Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from malted barley and wheat fermented with hops and yeast. There are two main types - ale, which is top fermented and has a shorter shelf life, and lager, which is bottom fermented and has a longer shelf life. Beer contains 3-8% alcohol and the key ingredients are barley, water, yeast, and hops. It is packaged in bottles, kegs, and cans and is served between 4-8 degrees Celsius depending on the region.
2. IbEER
potable alcoholic beverage made by fermentation of
malted barley (sometimes some other cereals like rice
wheat) and hops added to flavour and stabilise it
General alcohol % is 3 - 8 %
Presentation be Deepan Roy
4. tYPEs
Top fermented
Short but vigorous fermentation
Short maturation time
Shorter shelf life
Example - Guiness
Bottom fermented
Long & light fermentation
Longer maturation
Long shelf life
Example - Kingfisher
Presentation be Deepan Roy