The document contains tables and charts showing water storage and usage data. It shows the relationship between rainfall, runoff, and water storage at varying precipitation levels from 0.05 meters to 1.15 meters. It also includes data on farm area, water usage, and duty per year. The key information is the quantification of water storage and usage for different rainfall scenarios.
Line by environment interaction, yield stability and grouping of test locatio...ILRI
Presented by Kassaye Negash and Kidane Tumsa (National Lowland Pulses Research Program at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center-EIAR) at the First Bio-Innovate Regional Scientific Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25-27 February 2013
Daimler reported its Q3 2009 results, with the automotive market continuing to experience a slump. Key points include:
- Group sales were 19.3 billion in Q3, with an EBIT of 0.5 billion excluding special items.
- Mercedes-Benz Cars achieved a positive EBIT of 355 million in Q3 due to the availability of new models and cost measures.
- Daimler Trucks reported an EBIT loss of 127 million in Q3 due to weak demand and charges from repositioning.
- Daimler aims to further improve earnings in Q4 through new models and ongoing efficiency programs.
Stormwater Financing Mechanisms- Charlotte KatzenmoyerCleanH2O
The document discusses the implementation of a stormwater user fee program in the City of Lancaster. It outlines criteria for evaluating policy issues, including equity, clarity, transparency, efficiency, efficacy, legal considerations, and consistency with other city goals. It presents data on impervious surface areas by property type and preliminary annual cost estimates for different levels of stormwater management service. Case studies are provided comparing stormwater fees to property taxes and sewer fees for different property types.
Canopy management tree training & crop loading C opportunities to learn fro...MacadamiaSociety
The document discusses crop load and productivity in macadamia orchards, drawing lessons from apple crop management. It summarizes that crop load affects tree physiology, flowering, and yield. High crop load leads to small fruits/nuts and low vegetative growth, while low crop load increases vegetative growth and fruit/nut size. Apple growers strategically manage crop loads to balance productivity and quality over seasons. The author believes macadamia growers need better understanding of crop load effects to develop management methods.
The team characterized the reservoir and found an original oil in place (OOIP) of 63.31 million stock tank barrels (MMSTB). Current recovery is 41.3% of the OOIP, leaving 37.14 MMSTB remaining. The team recommends expanding injector lines to improve the ineffective waterflood and recover more of the remaining 6% of OOIP valued at $410 million.
The development of oil palm cultivation followed very different paths across continents. Originating from Central Africa where palm oil was first collected from the wild in the forest, oil palm has since become a typical agro-industrial crop especially in South-East Asia and Latin America. More recently smallholders have increased their share in the production, while with some differences. Nowadays the problem that the oil palm sector faces is no longer related to either choose agro-industries or smallholders, but to find the best way to associate agro-industries and smallholders in mutually beneficial schemes. Examples from Indonesia, Cameroon and Colombia show the limits and opportunities of such associations.
China Eastern Airlines reported its 2012 results with total turnover increasing 4.2% year-over-year to RMB86.973 billion. Operating profit rose slightly by 1.3% to RMB4.228 billion, while profit attributable to shareholders declined 35.4% to RMB2.954 billion. Passenger numbers grew 6.33% to 73.077 million but passenger load factor only increased 0.92 percentage points. Cargo revenue was largely flat declining 0.67% to RMB8.025 billion despite increases in available and revenue cargo tonne-kilometers. The company is transforming its cargo business by streamlining ownership structure and integrating freight resources.
The document summarizes the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium project to inject 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide at a site in Decatur, Illinois. Some key points:
- The project is a collaboration between the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium, Archer Daniels Midland Company, and Schlumberger Carbon Services to demonstrate geological carbon sequestration.
- Over 149,000 metric tons of CO2 had been injected as of May 2012 through injection wells into the Mt. Simon sandstone reservoir at a depth of around 7,000 feet.
