A baby was born weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce and measuring 20.5 inches in length. The document provides basic information about a newborn baby including weight and height. In 3 sentences it summarizes the key details from the provided document.
La geometr鱈a no euclidiana incluye cualquier forma de geometr鱈a cuyos postulados y propiedades difieren de los establecidos por Euclides, como geometr鱈as donde l鱈neas que parecen paralelas se cortan o 叩ngulos suman m叩s de 180 grados.
This document discusses fuzzy topological systems and vagueness. It begins by defining vagueness and giving examples of vague terms and borderline cases. It describes views on vagueness from Bertrand Russell, Charles Sanders Peirce, and others. It discusses the differences between vagueness, ambiguity, and generality. It then covers many-valued logics and fuzzy set theory, and how Aristotle discussed future contingencies and truth values. It poses the question of determining the truth value of the proposition "At Christmas there will be snow in Athens, Greece."
O IBES LABCOM 辿 um laborat坦rio de pesquisa e experimenta巽達o onde alunos e professores colaboram no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas de marketing e propaganda. O objetivo 辿 aplicar conceitos de comunica巽達o, criatividade, converg棚ncia e colabora巽達o. Participar permite que os alunos se atualizem sobre novas t辿cnicas de marketing digital e aprendam a integrar m鱈dias tradicionais e digitais. O projeto 辿 coordenado por Andr辿 Bomfim e supervisionado por Carol Cruz, com alunos monitoras respons叩veis por diferentes 叩reas
This document presents a storm water modeling project for the Town Creek Watershed in Salisbury, NC using the Curve Number Runoff Method. Land use in the watershed was modeled between 1978 and 2009 using aerial imagery and satellite data. Results found forest and open space decreased by 3% and 5% respectively, while urban area increased by 8%. Storm water runoff increased from 78,592 cubic feet in 1978 to 92,131 cubic feet in 2009 based on a 4 inch rainfall. While the Curve Number method provided useful insights, it may be better suited to areas with greater elevation changes and less urbanization.
Security & Compliance for BusinessObjectsEric DUBOIS
Empower your BusinessObjectsEnvironment with:
- 360view: an alternative CMC for BusinessObjects XI;
- Integrity: a tool to validate your BO compliance;
- 360cast: Broadcast & Schedule your BO reports
El documento habla sobre la inform叩tica y la computaci坦n. Define la inform叩tica como el procesamiento autom叩tico de informaci坦n por medio de computadoras y la computaci坦n como la disciplina que busca resolver problemas mediante dispositivos electr坦nicos y sistemas computacionales. Luego enumera 5 hechos clave en la historia de la computaci坦n: 1) el 叩baco, 2) la pascalina, 3) la m叩quina anal鱈tica, 4) los nudos matem叩ticos y 5) las tarjetas perforadas.
This slide was used for a "Being Digital" workshop I facilitated at an LTC Showcase at the University of Wollongong. I set up a #hackbeingdigital hashtag a week prior, and encouraged participation. The workshop offers participants, who are in 2044, an opportunity to enter a Holodeck in 2014 to see what "being digital meant" at that time. The lived experience of the workshop is not on the ppt, as I switched to twitter, and participants did discovery activities that were then posted at #hackbeingdigital
JPR offers web design, consulting, and marketing services to help businesses improve their online presence and attract more customers. Their services include website evaluation, user testing, web marketing, copywriting, and social media marketing. JPR researches competitors to create effective strategies for each client to meet their business goals. They aim to provide strategic guidance and creative solutions to help businesses succeed.
This document outlines the modules covered in a telecourse on confident selling for service professionals. Module topics include common mistakes service professionals make and how to fix them, getting clients excited to pay more for services, describing hard-to-define services, responding when prospects say a service is too expensive, handling situations when prospects stop communicating, viewing and addressing objections as opportunities, tips for closing deals, and nurturing new prospects without being annoying.
Ms. Tanisha Garrett was born on February 7th, 1991. She was born on February 7th, 1991 in an unspecified location. The document provides the name and date of birth for Ms. Tanisha Garrett.
Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Scienceinventy
Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Science
Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Science is published by the group of young academic and industrial researchers with 12 Issues per year. It is an online as well as print version open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject such as: civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic and computer engineering as well as production and information technology. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published by rapid process within 20 days after acceptance and peer review process takes only 7 days. All articles published in Research Inventy will be peer-reviewed
The document outlines 11 features for a demonstration permaculture garden, including: 1) sheet mulched raised beds with drip irrigation; 2) fences and arbors as living fruit trellises and shade structures; 3) trenches around beds to provide secondary irrigation and channel runoff to a pond and banana circle. The garden will focus on intensive vegetable production through various sustainable methods while being aesthetically pleasing.
Moodle is an online platform that allows educators to create virtual learning environments and courses. It provides tools for discussion forums, sharing multimedia content, and interacting online. Students reported that using Moodle helped improve their writing skills and allowed them to learn from others' perspectives in a more comfortable environment than traditional writing assignments. The training session taught educators how to create discussion forums and embed interactive content into their Moodle courses to enhance online learning.
Although globally we are of different religions,caste,races
we are of same kind-HUMAN
we all should stand alone to fight against global issues together in a peaceful way instead of destructing everthing we should think in a constructive way that is through PEACE
"we were one,we are one,we will be one"
The document discusses the costs of attending both public and private colleges in the United States. It states that for in-state students at a public college, tuition and fees for four years will be over $100,000, increasing at 5% per year. For out-of-state students or those attending a private university, the costs for four years including tuition, fees, room and board will be over $200,000, also increasing at 5% annually. The document also covers topics around savings, capital formation, and the financial system.
