Kristina Capozzi received her Associates of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene in 2008 and Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene in 2009 from the University of New England. She has worked as a dental hygienist, medical assistant, and nursing assistant. Her experience includes administering dental hygiene treatments, basic nursing procedures, and assisting physicians. She is certified as a dental hygienist in Massachusetts and holds CPR certification.
This document contains MaKayla Crowl's resume, including her education, expected graduation from the University of Saint Francis with a Bachelor of Social Work in December 2016. It lists her CNA and CPR certifications and expiration dates, as well as her skills and experience as an intern at the Alzheimer's Association, CNA at Laurels of DeKalb since 2012, and caregiver for Forte Residential In Home Care since 2015. It provides three references from her current and past employers.
Features and Benefits of Sport Optics CoatingsBill Mooney
Lens coatings are an important factor in sport optics performance, as they reduce reflections and improve brightness and clarity. Higher-end products use better quality lenses and multi-layer coatings, which can increase light transmission from 65-75% for single-layer coatings up to 85-93% for broadband multi-layer coatings. Other key factors include the type of prisms, eye relief, waterproofing, shockproofing, field of view, close focusing ability, and reticle adjustments for riflescopes. The type of coatings, lenses, prisms and other features affect the price and performance of sport optics products.
The document recognizes an employee for driving hypergrowth across consumer and small business divisions across regions and verticals, leading Lenovo to become the number one brand in Maharashtra in the second quarter. The team focused strongly on sales and met goals across various metrics.
Kristina Capozzi received her Associates of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene in 2008 and Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene in 2009 from the University of New England. She has worked as a dental hygienist, medical assistant, and nursing assistant. Her experience includes administering dental hygiene treatments, basic nursing procedures, and assisting physicians. She is certified as a dental hygienist in Massachusetts and holds CPR certification.
This document contains MaKayla Crowl's resume, including her education, expected graduation from the University of Saint Francis with a Bachelor of Social Work in December 2016. It lists her CNA and CPR certifications and expiration dates, as well as her skills and experience as an intern at the Alzheimer's Association, CNA at Laurels of DeKalb since 2012, and caregiver for Forte Residential In Home Care since 2015. It provides three references from her current and past employers.
Features and Benefits of Sport Optics CoatingsBill Mooney
Lens coatings are an important factor in sport optics performance, as they reduce reflections and improve brightness and clarity. Higher-end products use better quality lenses and multi-layer coatings, which can increase light transmission from 65-75% for single-layer coatings up to 85-93% for broadband multi-layer coatings. Other key factors include the type of prisms, eye relief, waterproofing, shockproofing, field of view, close focusing ability, and reticle adjustments for riflescopes. The type of coatings, lenses, prisms and other features affect the price and performance of sport optics products.
The document recognizes an employee for driving hypergrowth across consumer and small business divisions across regions and verticals, leading Lenovo to become the number one brand in Maharashtra in the second quarter. The team focused strongly on sales and met goals across various metrics.
1. Bekleyemem
Hayat bir tren yolculuğu gibidir. Duraklar var, bazen indiğin bazen bindiğin. Belki bu yüzden geç
kalmışlık hissi, sanki asıl binmen gereken treni kaçırmışsın yanlış trende yolculuk yapıyormuş
gibi...Beynimin bana oynadığı bir oyun olabilir mi tüm bunlar? Ne de olsa ne yaşıyorsan zihninde
yaşıyorsun. Bekliyorsun doğru zamanı. Belki yanlış duraktasın boşuna bekledin bunca zaman.
Hayatımın bir önsözü yok. Yarım yamalak yaşadım ne yaşadıysam sırf bu yüzden tüm cümlelerim de
yarım kaldı. Şimdi cümlelerimi tamamlamaya çalışıyorum ve bu yüzden geç kaldım yaşamaya. Şimdi
yaşanması gereken bir hayat var, benden hızlı benden önde. Koşsam mı kalsam mı dönsem mi? Niye
olduğum yerde kalmıyorum sanki ben. Yabancısıyım kendimin kalamam olduğum yerde. Koca kış
baharı bekledim, havada hüznümün değişen rengi var. Ruhumu aldı tatlı bir telaş. Ne de olsa
yetişmeye çalıştığım bir hayat, önümüzde yaz mevsimi var.
Zaten gelsen de neye yarar ben de işlemeye korktuğun günahları bulacaksın. Sor bakalım cellada
öldürmek istediği bir var mı? İsterse beni alabilir, memnuniyetle.