- Intensive monitoring is being conducted before, during, and after injection through 2017 using techniques like time-lapse seismic imaging to track the injected pl
The document discusses the Cache Creek oil prospect in Oklahoma. It details the structure of the South Cache Creek reservoir based on seismic data and well logs. Well logs indicate there is over 130 feet of oil pay zone in the Gilbreath 32-1 well and over 50 feet of pay in the Goodman 14-1 well. The prospect involves leasing acreage, re-entering existing wells, and drilling additional wells. Initial investment is estimated at $4 million with potential returns of $319.5 million based on reserves and production estimates.
The document describes the design of a jet engine. It includes specifications for the fan, intermediate pressure compressor (IPC), high pressure compressor (HPC), combustion chamber, high pressure turbine (HPT), and low pressure turbine (LPT). Performance parameters like pressure ratio, mass flow, and efficiency are provided for each component. Diagrams show the engine's thermodynamic cycle and component geometries.
The document summarizes the performance of stock investments between December 2, 2009 and December 9, 2009. It shows the total cost of accounts was $43,129 and the value increased to $45,962, a gain of $2,833 or 6.6%. Five stocks are listed - Allegiant Travel Company, US Airways Group, UAL Corporation, Delta Airlines New, and Kery Biopharmaceuticals Inc. - with details on quantity, purchase price and fees, current market value, and dollar and percentage gain or loss for each.
Central government plans for economic growth may not adequately reflect the uneven economic geography in the UK. While some areas and cities are growing, growth is concentrated in urban cores, and not all communities will benefit equally. There are ongoing challenges at both the national and local levels in reconciling place-based policies with sector-neutral policies, and in coordinating economic development efforts across different administrative boundaries and levels of government. Local governments also face capacity issues in taking on more responsibilities with fewer resources.
This document contains graphs and charts analyzing trends in the US and global meat markets, including corn and hog prices, unemployment and disposable income in the US, consumer price indices, acreage and yields for corn and other feed grains, inventories, and dollar exchange rates. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key factors impacting the meat industry.
Deutsche EuroShop | Bilanzpressekonferenz | Gesch?ftsjahr 2010Deutsche EuroShop AG
The annual earnings press conference for fiscal year 2010 reported the following key information:
- Revenue increased 13% to 144.2 million while EBIT rose 12% to 124 million.
- Several shopping centers were acquired throughout 2010, increasing the property portfolio.
- The equity ratio improved to 51.5% and loans bear an average interest rate of 5.03% with an average maturity of 6.5 years.
- Independent appraisals valued the property portfolio at 2,700.7 million, a 40% increase from 2009.
Supply Shortages In Tin Mine Supply - Sept 2012 - John P. Sykes - Greenfields...John Sykes
Alluvial tin mining has historically been an important source of tin production but faces challenges of high costs and short boom-bust cycles. Hard rock mining is becoming more competitive as its costs have decreased with improvements in technology and grade, while alluvial mining costs remain highly dependent on ore grade. This supply problem threatens the electronics industry's reliable access to tin.
This document provides information on rainwater harvesting, including how to collect and store rainwater. It discusses the components of a rainwater harvesting system, including the catchment surface, conveyance to storage, initial filtration, storage tanks, conveyance to end use, and purification. It also addresses water quality, estimating water needs and collection potential, costs, maintenance, regulations, and ways to conserve water. The document aims to educate about setting up a rainwater harvesting system and using collected rainwater, especially for irrigation purposes during times of drought.
The document discusses Japan's research reactors and nuclear energy usage over time, including historical data on the number and thermal output of reactors from 1956-2005, electricity generation from nuclear energy from 2003-2005, and carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption. It also provides data on decommissioning of reactors and radioactive waste storage.
This annual report summarizes the activities of Sursagar Dairy, a milk cooperative union in Surendranagar, India for the year 2009-2010. Some key highlights include:
- The union procured milk from 651 dairy cooperative societies, collecting 984 lakh kg of milk total, up from 615 societies and 930 lakh kg the previous year.