People used various methods to send messages before modern technology:
1) Pigeons were trained by the military to carry written messages attached to their legs between bases and the front lines. One pigeon was even awarded a medal for bravery after saving 194 soldiers.
2) Early humans sent messages in bottles by writing notes and releasing them into bodies of water with the hope they would be found. This method was later used by navies.
3) Semaphore flags used positions of flags or rods to visually signal letters and numbers according to a code like Morse code. Signal corpsmen would stand on platforms to communicate across long distances during wars.
Este documento describe las geometr鱈as no euclidianas, que son formas de geometr鱈a cuyos postulados difieren del quinto postulado de Euclides. El quinto postulado de Euclides fue aceptado por su evidencia frente a los sentidos, pero a veces nuestros sentidos nos enga単an sobre realidades diferentes, como se muestra en figuras donde l鱈neas parecen no ser paralelas o rectas pero en realidad s鱈 lo son.
This document outlines 6 actions that insurers can take to manage the underwriting cycle and position themselves for profitable growth. It begins by discussing the importance of improving metrics to better measure profitability across lines of business. Next, it recommends controlling terms and conditions by pricing all changes and closely monitoring underwriting practices. The document also advises being careful with new business as it can be easily underpriced. Finally, it suggests allocating capital effectively based on risk, exiting unprofitable lines, and focusing on underwriting discipline and profitability rather than growth.
1) Some teachers are starting to allow texting in class as a way to engage students and help them learn, with some studies showing students who text summaries of poems scored higher on tests.
2) At a middle school in New York, students who texted summaries of poems averaged 80% on a test while those who didn't averaged only 40%.
3) Spanish and science teachers have had success using texting for things like answering questions and communicating on field trips, finding that it motivates students in a new way compared to traditional note-taking.
This document outlines the modules covered in a telecourse on confident selling for service professionals. Module topics include common mistakes service professionals make and how to fix them, getting clients excited to pay more for services, describing hard-to-define services, responding when prospects say a service is too expensive, handling situations when prospects stop communicating, viewing and addressing objections as opportunities, tips for closing deals, and nurturing new prospects without being annoying.
Ms. Tanisha Garrett was born on February 7th, 1991. She was born on February 7th, 1991 in an unspecified location. The document provides the name and date of birth for Ms. Tanisha Garrett.
Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Scienceinventy
Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Science
Research Inventy : International Journal of Engineering and Science is published by the group of young academic and industrial researchers with 12 Issues per year. It is an online as well as print version open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject such as: civil, mechanical, chemical, electronic and computer engineering as well as production and information technology. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published by rapid process within 20 days after acceptance and peer review process takes only 7 days. All articles published in Research Inventy will be peer-reviewed
The document outlines 11 features for a demonstration permaculture garden, including: 1) sheet mulched raised beds with drip irrigation; 2) fences and arbors as living fruit trellises and shade structures; 3) trenches around beds to provide secondary irrigation and channel runoff to a pond and banana circle. The garden will focus on intensive vegetable production through various sustainable methods while being aesthetically pleasing.
Moodle is an online platform that allows educators to create virtual learning environments and courses. It provides tools for discussion forums, sharing multimedia content, and interacting online. Students reported that using Moodle helped improve their writing skills and allowed them to learn from others' perspectives in a more comfortable environment than traditional writing assignments. The training session taught educators how to create discussion forums and embed interactive content into their Moodle courses to enhance online learning.
Although globally we are of different religions,caste,races
we are of same kind-HUMAN
we all should stand alone to fight against global issues together in a peaceful way instead of destructing everthing we should think in a constructive way that is through PEACE
"we were one,we are one,we will be one"
The document discusses the costs of attending both public and private colleges in the United States. It states that for in-state students at a public college, tuition and fees for four years will be over $100,000, increasing at 5% per year. For out-of-state students or those attending a private university, the costs for four years including tuition, fees, room and board will be over $200,000, also increasing at 5% annually. The document also covers topics around savings, capital formation, and the financial system.
People used various methods to send messages before modern technology:
1) Pigeons were trained by the military to carry written messages attached to their legs between bases and the front lines. One pigeon was even awarded a medal for bravery after saving 194 soldiers.
2) Early humans sent messages in bottles by writing notes and releasing them into bodies of water with the hope they would be found. This method was later used by navies.
3) Semaphore flags used positions of flags or rods to visually signal letters and numbers according to a code like Morse code. Signal corpsmen would stand on platforms to communicate across long distances during wars.
Este documento describe las geometr鱈as no euclidianas, que son formas de geometr鱈a cuyos postulados difieren del quinto postulado de Euclides. El quinto postulado de Euclides fue aceptado por su evidencia frente a los sentidos, pero a veces nuestros sentidos nos enga単an sobre realidades diferentes, como se muestra en figuras donde l鱈neas parecen no ser paralelas o rectas pero en realidad s鱈 lo son.
This document outlines 6 actions that insurers can take to manage the underwriting cycle and position themselves for profitable growth. It begins by discussing the importance of improving metrics to better measure profitability across lines of business. Next, it recommends controlling terms and conditions by pricing all changes and closely monitoring underwriting practices. The document also advises being careful with new business as it can be easily underpriced. Finally, it suggests allocating capital effectively based on risk, exiting unprofitable lines, and focusing on underwriting discipline and profitability rather than growth.
1) Some teachers are starting to allow texting in class as a way to engage students and help them learn, with some studies showing students who text summaries of poems scored higher on tests.
2) At a middle school in New York, students who texted summaries of poems averaged 80% on a test while those who didn't averaged only 40%.
3) Spanish and science teachers have had success using texting for things like answering questions and communicating on field trips, finding that it motivates students in a new way compared to traditional note-taking.