The document discusses the meaning of the Telugu word "VIDYARTHI" which refers to a student. It breaks down the 9 letters in the word to represent 9 important qualities for students: Vision, Interest, Discipline, Yearning, Academic skills, Right attitude, Time management, Humility, and being Industrious. Each quality is then defined and explained in further detail, emphasizing the importance of cultivating these traits to achieve success in one's education and life. The conclusion stresses that student life is a unique time to develop these qualities through daily practice in order to create a positive environment and world for oneself.
2. What is meaning of student?
Student is say that in Telugu is
In VIDYARTHI have 9 letters. These 9
letters are 9 good qualities in student life.
3. let us discuss about VIDYARTHI
V - Vision
I - Interest
D -Discipline
Y Yearning
A Academic skills
R Right attitude
T Time management
H Humility
I - Industrious
4. V - Vision
Vision is first important to
the Student achieved success in our
education (or) any thing.
vision planning
5. Based on vision students are classified as 4 types.
They are
1. Do not have vision students
2. Having vision but students are not doing which
3. Having great vision , great planning ability but
not doing work.
4. In these vision, planning, doing work having
good ability students.
6. Conclusion for Vision :-
what is the secret of behind the
great people Deruu bai Ambani , J.R.D. Tata,
Currency bai patel ?
The secret is following qualities. They
1. Vision.
2. Planning is based on vision.
3. Concentrate doing work on based
7. I Interest
To lamp do not light dont having oil with
how much any big cloth. These Interest is
same as oil.
Having all facilites providing for studies,
Have all people encouragement, Necessity is
interest for read to students. That mean To
Horse is taking to the canal but do not drinking
with force.
According to that reason , Every student
Gohead with increasing individual motivation
and also increasing our interest on education.
8. D Discipline
This is compalsary to every student.
In student life having some saradas but
do not having sarasas , because these are
collapse to our education .
With out discipline , there is no life at all.
Friends let us discuss about one example ;
Best thing is Based on discipline Best
victory is to conquer self, Says your pavan .
9. Y Yearning
The strong desire is having strong
foundation do any work.
All power is with in you .you can do
any thing and every thing.
Arise, awake and stop not till goal
Do not loose your self confidence,
nothing is impossible in this world for you.
10. A - Acadamic skills
The acadamic skills are SQ3R method
S Survey
Q - Question
R Read
R - Recite
R - Review
11. R Right Attitude
It is your attitude not the aptitude, that
decides your success.
some people is success (or) failure reason is
only our attitude.
Let us consider one example :
In my attitude Luck is only for doing
some extra hardwork and some extra
12. T Time management
1. why is time management ?
A. To follow your time management ........
doing more works in less time,
works are finished in time,
Result and Eanthusiasm is increased,
creativity is also more increasing,
Hapiness is dancing in your life,
That is set for our life and that is secret of
Time = Life
13. H Humility
Humility is best orenament for the
To behave respect with teachers,
elders you get there love and also get
there encouragement . If incase your
behaviour is proud with teachers getting
angry and I know some people stop
studies in middle.
14. I Industrious - Hard work
Labour like a coolie , enjoy like an emperor.
There is no short- cut to success, except hard
work .
Student life is one s coming in our life. Because
Then reading after well settled in life, Now onwords
you do waste of time after you donot escape your
15. conclusion :-
Student life comes one time in our life.
In these time we are happy and
enthusiaism to follow above qualities.
IF we identify or recognise doing these
qualities in your daily life THEN,
we will see coming soon ... another
world , That means world = our class room ,
we will see coming soon good atmosphere
based on any thing in our classroom.