- On average, the union collected 2.70 lakh liters per day, up from 2.55 lakh liters last year. The peak daily collection was 3.85 lakh liters.
- The average price paid to farmers per kg of milk was Rs. 22.46, up 17% from Rs
The Environmental Management Report 2009 from Tohoku University provides statistics on the university's environmental performance from 2003-2008. Key points include:
- Total CO2 emissions from the university in 2008 were 106,722 tons, with 75% from electricity and 2% from other sources like university vehicles.
- Waste production increased over time but the recycling rate was high at 75% in 2008.
- Water usage peaked in 2007 at 1,097,622 cubic meters but decreased in 2008 with conservation efforts.
The Environmental Management Report 2009 from Tohoku University provides statistics on the university's environmental performance from 2003-2008. Key points include:
- Total CO2 emissions from the university in 2008 were 106,722 tons, a 75% increase from 2004.
- Electricity usage accounted for the largest portion of CO2 emissions at 53.9% in 2008. Fuel usage such as gas and oil accounted for the remaining emissions.
- While total CO2 emissions increased, emissions per unit of floor space decreased due to energy conservation efforts.
1) Tohoku University published its annual Environmental Management Report for 2009. The report details the university's environmental performance and initiatives over the past year.
2) Key metrics included a 17,848 ton reduction in CO2 emissions from the previous year. Electricity usage decreased by 3,281 MWh and fuel oil usage decreased by 2,675 kiloliters.
3) Various environmental projects and initiatives were undertaken in 2009 aimed at conservation and sustainability. Waste reduction efforts increased recycling rates and decreased overall waste.
Fish distrubution along the indian coastadityasree2
This document provides an overview of sardines and anchovies fisheries along the Indian coasts. It discusses that sardines and anchovies contribute significantly to India's total pelagic fish landings. The south-eastern and south-western coasts of India are the most productive zones. Oil sardine is the major single species fishery. The document also describes the fishery biology of sardines, including their distribution, age and growth rates, length-weight relationships, and feeding habits.
Wal-Mart is the largest retailer globally with $405.6 billion in revenue. It has a powerful brand and large scale of operations worldwide. However, it faces weaknesses such as self-cannibalization and legal issues. Its strategies include strategic business programs, efficient working capital management, and expanding online sales. Wal-Mart has a sustainable advantage through its size, discounts, distribution network, and IT infrastructure. It is recommended that Wal-Mart improve its public perception and expand internationally with local retailers.
The document summarizes an open house for a commercial redevelopment study in Midtown Fort Collins. It provides information on the project team from Fregonese Associates and Economic & Planning Systems. It analyzes retail and housing demand, opportunity sites, conceptual plans including prototypes, and discusses redevelopment of Foothills Mall. Next steps outlined include evaluating feasibility, financing options, recommendations, and an implementation action plan.
The document provides information from the Canadian Sugar Institute about the Canadian sugar industry and sugar consumption in Canada. It discusses sugar production, threats to sugar consumption like obesity concerns and substitute sweeteners, consumer attitudes toward sugar, and the institute's strategy and tactics to advocate for the sugar industry and educate consumers. The strategy includes establishing credibility, partnering with others, conducting research, influencing government policies, and communicating with opinion leaders, media, and the food industry.
The document reports margins applicable as of March 16, 2010 for various stocks traded on the Indian stock market. It provides the percentage margin, per share margin, per lot margin, and lot size for over 100 stocks. Margins can change intraday due to position limits and volatility. No positions are allowed above 100% of the margin.
The document provides population data for several cities in Ecuador, including the total population and breakdown by gender and age. It shows that Quito has the largest total population of 1.7 million people, of which 945,000 are women and 980,000 are children. Guayaquil has the second largest total population of 2.3 million people.
This document appears to contain charts and graphs with numerical data but no descriptive text. It includes various line graphs showing values over time, pie charts breaking down percentages, and what appear to be company logos or citations. However, without any accompanying explanation, the high-level meaning and important information cannot be determined from the visual data alone.
