Some return to the original hive, to help the
existing queen. The rest, some start a new one, or get killed.
16. At this point in the presentation, is sure you have already found some similar
behaviors in the business world.
Let us see some conclusions
17. The Greed and results-based-only behaviour of some companies
squeezing their suppliers and workers is now worse than ever
Small companies and workers are ravaged until their
ultimate possibility, to be left behind thereafter.
18. All companies are interested on growing, but none even think
about making this growth sustainable for their environment.
To eat, or to be eaten. The result, you know by now.
19. Kindness, respect, gentleness are synonymous of
weakness these days. Our society is full of low
profile professionals and human beings with no
other values than to be successful.
Is the only thing it matters.
Humankind does not look like it use to be.
20. Death of a swarm of locusts can occur from a wind change that
precipitates them to the sea, or resource depletion.
Is not this what happened to the global economy?
21. Is this really all we can do? Can someone be proud to be successful,
without taking in consideration the evil done left behind? Is it a bad
quarter result a valid excuse to cannibalize your surroundings?
What can we learn from the bees instead? What if....?
22. when facing a new situation/challenge/market, we should
be austere, not willing to get rapid profits.
Japanese companies like Toyota are good examples.
They do not expect to get rich until the company is adult.
23. The managing staff of a company
should be interested only in providing
solutions to get more workers, and let
them earn a good living.
We must start from the basis of
abundance, not from scarcity
Stephen Covey.
24. The day you start
not knowing
personally all
your colleagues,
their needs and
is the day you
start loosing.
You can learn
from each and
Carlos Slim.
9th all-time
25. When dealing with your workers and suppliers, make sure of their sustainability.
Today, to have a good worker or a good supplier is better than the best customer.
Take real care of them.
Customers will appreciate it.
26. Share your knowledge or capabilities with your surroundings. It is not so much
effort, and will benefit your environment. Give at least the much you receive.
27. Do not be scared to train people
to make your job.
How do you pretend to be
or to make grow your company,
or to grow old in peace,
if you are not providing it
with time enough?