Bell Lager aims to build brand loyalty through an online brand brotherhood experience. It will create opportunities for consumers to get to know the brand community better, interact with each other, and enjoy exclusive benefits. This includes allowing consumers to purchase branded merchandise, connect with others in an online community forum, and generate their own content about brand experiences. The goal is to make brand engagement a normal part of consumers' lifestyles beyond just consuming the beer. Bell Lager will use its website and social media platforms to facilitate these connections and encourage sharing brand moments.
2. Digital will facilitate the online experience with the brand.
Get to know what the bell brotherhood is all about.
Let the consumers know what the bell brother hood lifestyle is
all about.
Create opportunities for co creation with the brand for
Engagement Platform
with the brand/
Cater to target
Build Brand Loyalty Channel to support
audiences needs.
user generated
The bell The bell connect Social Media Plug-
brotherhood Bell Finder ins
The bell Mobile The bell blog
brotherhood applications. Bell moments
Online The bell Connect.
Bell Merchandise Applications(send a Explore gaming
Bell online virtual beer) opportunities
downloads Bell branded party
Bell online invites.
4. Online Brand loyalty:
Reason for Building it:
To identify a class of High valued consumers.
Help consumers understand what the beer represents.
Communication Platform: The Bell larger Website.
What we will give our Target audience:
• Opportunity to be recognized as part of the brand
community. (eCRM opportunity)
• Opportunity for consumers to interact/ share their
experience with the brand.
• Opportunity for niche market to enjoy exclusive
benefits of being part of the bell brotherhood.
• Bring out the lifestyle that is meant to be associated
with the brand
• Purchase and Download of branded merchandise. Be
bell branded.
5. Cater to Target Audiences needs:
Why we do this?
There is need to cater to a need above and beyond
consumption of the beer so as to make engagement with
the brand a normal lifestyle activity.
Communication Platform: Website, Social Media (Facebook
/Twitter), Mobile and sync off line and online.
The how…
• Bell Connect- long term intent is for online community to
run this section of the site, our role will be to create the
platform. Platform for online community to Network and
create events focused on common interest. (Football,
rugby, business)
• Online applications, branded online assets. Party invites,
send a virtual beer.
• Mobile applications. (The bell finder for Consumers and
Retailers). Link consumers with retailers near you who are
having special offers or events. Can be linked to Google
6. Engagement Platform/ Support User Generated
Why we need this?
To make consumers feel involved in the bell brotherhood
Because this creates an opportunity for consumers to become
brand advocates.
Communication Channel: Website, Social Media Platform
(Facebook /Twitter)
The how…
• Create a Social Media engagement Calendar.
• Encourage, recognize and reward consumer generated
content that will help build the content behind the bell
website. Bell moments
• The bell blog. (Personify the beer through the blog.)
• Encourage online community to share content on the site
and on the Social media profiles.
• Push Social responsibility through Bell branded gaming