China Eastern Airlines reported its 2012 results with total turnover increasing 4.2% year-over-year to RMB86.973 billion. Operating profit rose slightly by 1.3% to RMB4.228 billion, while profit attributable to shareholders declined 35.4% to RMB2.954 billion. Passenger numbers grew 6.33% to 73.077 million but passenger load factor only increased 0.92 percentage points. Cargo revenue was largely flat declining 0.67% to RMB8.025 billion despite increases in available and revenue cargo tonne-kilometers. The company is transforming its cargo business by streamlining ownership structure and integrating freight resources.
The document summarizes the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium project to inject 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide at a site in Decatur, Illinois. Some key points:
- The project is a collaboration between the Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium, Archer Daniels Midland Company, and Schlumberger Carbon Services to demonstrate geological carbon sequestration.
- Over 149,000 metric tons of CO2 had been injected as of May 2012 through injection wells into the Mt. Simon sandstone reservoir at a depth of around 7,000 feet.
- Intensive monitoring is being conducted before, during, and after injection through 2017 using techniques like time-lapse seismic imaging to track the injected pl
The document discusses the Cache Creek oil prospect in Oklahoma. It details the structure of the South Cache Creek reservoir based on seismic data and well logs. Well logs indicate there is over 130 feet of oil pay zone in the Gilbreath 32-1 well and over 50 feet of pay in the Goodman 14-1 well. The prospect involves leasing acreage, re-entering existing wells, and drilling additional wells. Initial investment is estimated at $4 million with potential returns of $319.5 million based on reserves and production estimates.
The document describes the design of a jet engine. It includes specifications for the fan, intermediate pressure compressor (IPC), high pressure compressor (HPC), combustion chamber, high pressure turbine (HPT), and low pressure turbine (LPT). Performance parameters like pressure ratio, mass flow, and efficiency are provided for each component. Diagrams show the engine's thermodynamic cycle and component geometries.
The document summarizes the performance of stock investments between December 2, 2009 and December 9, 2009. It shows the total cost of accounts was $43,129 and the value increased to $45,962, a gain of $2,833 or 6.6%. Five stocks are listed - Allegiant Travel Company, US Airways Group, UAL Corporation, Delta Airlines New, and Kery Biopharmaceuticals Inc. - with details on quantity, purchase price and fees, current market value, and dollar and percentage gain or loss for each.
Central government plans for economic growth may not adequately reflect the uneven economic geography in the UK. While some areas and cities are growing, growth is concentrated in urban cores, and not all communities will benefit equally. There are ongoing challenges at both the national and local levels in reconciling place-based policies with sector-neutral policies, and in coordinating economic development efforts across different administrative boundaries and levels of government. Local governments also face capacity issues in taking on more responsibilities with fewer resources.
This document contains graphs and charts analyzing trends in the US and global meat markets, including corn and hog prices, unemployment and disposable income in the US, consumer price indices, acreage and yields for corn and other feed grains, inventories, and dollar exchange rates. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key factors impacting the meat industry.
Deutsche EuroShop | Bilanzpressekonferenz | Gesch?ftsjahr 2010Deutsche EuroShop AG
The annual earnings press conference for fiscal year 2010 reported the following key information:
- Revenue increased 13% to 144.2 million while EBIT rose 12% to 124 million.
- Several shopping centers were acquired throughout 2010, increasing the property portfolio.
- The equity ratio improved to 51.5% and loans bear an average interest rate of 5.03% with an average maturity of 6.5 years.
- Independent appraisals valued the property portfolio at 2,700.7 million, a 40% increase from 2009.
Supply Shortages In Tin Mine Supply - Sept 2012 - John P. Sykes - Greenfields...John Sykes
Alluvial tin mining has historically been an important source of tin production but faces challenges of high costs and short boom-bust cycles. Hard rock mining is becoming more competitive as its costs have decreased with improvements in technology and grade, while alluvial mining costs remain highly dependent on ore grade. This supply problem threatens the electronics industry's reliable access to tin.
This document provides information on rainwater harvesting, including how to collect and store rainwater. It discusses the components of a rainwater harvesting system, including the catchment surface, conveyance to storage, initial filtration, storage tanks, conveyance to end use, and purification. It also addresses water quality, estimating water needs and collection potential, costs, maintenance, regulations, and ways to conserve water. The document aims to educate about setting up a rainwater harvesting system and using collected rainwater, especially for irrigation purposes during times of drought.
The document discusses Japan's research reactors and nuclear energy usage over time, including historical data on the number and thermal output of reactors from 1956-2005, electricity generation from nuclear energy from 2003-2005, and carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption. It also provides data on decommissioning of reactors and radioactive waste storage.
This annual report summarizes the activities of Sursagar Dairy, a milk cooperative union in Surendranagar, India for the year 2009-2010. Some key highlights include:
- The union procured milk from 651 dairy cooperative societies, collecting 984 lakh kg of milk total, up from 615 societies and 930 lakh kg the previous year.
- On average, the union collected 2.70 lakh liters per day, up from 2.55 lakh liters last year. The peak daily collection was 3.85 lakh liters.
- The average price paid to farmers per kg of milk was Rs. 22.46, up 17% from Rs
The Environmental Management Report 2009 from Tohoku University provides statistics on the university's environmental performance from 2003-2008. Key points include:
- Total CO2 emissions from the university in 2008 were 106,722 tons, with 75% from electricity and 2% from other sources like university vehicles.
- Waste production increased over time but the recycling rate was high at 75% in 2008.
- Water usage peaked in 2007 at 1,097,622 cubic meters but decreased in 2008 with conservation efforts.
The Environmental Management Report 2009 from Tohoku University provides statistics on the university's environmental performance from 2003-2008. Key points include:
- Total CO2 emissions from the university in 2008 were 106,722 tons, a 75% increase from 2004.
- Electricity usage accounted for the largest portion of CO2 emissions at 53.9% in 2008. Fuel usage such as gas and oil accounted for the remaining emissions.
- While total CO2 emissions increased, emissions per unit of floor space decreased due to energy conservation efforts.
1) Tohoku University published its annual Environmental Management Report for 2009. The report details the university's environmental performance and initiatives over the past year.
2) Key metrics included a 17,848 ton reduction in CO2 emissions from the previous year. Electricity usage decreased by 3,281 MWh and fuel oil usage decreased by 2,675 kiloliters.
3) Various environmental projects and initiatives were undertaken in 2009 aimed at conservation and sustainability. Waste reduction efforts increased recycling rates and decreased overall waste.
Fish distrubution along the indian coastadityasree2
This document provides an overview of sardines and anchovies fisheries along the Indian coasts. It discusses that sardines and anchovies contribute significantly to India's total pelagic fish landings. The south-eastern and south-western coasts of India are the most productive zones. Oil sardine is the major single species fishery. The document also describes the fishery biology of sardines, including their distribution, age and growth rates, length-weight relationships, and feeding habits.
Wal-Mart is the largest retailer globally with $405.6 billion in revenue. It has a powerful brand and large scale of operations worldwide. However, it faces weaknesses such as self-cannibalization and legal issues. Its strategies include strategic business programs, efficient working capital management, and expanding online sales. Wal-Mart has a sustainable advantage through its size, discounts, distribution network, and IT infrastructure. It is recommended that Wal-Mart improve its public perception and expand internationally with local retailers.
The document summarizes an open house for a commercial redevelopment study in Midtown Fort Collins. It provides information on the project team from Fregonese Associates and Economic & Planning Systems. It analyzes retail and housing demand, opportunity sites, conceptual plans including prototypes, and discusses redevelopment of Foothills Mall. Next steps outlined include evaluating feasibility, financing options, recommendations, and an implementation action plan.
The document provides information from the Canadian Sugar Institute about the Canadian sugar industry and sugar consumption in Canada. It discusses sugar production, threats to sugar consumption like obesity concerns and substitute sweeteners, consumer attitudes toward sugar, and the institute's strategy and tactics to advocate for the sugar industry and educate consumers. The strategy includes establishing credibility, partnering with others, conducting research, influencing government policies, and communicating with opinion leaders, media, and the food industry.
The document reports margins applicable as of March 16, 2010 for various stocks traded on the Indian stock market. It provides the percentage margin, per share margin, per lot margin, and lot size for over 100 stocks. Margins can change intraday due to position limits and volatility. No positions are allowed above 100% of the margin.
The document provides population data for several cities in Ecuador, including the total population and breakdown by gender and age. It shows that Quito has the largest total population of 1.7 million people, of which 945,000 are women and 980,000 are children. Guayaquil has the second largest total population of 2.3 million people.
This document appears to contain charts and graphs with numerical data but no descriptive text. It includes various line graphs showing values over time, pie charts breaking down percentages, and what appear to be company logos or citations. However, without any accompanying explanation, the high-level meaning and important information cannot be determined from the visual data alone.
This document appears to contain charts and graphs with numerical data but no contextual information or descriptions. It includes line graphs showing values over time, pie charts breaking data into percentages, and bullet point lists. However, without any accompanying text, the high level meaning and significance of the data cannot be determined from the visuals alone.
The document discusses the Bass diffusion model for modeling the adoption of new products or innovations over time. It shows how the innovation and imitation rates can affect the shape of adoption curves. Sample categories are given with their average innovation and imitation rates. Graphs show the number of new customers and cumulative customers over time for different combinations of rates.
SPICE MODEL of TPCM8002-H (Standard+BDS Model) in SPICE PARKTsuyoshi Horigome
SPICE MODEL of TPCM8002-H (Standard+BDS) in SPICE PARK. English Version is Japanese Version is by Bee Technologies.
^More with Less ̄?The Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) in India and Beyond:?Experience & Future Directions.
Presented by: Dr. Biksham Gujja,
Venue: Cornell University
Date: 8th February 2013
SPICE MODEL of TPCM8002-H (Professional+BDP Model) in SPICE PARKTsuyoshi Horigome
SPICE MODEL of TPCM8002-H (Professional+BDP Model) in SPICE PARK. English Version is Japanese Version is by Bee Technologies.
The document contains data on energy use in gigajoules (GJ) for various sectors including transportation, residential, commercial, and industrial from 2008 to 2019. It shows that:
- Total energy use fluctuated between 52,039 GJ and 57,758 GJ from 2008 to 2019.
- Transportation was the largest consuming sector, accounting for around 90% of total energy use.
- Within the transportation sector, light-duty vehicles made up the majority of energy demand, ranging from 78,527 GJ to 85,982 GJ.
1) The document presents financial data for various years including amounts, percentages, and calculations.
2) It shows investment amounts for years 1-4, with gains of $225,000 in years 1 and 3, and gains of $900,000 in year 4.
3) Various percentages are also presented such as 25% and 10% relating to the gains and losses between the years.
The document contains charts and graphs showing energy usage data over multiple years:
- Total energy usage was around 55,000 gigajoules (GJ) in 2008 and increased to around 85,000 GJ in 2019.
- Natural gas accounted for the vast majority of energy usage, representing around 90% of the total. Electricity and other sources made up the remaining 10%.
- Energy usage from natural gas increased from around 50,000 GJ in 2008 to around 75,000 GJ in 2019. Usage of other sources remained relatively stable over this period.
The document contains charts and graphs showing energy usage data over multiple years:
- Total energy usage was around 55,000 gigajoules (GJ) in 2008 and increased to around 85,000 GJ in 2019.
- Natural gas accounted for the vast majority of energy usage, representing around 90% of the total. Electricity and other sources made up the remaining 10%.
- Energy usage from natural gas increased from around 50,000 GJ in 2008 to around 75,000 GJ in 2019. Usage of other sources remained relatively constant over this period.
SPICE MODEL of ERZV05D180 in SPICE PARK. English Version is Japanese Version is by Bee Technologies.
The document discusses client protection at CARD Bank, a microfinance institution in the Philippines. It outlines CARD Bank's commitment to 6 principles of client protection: 1) appropriate product design, 2) transparency, 3) responsible pricing, 4) responsible treatment of clients, 5) effective complaint resolution, and 6) privacy of client data. For each principle, it provides examples of how CARD Bank implements that principle, such as designing loans based on client needs, providing transparent loan terms, offering competitive savings rates and client dividends, and maintaining privacy of client financial data. The document emphasizes CARD Bank's dedication to fully protecting client interests.
Pavel Tatyanin, Senior Vice President and CFO of Evraz, presented an overview of the company and its strategy in Russia. Evraz is a leading steel and mining company with assets across Russia, Ukraine, Europe and North America. It aims to increase its supply of rolled steel products in Russia through $1.8 billion in investments to expand rolling capacities by 2012. This will allow Evraz to capitalize on growing domestic demand and maintain its leading position in key Russian markets.
www. With annual sales exceeding $13 billion in fiscal year 2012, Parker Hannifin is the world¨s leading diversified manufacturer of motion and control technologies and systems. Strong competitive advantages, a clear strategy and goals, consistent execution and performance, and many opportunities for growth, have allowed the company to consistently deliver strong shareholder returns. Parker has increased its annual dividends paid to shareholders for 56 consecutive fiscal years, among the top five longest-running dividend-increase records in the S&P 500 index.
The environmental management report for Tohoku University in 2007 provides statistics on the university's energy use, CO2 emissions, waste management, and environmental education programs. Some key findings include:
- Total energy usage in 2007 was 17,808 kl of oil equivalent, a slight increase from the previous year. Most energy came from electricity and gas.
- Total CO2 emissions in 2007 were approximately 113,637 tons, with 80% from electricity use. Emissions have been steadily increasing each year.
- Waste production in 2007 was 315.7 tons, with paper waste as the largest component. The recycling rate was around 46%.
- The university offers environmental education programs for students and holds events to raise awareness of
Brazilian honey production is strong, with year-round crops across the country supported by floral diversity and resistant hybrid bee species. Brazil has over 350,000 beekeepers organized in cooperatives and producing honey without antibiotic residues. Exports of Brazilian honey have grown significantly over the past decade, reaching over $100 million USD annually, with key export markets in Spain, the UK, Germany, and NAFTA countries. The outlook for continued growth in Brazilian honey exports is positive.
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is a government research institution responsible for nuclear energy research and development. It was formed in 2005 from the merger of Japan's two major nuclear research institutions. JAEA conducts research on nuclear fusion in the JT-60SA and J-PARC facilities, as well as developing fast breeder reactors and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. It also works on nuclear fuel cycle technologies and manages Japan's nuclear fuel recycling program. JAEA has over 4,000 employees across several domestic sites and works to help achieve a sustainable nuclear energy supply for Japan.
The number of homeless people in the United States has steadily increased each year from 1999 to 2010, rising from around 220,000 people in 1999 to over 700,000 people in 2010, more than tripling in size. The chart shows the sharp rise in the homeless population over the past decade according to census data from 1999 to 2010.
The document contains several line and bar graphs comparing financial metrics such as total share capital, net worth, net block, book value, sales turnover, total assets, and earning per share for five companies - Sterlite Ind, Hind Zinc, Hind Copper, Tinplate, and Nissan Copper. The graphs show variations in the values of these metrics across the five companies.
2. 600,000 370
500,000 304
400,000 239
300,000 173 ac ft
[ft] high
200,000 108
100,000 42
- (24)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
10 meter lift
3. Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6
ac ft 180,000
storage loss 0.5 0.5 1 90,000
Transmission loss 0.67 0.33 1 60,300
Delivery loss 0.67 0.33 1 40,401
Farm area ha 3200 ha
acres 7904
ac ft / ac 5.1
meters deep per ha 1.56